Forum Thread
Dude's Rp Characters
Forum-Index → Diaries → Dude's Rp CharactersThey are devided by the rps i use them in ^^

Name: Jason Pierson
Age: 16
Appearence: Mid height, brunette with white teeth, a black leather jacket, tight jeanse and sneakers
Sexuality: Bisexual
Character: Funny, Clumsy boy who would do anything to protect his friends
Family: He lost all his family in a fire

Name: Jason Lightcove
Age: 17
Appearence: Mid height, blue-haired with white teeth, Blue eyes and tight black jacket he rarely wears
Weapon: Goddly Scythe
Sexuality: Gay
Character: Funny, Loyal and Skilled warrior who uses a lot of sarcasm
Family:A brother ; currently in the royal guard hospital
Name: Deor Martines
Age: 17
Appearence: Tall, Blonde boy with blue eyes who wears a necklace with a gold bird on it
Weapon: Goddly gun (Hades 6.0)
Sexuality: Gay
Character: Clumsy boy with the annoying habbit of getting lost everytime he goes alone somewhere
Family: Unknown
Name: Dahlia Grace
Age: 18
Appearence: Mid-height, Pink-haired girl with a black armor and pink eyes.
Sexuality: Straight
Character: Agressive but loving. She'll do anything for her friends including death.
Weapon: Goddly Hammer
Family: Unknown