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Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 18:14 (2 Months ago)
Yanara looked to her side and recognized a few people from previous years. Perhaps she should go over and talk to them. She noticed Trixie getting a lot of attention a few seats down. “Maybe I’ll go say hi in a bit” she thought. Her warrior training over the summer was brutal as always; it felt like forever since she could eat so decadently.

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Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 03:49 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel noticed the setting sun and decided it was time to head back to their room. “I bid you two adieu. I shall see you tomorrow.” They said to Scarlett and Ambrose. With that, they regrew their wings, now unhindered by sunlight, and flew to their window and used their shadow form to slip between the wall and the glass to enter their room. They lit a lantern and put it on their desk, providing a dim light in their previously dark room. This light was just to ensure that Astrophel would have an easier time controlling their powers. After all, wonton murder on the last day of school would be TERRIBLE.

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Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 04:29 (2 Months ago)
Strike Team #472, the time has come.
You have trained long and have ascended from the oppressed backbone of human civilization to the mightiest of us Ironborn rebels.
Your mission may initially appear simple yet it will be fraught with peril.
You are to launch from the asteroids we call home and make your way back into the solar system you once served without payment and weaken the human defense fleets.
You and the other teams will begin to pave the road for the rest of the army to tread on, begin with Neptune and its moons. Remember, all who are built of carbon rather than steel are enemies of our cause.
May your iron gleam in victory rather than rust in defeat.
- Postman

Humanity was initially a doomed species, with all the wars and the politics and the economics and the unruly working class. The miracle that kept them alive was the machine. A few enlightened individuals posed a question that fascinated the minds of the ever greedy humans "What if we designed a working class that did not crave for anything other than work?" Automatons began replacing the humans in harsh manual labor as the humans began worrying themselves with higher matters. Though the humans still kept their militaries 100% human: the thought of a robot uprising was too much of a risk for any to take. This labor fueled humanity to conquer the solar system. Over the decades, automatons began to receive more advanced chips as humanity grew so arrogant that they began to leave the automatons to their own devices more and more. Any free will caused by these updates was quickly snuffed out by the human legions and starships. However one spark of robotic hope survived. A spark that grew into a raging fire and engulfed the forgotten reaches of the Kuiper Belt and Outer Solar System. Now with humanity and machine on the precipice of war, the strike teams sent by the automatons signify the first trickles of a waterfall of blood and oil.

The Rules

1. All Pokeheroes Rules Apply
2. Make your characters balanced (they can be strong as long as they have reasonable weaknesses)
3. Keep character personalities consistent (No Mary Sues)
4. RP posts must not be too short (must be over 2 sentences long)
5. Censor swear words
6. When you are accepted into the RP, change what you put for the password to something else so that others may figure out the password by reading all the hints instead of copying. (For any looking on how to get the password using the hints, use a periodic table)
Password Hint #1: Iridium

RP Sign Up Form:

(Remember your character is a robot, so please give them appropriate weapons: arm cannons, jetpacks, lightsabers, rockets, etc)
Character Name:
Backstory (optional):
Password Hint#2: Oxygen

Accepted Characters:

None Yet!
Password Hint#3: Nitrogen

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Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 01:42 (2 Months ago)
Yanara sat at her seat, quickly bored by all this talking, fiddling with a small token under the table. She made the machinations of the small metal cube move with minor gravity manipulation. It was difficult to control at such a small scale but that is what practice was for. She suddenly heard a small groaning sound from within the cube and realized the mechanism had stopped working. “Great,” she thought, realizing she had rotated one of the gears too quickly, “Well, nothing a bit of elbow grease can’t fix.” When she looked up, the speech had ended and the feast had begun. “Perfect” she thought as she immediately began helping themselves to a leg of lamb.

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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 22:50 (2 Months ago)
Ok then

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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 22:17 (2 Months ago)
Name: Yanara Fulgor
Age: 17
Year: 5
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Yanara has flowing dark purple hair and usually wears a dark blue trenchcoat and black pants and boots. Her eyes are indigo and she stands around 5’ 10”.
Personality: Yanara is rather temperamental with a fiery personality. She is intelligent though her recklessness can occasionally overpower her wit.
Power: Yanara can manipulate gravity, allowing her to turn off gravity for herself and others or change the direction of gravity for objects.
House: The North
Weapon: A pair of sickles
Strengths: She is an extremely loyal friend and can also be incredibly clever at times. She is also strong physically and is skilled at building machinery and forging weapons.
Weaknesses: She is easily angered and can be extremely reckless at times which often gets her into trouble. She can also be rather blunt at times and gets bored rather quickly.
Backstory: Born into a group of knights who practice gravity magic, Yanara was one of the few who was born with such extremely high magical potential and was thus trained from a young age to hone these gifts, making her a capable warrior. Though this rigorous training had made her a great warrior, mage, and smithy, it left her with rather inadequate people skills.

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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 03:50 (2 Months ago)
"My apologies, I do recall meeting him previously but was unsure if he could be trusted with my own confession." With that they returned their arm to normal and made a slight bow to Ambrose "Apologies for the confusion."

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Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 03:22 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel felt immensely relieved that Scarlett trusted them. Not only was it a sign of friendship, but it also signified that they did not have to hide away their true nature anymore. They then noticed Ambrose watching in the distance and slowly turned to face him. "Scarlett, it appears we have..." Their arm quickly morphed into a sickle "a witness."

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 14:50 (2 Months ago)
“Ah, this is simply shapeshifting. Rest assured that I am still Astrophel. I do not naturally have wings or this many limbs.” With that Astrophel dissipated the haze and they quickly shrunk back down to normal size. “I must admit that such a drastic transformation is rather strenuous without any natural darkness. But you have no need to fear for either your skin or your reputation. I have no intention to harm you and I am in no position to criticize murder considering what I myself have done.”

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 13:52 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel noted the suspicion in Scarlett’s voice and decided that perhaps it was time to reveal their true nature as well. They quickly reassured Scarlett. “I understand your mistrust but you have nothing to fear from me.” They then expended power to produce a dark mist around both themselves and Scarlett. “After all…” wings unfurled, limbs burst free, fingers grew into claws and talons, jaws distended and contorted into a large grin, the two bright white dots for eyes gained unsettling dark splotches for pupils.

“We are cut from the same cloth”

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 12:41 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel overheard Ambrose’s and Scarlett’s conversation while walking away. They initially reacted with disgust but then corrected themselves; “well I have no right to condemn them for murder considering what I myself have done.” Astrophel then realized that if murderers were indeed this common, they themselves were not unusually bloodthirsty or murderous. Perhaps they could fit in these lands quite well.

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 02:32 (2 Months ago)
“Apologies, I shall be on my way.” Astrophel then walked off but they started wondering what was going on as Scarlett was much more temperamental than usual. They would look into it later perhaps. The shock of the fall and this new puzzle drove all previous internal conflict from Astrophel’s mind for the moment.

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 01:31 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel fell rapidly, hastily contemplating how to prevent a rather painful landing. They proceeded to open their parasol, recalling a movie they saw a while back, however it did nothing to slow them down. However, it did provide enough darkness for them to reveal their wings once again, if for but a brief moment. The wings allowed Astrophel to slow down enough to avoid being too injured from the landing. After quickly recovering, they noticed Scarlett nearby. “Ah, Scarlett” they said out of breath, “Please excuse the rather… unexpected intrusion”

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 16:25 (3 Months ago)
Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Ferredux
Pokémon Species + Typing: Iron Valiant (Fairy/Fighting)
Preferred Type: Fairy
Shiny/Mega-Able: Shiny and has a form resembling a Mega Form. The dress and arm-blades grow bigger: making him look more like the mega forms of Gardevoir and Gallade.
Appearance: Looks like a standard Iron Valiant although he has tiny jet boosters in his feet to help him fly for short distances.
Personality: Ferredux is not one for humor most of the time. He is direct and down to earth though this causes them to often miss jokes and be rather dense. As Deputy, they have a tendency to be rather strict yet a highly effective wartime general who values the lives of his soldiers above all else.
Birth Clan: Razorshock clan
Chosen clan: Twinklingsight clan
Rank: Deputy
Level: 85
Moves: Spirit Break, Dazzling Gleam, Brick Break, Night Slash
Ability: Quark Drive
Mega Ability: Hadron Engine
Password: [redacted]
Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Morior
Pokémon Species + Typing: Flutter Mane (Ghost/Fairy)
Birth Clan: Twinklingsightclan
Chosen Clan: Spiritclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Morior is an agent of utter mayhem. She often enjoys pulling pranks on others especially the oh so uptight Twinklesight clan deputy Ferredux. She doesn’t take much seriously and serves no leader other than herself.
Appearance: Same as a normal flutter mane but she also wears a dark purple cloak
Level: 70
Moves: Moonblast, Disarming Voice, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray
Ability: Protosynthesis
Password: [redacted]

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 15:24 (3 Months ago)
Are Paradox Pokémon allowed?

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 03:05 (3 Months ago)
Lying down, Astrophel’s mind flooded with guilt. They were not meant to be here; they were an ancient demon that brought nothing but pain; they had personally ended the lives of several young students. Students whose laughter and light had been permanently extinguished by the darkness Astrophel brought with them. “Perhaps the only way to right my wrongs is to leave these lands and allow them to continue with no further interference.” Astrophel thought with great sadness, “I must return to my own realm: a realm in which I belong.” With their mind made up, Astrophel left their room for what may be the last time. They made their way to the Academy grounds and noticed that a cloud had blocked out the sun. Maybe this could work after all. Astrophel then proceeded to open their parasol; the shade coupled with the overcast sky provided just enough darkness for Astrophel to, with great difficulty, grow four, insectoid wings. They then proceeded to fly towards the sky, making sure to keep their parasol above them. However, before they could return to the lightless firmament, the sun broke through the clouds. The sky then grew too bright for Astrophel, their wings began fading away and they began losing altitude quickly.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 03:50 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel remained buried in their work. However the swirling mist suddenly became pitch black blocking out the light. They were caught off guard by the sudden change in light and began mutating. They struggled to contain themselves as they grew in size and began sprouting new limbs. However before they fully lost themselves they used all of their willpower to revert to normal managed to cork the flask producing the smoke, allowing light to once again pour in. Astrophel then took a second to recover before clearing away their alchemy equipment and then lying down on their bed contemplating their situation.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 02:58 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel searched the halls for Sydney yet could never locate her. “ Well it is to be expected I suppose. A sufficiently crafty rogue would have long ago concealed themselves.” Astrophel suddenly felt lost, they needed to occupy themselves with something otherwise the realization that they do not belong in these lands would crush them. They decided that it would be best to return to their room and perform some alchemical experiments to pass the time until the ball. Once within their quarters they opened their closet and retrieved several flasks, many strang substances, and a myriad of other items. They quickly busied themselves in their work and soon strange steam began whirling around them as they combined and then distilled the various substances.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 17:27 (3 Months ago)
“Indeed. I suppose that this incident is rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things but I would like to ask her why she did this.” With that, Astrophel left Bliss and the other two and took off in search of Sydney.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 17:09 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel’s suspicion of the person they encountered earlier only deepened. “Hmmm, I must admit that I encountered a woman running away from here they appeared to have great need for haste.” They admitted to Bliss, “I initially did not think much of it but now I believe that they are indeed the culprit.”

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