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Posted: Wed, 07/10/2020 23:08 (4 Years ago)

sorry I don't really think I see you much

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Posted: Wed, 07/10/2020 23:07 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 23:43 (4 Years ago)
Returning Now!

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Posted: Sat, 03/10/2020 18:05 (4 Years ago)
As Jesse got there, he realized he was super super late. He saw a girl just take a random Pokeball and an everstone, so that's what he did as well. As he came outside, he saw a massive figure in the air. What could that be?

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2020 23:09 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2020 20:40 (4 Years ago)
As Jesse woke up, he realized he shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, as he was really tired. He rushed off to the shelter anyway very excited about his starter. He was also thinking about catching his first Pokemon. He wanted a Hawlucha sooo bad, but he knew there weren't any in the immediate area.

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Posted: Wed, 30/09/2020 00:19 (4 Years ago)
Rp Name: Jesse
Personality:Chill if not in some kind of competition, willing to talk, talks a lot of trash, aggressive, ridiculously competitive, sarcastic, in love (not sure if that matters lol)
Gender: Male
Soul Color: Orange

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Posted: Tue, 29/09/2020 23:37 (4 Years ago)
Loan amount:29k
Trainer Level:22
Amount of loans made so far:0
Amount of paid back loans:0
Password:BIG BUCKS

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 21:29 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 19:04 (4 Years ago)
Dear future student,

You have been accepted into the top magic academy in all regions. Us magical users here in Anistar Magical Academy are very excited to have you attending our future class. You have all been chosen as students due to the facts that you've been recognized as having potential magical prowess and or have been born into a prominent magical family. Either or reasons have given us the delight to accept you into our prestigious school. But even so, this school will also teach you the basics of being a Pokemon trainer as well. And so with that in mind please note that you are allowed to bring up to four Pokemon into the school. Upon arriving at our academy, all first years will be taken to the main hall where they will be sorted into their houses. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Sincerely, Headmistress Estrella Evont

Congratulations into getting accepted into the Pokemon worlds best magic academy, but I must warn you that there is a danger hiding within the shadows begging to be released. Be careful young student and good luck.

The four houses available are: Weavile which is for clever and witty students-Gardevoir which is for caring and strong-willed students-Aegislash for a little impulsive but very helpful students-Pyroar which is for students who are very brave and loyal although it is pretty rare to be sorted into this house. You will be sorted into one of these houses if your form is accepted.

Character Sheet:
Name: (first and last)
Age: (14-15)
Basic Appearance: (hair, eyes, etc...)
Team: (up to four for now)
Backstory: (optional)
Magic Power: (Can't be overpowered, that would make it a bit annoying)

Name: Jesse Wilson
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Very witty, and sarcastic. Can be a little mean sometimes, but is nice if needed. Has a very special bond with Pokemon, and somehow can aid them while battling
Basic Appearance: Very tall about 6' 0" athletic looking, blue eyes, curly brown hair, always wears skinny jeans, a maroon sweatshirt, and white converse high tops
Backstory: Never knew his dad, and his Mom is a very passionate and successful Normal type Trainer. He met his Hawlucha when he was 8, and they have been best friends since. Can aid his Pokemon in battles (his magic ability)
Magic Ability:Aiding Pokemon in battle

1. Follow all PH rules
2. No rushing
3. No spamming
4. Please be patient
5. If you have blocked me or I've blocked you, you will not be able to participate
6. Follow the forms
7. Definitely don't try to act like the leader, I really dislike that
8. 2 characters per person
9. If you are going to be inactive or leave the rp for any reason, please contact me and I will remove you from the main plot for however long you are gone
10. It starts in 4 days, so if you are late, I apologize but you will not be able to be in the RP
11. You better be reading this- the password is your favorite type of smoothie
12. Please be serious while posting, I am actually trying to make this interesting.
13. DON'T control other people's characters
14. Follow the general plot

I do want this to be fun XD, so sorry for all of the rules, please have fun and enjoy yourself!

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 18:24 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 17:54 (4 Years ago)
Sorry, that just evolved and I didn't have anywhere to put it

Waiter! There's a country singer in my soup!

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 17:42 (4 Years ago)
For sure ahculwaH

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 14:48 (4 Years ago)
Jack, I want my Pokemon to evolve!
*COSTS 1,000 PD*
Evolve to which Pokemon? Serperior please

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Posted: Sat, 19/09/2020 04:25 (4 Years ago)
"Clearly he didn't want to talk, come on as he and Ellie moved away. They walked into the saloon and the first thing they saw was a really young kid snatch some money and dash away. Then there was a round of knife throwing around the Poker table, and they decided they couldn't go there either. They for sure weren't afraid of a fight, just preferred not to start them. As they looked around for some people who actually seemed nice, they sat down. They decided just to wait it out.

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Posted: Sat, 19/09/2020 04:19 (4 Years ago)
As Jesse and Ellie watched as the boy seemed so calm after that fight, and Jesse decided to talk to him "That as impressive, where'd you learn to do that?"

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Posted: Fri, 18/09/2020 21:46 (4 Years ago)
As Jesse and Ellie walked together to their wagon, they looked at each other knowing that good would come out of this. They were together, and that's all they needed. They're fully packed, with their dogs and everything else they could possibly need. They were ready to go.

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Posted: Fri, 18/09/2020 16:55 (4 Years ago)
Username: Hawlucha_Champ14
Character Name:Jesse
Appearance: 6' 1" athletic looking, curly brown hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders, handsome I guess?
Personality:Extremely witty, sarcastic, always ready to shoot back a remark, can be aggressive when needed, loves taking care of kids, has a special bond with animals
Backstory (mostly optional):Haven't thought of one sorry.
Other:I love the idea of a Old West rp, oh and my two characters are dating, just to put that in there XD

Character Name:Ellie
Appearance:Average height, athletic looking, straight dark blonde hair in a waterfall braid, green eyes, very pretty
Personality:Also very witty and sarcastic, very kind, bonds with people easily, kind
Backstory (mostly optional):Don't have one for her either
Other:Yeah, I think a Old West rp can be fun, especially that it's a futuristic past

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Posted: Thu, 17/09/2020 17:48 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 16/09/2020 23:14 (4 Years ago)

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