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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RoyalGecko.
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
*The next morning, Faith and the others began preparing for the fight of their lives and the lives of everyone else in the kingdom. And while tensions were high, enemies had to become friends for the good of all.*

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Posted: Tue, 01/09/2020 18:05 (4 Years ago)
Sending, Grimmsnarl please

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Posted: Tue, 01/09/2020 16:36 (4 Years ago)
Sending, Grimmsnarl please!

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Posted: Tue, 01/09/2020 01:58 (4 Years ago)
*Mr. Corleone huffed and walked back to his group. They began to make their way away from the group and into the forest. One of Mr. Corleone's guards leaned close to him and whispered.* Sir, do you think it wise to ally ourselves with them? *Mr. Corleone limped along and answered back confidently* What we seek lies in that castle. And we will need their help to retrieve it. Understand me, Marius? *Marius nodded and the group continued their walk into the woods*

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Posted: Tue, 01/09/2020 00:49 (4 Years ago)
*Mr. Corleone lowered his hand and stood in arrogant manner* Very well, then. You will have my help and nothing more. *Mr. Corleone turned around and began to walk away before stopping as if he had forgotten something* If she tries to fight you, do not hesitate to destroy her. Understand? *Faith thought for a moment. Mr. Corleone whirled his head around and spoke more seriously* Understand?

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Posted: Sun, 23/08/2020 04:10 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2020 17:16 (4 Years ago)
K, thx!

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2020 17:04 (4 Years ago)
I had them in to begin with but it didn't work and when I took them out this happened

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2020 16:52 (4 Years ago)
So, on my Star Wars FF which u should check out btw, I have 2 spoiler tabs and while the first works, the second doesn't. When you click it, it doesn't show the spoiler stuff, and I have it formatted properly so why is it still not working?

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2020 00:55 (4 Years ago)
*Mr. Corleone smirked and shook his head* Only the promise that you will kill the last member of the Iroh family. *Faith nodded her head and Mr. Corleone stuck his hand out* Do we have a deal?

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Posted: Thu, 20/08/2020 00:22 (4 Years ago)
*Mr. Corleone barely reacted. He merely raised his eyebrows and silently sighed* What a shame. But, sacrifices have yo be made if you ever want to achieve victory.

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2020 18:43 (4 Years ago)
*Mr. Corleone nodded* I presume you know why I am here, Faith. *Mr. Corleone looked around, as if he was looking for someone* Where is the little dove, Maddy I believe her name was?

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Posted: Wed, 19/08/2020 17:55 (4 Years ago)
*A figure stood behind Sal and Faith and sarcastically remarked* How sweet *Sal and Faith whirled around to see Mr. Corleone standing there*

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2020 23:31 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 22:37 (4 Years ago)
*Talla held her hand and looked at it to see a blackening burn mark. She then looked towards the siblings who were all close to Charlie's back.* If you wont give them to me, then I'll take them from your charred corpses! *Talla's hands began to surge with flames that began to surround her fists. But before she could fire the flame, seemingly out of nowhere, a large gust of wind blasted her to the other side of the room. The four siblings turned their attention to an old man on the other side of the room.* Run children *Mr. Corleone watched as Talla's loyalists began to converge on the siblings, but before they could reach them, Mr. Corleone's gang revealed themselves and began to hold Talla's guards off*

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 22:25 (4 Years ago)
*Talla listened to the people in the ballroom begin to talk over one another. Talla lifted her hand and made a fist and the room went dead silent. She lowered her hand and put it towards the siblings* Give it to me...... Now

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 22:07 (4 Years ago)
*The woman under the mask was laughing as she looked at Galatea.* Surprise *Galatea atrempted to stand up in fear but felt and saw a hot and glowing hand grab her forehead. Galatea's eyes and mouth glowed and after a few seconds, Aura, Charlie, Hazel, and Starfire fell to the ground where Galatea once stood. Charlie then looked up towards their attacker and saw a woman in a fiery dress, wearing a mask similar to the accidental victim of Galatea's. The attacker took off her mask and looked at the 4 girls* Looking for me?

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 05:22 (4 Years ago)
*Talla sat in her room, wearing a fiery dress that the servants had made for her. She looked in a mirror as she began to put makeup onto her face. She dipped a small brush into a reddish substance and began to rub it onto her lips. And then all of a sudden, she couldn't hold the brush in her hand. Her hand began to shake as the brush fell from it. Talla looked like she had seen a ghost. She turned and saw a young Talla kneeling on the ground in front of a tall man. The young Talla began to speak* [

Please father, forgive me, I never meant to disappoint you *He father then began to speak* You have always disappointed me. You have and will always be, the afterbirth of this family *The young Talla looked up towards her father with tears in her eyes* Please father, I will never disappoint you ever again! *Her father merely stood, motionless* Please! Have mercy! I promise, I will never disappointyou again! *Her father began to walk towards her* Oh, I know you wont, but I want to make sure you never forget the promise you have made to me today *He stopped in front of Talla and put his hand on her face. Talla could hear a child's scream and when she broke out of her trance, the mirror was shattered, and the desk was overturned. She felt her face and grabbed a shard of glass to see the long forgotten scar that her father gave her. But then it began to slowly vanish as she looked up and saw two of her men waiting for her. It was time. She finished putting on her makeup and put on her mask before walking with the men out of her room*

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Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 04:57 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 22:29 (4 Years ago)

Title: Solo HG Sim. (8/9/20)

Winner: Endgame!
Most Kills (Top 3):
Endgame (8), Wonder (4), Hellion/Cottonberry/Morph (3)
Most Unbelievablely Overkill Overkill!?!: Caesar, Killer Queen, and Rei kill Strato

The Bloodbath
Wonder stabs Gigavolt while his back is turned.
Unagi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Kamikaze repeatedly stabs Shiri to death with sais.

Day 1
Caesar, Killer Queen, and Rei track down and kill Strato.
Endgame, Wonder, and Morph successfully ambush and kill Sunflower, Maddy, and Monsoon.

Night 1
Tatiana throws a knife into Killer Queen's chest.

Day 2
No deaths occurred.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
Kamikaze bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Night 3
Endgame sets an explosive off, killing Diamondhead.
P!nk dies trying to escape the arena.
Caesar taints Submariner's food, killing her.

Day 4
Cottonberry, Hellion, and Endgame successfully ambush and kill Hydra, Morph, and Caesar.

Night 4
No deaths occurred.

The Feast
Indigo throws a knife into Cottonberry's chest.
Lamplight decapitates Hellion with a sword.
Endgame bashes Tapeworm's head in with a mace.

Day 5
No deaths occurred.

Night 5
No deaths occurred.

Day 6
Rei cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

Day 7
No deaths occurred.

Night 7
No deaths occurred.

Day 8
Indigo kills Tatiana with a sickle.
Lamplight sets an explosive off, killing Wonder.

Night 8
No deaths occurred.

Day 9
Lamplight dies from thirst.
Indigo falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
The winner is Endgame from District 5!

1. Endgame
2. Indigo
3. Lamplight
4. Wonder
5. Tatiana
6. Rei
7. Tapeworm
8. Hellion
9. Cottonberry
10. Caesar
11. Morph
12. Hydra
13. Submariner
14. P!nk
15. Diamondhead
16. Kamikaze
17. Killer Queen
18. Monsoon
19. Maddy
20. Sunflower
21. Strato
22. Shiri
23. Unagi
24. Gigavolt

District Placements:
1. District 5 (Endgame and Indigo)
2. District 10 (Lamplight and Cottonberry)
3. District 3 (Wonder and Diamondhead)
4. District 1 (Tatiana and Tapeworm)
5. District 12 (Sunflower and Rei)
6. District 9 (Hellion and Submariner)
7. District 7 (Caesar and Hydra)
8. District 8 (Morph and Strato)
9. District 11 (Shiri and P!nk)
10. District 4 (Monsoon and Kamikaze)
11. District 6 (Gigavolt and Killer Queen)
12. District 2 (Maddy and Unagi)

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