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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Professor*Acacia.
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 05:43 (7 Years ago)
==> Oh! Hello there!
you must be here for information about my hunts and bi-weekly raffles, yes? And how you can help?
If not then, please leave, I am very busy with my research.
If so, that's amazing I defiantly need help!
how can you help? well follow me!!

How To Enter
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every 2 weeks i'm going to start a new hunt, but i'm a very indecisive person. so i need YOUR help!
i'm doing a raffle/lottery every two weeks!
vote in my profile poll and PRIVATE MESSAGE the answer YOU chose. or send me a gem or two!
1 Vote= 1 Ticket
sharing the hashtag and message= 2 tickets (max; once a day) See bellow for share code. I will no longer be counting JUST the hashtag, that is cheating me out of people seeing it, and cheating other people out of knowing what it is.
sharing just the hashtag= 1 ticket (max; once a day. must choose between each)
1 common gem= 2 tickets per gem
1 fairy gem= 3 tickets per gem
1 Normal, Ice, Flying, or Electric= 5 tickets per gem
1 Dragon gem= 40 tickets each
any Box or key= 6 tickets each as of now, minus dark and light blue.
I thought this was a given, but I guess not YOU HAVE TO INCLUDE A MESSAGE STATING THE GIVEN ITEMS ARE FOR THE LOTTERY if not I will accept them as a gift, and you won't be able to get your tickets. I'm not a mind reader, people.
limited time only Flying and ice gems are worth 5 tickets!!

If the gems you send are what i NEED for my current hunt, you get double the tickets from gems
If the pokemon you voted for wins, your overall tickets will DOUBLE. this is why it is so important you pal pad me your answer! I have had less than half of my voters pal pad me, the way PH has the voting system for profile polls, we can't see who votes, and what they vote for. so please pal pad me

by [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Professor*Acacia]Professor*Acacia[/url]

want a chance to win shinies or gems- [i]including dragon gems[/i] every two weeks?
then Vote!! in Professor*Acacia's poll!
here's how it works
Vote in her Bi-Weekly Lottery and [b] [u]PRIVATE MESSAGE[/u] her your answer[/b], you get one ticket.
share the hashtag #AcaciasHunts and [b]the whole message[/b] and you get two tickets
Just the Hashtag, 1 ticket
send her common gems, you get two tickets per gem
send her fairy gems, you get three tickets per gem!
Send her Ice, Normal, Flying, or Electric gems and get 5 tickets per gem!
[b]Be sure to include the hashtag in the message for Delibird![/b]
click [url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=57483]here[/url] for more info!

[url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Professor*Acacia]Profile To Vote[/url]

Now you're probably wondering what you get for helping me, yes?

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first place gets a shiny from the previous and next hunt. OR your pick of two pokemon from my prizes
second place wins a slot from the next hunt! OR your pick of one pokemon from my prizes box. (after the first place winner chooses)
third place wins 20 random gems! (1 or 2 dragon gems possibly included)

It is possible for one person to win up to two slots!!

Extra Prizes/ Entries
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On July 21 every first, second, and third place winners will be entered into a drawing for a Mega able hunt of their choosing. they will retain all the original tickets they earned their winning round by sharing, voting or sending in gems, including any time their tickets doubled.
The first 13 names drawn will get a mega able of their choosing from my Nov. Lottery box
WillowFur- 42 Tickets
audreylevina- 71 Tickets
Neppeta- 62 Tickets
ShadowedFury- 4 tickets
EveeLover4 - 24 tickets
*InfernalMadScientist*- 578 Tickets
Beenatopia - 1 Ticket
Kindred~- 2 Tickets
Cheesecake- 4 tickets
Faemom- 116 tickets
DracoJax- 8 tickets
TheInsaneTeddy- 1 ticket
Inuiza- 3 tickets
TheNinjaCyndaquil- 384 tickets
Tali- 32 tickets
MagnificentSans- 460 Tickets
PokemonLoverz- 88 tickets

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at the end of every Month i will be adding everyone who shared to a Lottery and drawing ONE winner, that winner will win 1 Dragon Gem.
So, sharing gets you an entry (per share) to win a dragon gem
To Be counted

Current Hunt: Vulpix

you got all that? Need me to repeat anything? Go!
you have till 7/22/2017! (unless i don't get a shiny. then it will be pushed back Two weeks)

current entries
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Skrig- 1 ticket
-Dreamer- - 1 ticket

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at any time during the lottery I reserve the right to block whomever I feel the need to.
Despite this, out of respect for other players I will reserve blocking for between lotteries. that way the one being blocked can gain their prizes, if they win.
Obviously you can not enter

Current Players Blocked:

(this is under construction, but the raffle is still going on)
as always, message or pal pad me if i missed you in my lists

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 16:45 (7 Years ago)
~* Now Hunting Shiny Rockruff!~*

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Posted: Sat, 31/12/2016 04:35 (7 Years ago)
Username- Professor*Acacia
Item(s) donated- 50 Water Gems and 50 nuggets
Shared (Yes/No)- yes
Tickets wanted- Shiny Karp and 100 tickets
Other-good luck ::) i'll send more when i can

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Posted: Mon, 26/12/2016 18:30 (7 Years ago)
i don't usually post here
but i'm selling all my hatchlings i hatched toda for Treasure or Pokeheroes PD
palpad me offers
i'm not very good at pricing...

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Posted: Mon, 19/12/2016 07:05 (7 Years ago)
new hunt started!!
(why isn't it informing me when people post on this?)

note: if I don't see your post, please pal pad me.

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2016 17:14 (7 Years ago)
Delivered and paid for
edited and new hunt has started

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 16:01 (7 Years ago)
DragonSumedh's order has been canceled
TheNinjaCyndaquil's order has been sent

New hunt started

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 01:08 (7 Years ago)
so i just started FR yesterday..

Username: Professor*Acacia (ProfessorAcacia on FR)
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way):... Olive (semi-long story), Acacia, Blue, or Just Lori, doesn't matter to me
About how often do you get online?: every day, since at the moment i don't have a job, but even with a job i'm good with setting time aside for games, even if it's an hour or so
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Mindfang. She's simple, and just breath taking to me
Which Flight do you like most and why?: well i haven't rally been on ling enough to gauge the flights. i'm in Shadow Flight just because it called to me.

also, thread creator, i see it says a new thread is being made?
if you ever need an extra hand, i will gladly lend my services.

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Posted: Fri, 14/10/2016 17:12 (7 Years ago)
Order was canceled

Sale Day 25% off everything again~!

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 19:38 (7 Years ago)
I totally support
It's a pain to constantly have to refresh
Especially if you're in the middle of something
Sure you can exit out of the chat window, but you can't exit out of the list of names, which is the real nuisance

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 16:21 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 18:52 (7 Years ago)
Items Sent and post edited!

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 16:15 (7 Years ago)
Friday 25% off sale today

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 04:18 (7 Years ago)
Majorly Updated

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Posted: Wed, 05/10/2016 16:24 (7 Years ago)
Acacia's Birthday Box Bash

==> Hello, Trainer!
It's almost November 10th! do you know what that is?
That's right! it's my 21st birthday! November 10th 1995, I was brought into this amazing world, and now, 21 years later, I'm celebrating yet another year on this amazing planet we call earth!
To celebrate I'm going to do a Lottery/Raffle!

Rules and how to enter
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==> 1 Ticket-- Share the hashtag #AcaciasBirthday . {Maximum twice a day}
==> 1 Ticket-- Send a plushie i don't have. {Maximum three times a day} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted.
==> 1 Ticket-- Send me any box or key (except black or gold). {Unlimited} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted,
==> 2 Ticket-- Send me Gold Boxes or Keys. {Unlimited} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted
==> 2 Ticket-- 1 Nugget Large ticket orders only. 100 tickets or more {obviously}
Note: you can buy tickets for friends.
Pal Pad me before sending nuggets, or they will be counted as some sort of donation.

boxes and keys will be opened the day of my birthday, anything able to be sold will be sold in my Item Lab, and possibly added to the raffle!
Received Boxes and keys are given to one of my pokemon, to be sure i don't accidentally sell or open it.

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1st place: Shiny hunt of your choice {From my couple's box}.
2nd place: 200 gems {mixed, at least 1 Dragon and 1 Fairy Garunteed}.
3rd: 1 Black Box and 1 Enigma Pearl.

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ShadeThePlushieUmbreon- 3 Tickets
psyduuck- 5 ticket
Shadowedfury- 2 Tickets
Majora_Mask- 1 ticket
3abbie3- 4 tickets
Carnet- 4 Tickets
AllyBear- 12 Tickets
Pokechick2388- 1 ticket
TheNinjaCyndaquil- 2 tickets
zetsuenko- 229 Tickets
Xerolin- 1 ticket
Yukina-chan- 1 ticket
Swagmoney- 1 ticket

Received Boxes and Keys
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8x Gold Box
3x Gold Key
2x Light Blue Box
2x Dark Blue Box
1x Red Box
2x Brown Key
2x Green key
3x Purple Key

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Pal Pad me
this thread is simply for information and for players to see how many tickets/entries they have.
Hashtag is to be posted on your feed.
Questions, comments, or concerns come straight to me through PalPad or PM.
good luck~!

Ends November 10th, 2016

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 06:23 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2016 23:40 (7 Years ago)
Delivered ::)

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2016 19:43 (7 Years ago)

==> Hi there, Trainer!
you must be looking for some items, am i correct?
I have plenty of items, and my lab is re-stocked every Friday
iI collect items and boxes through the week, then I open every box i can, and re-stock with whatever i get, then i repeat the proccess. Every Friday {re-stock day} i have a sale, 25% off EVERYTHING, so keep an eye out.

all Pokeheroes Rules apply.
You send payment first.
wait for confirmation before sending {anything sent before confirmation will confuse me and will be concidered donations.
use the order format when ordering!
PokeDollars only, unless its a big sale! {100k PokeDollars or more}

Items and Prices everything is ordered by price
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25% off:
1x Bottle Message 75KPD
2x Waiter Dress {Green} 75KPD /each
1x Enigma Perl 52k PD
1x Gracidea 18,750 PD
1x Fist Plate 11,250 PD
1x Splash Plate 11,250 PD
1x Metal Coat 4,125 PD
1x magmarizer 4,125 PD
2x Relic Copper 3,750 PD/each
1x Dubious Disk 3,375 PD
1x Prism Scale 3,375 PD
1x Fire Stone 2,625 PD
2x Leaf Stone 2,625 PD/each
1x Water Stone 2,625 PD
1x Deep Sea Tooth 1,875k PD
10x Shoal Salt 375 PD/each
14x Shoal Shell 375 PD/each
100x Poke Ball 112 PD/each

**Note: all Boxes and Keys for sale have been obtained through Rumbling. none of them are what have been sent to me via my Raffle.

Order Format:
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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2016 16:42 (7 Years ago)
total support.
i absolutely LOVE this idea.
it would cut back on scamming, and spamming.
plus most people don't really know how to use the gem exchange and set up bad trades on accidents and give up on it. due to lack of hits.
plus it would give players the gems they want/need automatically without having to wait.

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Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 16:10 (7 Years ago)
Major update/new hunt started

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