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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2020 22:52 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2020 22:45 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2020 18:05 (4 Years ago)
I'm using the price check for this.

Hey! So, I wanna buy grass and fairy gems for a shiny hunt.
I'll buy grass gems for 400-600 pd and fairy gems 1k-4k

I currently have 141/600 grass gems and 111/600 fairy gems.
I also have some gems that I don't mind trading or items.

Fighting Gems: 2 (400-600)
Flying Gems: 3 (800-1k)
Normal Gem: 5 (1k-1.5k)
Poison Gem: 6 (500-800)
Rock Gem: 4 (400-600)
Dark Gem: 2 (800-1k)
Ice Gem: 2 (800-1k)
Psychic Gem: 6 (500-800)
Steel Gem: 2 (400-600)
Dragon Gem: 2 (45k-50k)

Star Piece: 1 (40k-50k)
Jaw Fossil: 1 (10k-12k)
Nebula Stone: 6 (90k-110k)
Water Stone: 1 (3.5k-4.5k)
Spray Duck: 1 (6.5-7.5k)
Enigma Pearl: 1 (17k-24k)
Green Orb: 1 (17k-24k)
Red Orb: 1 (17k-24k)
Selfie Stick: 1 (130k-156k)
Griseous Orb: 1 (90k-120k)
Ultra Saddle: 1 (230k-250k)
Fire Stone: (3.5k-4.5)

Just send me either fairy or grass gems or a mix of both equal to the prices of these
For examble the firestone might be worth up to 4 fairy gems and a grass gem or something along those lines.
Because some of these prices are REALLY REALLY high because of the price check, I'm willing to do at most a 50% discount on anything above 100k for the lowest price.

Just offer whatever as long as it doesn't go below the minimum (exceptions: the discount) and offer that in an equivalent of fairy/grass gems.

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2020 18:27 (4 Years ago)
Banned for lack of lack of enthusiasm

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Posted: Fri, 14/08/2020 15:01 (4 Years ago)

Title: Midoroki's OCs

My Hero Academia

Kasai Bakugou
Kasai Bakugou is a female neko with a fire quirk. Her quirk is called white flames, where she can create well, white flames. She can burn herself if she uses it too much though. She's the cousin of Katsuki Bakugou, and goes to UA in class 1A (Bakugou is in class 2A by this time) as a spy working for the League of Villains.
Her quirk had manifested really late, and she ended up being teased in school. At age ten her quirk finally developed. She ended up accidentally burning her house down, killing her parents in it. That night, the villains found her and took her in, Dabi training her on how to use her quirk. By the age of thirteen, she had pretty much mastered her quirk.
She has long red hair and cat ears and a tail. She wears a leather jacket and a black crop top under that. She likes to wear short shorts with that, and leather boots. She has sky blue eyes and slightly tan skin.
She has a pet albino corn snake by the name of Hebi that she likes to talk to and hangout with.

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Posted: Thu, 13/08/2020 02:28 (4 Years ago)

Title: Goals

i've given up on my current ones... may find some new ones

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 15:46 (4 Years ago)
I completely support this. Even though I don't give users missing plushies often, there may be times when a giveaway or something happens where you have to send a missing plushie to enter/get a reward.

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 14:50 (4 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hunts


Status: Finished
Chain: 137


Status: Finished
Chain: 47


Status: Finished
Chain: 50


Status: In Progress
Chain: 234


Status: Not Started
Chain: 0
Grass Gems Needed: 600
Fairy Gems Needed: 600

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Posted: Wed, 05/08/2020 16:44 (4 Years ago)

Title: Midoroki's PH Hunger Games 1


2. absol-girl
3. Clown
4. Kouji3254
5. -Drago
6. God~
7. Midoroki
8. Theapple
9. BlazeZet
10. Vasanth124
11. RoyalGecko
12. TGGAkane
13. Eita_Semi
14. DragaliaFoundZace
15. Kamini
16. JynSherlock
17. ~Seishin~
18. Neyno
19. Caldwell
20. AryaYana
21. BlazeAssasin
22. Ace_Trainer_Max
23. RedTheHalfShinyVulpix
24. Zubat4Ducks


2. absol-girl
1. Clown
2. Kouji3254
1. -Drago
2. God~ (Absbor)
1. Midoroki
2. BlazeZet (Ash)
1. Vasanth124
2. RoyalGecko
1. TGGAkane
2. Eita_Semi
1. DragaliaFoundZace
2. Kamini
1. JynSherlock
2. ~Seishin~
1. Theapple
2. Neyno
1. Caldwell
2. AryaYana
1. BlazeAssasin
2. Ace_Trainer_Max
1. RedTheHalfShinyVulpix
2. Zubat4Ducks

The Games

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As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Neyno stays at the cornucopia for resources.
TGGAkane and absol-girl threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
AryaYana scares Zubat4Ducks away from the cornucopia.
Midoroki snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
-Drago scares Kouji3254 away from the cornucopia.
BlazeAssassin runs away from the Cornucopia.
MYIRENE runs away from the Cornucopia.
JynSherlock rips a mace out of RedTheHalfShinyVulpix 's hands.
Seishin runs away from the Cornucopia.
Clown runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kamini runs away from the Cornucopia.
AceTrainerMax runs away from the Cornucopia.
DragaliaFoundZace runs away from the Cornucopia.
RoyalGecko runs away from the Cornucopia.
EitaSemi grabs a backpack and retreats.
Theapple takes a handful of throwing knives.
Caldwell takes a handful of throwing knives.
Ash runs away from the Cornucopia.
Vasanth124 runs away from the Cornucopia.
Absbor runs away with a lighter and some rope.

Day One
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EitaSemi receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Kamini travels to higher ground.
Caldwell camouflauges himself in the bushes.
JynSherlock discovers a river.
Seishin constructs a shack.
Theapple makes a wooden spear.
Vasanth124, Zubat4Ducks, Clown, and RedTheHalfShinyVulpix raid Neyno's camp while he is hunting.
AceTrainerMax questions his sanity.
Ash attacks BlazeAssassin, but he manages to escape.
Absbor searches for a water source.
Kouji3254 diverts MYIRENE's attention and runs away.
-Drago diverts AryaYana's attention and runs away.
RoyalGecko discovers a river.
Midoroki discovers a river.
DragaliaFoundZace camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Fallen Tributes One
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2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 6
District 1
Cause of Deaths
TGGAkane and absol-girl threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.

Night One
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RedTheHalfShinyVulpix receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
DragaliaFoundZace and -Drago run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
MYIRENE receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Kamini and JynSherlock fight BlazeAssassin and AceTrainerMax. Kamini and JynSherlock survive.
Caldwell quietly hums.
Vasanth124 tries to sing himself to sleep.
Seishin poisons Ash's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Absbor thinks about winning.
EitaSemi thinks about home.
RoyalGecko, Theapple, and Kouji3254 sleep in shifts.
Neyno bashes Clown's head against a rock several times.
Zubat4Ducks receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Midoroki begs for AryaYana to kill him. She refuses, keeping Midoroki alive.

Day Two
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Absbor discovers a cave.
Midoroki and RedTheHalfShinyVulpix split up to search for resources.
DragaliaFoundZace questions his sanity.
EitaSemi receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
MYIRENE tends to RoyalGecko's wounds.
Kamini dies of dysentery.
-Drago stabs Vasanth124 in the back with a trident.
Neyno travels to higher ground.
Caldwell receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Theapple constructs a shack.
AryaYana receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Zubat4Ducks sprains his ankle while running away from Ash.
JynSherlock constructs a shack.
Kouji3254 makes a wooden spear.

Fallen Tributes Two
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6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 11
District 11
District 8
District 2
District 7
District 5
Cause of Deaths
Kamini and JynSherlock fight BlazeAssassin and AceTrainerMax. Kamini and JynSherlock survive.
Seishin poisons Ash's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Neyno bashes Clown's head against a rock several times.
Kamini dies of dysentery.
-Drago stabs Vasanth124 in the back with a trident.

Night Two
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Neyno cooks his food before putting his fire out.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix , AryaYana, EitaSemi, and Kouji3254 tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Zubat4Ducks defeats Caldwell in a fight, but spares his life.
Midoroki thinks about winning.
Theapple stays awake all night.
MYIRENE, DragaliaFoundZace , Ash, and JynSherlock sleep in shifts.
RoyalGecko looks at the night sky.
Absbor receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
-Drago dies from an infection.

Day Three
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Theapple attacks Caldwell, but he manages to escape.
MYIRENE receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Absbor defeats JynSherlock in a fight, but spares her life.
Ash makes a slingshot.
AryaYana sprains her ankle while running away from RedTheHalfShinyVulpix .
Midoroki and EitaSemi hunt for other tributes.
DragaliaFoundZace sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Neyno makes a slingshot.
Zubat4Ducks begs for RoyalGecko to kill him. She refuses, keeping Zubat4Ducks alive.
Kouji3254 discovers a cave.

Fallen Tributes Three
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1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
District 3
Cause of Deaths
-Drago dies from an infection.

Night Three
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MYIRENE attacks Ash, but DragaliaFoundZace protects him, killing MYIRENE.
Neyno tracks down and kills RoyalGecko.
EitaSemi, RedTheHalfShinyVulpix , and Caldwell discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
AryaYana receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
JynSherlock looks at the night sky.
Theapple looks at the night sky.
Midoroki and Absbor tell stories about themselves to each other.
Zubat4Ducks tries to sing himself to sleep.
Kouji3254 tries to sing himself to sleep.

Day Four
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DragaliaFoundZace and EitaSemi work together for the day.
Midoroki diverts Zubat4Ducks's attention and runs away.
Ash receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix searches for a water source.
Neyno goes hunting.
Kouji3254 tries to sleep through the entire day.
Caldwell steals from Absbor while he isn't looking.
AryaYana poisons Theapple's drink. She drinks it and dies.
JynSherlock constructs a shack.

Arena Event
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The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.
Absbor survives.
JynSherlock trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Ash accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix finds and kills AryaYana, who was making too much noise.
Midoroki trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
EitaSemi trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Neyno survives.
Caldwell trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Zubat4Ducks survives.
DragaliaFoundZace survives.
Kouji3254 accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

Fallen Tributes Four
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10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 1
District 5
District 9
District 8
District 4
District 10
District 4
District 6
District 10
District 2
Cause of Deaths
Neyno tracks down and kills RoyalGecko.
AryaYana poisons Theapple's drink. She drinks it and dies.
JynSherlock trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Ash accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix finds and kills AryaYana, who was making too much noise.
Midoroki trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
EitaSemi trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Caldwell trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Kouji3254 accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

Night Four
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RedTheHalfShinyVulpix sets Zubat4Ducks on fire with a molotov.
DragaliaFoundZace convinces Neyno to snuggle with him.
Absbor receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

The Feast
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The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
DragaliaFoundZace , Absbor, and Neyno get into a fight. Absbor triumphantly kills them both.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.


The Bloodbath
TGGAkane and absol-girl threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.

Day 1
No deaths occurred.

Night 1
Kamini and JynSherlock fight BlazeAssassin and AceTrainerMax. Kamini and JynSherlock survive.
Seishin poisons Ash's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Neyno bashes Clown's head against a rock several times.

Day 2
Kamini dies of dysentery.
-Drago stabs Vasanth124 in the back with a trident.

Night 2
-Drago dies from an infection.

Day 3
No deaths occurred.

Night 3
MYIRENE attacks Ash, but DragaliaFoundZace protects him, killing MYIRENE.
Neyno tracks down and kills RoyalGecko.

Day 4
AryaYana poisons Theapple's drink. She drinks it and dies.

Arena Event
The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.
JynSherlock trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Ash accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix finds and kills AryaYana, who was making too much noise.
Midoroki trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
EitaSemi trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Caldwell trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
Kouji3254 accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

Night 4
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix sets Zubat4Ducks on fire with a molotov.

The Feast
DragaliaFoundZace , Absbor, and Neyno get into a fight. Absbor triumphantly kills them both.
RedTheHalfShinyVulpix cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
The winner is Absbor from District 3!

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Posted: Mon, 03/08/2020 21:57 (4 Years ago)
I'm mostly gonna use this to keep track of my OCs, share a few snippets from random stories, get some thoughts out, complain about things, and may do some games with you guys on it but yeah... I may also post some art or songs I'm writing or feeling at the moment, may write down random anime/show/movie/book ratings.

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2020 00:51 (4 Years ago)
Username: Midoroki
How many boiling? 1
What you hoping for? A mega stone, boxes or keys? Mega stone

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 21:29 (4 Years ago)
Banned because you made it a little too obvious.

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:51 (4 Years ago)
Banned because it should. My username is a mix of Todoroki and Midoriya (my girlfriend first came up with it) because I took a test to see what BNHA ship child I am and I got TodoDeku.

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 19:34 (4 Years ago)
Banned because you have Vivillion animations in your signature.

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Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 13:28 (4 Years ago)
Kasai was playing games on her phone as she sat in her room.

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Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 12:36 (4 Years ago)
Username: Midoroki
Character: Kasai Bakugou
Part of the LoV, posing as a UA student
Code Word: Problem Child

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Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 12:32 (4 Years ago)
Kaminari had his pikachu headphones in, playing music.

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Posted: Fri, 26/06/2020 13:53 (4 Years ago)
Banned because it's 99.99% of the time

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Posted: Sat, 20/06/2020 02:29 (4 Years ago)
banned because it was meant to be nice but mean at the same time

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Posted: Sat, 20/06/2020 01:59 (4 Years ago)
Banned because ur grammarly's worst enemy

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