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GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Tue, 13/05/2014 01:59 (10 Years ago) |
GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Tue, 13/05/2014 01:56 (10 Years ago) |
Title: Hoenn starters![]() Treecko: The wood gecko pokemon
![]() National dex: 252 Entry(most common entry):Treecko has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This Pokémon attacks by slamming foes with its thick tail.It quickly scales even vertical walls. It senses humidity with its tail to predict the next day's weather. Moveset:Pound, leer, absorb, quick attack, pursiut, screech, Mega drain, Agility, slam, detect, giga drain, energy ball. Weak to: flying, poison, bug, fire, ice Resistant to:Ground water, grass, electric Abilitys:Overgrow, unburden Base Stats: Hp:40 Attack:45 defence:35 Sp. Attack:65 Sp. Defence:55 Speed:70 Grovyle:Wood Gecko pokemon ![]() National dex: 253 Entry(most common entry):The leaves growing out of Grovyle's body are convenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokémon is a master at climbing trees in jungles.Its strongly developed thigh muscles give it astounding agility and jumping performance. Moveset:Pound, leer, absorb, quick attack, furry cutter, pursiut, screech, leaf blade, agility, slam, detect, false swipe, leaf storm. Weak to: flying, poison, bug, fire, ice Resistant to:Ground, water, grass, electric Abilitys:Overgrow, unburden Base Stats: Hp:50 Attack:65 defence:45 Sp. Attack:85 Sp. Defence:65 Speed:95 Sceptile: the forest pokemon ![]() National dex: 254 Entry(most common entry):Sceptile has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. This Pokémon raises the trees in a forest with loving care.The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat.The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees.The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat Moveset:leaf storm, night slash, pound, leer, absorb, quick attack, S-scissor, pursuit, screech, leaf blade, agility, slam detect, falce swipe. Weak to: flying, poison, bug, fire, ice Resistant to:Ground, water, grass, electric Abilitys:Overgrow, unburden Base Stats: Hp:70 Attack:85 defence:65 Sp. Attack:105 Sp. Defence:85 Speed:120 Torchic : The chick pokemon ![]() National Dex: 255 Entry(most common entry):Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black.It has a flame sac inside its belly that perpetually burns. It feels warm if it is hugged. Moveset:Scratch, growl, Focus energy,ember, peck, sand attack, Fire spinquick attack, slash, mirror move, flamethrower. Weak to: Ground, rock ,water Resistant to:Bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, fairy Abilities:Blaze, Speed boost Base stats: Hp:45 Attack:60 Defence:40 Sp. Attack:70 Sp. defence:50 Speed:45 Combusken: Young Fowl Pokemon ![]() National dex: 256 Entry(most common entry):Combusken toughens up its legs and thighs by running through fields and mountains. This Pokémon's legs possess both speed and power, enabling it to dole out ten kicks in one second.Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes. Moveset:Scratch, growl, Focus energy,ember, double kick, peck, sand attack, bulk up, Quick attack, slash, mirror move, sky uppercut, Flare Blitz Weak to: Flying, Ground, water, psychic resistant to: Bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, dark Abilities. Blaze, Speed boost Base Stats: Hp:60 attack:85 defence:60 Sp. attack:85 Sp. defence:60 Speed:55 Blaziken: Blaze Pokemon ![]() National dex: 257 Entry(most common entry):Blaziken has incredibly strong legs - it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap. This Pokémon's blazing punches leave its foes scorched and blackened. Moveset:Flare Blitz, Fire Punch, High Jump Kick, Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, Ember, Double Kick, Peck, Sand Attack, Bulk Up, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Slash, Brave Bird, Sky Uppercut, Flare Blitz weak to:Flying, Ground, water, psychic resistant to: Bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, dark Abilities: Blaze, speed boost Base Stats: Hp:80 attack:120 defence:70 Sp. attack:110 Sp. defence:70 Speed:80 Mega Base Stats: Hp:80 attack:160 defence:80 Sp. attack:130 Sp. defence:80 Speed:100 Mudkip: Mud fish pokemon ![]() National dex: 258 Entry(most common entry):The fin on Mudkip's head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes.To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders. Moveset: Tackle, growl, mud slap, water gun, bide, foresight, mud sport, take down, whirlpool, protect, hydro pump, endeavor Weak to: grass, electric resistant to: steel, fire, water, ice Abilities: Torrent, damp Base Stats: Hp:50 attack:70 defence:50 Sp. attack:50 Sp. defence:50 Speed:40 Marshtomp: mud fish pokemon ![]() National dex: 259 Entry(most common entry):The surface of Marshtomp's body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low.Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy. Moveset:Tackle, Growl, mud-slap-water gun, bide, mudshot, foresight, mud bomb, , take down, muddy water, protect, earthquake, endeavor, weak to:grass inmune to:electric resistant to: poison, rock, steel, fire. Abilities: Torrent, damp Base Stats: Hp:70 attack:85 defence:70 Sp. attack:60 Sp. defence:70 Speed:50 Swampert:mud fish pokemon ![]() National dex: 260 Entry(most common entry):Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms. Moveset: Hammer arm, tackle, growl, mud slap, water gun, bide, mud shot, foresight, mud bomb, take down, muddy water, protect, earthquake, endeavor. weak to:grass inmune to:electric resistant to: poison, rock, steel, fire. Abilities: Torrent, damp Base Stats: Hp:100 attack:110 defence:90 Sp. attack:85 Sp. defence:90 Speed:60 [Read more] |
GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Sun, 11/05/2014 00:13 (10 Years ago) |
Nickname:Anything that has to be with games and/or ice Which job do you wish to be: Resercher. What qualification do you have for this job:I read a lot about pokemons How much effort will you put into this job: I wanna do my very best, like no one ever has Code from pm once accepted:GIP03 [Read more] |
GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago) |
GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Wed, 23/04/2014 02:53 (10 Years ago) |
GamerIceNimrod OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 10 |
Posted: Mon, 21/10/2013 00:44 (11 Years ago) |