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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 22:20 (1 Month ago)
@PokeFan007, that is correct! sending prize shortly :)

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 21:10 (1 Month ago)
@SalemTheBlackCat, yes, it is! nice! sending prize over shortly :)

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 17:58 (1 Month ago)
i'm back because i keep remembering i had sprites ready on the backburner for motnhs, and i guess now is a good time to post them hahaha :)
these are from october 2023 (over a year ago!) and i don't think i've posted them HAHA oops. anyway, here we go!

all guessed!
thank you for playing :)

easy! [guessed by Himari!]
Show hidden content

medium! [guessed by PokeFan007!]

hard 1! [guessed by Tigerli1y!]

hard 2! [guessed by SalemTheBlackCat!]

one person per guess! name the sprite/difficulty you are guessing for then the flag! good luck!

i will be distributing prizes for these :)

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 15:29 (1 Month ago)
@JXFS, purrloin stealing something!! hehe

@Celebier, cedar looking cool!!

@Nabbit! bug!! a little hard to draw but cool!!

@AyGuysItsMayfly! flip right up!

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 22:51 (1 Month ago)
is the (reduced) gif size less than 250 kB (max)?

i downloaded the (large) gif you posted. it is 4.4 MB, or 4400 kB. that's way too many kilobytes above the limit, so that might be why it's failing.

not a gif/image size expert, but your gif is so many frames and super fast. i loaded it into a gif creator site, and it's 101 frames. i think that's why it's so large. to fix this, i would personally recommend ez.gif which can compress your gif to make the file size smaller! maybe it would work then :)

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 23:17 (1 Month ago)
@PinkCat222 please reply to the person above you as well! i am skipping your post as you have not followed instructions. i am also making an edit in the main post to clarify!

i don't particularly love jynx, but i do love jynx's cry that goes like "OOO-OO-OH OOO-OO-OH" 😂😂😂

hey, i know you! you have a life! or do you? 🤔

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 16:55 (1 Month ago)
for the background reasoning, users who sell jirachi probably have multiple regular jirachi from a shiny hunt. because they do not need the regular jirachi, they are going to sell them for cheap.
but since each 5 star pieces has the potential to hatch a shiny, star pieces are more valuable than a guaranteed hatched regular.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2025 12:45 (1 Month ago)
@Nabbit please remember to reply to the user above you first!!

@Celebier, please remember to post a "hey, i know you!" for the user below you!

help, scoliosis does look like it has scoliosis 😂😭 nope, you've mistaken me! but maybe that's because i committed identity fraud and now am impersonating a scoliosispede lover 😂 /j

hey, i know you! you procrastinate by playing pokeheroes!!

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2025 18:10 (1 Month ago)
@Celebier, i have not started yet :') and if you have any questions, concerns, or changes requested, you can either post them here or message me directly!

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 14:31 (1 Month ago)
yes, because you can oonly put shinies in swt, so you only get shinies back from swt :)

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 02:32 (1 Month ago)
@Espy2015! i'm super late but i'm feeling productive today!! love your character designs! enjoy :)

to new orders, i'm approaching finals (big assignments and an exam!) in school, so for the next two-three-ish weeks, drawings will probably be slower! or i just feel extra motivated and they go faster, who knows LOL. but i love drawing, so keep requesting! your charas are always so cool!!

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Posted: Sun, 05/01/2025 18:01 (1 Month ago)
the prizes

the three choices are Happiness, Something rare, and Make me rich!

every time you choose Happiness, you will get a jirachi egg if you have an empty spot in your party.
every time you choose Something rare, you will get 5 dragon gems or 5 gold boxes or 5 gold keys.
every time you choose Make me rich!, you will get some amount of pokedollar (amount unclear).

sources from the following forum threads answered by other users! one and two!

are they worth it?

if you wish, you could shiny hunt jirachi using the pokeradar by hatching jirachi eggs over and over again. you would need many, many star pieces. one egg costs 5 star pieces, so a chain of 100 as an estimate would take 500 star pieces.

currently, star pieces cost around 28k pd per piece.
dragon gems are worth less (14k atm), gold boxes are worth less (25k atm), and gold keys are also worth less at 17k per. therefore, it is not worth the value to pick Something rare.

for Make me rich!, i do not know the exact pd amount it gives you, but i know it is 50k or less. but if one star piece is worth 28k, 5 star pieces are worth 140k. the option definitely does not give you that much pd, so this option is not worth it either.

overall, if you do not want to hatch jirachi eggs or shiny hunt it, it is more worth it to sell your star pieces to other users on gts or item market!

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2025 01:29 (1 Month ago)
@DuneShifter! not sure if falinks has a mouth, but they're sooo cute!! little spherical guys!!

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2025 00:14 (1 Month ago)
@BabyEevee22! sorry for suuuuch the wait, my free time and traditional art motivation plummeted so hard :')
but aria was super duper fun to draw!! i tried a different pose than the other art pieces you have, so i hope it doesn't look too funky! thanks for your character and your patience :3

(sent to toyhouse btw!)

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2024 17:53 (2 Months ago)
posting this help forum thread here as it relates better to the wiki than as a help thread post.

summary of post:
poster says for the 21st advent door, they (and some other users, shared by them in one feed here and in one feed's comments here) recieved a plate as a reward. this year's advent calendar wiki only notes the 21st's reward as dna splicer, and it should be updated to include plates :)

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Posted: Mon, 23/12/2024 00:24 (2 Months ago)
@Piplupfan6828 irrelevant to the bug report, but there are many helpful users lending the pokemon for free!! just check the notification wall and find a user. then remember to return the pokemon! good luck :)

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Posted: Mon, 23/12/2024 00:18 (2 Months ago)
Door 23's reward message after completing the task was something like "x1 Polestar plushie obtained!" but the image in the door was not a polestar plushie.

screenshot of what i mean.
unfortunately, i did not manage to screenshot the unobstructed door number, but the image shows that it is a deerling plushie.

i did, however, receive the correct polestar plushie added to my plushie collection, so it's purely a visual glitch.

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 17:41 (2 Months ago)
when beauty contest gives me a task to "interact with this user's pokemon!" with the link in the message, i click it. but when the bot check "are you a human?" interrupts me when clicking, after i complete the bot check, it redirects me to the "your clicklist has been completed!" interaction page and message when the clicklist is not done yet.

the bot check interuption stops me from clicking and i have to go back to the beauty contest task for the mass clicklist link again. it's annoying :')

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Posted: Sun, 15/12/2024 22:35 (2 Months ago)
all retro pokemon have a 2% shiny chance and cannot be shiny chained! you can only keep hatching them over and over until you randomly get a shiny :)

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Posted: Wed, 11/12/2024 14:54 (2 Months ago)
the shadow radar lets you catch shadows! they are only for collection purposes, so if you're not interested in catching and/or selling hundreds of shadows, it's not for you!

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