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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from BlackReshiram.
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Krysta
# of energy to use: 2

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2022 01:37 (2 Years ago)
May my Ransolite dance with one of yours?
Your Ransolite parent: Aries
Ransolite Requested: Supernova
Requested Designer: OStar

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Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 21:05 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Krysta
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 23:30 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Krysta
# of energy to use: 1

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 17:47 (2 Years ago)
♡ Hello! I want to order ♡
Username: BlackReshiram
Reference: She
Type of art: Fullbody
Payment method: Nuggets
Expression? Background or not?: She has a gloomy, sarcastic vibe. She has a bit of an attitude, so interpret that how you will
Any extra notes?: Love your art ♡

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 23:51 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Krysta
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 02/10/2022 19:22 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Krysta
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 17:46 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 17:03 (2 Years ago)
Doesn't seem to be working for me

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2022 20:27 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2022 16:49 (2 Years ago)
Here to confirm this happened to me as well

This after I clicked 'resend' twice

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Posted: Thu, 29/09/2022 20:14 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: City

Ready for a CITY Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: City

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 28/09/2022 21:39 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2022 23:50 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 26/09/2022 20:26 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 4

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 19:38 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 02:06 (2 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 17:47 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 20:01 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Jungle
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Caves
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Luca
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 19:06 (2 Years ago)
The pokemon listed in the 'Emera dex' are not required for pokedex completion. (Ex. Witch Vulpix is not required for the Kanto Dex, only normal Vulpix is)

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