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Posted: Mon, 28/06/2021 21:37 (3 Years ago)

Title: June 28th, 2021

While my feed post didn't get the same amount of publicity as when I've shared it to my PFQ journal, I'll still share what I wrote there over here if anyone is interested in a follow-up post and just me nagging about silly stuff in a mobile game...
Quote from juliewolffang64Can I take a second to really vent about the way raids on Go are now? It's rather unnecessarily a bit too flashy for me. Never understood why they needed to add a special loading screen between selecting your team and getting to the battle. The achievements are more like that "everyone gets a trophy" all over again. Maybe it's because there's only two (myself and another local player), but they get the last hit in and what's my achievement? "Oh you look so fashionable"... Are you kidding me?! That's lame personally...

I still stand by this and even moreso when players like me end up going solo on raids...

To me, achievements should be awarded based on completing challenges not just from simple things like having a bit of fashion sense (which is far from the truth for me who lacks it)... I don't consider this helpful as this mechanic and the flashy graphics added in just waters things down for me personally. Maybe some players are into the flashy graphics instead of the fade to black and then the start of the raid battle...

Ironically, I can care less about looks as long as the interface is easy to navigate and the game plays smoothly. These achievements might not go away anytime soon due to how there's a medal for that now... Regardless, I don't believe in giving everyone a participation trophy every time. Not only does it defeat the purpose for a fair competition (as ironic as that sounds), it gives the other person that passive amount of bragging rights. To put it in better terms: they're given the impression of being proud compared to the other participants without them knowing that. Maybe they are on the other side of the screen, but you don't always know that.

Maybe I'm just complaining too much over a game, but it does indeed rub me in all the wrong places personally...

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Posted: Sun, 27/06/2021 04:39 (3 Years ago)

Title: June 26th, 2021

I rarely share images from personal FB much -let alone any art I had a physical part in creating... Although I admit I did have a bit of fun in making this.

I didn't think to watermark since the local area library here is going to display this and thus, it's going to be in their possession for the time being. Challenge for the season since it corresponds with the summer reading program was the tale of us. So I used this as a pseudo corkboard with all of the things I've liked or in support of as various portions of the piece.
Edit: Apparently FB wasn't too happy with me sharing the image to a less restricted audience and locked it out. Nothing like a quick reroute to ImgBB to fix that minor issue.

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Posted: Fri, 25/06/2021 03:44 (3 Years ago)

Title: June 24th, 2021

Played a rather healthy amount of Pokemon SoulSilver - and some Fantasy Life after a bit of messing around with the game card. I always seem to be afraid of another physical card going bust after both my Omega Ruby and Super Smash Bros. For N3DS went corrupt and unplayable by all means. My appreciation for all the Johto staters have gone up - especially towards Totodile. Recently got the Glacier Badge and now I'm just grinding away for Ice Path.

I guess there are moments where I'm thankful for not having an online blog to spread out my mouthing words on. Mainly because there's quite the crowd on here that can be quite vicious to nicely put it. Despite having to deal with similar trauma outside of the internet, I still don't consider myself spined enough to deal with such folks in a manner where it doesn't escalate or I'm crying a river afterwards...

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Posted: Mon, 21/06/2021 00:57 (3 Years ago)

Title: June 20th, 2021

I actually decided to do a bit of tidying up in my real world nest and while I have a long way to go before I can be satisfied, it's still pretty impressive the work I've gotten in this evening. Now I'm thinking about doing a lot of flash drive shuffle to just go through my digital stuff and see what I can trash for good and what I can move off of where and where to store it now. I have had issues with storage space on the other two I've been using and it does become a bit of a headache to deal with...

Most of the time, my biggest files tend to be the media files (music and video clips I found on Tumblr prior to deactivation of my own blog). The second biggest files go to the PDF books on various languages because who knows? I might want to dig deep into learning some Klingon from the Star Trek Universe. /j

I kind of want to wonder the person that thought that allowing folks to send text messages to others via email was thinking, because it personally is now a big hunking Pandora's Box kind of awful. I got another text/email (?) and this was reminencent of the spam emails from my own email address on Outlook. When one's first reaction is to spit back out the same stuff the email asks for which is considered very NSFW (since the text is that way too...), that's a sign that maybe this advance is not better for human kind. We're humans, yes - but very far from being kind...

At this point, I might or might not regurgitate this over to my still active PFQ (although I question my reasons for still playing though for personal issues that I rather not say here) Journal... If anything, the bare minimum is probably the first portion on cleaning things up in the bedroom.
I do wish to go into online blogging again as I found one of a literature origin - and maybe a lot of video gaming too. Maybe that would help expand the audience for any future reviews from off of GoodReads onto somewhere else like LiveJournal Blogger if that is still alive and well? Although the problem comes into play in several different ways.

Trusting folks to not be jerks is far from my personality and honestly, a lot of folks tend to be very strong in thinking their opinion is always right. Again, a lot but not all folks tend to act this way. I do understand that others' opinions will differ from mine and they would argue with you until they're blue, but sometimes - some folks get really nasty when one's opinion of a topic/subject is far from equal to their own. Getting the comments from the Trolls-R-Us is a given, but even with the idea that maybe my review of something could help someone decide on where to go or what to read/watch next - I don't think I would be able to stomach that kind of negative commentary and not want to retaliate in such a manner that would be the equivalent of pouring oil into a open fire...

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Posted: Sat, 19/06/2021 00:40 (3 Years ago)

Title: Diary Refresh + June 18, 2021

Trying to reboot this neglected diary of mine... I do realize that images from a previous post are now nonfunctional. Unfortunately, I haven't had the interest in fixing that... It might be that way for a while until I get things more organized and refreshed here.

Signature is in need of that little tidbit known as PFP credit. That is exactly what is on the list next after getting this sorted out.

For now, I'll be posting to this when I have something to share but exceeds that pesky character limitation on notifications menu above. While that does open/close more availability audience-wise, most already know where to look as the link is found in my contacts.
Been a little more productive this evening now and I'm about to take my meds before reading prior to bed. I've been trying to do a lot of organizational things around the bedroom - including trashing unwanted things...

There are times where it's nice to have free time to myself - but (and a big one too) I do miss the times of getting to go learn at a classroom setting and learning new things. Even the fact that the most recent learning material I've stuck my nose into was a gender ID workbook I've checked out online from library's Libby service. Maybe just getting up and productive work is not always enough, but it's good enough for me at the moment.

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Posted: Wed, 05/05/2021 20:38 (3 Years ago)
Personally I would think fighting/electric, fighting/fairy or pure fighting. I haven't updated the types on profile because life's been a bit crazy but - it used to be fighting/steel because I was a bit of a crazed Lucario fan. I've gotten more attached to Riolu lately, but I also like most electric types (and the constant tech interest might have to do with that). Fairy was also an option in there because I admit to being a bit of a mystery to folks until they get to know me (after getting past the moody dispositional muck I might mentally give folks).

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Posted: Wed, 05/05/2021 20:32 (3 Years ago)
I do have to agree with Lindith when it comes to Fantasy Life at least. I admit that in Japan there was at least an online "sequel" to the game but it didn't last too long nor was is popular enough for a western release. It's kind of a shame though as the 3DS game does have a lot to offer gameplay-wise. Most of what I'm saying is going to be regurgitated but I'll try to not repeat most of the same stuff. It does offer some interesting customization options for your character (although, nothing close to some other sites and games since they're either male or female options...). Some of the items are restricted to gender as well which is also a bit of a minor nag on the game but regardless, you can dye them a certain color after reaching a part of the main story to do so.

Aside from using a dagger to battle, you also could select a life with a different weapon to master. You could also take up lives that can allow you to craft items: potions, armor, weapons, tools for gathering materials, and accessories. My favorite life when it comes to creations is probably Tailoring. Pets are also oh so adorable and can actually battle alongside you as well. The game reminds me a bit of the Final Fantasy series but also has a sprinkle of Animal Crossing in there as well. The only DLC the game has is the Origin Island Expansion and while the price might intimidate a few, it does add a bit more to the game as well as unlock a good amount of the game that I think might of been locked in the game itself unless you had the DLC bought (basically a key to the lock).
I think the other underrated game I don't see a lot of folks talking about is probably Sonic CD. Maybe because it was a game on the failed Sega CD console and had a bit of a weird soundtrack, but that's what kind of gave the game that special charm. Although it's better to find a digital copy of it which is its remastered version since it does have a more improved save feature and you could unlock "Tails" after clearing the game the first full playthrough.

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Posted: Sun, 25/04/2021 07:46 (3 Years ago)
Not sure if you're interested in this but how about Riolu?

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 18:10 (3 Years ago)
Thanks for the interest! I admit that this is a huge first for me as well! The small interest is very appreciated regardless!

With that said, I've been a player for a little under a year at the time of posting this - I've started playing around the beginning of November. I'm actually ASD 1 or what was formerly Aspergers Syndrome until recently but just on an educational diagnosis for now. I'm currently working on getting it as a medical diagnosis though.

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Posted: Fri, 02/04/2021 04:31 (3 Years ago)
If it's not one thing, it's the other...

At this point, activity here and on PFQ will continue to be sporadic as I've become more easily agitated by little things folks do to rub me the wrong way. I admit that my lack of self control is the main cause of what's screwing me up with weaning off of constant checking the accounts.

Maybe because it's the only locations where folks actually talk with me and not find me annoying...

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Posted: Mon, 29/03/2021 03:58 (3 Years ago)
Been contemplating off and on about this, but even in the middle of my hiatus here I'll just get this started...
To quote the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

QuoteDefinition of neurodiverse: having, relating to, or constituting a type of brain functioning that is not neurotypical

The term refers to individuals with a differently functioning brain from their normative counterparts.

Because I've constantly checked for this type of group and saw none of that, I'd figured I would give those folks a chance to get together with their fellow folks to chat. I admit that part of it might be due to the creator of the franchise is autistic himself, but also because I also seen a small handful of players here that are also on the spectrum.

At the time of this post going live, I will not accept any applications from allies at the moment. I'm truly sorry for this...

Application Process

I know that it's in my best interest to have them posted here but part of me would like to see them via PM (private messages), but whichever one works I guess...

Member of PH for how long/activity?:
ND Specification: [i](not limited to Autism or ADHD, but also Scizophrenia as well)
Reason for Applying?:

Things that might get your application rejected

Because I want to have this be a bit of a gathering place for those that are neurodiverse, chances are there is bound to be some sneaky folks wanting to get in for the wrong reasons.

-false ND specifics: Please do not take my kindness for granted and try to put some absurd diagnosis in this field. If there's one thing that gets added to the block list, that's anyone that tries to pull this out.

-Reasoning is blank/needs more information: I don't expect a lot of activity here at all, but leaving this blank seems to raise a lot more concerns than anything else.


-Follow PH Rules: Self explanatory but because this is a part of the forums the rules for the site apply here. That also includes use of language and begging for items or Pokemon.

-Please do not antagonize another fellow ND over their diagnosis/method of obtaining them. Sadly one of the things that is very common on the internet nowadays is those being anti-self diagnosis. I admit that while it seems odd for folks to feel that way, I can understand that they feel like a true medical diagnosis is more reliable (for lack of better terms). At that point it's understandable, but it becomes a completely different story when they start pushing people to take that way of thinking. I won't be the first to admit that getting a diagnosis is indeed difficult in certain areas in today's world, but sometimes that person might be on the right track with just enough evidence and research into the diagnosis to where they might be onto something about themselves.

-Please don't mini-mod the forums As tempting it might be for some of us to take charge, please let the moderators of the topic as well as myself take care of the issues when needed. If the issue is very serious to where it might be a PH-rule breaker, chances are it's better to report it to the site mods rather than us...(I'll request mods when that time comes)
Feel free to add some rules to mention as I'm fairly new to this position.

Also: don't use this as an opportunity to be a troll. Any of those that send an application to the group will be blocked (unsure if I can delete them but again, new to how all this works...).

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Posted: Fri, 12/03/2021 06:39 (3 Years ago)
Because of my rather sporadic activity here on

PH, I'll be going on an indefinite hiatus from

writing a new post for the time being.

So, what does this mean exactly?

This just simply means exactly that: journal will be put on hiatus mode for the time being. My activity is needed elsewhere as most of the time I'm either over on PFQ more or trying to breathe life into the small but rather friendly community over on Poliwager Adopts (both of those are linked into my about section for those interested in trying to locate me there). Aside from just minor activities, every other form of interactions are temporarily suspended manually. That means starting the next day on PH, I cannot guarantee that I'll be logging in or checking in here on either the mobile or on a PC.

Does this sudden change have to do with the recent drama here on PH?

The answer to that is both yes and no. I think this is just my usual reaction when it comes to me getting my nose into such issues that are more than likely none of my business... I admit to that and still am guilty of that. It's a shame how fast the said staff member's reputation is being crushed but at the same time I do understand that a lot of folks have gone through the same situation as well. I haven't gone through it myself, but I have had a rather touchy childhood trauma I rather not bring up in a public forum. I've been trying to fight my own childhood demons and I do wish for healing to those that have been victims of such activities.

I again have been doing a lot more of my time online with PFQ and Poliwager Adopts over here. But on the other hand, I've been trying to do some improvements on myself as well. I've managed to get my health concerns out and have been on track with getting those issues solved. Phone calls need to be made but aside from that, it's all my inner management is telling me it's okay to share with the public.

Please do not ask for anything that is not on my contact information unless our trust/bond is sufficient enough (aka: we actually have talked/chatted a bit and we have exchanged plushies). I won't be able to read PMs here but on PFQ is your best bet. I still play the 3DS Pokemon games as the Switch console and games are far out of my current price range.

Can I have some of your items/Pokemon?

Sorry but the answer on that is no. I don't plan to cancel/deactivate/delete the account here as I'm sure this'll be temporary more than likely. I do not feel comfortable telling folks that I don't want to send items I plan to either actually use or sell in the future whichever the case may be.

What about *insert a site here*? Do you have an account there?

The most universal answer for that is simply this: If I don't have a link to mine on that site, I more than likely do not have a presence there.

- I haven't played Pokemon Eclipse in quite a while at the time of writing this but if folks call for me to play often I'll be more than happy to start back up again there.

- Tumblr has had a bit of a bot problem, especially since I've cut down activity there. I had lost a follower and took it a bit too hard.

- Flight Rising activity has been pretty much dried up after I lost the bonus for keeping the dragons happy. I sort of got a bit bored with it too easily...

- Neopets is a site I haven't been too antsy on checking often. Both that and Subeta were in fact checked as I type this out even further. Mostly this was just so I can still keep a hold of those accounts to where the next purge of inactive accounts doesn't involve them...

- Chicken Smoothie I'm safe to say - I haven't been at all active there either... It just might be due to the fact that - there's not a whole lot to do there anymore. The Oekaki section was probably the only thing worth bothering with but even there, I still feel a bit unwanted with the lack of liked pictures and the fact that digital art is not my strong suit...

- Don't even ask about DeviantArt: I left the site and never looked back (aside from personal demons but that's aside the current point). I do realize that there are better alternatives to the site such as Toyhouse (which is difficult to obtain an invite to for whatever reason) but regardless, I just don't seem like I'm cut out to sharing my artwork online like I thought I would back in 2014...

Is there an estimated time/date you'll resume activity here?

I'm sorry to say that there is a bit of uncertainty in the air and it'll stay that way for a while. Most of that is again, due to real life taking a firm footing on me. I've really took off with reading more, and taking control of my current activities. I've wanted to try and get myself out again and maybe a bit more sun and people (look who's talking...) while trying to build a more solid ground of footing on life.

While it would be nice to chat with the small handful of folks in some other fashion, I only share the contact information for those with close buddies. Please do not take offense to that as I've had a lot of trust issues happen in the past to where I try to be careful of who gets the key to contact me more personally. As much as some ideas like being able to stream to an audience and chat with them while we draw alone or together due to the pandemic, but I have had a lot of trouble doing just that with folks in my neck of the woods with the Pokemon Go Discord server I've been hosting...
While I would like to explain this a bit more, it's already 12:30 at night locally for me and I need to head to bed and take my medicine. Any questions should be asked via PFQ PM. I do have a journal there as well (two, for those users that are 18 years or older) and I tend to write a bit more there than here.

Not sure how to close this but, until the next time when things are less hectic and tense.

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Posted: Fri, 26/02/2021 19:52 (3 Years ago)
I already feel a bit old for saying this but - mine was yellow... I still love that game and got it on the Virtual Console where I rarely play it anymore. Life's been busy to the point where there's not much time to sit down and play.

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 08:02 (3 Years ago)
Attempted to do some up-scaling on some of my 3DS game screenshots.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Pokemon Ultra Sun - with Bottlenose (Hypno)

Pokemon Ultra Sun - Curt (Arcanine)

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 05:37 (3 Years ago)
Aside from the lack of actual activity, I've been trying to at least get the distribution that's going on at least once... I stink at keeping up as I noticed by now. Most of the activity here had been sending out Minior plushies for the colored variants but not as much on the special plush distributions... Lately though, most of the reason behind why my activity has been lackluster - was just I had a rough time sleeping: getting to and staying.

Much to my dismay, that meant going back to the melatonin pills. I really wanted to try the liquid form of the supplement but those are a bit more pricey. To us, that price wasn't as worthy of buying as its cheaper pill form factor. I did get my library book ready to check out again so I'd like to get back into reading it and finishing it. That, and I'd like to get myself checked into my BoosterBuddy app so I can still continue the current streak I have. I keep losing mine and I end up being a bit upset on that...

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 23:43 (3 Years ago)

Title: Pokedex Tracker

Pokedex Tracker
Won't worry about shinies for the moment as my main concern is just the regular dex entries...

For those that would like to help via trading one of my GTS Candidates for it, PMs are your best bet as I sometimes forget very easily to actually add the missing entries for the dex here. Any region with the asterisks surrounding it indicates it as a main priority to completing.

Last Updated: August 28th, 2021

**Gen 1 - Kanto**

Gen 2 - Johto

Gen 3 - Hoenn

Gen 4 - Sinnoh
47/138; Shinies: 2/138

Gen 5 - Unova

Gen 6 - Kalos

Gen 7 - Alola

Gen 8 - Galar


Mega + Gigantamaxed Pokemon

Retro Sprite Pokemon

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 04:48 (4 Years ago)
Dropping the title for each of these (journal entries) considering how tedious and ambiguous that gets... I haven't been diligent in keeping the journal alive and well as most of what I've been trying to do has been more along the lines of getting my butt busy with real life things over spending time online (being an adult is fantastic /s).

I've also gone ahead and might start implementing a larger text size since some folks like myself are challenged in terms of reading the normal sized text for the forums unless it's via mobile...

I've managed to pick up Ultra Sun again and got to at least the Pokemon Center in front of the League - after capturing both Solgaleo and Necrozoma. I admit that once both were caught I went to play with their Z-Moves and at least got Ultra Necrozoma forme registered into the Dex, didn't get to see their Z-Move yet because I picked a less than wonderful spot to demo their power... o.o' I have been bad about sleeping in again and not quite as diligent on getting my foreign language studies in - or art for that matter. A year older but still just as angsty as ever. I probably sound like a teenager moping about how they're flunking their work on accident (no offense is made to any teens out there...).

Birthday was yesterday as well and while we were unable to do much because of the weather - we did get out to grab a few things before grabbing dinner. Original plan was sushi, but we ended up doing homemade Chinese - to a certain extent. I actually grabbed a local special made sauce at the store for a small price. Not too disappointed in the taste as it just seems like the same taste from my own sweet and sour sauce. I've been having issues with my left hand - mostly the bottom area near the wrist. It seems like anytime I try to move the darn thing, it aches. Not sure if that is due to me sleeping on it funny or if its the lack of movement I do with it. Along with other issues that are best left off the interwebs, it's on the list of things to mention at the next appointment more than likely.

There has been some talk of having minor blackout periods for the area (yes, I reside in one of those states, but not Texas - needless to say, I do wish better days for those in that area) and of course, none of that has occurred yet. I've been needing to do more cleaning and of course with the suggestions of cutting back on power heavy tasks such as running the dishwasher and such, it does make it a bit difficult to accomplish...

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 18:05 (4 Years ago)
As someone that has had to remove a few tasks for the rather ridiculous target number of items, I would like to see an implementation of this. I rarely get much of any other items to create aside from the Lava Cookies and the milks... When it does happen, I usually get Antidotes and Paralysis Heals and again - I feel like that happens a little less often now with the current level. Even the short time frame to cram time for planting and harvesting berries while cooking and buying the needed items, I feel like if I have a lot held onto in advance and I happen to get lucky and have a task I can turn in as quickly as I got it...

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 23:43 (4 Years ago)
Reserved for something...

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2021 09:45 (4 Years ago)
@SwampFalls, basically I can just start a game of hangman without paying out coins. The reason I brought it up would be that it just defeats the purpose of getting coins. Most of the other games like Concentration and the Treasure Hunt do.

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