Forum Thread
Pokemon Lunar Blossom RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Lunar Blossom RPAccepted

Jesus / TheSoulFamily / Male / Purple / 15 / Riolu {Admin}
Jesse / Hawlucha_Champ14 / Male / Orange / 16 / Bulbasaur
Moon / EmmaWang / Female / White / 8 / Zorua
Meg / Shockwave65 / Female / Black / 12 / Bulbasaur
Everest / CeruleanArctic / Female / Ice Blue / 11 / Charmander
Heather / HeartlessHoundoom / Female / Sunset Red / 14 / Riolu
Alan / Naruto-Uzumaki / Male / Blood Red / 12 / Charmander
Areas (North Floriia)

North Floriia
Orue Village (Starting Town) [8th Gym(Dark)] [Muffin's Lab/Shelter]
Quartz Flower Forest
Sapphire Lake
Silvur City [2nd Gym (Steel)] [Contest 1]
Mt. Bronz FL 1 [3rd badge required for FL 2]
Mt. Bronz FL 2
Mt. Bronz FL 3
Mt. Bronz FL 4
Mt. Bronz Top [Ancient Ruins]
Tin Plains
Rubie City [1st Gym(Ground)] [Team Gale Game Corner] [Contest 3]
Pyrite Tunnel
Obsidia Village [3rd Gym(Fire)]
Aqumarine River
Toupaaz Resort [4th Gym(Water)] [Ship Harbor] [Contest 2]
Areas (South Floriia)

South Floriia
The Grand Cherry Blossom Tree [Where Events are redeemed]
Appl Village [Ship Harbor] [6th Gym(Grass)]
Bannana Grotto
Cherrii City [5th Gym(Poison)] [Contest 5]
Choco Tunnel
Team Gale Secret Base
Oronge Village [7th Gym(Electric)] [Contest 4]
Final Path
Pokemon Tournament
Isla Solu [Mt. Edoc] [Need all 16 Badges to access]
Areas (Codenia)

Dark Oak Village [Gym 8] [Maven's Lab/Shelter]
Route 1
Magma Tunnel
VineLife City [Gym 9] [Contest 6]
Route 2 [Ferry]
Crystal Forest [Ferry]
Martialo City [Gym 10]
Route 3
PrimaDragon City [Contest 9]
Uno Frosty Forest
Blue Eon Island [13 Badges Required]
FrostLite City [Gym 3] [Contest 6]
Sunset Mountains
Insectiep Town [Gym 4] [Contest 8]
Route 4
WateWave City [Grand Festival]
Abandoned Dos Power Plant
Sparkile Town [Gym 6]
Silver Ravine
IroTal City [Gym 7] [Contest 7]
Tres Volcano
BurnBi City [Gym 5] [Contest 10]
Rocky Cliffs
PsyPowl Town [Codenian League]
Trainer's Badges/Contest Ribbons
*Jesus woke up ready to begin his adventure*
"Today is the Day!"
*Jesus raced off to the Shelter after changing*

That's for those of you who are rping with me
Jesus: "Howdy Mom!"
Muffin: "Morning Jesus!"
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!
-A Wild 🌟 Hattenna🌟 Appeared-
-It's Shiny!-
"So you chose the Bubasaur?" Everest raised an eyebrow. "Not the strongest pokemon, in my opinion. Far too many weaknesses."
Muffin: You can use your Pokedex to figure it out...
Riolu! Pound!