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RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 05/07/2023 18:37 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 05/07/2023 18:04 (1 Year ago) |
It's amazing :DDD Or as my sister says, "it slays" [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sun, 11/06/2023 02:56 (1 Year ago) |
an emo AyranDemiKebabCowboy of yumminess [
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 23:25 (1 Year ago) |
e_m_o [
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 07/06/2023 12:50 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Mon, 05/06/2023 04:37 (1 Year ago) |
Pure, honest true facts that run through my head every day... [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Mon, 05/06/2023 02:46 (1 Year ago) |
Zivianna Le-Ross Zivianna twirled her finger, tracing small circles on the floor, not wanting to give her opinion. To her, this game was a matter between life and death. If you made the wrong choice, you died. If you made the right choice, you still could die. It was a recreation of Squid Game, but worse. Squid Game was entertaining, fun, and an example of the power of the holy K-Drama creators. This? No. This was Among Us, a non-children-friendly game where people did and didn't fight to the death. She actually enjoyed paying attention while watching Squid Game. Well... It was because she had something to watch. This game? This game was basically Among Us and Mafia simplified. Like a math equation. Or maybe the scientific method. And survival cost anything and everything. But if she were to partake and make an effort, she would listen to those around her. Hearing someone RR, she nodded, agreeing with their choice. Maybe she would too... "I'm the Investigator. On the first night, I got my three names. One of them was Artemis. But I believe that the other... Is Izumi. I believe Alice." Maybe her ears actually didn't fail her... But anyways, it was time to vote. She pulled out her magical voting machine-thingy, and voted... Izumi izumi's name sounds like one of my fave oc's. my oc's name is inazumi help [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 17:04 (1 Year ago) |
Hoyuki was in a daze. But he soon snapped out of it and looked at the assassin at his feet. "So this is the presumed assassin... Take him to the dungeons. Sign him up for an execution." Waving his hand, he dismissed the assassin and my mental sanity. yeah i broke the fourth wall [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 14:38 (1 Year ago) |
anime or anime? [
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 13:58 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Fri, 02/06/2023 04:56 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 22:54 (1 Year ago) |
Actually, I read what I put above and it doesn't make sense, so I'll leave examples in the spoiler. But, I will just say that I have never seen this sort of thing happen before, and maybe it was just a small glitch. It doesn't really harm anyone, but it's just a small glitch or something. EDIT: Oh, and it doesn't happen to every single Pokemon. Only a couple of them, and I don't see some sort of pattern... [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 19:48 (1 Year ago) |
Zivianna Le-Ross Zivianna had been silent the entire time. Based on the most recent votes, it seemed as if the entity by the name of Sobble was the suspect. And because of conformity, she would vote for Sobble, as well. Though she remembered when Sobble pleaded innocence. But surely, she would trust the judgement of her fellow "peers". Conformity was truly interesting... Speaking in her quiet way, she said, "My only wish was that I could have voted earlier and speak my mind. After an evaluation, however, I believe that Sobble is truly guilty. Only a Youkai But I am too late. If Sobble is to be not voted and exterminated tonight, then my vote will go to Sobble for tomorrow morning. Do not make me regret my decision to listen to the voice of Conformity, the god of everything." Zivianna sighed and turned on her heel, leaving any possible gobsmacked "Crewmates" behind. She retired for the night, not knowing that Bendy's ringtone would make it impossible for the others to hear her "wise" words. Tucking herself into an imaginary bed, she willed herself to sleep, hoping that all would go well, and the people could read lips. But right after, she willed herself out of bed to renounce her previous words. "Please pardon my previous mistake. I would like to change tomorrow's vote to the entity that goes by the assigned name of "Artemis". Spare Sobble for now, I don't care." [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 00:22 (1 Year ago) |
What is that second quote...? [
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Sat, 27/05/2023 04:41 (1 Year ago) |
They were as blue as the bluest sky. I wish I could see them again Those ultramarine eyes... 𑁍 ~ 𑁍 ~ 𑁍 A collection of memories of times between two best friends... But when one moves away, the other is desperate to remember every little thing they did together, afraid of forgetting the other and altogether forgetting them. Join Hoyuki Yuken, Inazumi Miyazono, and many others as they go through difficult times in their lives, and as they lean on others for support. And to make it even more cringe, they all share the same ultramarine eyes. 𑁍 ~ 𑁍 ~ 𑁍 This is a series about many different people with different life scenarios who learn that having a friend by your side is better than you think. [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2023 04:19 (1 Year ago) |
![]() Username:
RoyalUltima Name: Zivianna (Zivvy) Le-Ross Age: 16 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Appearance: A short teenager who has black hair adorned with white butterfly clips. She has a teal oversized hoodie and pink shorts :D Reference image: :) Personality: She is a sweet, bubbly teenager who sometimes acts a little childish Backstory: TBRP'D Fandom/Oc?: OC Password: Airship PP?: Sure Anything else?: Nope [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 23:55 (1 Year ago) |
"So the Head Angel is alive... Gather all of the doctors in the dimension. And all of the biologists, naturalists- whatever. We want the Head Angel to be back up and walking as soon as possible." Hoyuki may seem like someone truly evil, as he was the head of the Demons, and he was. But in such scenarios, balance came before chaos. Never-ending hell may seem like fun, but in reality, it wasn't if there wasn't goodness to stop the chaos and flames. There was always a good to a bad, and vice versa. The two sides would go after each other, but make up. That was how the world worked. In any scenario other than this, Hoyuki would have the flaming chasms burn those who cross them, just to annoy those who crossed. But right now, that wasn't his top priority. He would have to ensure that the balance between good and evil would remain. Otherwise, the world might just collapse. Kaori was pale. Originally, she had been standing in the back, daydreaming of who-knows-what, but when she heard the crowd rustling, she rushed towards the front, dodging around what people there may be. She didn't like what she saw. The Head Angel, lying on the ground, seemingly dead, and the Head Demon looking grave. "What happened..." She whispered to no one, fidgeting. She quietly stepped up and walked over to "Daddy Hoyuki" and sat down at his feet. He patted her on the head, but she could tell that he was tense. And then... My motivation died off and I'm going to post this so that pa stops complaining [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 00:20 (1 Year ago) |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 24/05/2023 23:36 (1 Year ago) |
"I don't give a [beep] to what you tell me. It's either good. Or it's bad." The news was both good and bad. And the wide range of possibilities was vast. Either the Head Angel was going to live, or she wasn't going to. It was black or white. No grey. No in-between. It was either good or bad. And Elehaha had to deliver the news. "Is the Head Angel alive. Or is she dead." It wasn't a question. It was more of an order, ordering Elehaha to tell Hoyuki the state of the Head Angel. The sheer amount of pressure on him was making it difficult to breathe, but he wouldn't let that show. After all, the presumed assassination was so sudden, in the middle of a meeting. No one was prepared for it, and no one knew that it would happen. Unless someone did. Investigations and interrogations would have to start right away. The people currently present would all be questioned- even the children, adults, seniors, angels, and demons- no one would be left unquestioned. And those who were deemed suspicious, having knowledge of who or what set up the entire thing, or anything else that seemed different from the norm were to be personally questioned by those of high seniority. Only the remaining 15 suspects would be the ones he would interrogate personally. Oh, and whoever was caught lying was going to face the his favorite method of torture: The Devil's Fire Torture. But it would have to wait. Other business needed to be handled first. Such as signing the order that the Angel was handing to him. 'Dimensional gateways... ' Whipping out his quill, Hoyuki signed with his trademark cowboy kebab logo, the one logo that was to never be copyrighted or used by anyone other than him. And with a flourish, his name flashed brilliantly in the seemingly-bright area. And now, for the final step- getting everyone back to their respective realms so that the investigation could be carried on. He stood up in front of his throne and tapped his staff twice on the floor to get everyone's attention. "Everyone will go back to their respective realms until further notice." [Read more] |
RoyalUltima OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 180 |
Posted: Wed, 24/05/2023 23:25 (1 Year ago) |
Age: 14 Outcast: Psychic Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her Appearance: Uniform Color: Black Parents: Aria Takahashi (Psychic), Ryuu Takahashi (Vampire) Classes: Arithmetic, Art, Writing, Music (plays flute & violin & piano) Dorm(Image)(I will be pairing you based on Aesthetic): Password: Wednesday Signature: 𝕳𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖐𝖔 𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎 [Read more] |