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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 15:13 (9 Years ago)
But where did that number come from? Transparent is the only thing that consistently takes up a sprite slot. .o.

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 15:01 (9 Years ago)
This was discussed in another thread - I'll have to dig around to find it, and it was REALLY old, so it may be a while, but I'll post it when I locate it. The general idea there was that these could be limited-time event Pokémon instead of permanent releases, and you'd need a special item to be able to hunt them after the event ends; being considered events, then, they wouldn't override any official Megas or vice versa. It wasn't accepted or rejected yet, but kind of died. (In any case, I think it'd be better to just PM a spriter with an already-prepared specific idea at this stage anyway, since I believe Riako has said in the past to send event ideas to them instead of posting them publicly so the surprise isn't ruined.)

EDIT: Found it!
I said there that I made a new thread, but I couldn't find the newer one. XP People kept posting in the old one anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 14:56 (9 Years ago)
Since you mentioned the optional color limit, I'm going to post some further elaboration on the official style for the purposes of judging how closely people followed it (still optional - only in cases where people want to follow it).

The current color limit is not thirteen colors, but sixteen, counting transparency. (The other fifteen colors can be anything.)
Generation II's color limit was four colors, counting black (exactly #000000, with anything else counting as a separate color) and white (with white doubling as transparency because the sprites were always on a white background) and any two other colors, for the purposes of devamps.
Generation I was the same, but there were fixed palettes instead of everything having its own two colors. For instance, Bulbasaur used the same shades of green as every other green Pokémon. This may have been changed in Yellow; I don't know what that sprite style used.

Many sprites from more recent generations use #111111 (I think?) for their shade of black (I know it's 16 red, 16 green, 16 blue in RGB values, but not sure about the hex number) instead of actual black (#000000), although I believe there are some exceptions.

Sprite sizes are as follows:
Generation I - 40x40, 48x48 or 56x56 (any work - just depends on the size of the Pokémon, with the smallest canvas in which your sprite can fit). Back sprites are always exactly 56x56, even if that means white space, if I remember correctly.
Generation II - I think always 56x56
Generation III - 64x64
Generation IV - 80x80
Generation V - 96x96 for the static sprite, but animations CAN exceed this as long as the default pose fits

Other general tips:
> Generation I and II sprites tend to use dithering more than later generations (Generation II especially)
> Generations IV and V use much smaller highlights than Generation III; Generation III almost evenly uses three shades per color, while IV and V tend to favor the darker two and barely use the lightest shade of a color
> Lines aren't always solid black, but often a lighter shade in areas closer to the light; they sometimes have an extra shade to themselves and sometimes reuse darker shades of the actual shading
> Line shades do not always correspond directly to body shades; while they are lighter in the same areas, they rarely shift to a lighter shade on exactly the same pixel that the main body does
> Don't use anti-aliasing when animating Generation V-style sprites, and don't clean up "broken" lines; also, sprite every body part separately to avoid sudden gaps when something that was covered (and therefore not sprited) is made visible in the animation

A lot of this is from memory, so I could be wrong on a few points or mixing up generations, but the above is a combination of things I've read and things that I've observed. Again, this is only for people who are trying to use the official style, since you mentioned that option in your post. I just figured it could be helpful if anyone wants it. ^^

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 14:05 (9 Years ago)
There's also a Team Aqua background (not just assuming based on Team Magma and Team Flare - I actually just got it). ^^

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 11:31 (9 Years ago)
I think Game Chips are easy enough to get that this wouldn't be necessary. All you're suggesting is that we add a prize to something that we can already play, which does literally nothing but make the game easier, without adding anything; I personally don't support.

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 15:37 (9 Years ago)
People pre-emptively got Mega-able Gallade before it was added, and they work fine now that it's available. The Mega bubble should not be revoked, because not only was Gallade not treated in that way, but we don't know for sure that Mega Froslass will never exist. (In fact, because Gallade got its Mega later than Gardevoir, I actually would be unsurprised if Mega Froslass is made someday, and to revoke the Mega bubble simply because it isn't available now would be blatantly unfair if that does happen, especially considering that '"early" Mega Gallade WERE allowed and didn't lose their Mega bubble or transform into Gardevoir.)
I disagree that anything should be done right now (Riako doesn't manipulate gameplay to correct mistakes users make on their own anyway), because nothing was done for Gallade that evolved before Mega Gallade was added. For all we know, this user could get a first-on-site if Mega Froslass ever does exist.
Since it happened for Gallade before that was available, it shouldn't be considered a bug now just because Froslass hasn't been given a Mega yet.

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 07:46 (9 Years ago)
The Fanfiction forum under Fanarts is used for original stories, in addition to fanfictions; while the name of the forum is contradictory, moderators permit this and it is considered the correct forum to place them. As such, this is already implemented.

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 02:29 (9 Years ago)
Tails, it clearly says that you get the Egg if you beat the Legendary.

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 22:09 (9 Years ago)
Oh, being able to upgrade them is a neat idea! It would also make it less luck-based and more effort-based to get the Legendary Keys. ^^
So I support, then! ^^

Edit: Just noticed Gold Key on that list! We do already have Mystery Key (Gold), which is often simply called Gold Key, and Box keys in general are called Mystery Keys, so those in particular may be confusing. The others are awesome, though! ^^

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 06:25 (9 Years ago)
It could just list them in order of least EHP remaining to most, in the same manner that Newest Adoptions lists them from most recent to least. I doubt it'd even be that hard to implement considering what else Riako has managed. XD
Not sure that including almost-leveled-up Pokémon would be as helpful, though, since level ups aren't necessary in the same way that Eggs are and the number of Pokémon would likely drown out Eggs that actually need to hatch to clear a party space.

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 06:21 (9 Years ago)
There are exactly one hundred Accessories and twenty-six Backdrops right now, and all of them can be used on every Pokémon.
There would be 493 poses even if you do only count the first game in which a Pokémon appeared, and each is specific to exactly one Pokémon - you can still get them, but you don't benefit unless that happens to be the specific Pokémon you're using. So I think it would help if there was something to make it easier to get one you need. Like, something that prevents you from getting a pose for a Pokémon you don't have, maybe? That way you at least have the ABILITY to use every pose you get, whether you choose to do so or not. I also think they should be rarer than normal Accessories so that the majority of Accessories you get CAN be used on everything you have.
Also, retro Pokémon already exist, so if someone entered a Pikachu in a retro costume, how would that be different from entering a Retro Pikachu? (Or would the Generation I poses be from Red and GREEN so they're different from our retros?)

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 06:04 (9 Years ago)
I really like that idea! ^^
One thing, though - how will it know what poses it can give you? Having a chance at an alternate pose for all of the first 493 Pokémon (Unova also doesn't have alternate sprites) would most likely make it really unlikely to get one that you actually want or need - especially if getting a pose is instead of getting an accessory from the task.
(Also, how do poses interact with forms? If I got a Platinum Shaymin pose, could I use it on Land Forme and Sky Forme interchangeably, or would it be predetermined and I'd have to get both?)

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 04:33 (9 Years ago)
Jirachi is already available on PokéHeroes, so you're going to need a LOT more explanation of what you mean for it to be considered.

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
Username: CarpetMonster
Showdown Name: CarpetMonster

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 15:29 (9 Years ago)
It most certainly does not look perfect.
It is not a bad sprite, but it is, in fact, inaccurate.

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 12:28 (9 Years ago)
Okay, I love Klefki, and this is an adorable idea, but I have to say that I disagree with a few parts of it.
Specifically, the Shiny Klefki bonus (having a chance at any Shiny Pokémon seems extremely overpowered, especially with even a chance at getting a Legendary), and the fact that which Legendary you get is random (in general, that's kind of a bad idea, since not every Legendary is available in any other way yet, and if it's entirely random, it would also mean people who get Legendaries that are already available are really ripped off compared to people who consistently get ones they don't have).

As such, I have some alterations to propose. I confess that I changed some parts more drastically than others, but I kept the basic concepts the same (complete three tasks to get a Key, find a portal, have Klefki use the Key to find a Legendary at the end of the portal).
My alterations would allow this to be a long-time feature rather than an event - use of a specific Pokémon in a long-time feature is not unprecedented, with Combee giving Honey and Miltank Moo Moo Milk, and those indirectly affecting the Honey Tree and Berry Garden as well.

As you suggested, completing three tasks will allow you to receive a Warp Key. Specifically, I propose a Blacksmith shop in Town, where someone allows you to forge your own Keys. The first and second tasks change each time, with things like gathering items, such as Fire Gems, Steel Gems, or Metal Coats, interacting with Pokémon, leveling up a specific Pokémon, etc. The third task can be a mini game, since you suggested one for the means of using the Keys, but that has changed in my suggestion. You then get a random Key according to how well you did, with Legendary Keys being the absolute rarest.

To use a Key, you need to send Klefki on a Rumble Mission in any area. When Klefki randomly stumbles upon a Keyhole on a Rumble Mission (which is rare and doesn't happen every mission!), you can choose whether to use a Key or to pass it by (unless you don't have a matching Key, in which case you are forced to pass it by - don't be mean to Klefki and make it wait there!). If you use a Key, Klefki effectively changes to another Rumble area. Note that each is tied to a specific keyhole, meaning that (for example) a moon-shaped Keyhole will ALWAYS lead to a world with a Cresselia in it. This makes it possible to ensure that Legendary Keys are rarer than normal ones instead of having them all unlocked by the same Keys.
Any area explored by Klefki will disregard the time for which it was sent on the original mission and instead take a random amount of time to explore, like with Maps. The Klefki will return home as soon as it finishes exploring the new area, ignoring any time that should have remained on its original mission; the Key is lost after being used once.

Examples of places Keys can unlock include:
Rooms of treasure - better rewards from the missions, such as a warp to a room full of evolution stones, a room with any kind of Gem, a room with more Pokédollar, and so on
Secret gardens - rare Berries (Enigma, Custap, Rowap, Micle, Jaboca, Starf, Salac, Ganlon, and so on); no other items
Pokémon dens - recruit certain wild Pokémon like in Yellow Forest and Route 102, without Retros but perhaps a higher Shiny chance (I believe the aforementioned areas have this already?)
Legendary worlds - identical to Rumble Maps in functionality
There would be a few possibilities for each of these area archetypes, each unlocked with a specific Key, with the Legendary worlds obviously being the most desirable.

I also made a mock-up of the Blacksmith Shop, the place where you complete tasks to be rewarded with Keys.
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Art is official from Pokémon X and Y.
I know the dialogue is ridiculous. I can't decide if it was fun to write or painful.

This does change a bit about the suggestion - making it about Rumbling instead of simply getting the Key, playing a mini game and being guaranteed a Legendary, and making the Legendaries not random - but it keeps with the idea of accepting tasks to get Keys, then having a Klefki use these Keys to discover something good, while making it so it's not event-only and can stay as a regular feature. I hope my posting these alterations is okay with Nick; I just like the basic idea, but thought things like the random selection of Legendaries needed to change and figured I might as well suggest some other things while I was at it. It's up to Nick whether any of these things can be considered part of his idea/this thread!

So yeah. This was fun to type.

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 10:03 (9 Years ago)
May I suggest that this be moved to Bugs/Complaints? It's not really a matter of opinion so much as an actual error, and with the number of people who don't support simply because they "like" the sprite even though that's not the point of the suggestion, plus the two who think this "simplifies an existing feature in an unnecessary way" (really, guys? really? do you even know what that means?)... well, it's a lot more likely to be noticed if reported as an error (which it is) than as a suggestion that 14% of people don't even support.

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 02:33 (9 Years ago)
May I purchase 12 packs, please? C:

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Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 01:41 (9 Years ago)
I've considered many types, and I think I would like to try entering a Flying-type team. There are some type combinations to help beat other entered teams, some combinations that involve types I'm better at using, and some Pokémon that I've just always wanted to try using - it'll be really fun! ^^ I'm definitely not using Talonflame, though. XD
My name in OR is Carpet, and my friend code is 5000-2336-8515~

Edit: WOW I forgot to give an example Pokémon. Pinsir!

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Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 15:29 (9 Years ago)
I would like to buy ten packs of cards! ^^ Sending the money momentarily! Darnit I forgot to buy them when I got money yesterday.

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