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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from BlackReshiram.
Posted: Thu, 22/09/2022 23:36 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 15:40 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 3

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 21:02 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 00:08 (2 Years ago)
@Aera adding this to your inventory.

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 23:35 (2 Years ago)
@~Riko~ on it!

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 21:59 (2 Years ago)
I'm here to buy a specific potion!
Item: Common paws
Quantity: 3
Payment?: PD

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 20:30 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 01:11 (2 Years ago)
@Aera nope! You've got it all right! Accepted! Congrats on being the first registered non NPC florafae!

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2022 23:15 (2 Years ago)
Aaand we should be all set up now! Feel free to ask questions on anything that might be confusing! I will do my best to edit as needed. Just a reminder that all new members receive a free common MYO as a welcoming gift!

Also, keep an eye out for our Grand Opening Giveaway...

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2022 19:38 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 15:13 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2022 21:20 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 23:43 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2022 00:48 (2 Years ago)
Buying/Crafting/Using a Potion!
Potion: Rare Rarity Change
Ransolite: Tree boi
Payment: Crafting?? If I have the items. If not PD (tho like, tell me lol)
Details: Upgrade his vibes to rare

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2022 22:12 (2 Years ago)





Sophia has always been the shy, quiet type, even before the experiment, though that behavior seems to be amplified now. Whether that's behavior carried over from Coyote DNA, or trauma from the testing, it's unclear, but she has a tendency to avoid conflict if she can help it. When cornered, however, she turns into a raging beast that lashes out with uncontrolled, feral fury. She's quick to anger, and get's anxious and stressed out easily, especially around normal humans.


A skinny physique with ragged, dirty clothes that clearly used to be shiny and white, but had gone so long without being washed that they've lost their usual shine. Her hands and feet have mutated into large, fluffy paws with long nails at the end of each finger, with fur climbing her arm and fading out to the usual skin at her shoulder. Her eyes are yellow and sharp, she has sharper canines, and freckles on her face around her cheeks and nose. Her hair is a gradient of browns and whites, and she has rather large coyote ears where her usual ones are supposed to be. She has a long, bushy tail, and pail skin.

Fused with



A very strong bite, extra stealth, night vision, Damaging claw attacks and quick bursts of unnatural speed.


Skittish, not able to use her hands to hold things very well, physically weak.


Anything feline or canine, really

PalPad Group? [Y/N]



Regan Rose (Nicknames: Rea/Rosie (Prefers the former))




Regan is a generally decent person, albeit with a few people issues. When placed into a social situation, which she tends to dislike, she can hide her averse distaste for working with others rather well. She is a good leader, and is capable of listening to and incorporating others' ideas. She excels at keeping a calm demeanor and a level head with others. She values family, though due to her past, that family is moreso with whom she chooses rather than who is related to her.

However, her calm and collected demeanor can end up coming off as being condescending, not that that would be inaccurate. Rea does have a bit of a superiority complex, and while she's good at hiding it, when her anger slips she comes off as more 'Pfft, you don't know what you're talking about, I'm better than you' than the explosive anger of others. She has a 'quiet rage' as she calls it, and can come off as icy. She has a naturally negative outlook of the world, and doesn't express much hope for people. She can decide who she likes and dislikes on a whim, and has a habit of holding onto grudges.

Regan is a tall, slim woman with pale skin, green eyes, and hair that is strawberry blonde in color, hanging just passed her shoulders. She wears what you would expect of a typical scientist, the lab coat, the long, loose pants, as well as some shoes matching her hair color.


Regan arms herself with a pocket knife(idk if that's really a weapon lol), and a tranquilizer gun.

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Posted: Tue, 13/09/2022 21:54 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2022 14:27 (2 Years ago)
Res Coyote?

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2022 00:30 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 4

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2022 23:19 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2022 18:01 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Ocean
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Stone
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]

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