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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:59 (9 Years ago)
...blow up brains...

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:55 (9 Years ago)
I would rather be stuvk in the PC :D

Would you rather eat worms for the rest of your life
Hit Chuk Noris in da face

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:49 (9 Years ago)
No. Only Luvdisk can mega-evolve

Why are the professors named after trees and bushes?

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:45 (9 Years ago)
Dude-san :D

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:42 (9 Years ago)
Buy a new one

Halp Riako stole Persian :(

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 04:22 (9 Years ago)
To everyone who ordered: Please wait for the other orders to be finnished when ordering. Be patient - events take some time to breed

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Posted: Fri, 21/08/2015 12:22 (9 Years ago)
Here's a list of all the chracters i use and may use if you want to RP with me ^^
They are devided by the rps i use them in ^^


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Name: Jason Pierson
Age: 16
Appearence: Mid height, brunette with white teeth, a black leather jacket, tight jeanse and sneakers
Sexuality: Bisexual
Character: Funny, Clumsy boy who would do anything to protect his friends
Family: He lost all his family in a fire

Royal Guards of the God

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Name: Jason Lightcove
Age: 17
Appearence: Mid height, blue-haired with white teeth, Blue eyes and tight black jacket he rarely wears
Weapon: Goddly Scythe
Sexuality: Gay
Character: Funny, Loyal and Skilled warrior who uses a lot of sarcasm
Family:A brother ; currently in the royal guard hospital

Name: Deor Martines
Age: 17
Appearence: Tall, Blonde boy with blue eyes who wears a necklace with a gold bird on it
Weapon: Goddly gun (Hades 6.0)
Sexuality: Gay
Character: Clumsy boy with the annoying habbit of getting lost everytime he goes alone somewhere
Family: Unknown

Name: Dahlia Grace
Age: 18
Appearence: Mid-height, Pink-haired girl with a black armor and pink eyes.
Sexuality: Straight
Character: Agressive but loving. She'll do anything for her friends including death.
Weapon: Goddly Hammer
Family: Unknown

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 16:38 (9 Years ago)
Yes sorry i'll set it up in a second.

@akitsu: Your pokemon is in GTS ^^ That'll be 13k ^^

@AbsolLuver: Your Pokemon is In GTS - that would be 6k ^^

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 14:01 (9 Years ago)
@akitsu: Dustpaw is busy breeding so i'll take your oRder. Check GTS

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 12:23 (9 Years ago)
@AbsolLuver: It's 5k for starters but females are rarer so i'll charge you 1k more. Tell me if you want an everstone too. I'll take your order ^^

@_Hibiki_: Dustpaw will be busy breeding so i will take your order. Check gts in a few seconds ^^

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Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 20:54 (9 Years ago)
Good Luck to everyon who applied ^^

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Posted: Wed, 22/07/2015 22:00 (9 Years ago)
No support from me either

1. You can approve messages on your feed? That will become annoying due time. And yes you may be able to delete posts from your wall but that doesn't stop other users from posting bad stuf about you and refusing to delete it. That's not Facebook Twitter etc. It's an adoptable site and the feeds feature is enaugh.

To DoncleCore and Dhoulmagus:

2. Don't force people on your idea. This is a suggestion and they're free to say their opinion okay? If someone does not like your idea, they'll argument themselves (and they did).

3. Don't offend them just because you don't like their opinion okay? And you may know that offending someone (especially publicaly) is agains the rules.

4. Propper english please, check your grammar

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 22:47 (9 Years ago)
That's not a question for price check

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Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 06:58 (9 Years ago)
I have no idea if someone alredy posted this but i looked and couldn't find one.

I think there should be a "Buy User Items" section in the Mall where you can buy items that other users alredy sold. I think it will be very helpful and useful. And it will also help new trainers.

Note: I bolded "Other users" because i think that it will be fair if you sell your item to not be able to buy it back. But maybe the smae item from other user.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

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Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 06/05/2015 11:43 (9 Years ago)
Good ^^ Well i meant ask the other breeders if they have orders in waiting ^^

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Posted: Wed, 06/05/2015 11:36 (9 Years ago)
Well you have to ask the breeders ^^

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Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 14:36 (9 Years ago)
*Bups 1 week later*

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 20:53 (9 Years ago)
@Threshfeather: Your order is accepted ^^ Thank you for shopping with us!

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 11:13 (9 Years ago)
It doesn't!! It's amazing <3333333

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