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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2021 09:27 (4 Years ago)
Right off the bat/first glance, I would love to see this be implemented.

I admit that I would use the extra languages it gets written in as a bit of foreign language... Regardless though, the idea of allowing those that are fluent/native writers of the needed language would be miles better over folks trying to read the messiness that translators offer as someone that has used them all too often... 😅

Also something to consider, maybe the extra languages would be helpful with players that are new and don't know enough English to have a firm grasp of the rules (please don't take this the wrong way). Not sure if this has happened but consider this for a non-English speaker: they would end up stumbling and growing nervous about playing as they try to get into the game and end up breaking a rule on accident (although some have done so due to those breaking the begging rule as another user stated) and unless they find another player that is a fellow native speaker of their language, they seem to be left out of the dark.

However, if a volunteer that is as stated fluent or a native speaker/writer explains the rules and its accessible for that player - there's the possibility of a better understanding of what to say or do and what's not allowed.

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2021 09:08 (4 Years ago)
Sorry to say that I can't give this full support. I do play a bit of hangman to a specific point of frustration. Even then, I usually try and get as much completed on my own (mostly due to laziness) and sometimes, I do use the helper. Even then, the helper is not guaranteed to be 100% right all the time as part of it is also fallen on the user in terms of inputting letters used and number of letters the game provided them.
To me, I would think that the hints feature might defeat the purpose of both the helper itself and an incentive to try and figure the puzzle out on your own. This would especially be true if say a person has accumulated a lot of coins from other games and the Golden Slot Machine. Of course, what's not to say that a limitation on how often and many hints a user could purchase...
Even then, I just can't seem to be on board with this feature... As the person that posted before me has mentioned, there's not much of a cost to start a game.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2021 07:18 (4 Years ago)
Been somewhat playing, but mostly just New Leaf for now. Don't have a Switch console just yet so... And no, unfortunately Pocket Camp is no longer available for me as my phone is too "outdated" to play it. 😑

Just recently got back into Dream Address but I'm willing to bet some folks already aren't too keen on my town at all considering it's overrun by flowers...

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2021 07:13 (4 Years ago)
Technically trans considering that nonbinary. IDs fall under the Transgender umbrella. 👋

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Posted: Sun, 07/02/2021 22:06 (4 Years ago)
Got my first shiny here. I should be ecstatic but... I'm not considering that I was hoping for another Mega Evolution capable Riolu... Chain #148

On a second note, I'm beginning to hate the crap the predictive text suggests as mostly kids do that awkward text talk because they're super lazy...

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Posted: Sun, 07/02/2021 08:36 (4 Years ago)
Sending one now, I picked Fletchling since it was a decent plush I could afford and it was a favorite you had registered. ^=^

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Posted: Thu, 04/02/2021 23:32 (4 Years ago)
Trigger Warning: There is some rather personal experiences being discussed here in this post. Most of it includes a bit of minor bullying, small amount of emotional manipulation, and the mentioning of fake friends. Mostly putting this out there for folks that have also been through such an event like this, but also for the younger crowd as well. I do accept PMs of encouragement and help, but please don't expect a quick response. And for those that are going to PM me trying to possibly pour more oil into the fire, this is not your call.

Lately things are shaky here as well as over on PFQ. Taking into considering that as someone with a rather shaky childhood back then with lack of friends outside of family and with me being a self-diagnosed for now autistic tackling with both anxiety and depression not too far behind, this is not too far off what I've been accustomed to. I guess you could say that I had become desensitized to this in some form, but there are times where the line is crossed and I start to become concerned. It's sickening how quick to be judgemental and jerkish folks tend to be nowadays. The whole argument for that is "Well, it IS the internet. Folks are going to be jerks."

Counterargument: They're jerks too in real life even if they don't show it

I've seen first hand some of the worst in folks. I recall back in the early 2000s or so when I was a youngster and when book stores were vast shops with stuff that kid loved to traverse through. Ran into a couple of kids and I recall them probably chucking rice or some little minuscule objects. It used to haunt the darn heck out of me but even after getting over it, I sometimes think if this had been the main catalysis that eventually evolved into me being socially illiterate and not being able to maintain/create new friendships - regardless of whether or not boundaries were present.

Now let's fast forward to end of high school/graduation, I had managed to become friends with another individual that was neurodiverse as well (ADHD) and while the first couple of encounters were shaky, I managed to forgive them of the missteps. Although I want to say that post high school and closer to graduation day, I think a nasty thing called hateful karma popped its ugly head up. I had allowed them to stay with us for a bit after they got kicked out (now something to mention: they were already graduated and I was a senior that year). Around graduation, I had allowed them to come with us and everything was fine - until they went home with their buddy. During the time, I kind of had small concerns if anything over it as I figured maybe they were going to just hang out for a bit and then come back. Nope. They pretty much wanted to go just to see their friend graduate - I was only being used to benefit them. The more I really think about it, the more peeved for lack of better and kid-friendly terms I was.

It hurts to know that they only wanted to be friends so they had another PKMN player to trade with, just so they're closer to their "real" friends, just to even be a stepping mat for them. I had broke them off for it and never looked back since. The following months were just me trying to get into college and aside from having a crappy professor for my orientation class with the way I was being dragged on thinking I could try to salvage the bad grade only to turn around and reply "Well, it wouldn't matter. You would've flunked the class anyways..." That was probably because you led me on thinking it DOES! Along with college math and other various classes and mixed experiences, that was when depression started to pop up around mid-point of 2017 or so with college getting peeved with payment issues.

Even after going to a closer university, I was still pretty hurt on being friendless, and well hated by most according to myself... The other breaking point: the metalworking class for my art degree I took the following semester in 2018. I kept having my project getting stolen and disappearing which meant - guess you have to restart the project. Around this point, I had already read through CoVT again (first two books at least) and finished the series off and was pretty funked in the mind of it. That last statement was just random and nothing to do with the current situation being mentioned here... It really made my blood boil so much because as of then, I wanted to give those good for nothing thief(-eves) a good hunk of my mind. I ended up dropping out so fast because of it and I was pretty distraught because the second I try to re-enroll in the class, I knew I would hate someone right off the bat and have another theft occur. I wasn't wanting to deal with that mess again.

Tried getting into a LGBTQ+ group there as well, and because of a conflict on Wednesdays I couldn't attend the meetings. Granted, I contemplate on just leaving the Discord server for that group considering how unwanted I feel being there too. Around the time the pandemic really began I was in a bad spot, online classes really began to kick my butt and having to do a Zoom meeting (back when the suggestion to not use that site was all the rage) was not going to help things for better or worse. I refused to partake in that with full awareness of how negatively this would affect the grade - and the absolute distaste for my classmates as a whole (I know this was a theater class, but my goodness they felt like drama kings/queens)... I admit that most of the bad experiences were due to just me being a bit stingy with what folks become friends with me (call me toxic, I already had worse insults hurled at me), heck even had a blocked individual on personal FB after they throw the nastiest of insults and memes at my face and their friend to rub more salt in.

It's not easy throwing out that personal stuff out in public, let alone forums. I can't say I had worse luck than anyone, but my brain says otherwise with it taunting me how I'm only good if people wanted something from me and how I wasn't going to be worth anything to anyone else. I can understand that folks are willing to lend an ear to folks, but unless you're willing to take on messes like mine or anyone else that was possibly manipulated for the other person's gain - you might want to be careful and be the one to reach out to them. I admit that even now, I refuse to give in and ask for help. I have had the worst time getting up and going to bed, doing anything that used to give me enjoyment, heck even trying to pick up a book and read is bad enough to try and do... Even now, I'm crying as I struggle to keep typing as I know a lot of people will now see this and probably laugh at my pain... To be honest, go then. Go on ahead and laugh at how I still try to keep myself up when I want to just quit because I have no clue what the future holds.

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Posted: Thu, 04/02/2021 21:49 (4 Years ago)
+ 209; Sorry but I rather have an excuse to stay in while still having the options of having fans going off. The white noise they give off is rather pleasing for my ears. That and a cold drink with me if I do go out. Winter always involves snow and bundling up and stuff...

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Posted: Tue, 02/02/2021 05:37 (4 Years ago)
Supportive of the idea. While I do understand the "spoiled excitement" of getting a specific gender, I can also see the positives of having that available to them. Some Pokemon like Combee (being a big point for this) and Salandit only evolve if they're female. Sure having a shiny male of that species helps the dex for that user but what of they're wanting to find females for let's say a giveaway considering how many players do that here. I also agree with the addition of maybe wanting to look out for Wormadam over Mothim (again, mostly for PokéDex completion more than likely) or other PKMN with gender differences.

Having it be just an add-on makes it more of an optional buy and honestly, 50k PD seems a reasonable price considering the other PokeRadar add-ons.

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Posted: Mon, 01/02/2021 09:22 (4 Years ago)

Title: Feb. 1st, 2021

Prior to getting to the main entry: I'll be doing some reorganizing of the posts here and clean then up a bit. That would require me to use the PC but because the main place of stay is a bit finicky with Wi-Fi going to that device, I might end up having to just Frankenstein it over to the mobile device via Bluetooth and copy-and-paste it into here...
At this point, it's 3 in the morning. Couldn't sleep with my anxiety raging through the roof tonight. I'm pretty distraught at the situation and the solutions suggested by the anger fueled mind are just not something to worth mentioning...
Right now, main worry is rest. I know there's a lot on the plate anxiety is wanting to chow through but trying to do that with sleep deprivation is not a healthy combination.
Right now, I've got Fantasia running on my VCR hoping to ease the senses for rest. Yes, I did write VCR. Nope, it's not a childhood relic as this was just a lucky flea market buy.

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Posted: Mon, 01/02/2021 09:15 (4 Years ago)
~~Shiny Radar Tracker~~

Riolu + Lucario
- Chain #148 on February 7th, 2021 09:11PM PHT (evolved into Lucario)
- Chain #151 on May 13th 01:58PM PHT (remained as Riolu while still with me)
- will need to do one for Shiny Mega Lucario

- *in progress now* (unsure on future status of hunt)
- Started on November 9th, 2021
~~Potential Future Hunts~~
Nickit + Thievul - Got Breeding Pair? = Yes

Girafarig - Got Breeding Pair? = Yes

Houndour/Houdoom - Got a Breeding Pair? = Not quite yet...

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Posted: Wed, 27/01/2021 04:17 (4 Years ago)
Thank you! It turned out so wonderfully! I'll be sure to send you the PD as promised! :)

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Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 23:01 (4 Years ago)
Hey Darkspark, draw me sumthin!
Image/Description: A Lucario with glasses and a tuff of blonde hair with blue eyes in the place of the original red

Payment: I do have some PD so I'd be okay with offering 15,000 PD, but I can also use gems as form of payment if you like.
Notes: if hair/glasses are a bit of a pain feel free to omit them. The sprites shown are small edits done by me...

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 23:37 (4 Years ago)

Title: January 25th, 2021

Copy-and-pasted from my PFQ journal so for those that have me there as well, this'll look all too familiar.
Aside from the switch back to the other forum template, I've been pretty spoon-lacking (Read The Spoon Theory online for background info) for a while... Depressive thoughts and feelings have been hitting a lot harder and I'm on an antidepressant but I'm out and need doctor's approval for another. I have called about getting the said refill and the machine told me to at least wait one business day or so: nothing. Calling again is becoming the next option but my first instinct is to just fume out my impatience and just yelling them about what's the hold up. It's absolutely frustrating to even think about making the call.
Not only that but also dreading on how messed up I let my health become with my oral being awful and just the fact that I need to exercise that any mention of those is bound to have my anger skyrocket up. I do realize that maybe getting into a therapist would help if money/finances were not a big issue (same with the dental work and of course ASD diagnosis) and sadly I'm saltier than a box of crackers. My trust in others is oh so low that it's hard to trust people nowadays. I get very frustrated to the point where I feel like nobody would be okay with hanging around me.
Headaches and tooth pain are just getting on my nerve to where even little things I wouldn't pay much mind to start to irritate me. Mostly this is just my inner frustration slowly bubbling out and I'm trying so hard to give it a more constructive and calm form of output.
I'm really REALLY hoping for that small burst of energy to come back so that I could have at least an activity to get into to put my mind elsewhere.

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 06:57 (4 Years ago)
Supportive of this idea as it would be very beneficial for not just those wanting to do the Dex completion but also for users that hold giveaways for other players. I can understand the possible issues that would arise with spam but again, there's no guaranteed that everything can be locked out of being spammed for annoyance towards other players.

As with the Wonder Trades, it's just that: randomized. There's no guarantee that a user would get the Pokemon they want with the desired gender. I never understood putting in PD just to get a trade to be appealing to other players as most of my coins are used up for upgrading garden features and getting everstones.

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 05:56 (4 Years ago)
Quick dump of a picrew thing since I do those when I'm in the depressive mood...

Picrew: Here

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Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 19:10 (4 Years ago)
Support it. I do recall having to block a user for this as well as a personal reason. I figured it would be a regular trade and when I suggested an offer, canceled. No explanation, no reason, nothing. It was frustrating, but when I got the said trade from a player that is not on my friends list but has me on theirs (regardless of me asking to not send random FRs...) and at 3 in the morning my local time only to have what could be a possible troll attempt, it's absurdly infuriating.

Going off of chungus' suggestion, I do agree with the fact that both members of the private trade have to have each other on their friends list respectively.

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Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 18:34 (4 Years ago)
Absolutely supportive of this idea! I cannot begin to recall the numerous amount of times where I have my notifications feed filled to the brim with these auction outbid notifications. Even the lost the auction one feels like the obvious nail in the coffin, it feels like another slap in the face. Just having the option to hide at least one would be more than enough to drop the irritations of these notifications to consider doing auctions again. :/

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Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 18:30 (4 Years ago)
Support. I do understand the comments saying how there is already a similar feature, but maybe something to consider: how many folks are able to find and access the said information. To me, just showing them on the PKMN status page would be an easier way of accessing said information.

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Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 18:26 (4 Years ago)
Fully supportive of this idea. While I've never had this incident happen before, there have been times I had to think twice on where the add friend and block buttons are. Nothing is more "Oh no, that's not what I meant to do" than accidentally tapping the block button...

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