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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2020 15:39 (4 Years ago)
Audax turned around. He'd try again later. For now, he found a corner to get out of the costume with, and entered the castle to try and see if he could find a way to get access to the strategy.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 23:30 (4 Years ago)
As Audax headed towards the castle, he wondered if he'd notice more cult activity, now that he was aware of it. Maybe it was like learning a new word: once you knew it, you started hearing it everywhere. He headed inside. No one should question him; he was a squire now, after all. He lifted his hears and listened intently for some scrap of information anywhere, or any strange speaking.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 22:50 (4 Years ago)
Audax woke up before even the sun was out. He needed to get back to look for suspicious behaviour, like he had planned. Silently padding through the group of neutral pokemon, he slipped on his fancy outfit, and after thinking to himself that he looked ridiculous in it, he headed through the portal.

Fortem woke up early as well. It had been over a day since he had seen Yung and the group, and he needed to check if they were fine. Besides, now he had lots of information to share as well!

Clamor blinked open his eyes. Another day of fighting... well at least he wasn't in prison. He laughed. Hopefully that riolu Emerald was alright. He found himself growing attatched to the wholesome little pokemon already. He was impossible not to love.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 20:52 (4 Years ago)
Eventually, Audax drifted to sleep with Emerald.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 19:15 (4 Years ago)
"Hmm?" Audax unfolded an ear to listen. His eyes were still closed tiredly.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 14:57 (4 Years ago)
The stars were beginning to come out... Audax reviewed his plan one more time in his head before flopping onto a bubbly and falling asleep.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 00:40 (4 Years ago)
Audax pondered it for a second. "Hmm... if they're involved, we'll have to be even more careful, even if they're not after us..." He paused. He had a weird hunch that this cult might have been connected even deeper to the war than they thought... maybe they were related to the killings...? No, that was just speculation on his part, probably... He didn't bring it up. "We should get some rest," He suggested. "We won't be able to do our job without energy."

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 00:34 (4 Years ago)
Audax noticed Lumi, but didn't mind much. If anything, he was surprised that the heir to the Luminian throne was acknowledging him like this, let alone putting her head on his shoulder. He was also surprised that she trusted him that easily... it was a little naive, but no matter. His ears flapped up as he heard about the cults though... "The cult? You mean... the one from like, two years ago?" he asked, worried. He hadn't actually seen them, but Fortem and Emerald had filled him in.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 00:23 (4 Years ago)
"Oh, Emerald! Winter! Welcome back!" Audax hoped he hadn't gotten the vulpix's name wrong... he still didn't know him too well. "I'm glad you're safe," He bounded up to them. "Learn anything interesting? What happened?" He asked.

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Posted: Mon, 21/12/2020 00:19 (4 Years ago)
Audax decided to make a plan for tommorow, so he wouldn't have to make tough choices on the spot... everyone who knew him knew how indecisive he was. Waking up early would be a good first step. He could look for suspicious activity then, and if the guards asked him about it... well, he could say he liked going on morning walks. None of them really knew him, after all. Then, he'd go to a training session and see if he could arrange a lesson in the strategizing department where he could learn the loyalist plans. If he had extra time, he could look for Fortem for info or find more neutral pokemon, and possibly look for more suspicious behavior again. Yep, that sounded like a solid plan to Audax!

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 22:35 (4 Years ago)
Audax nodded, but that didn't really sound likely to him, more like wishful thinking. Still, he didn't want to sound too pessimistic. Besides, being neutral, Audax thought that maybe the republican jail break could be a good thing. Lumi was probably leaning towards the loyalists which was reasonable, so it would look worse to her.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 22:08 (4 Years ago)
"Chaotic... there are even more battles, and they're spread out... some republicans also apparently broke out of jail. Twice."

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 21:43 (4 Years ago)
Audax nodded. "I'll tell you what I know then... so all of the knights get to help strategize for battles, so I'll probably get information on that soon, as soon as I get a chance to do that. There's also a neutral grovyle named Dalsen who's a knight trainer, and I've also seen Fortem speaking to a few pokemon, so he probably knows more. Oh, also, I know my dark magic mentor Thea is neutral. I'll make sure to search for suspicious activity tommorow," He promised.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 21:29 (4 Years ago)
"I'm back," Audax announced to the lucario and the glaceon. He was grateful that nothing had happened to them. Though it was quite beautiful, the forest also looked a tiny bit ominous and scary, especially for a pokemon that had never seen one like this before.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 21:21 (4 Years ago)
Fortem nodded. Dainn's advice was often pretty good, and although they were technically on different sides of the war now, Fortem still took it. He'd try to find Emerald tommorow, and hope that he wasn't... still in prison. "Thanks, Dainn," He said with a yawn as he began to pad back to his room. Hopefully he could find both Emerald and Yung tommorow to share what he knew and who he'd recruited. Maybe they had a chance in this after all.

With a wave of his fluffy tail, Audax padded outside where the sun was starting to set. He hadn't gotten any specific instructions about where to meet back up with the pack of neutrals once the day was done, so he just calmly headed to the stage where the portal was. Hopefully the others knew where to find him.

Clamor reached home, grateful to be inside, though it was a little barren in the house. He was fairly cold sensitive, so to knock out two opponents with one strike, he began to battle train. Slowly but surely, he felt his limbs warm up as he followed through with each swipe, hitting imaginary opponents. His dream for a long time had been to become noticed for his skills and not his disability, and this war seemed like the first time he actually had a chance of doing just so. After a while, he flopped onto his bed, and fell asleep relatively easily due to how much energy he had used today.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 21:08 (4 Years ago)
"I suppose... it's just, y'know, the tension," He responded, looking down at his paws.

Audax nodded. "Thanks for letting me know." He's already gathered some useful information, which he would relay back to Yung this evening probably, if he could. He wondered what the others sent to spy were doing right now.

Clamor yawned. "I might go home early," He wrote. "I'm tired. See you around," He waved at the new recruit before padding away. The snow fell onto his black pelt, covering it with little white spots. He shivered.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 19:57 (4 Years ago)
Fortem nodded. More time with Emerald was definitely something on his wish list, but he wondered what Dainn would say if he knew that Emerald was possibly in jail right now. How many other innocent pokemon just trying to help had been arrested?

Audax agreed. How long had Dalsin trained to be able to jump in armour that looked twice his own weight? Probably ages. "I'll keep practicing then," Audax promised.

Clamor decided to join him. The bubble was very soft, and it reminded him of that bubble emporium shop he'd seen earlier. If it still existed when the war was over, Clamor would want to check it out.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 19:37 (4 Years ago)
Fortem was excited by his glimpse of Audax. Perhaps he was doing the same thing he thought Emerald was doing, but with the loyalists instead. Either way, Fortem didn't think Audax would switch from being neutral. However, Dainn's words quickly snapped him back to reality. "Oh, yeah, mmhm," He told the regal knight.

"Thanks for the training," Audax thanked Dalsin. He really did think he had improved, and though his paws ached, he also felt like he could jump triple his own height, though that might be a bit of a stretch.

It was getting late, and Clamor was exhausted as always. It wasn't easy being a fighter republican luxio! His priseon escapes hadn't improved his energy level either. He pulled out a few berries, and tossed one to Emerald with a tail flick while munching on one himself.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 18:24 (4 Years ago)
It was beginning to get late once again, and Fortem was exhausted. He picked up some food at the castle's kitchen: a croissant and some berries, and began to wolf it down as he walked. He reached on outer walkways of the castle, a sort of balcony connecting different rooms, and he sat there and watched the city. Of course, the battle still raged on, but if fortem squinted, he could have sworn he saw a blue and black figure that looked a lot like... no, Emerald was in jail, right? That was just wishful thinking... or was it? Fortem had seem the jailbreak earlier for himself, and he knew that the republicans were capable of escaping.

"I think we've had enough fighting for the day," Clamor scribbled down on his board once they were back at the arena. "Are you ok?" The riolu had probably had enough adventure for a week, joining the republicans, going into battle and getting sent to and escaping jail, all in one day.

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 17:06 (4 Years ago)
Fortem accepted the card with a smile. "Thank you!" It was beginning to get late, and Fortem thought he'd done enough for the say. He was tired either way. "I'll be heading home... see you around!"

Clamor was overwhelmed by Emerald's affection. He wasn't expecting to be praised... still, it was a welcome surprise. Clamor did like attention, as much as he hated to admit it. With a flick of his tail, he led Emerald back to the arena. Along the way, he picked up his slate and chalk, which he'd left in the street from yesterday's fight. He was surprised it was still there.

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