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Posted: Thu, 23/01/2025 09:13 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Wed, 22/01/2025 06:36 (1 Month ago)
Hey Bubbly,
I’d like to buy 11 Rare Candies from 🔥Item Asylum🔥
It will cost 99000PD.
Passcode: FireMankey
Promo Code (If any):

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 20:39 (1 Month ago)
When giving Pokémon Everstones or using Rare Candies, it's very cumbersome to keep clicking on the correct tab

Therefore, after using an evolution item / giving a Pokemon an item / using a vitamin, the page should return to the same tab you were on earlier

- Giving an Everstone would return you to the Evo. Stones tab
- Feeding a Rare Candy would return you to the Vitamins tab
- Giving a Pokemon a Berry would return you to the Berries tab.

In other news, I evolved 32 Castform at once </3 I'm sure anyone hoarding an item-evo mon will agree

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 20:13 (1 Month ago)
Support and bump!

For the record, having different shiny colours from an official mon isn't unprecedented. We've had this for the official Castform forms [Heat, Rainy, Snowy], which were identical to their normal colours

Their shinies were given different colours in Gen 8, but we haven't changed the PH shinies' colours since. (Images from Pokemon DB, click to see Castform's sprite gallery)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 06:03 (1 Month ago)
bump! support, but considering the high number of pokemon here, i would suggest making it a paid feature, where you have to pay a fee per Pokemon (this ability would transfer with the pokemon)

so it would serve as a decorative function for special pokemon

i would suggest a small nugget fee that scales depending on rarity (legendary / event / shiny / mega), maybe ranging from 10-100 nuggets per pokemon?

and maybe they could be about 100-200 characters long and support feed bbcode (url, bold, italic, strikethrough, underline etc)

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Posted: Mon, 20/01/2025 05:17 (1 Month ago)
hellu, will take all your grass, psychic, ice and dragon gems! let me know how many you have and how much, i can offer PD or nuggets (likely a mix of both)

not sure if your numbers are updated so send me a PM or private trade and we can discuss!

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Posted: Sun, 19/01/2025 16:07 (1 Month ago)
Weather Balloon description

"An evolutionary item that allows you to evolve a Castform. It's evolution depends on the current weather."

"It's" should be "Its"

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Posted: Sun, 19/01/2025 09:13 (1 Month ago)
Hello, I see that the change has been partially reverted; they're now abbreviated as AP

However, the description on the left and top still calls them Event Points

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2025 20:00 (1 Month ago)
I’d like to order a custom!

Username: MeepTheMareep02
Type: Chibi
Species: Sheep
Moodboard/Inspiration: based on Merope! intended to be an alternate form for her. the main inspiration was a fantasy, galaxy themed character, motifs including ribbons, round bells and wings. not all the galaxy-themed accessories must be included but i'd at least like to keep the 4-pointed star/sparkles motif!
main colour palette being white. navy, yellow/gold and cyan (cyan accents are a must)
Payment: Nuggets
Notes: As discussed in PMs, you can PM me for further discussions!

I’d like to order a fullbody chibi!

Username: MeepTheMareep02
Reference: Calyx; please read her design notes tab as I've had several issues with inaccurate details~
Payment: Nuggets

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 22:22 (1 Month ago)
What do you want: All your Grass Gems, if you still have any?
Payment: PD
Tips/donation: 5 Super Honey and 1 DNA Splicer (Black)

Just send me a Private Trade with the price

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 22:18 (1 Month ago)
To Dragonegg and thatswampertguy

I'll buy all your Grass and Psychic Gems, just send me a Private Trade with the price. Thanks!

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 22:15 (1 Month ago)
⚡Username: MeepTheMareep02
⚡Shipping Address: Thunder Meadow
⚡Product: Grass Gems
⚡Product Type: -
⚡Quantity: Everything you have?
⚡Payment Method: PD

⚡Special instructions or requests for this order😽:

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 22:09 (1 Month ago)
Hi Yose!
I would like to buy this pokemon❤️: none
Item: All your Grass, Psychic and Ice Gems
Message: thank you!
How much your paying💵: Let me know how much you're charging?

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 17:28 (1 Month ago)
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: 3 Smoochum, 1 Stantler, 1 Snover, 1 Winter Sawsbuck, 3 Furfrou (normal), 1 Bergmite, 3 Eiscue, 1 Castform, 1 Lapras (basically the full number of the listed mons)
Others: (specific gender, etc.)
Everstone: yes, will return the same amt in trade
Payment method: 12k PD

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 06:57 (1 Month ago)
It's sometimes hard to tell if you've set up the correct number of Pokemon in a trade or offer, so I'm suggesting to add a small number next to each Pokemon so you can quickly see how many you've added

Also, if it's possible, you shouldn't be allowed to press the offer button if you've set up the wrong number of Pokemon. Normally, the offer isn't saved when the GTS gives you an offer so you need to redo it all over again.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 06:44 (1 Month ago)
I think PH users are far too spoiled by cheap art. Considering that their slots filled up I don't see the problem. Art is a luxury, you don't *need* it

also if you don't think much of feral art idk what to say, my character is quite literally a ninetales??? they didnt ask for critique on their art or like...an entire genre or art style? i don't particularly like some art styles but I simply do not order from shops whose styles i don't like

fyi my art starts at 200k PD for sprites and I've asked for 500k for a unshaded halfbody. there are PH users willing to pay for art, and art from some of the most popular shops can *start* from 1 mil PD

they didn't ask for price comments so this is unsolicited and uncalled for.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 06:29 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/01/2025 06:06 (1 Month ago)
Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew (might need verifying for other pokemon, these are the only ones i have atm) have a transparent border around their minisprites where other Pokemon don't, causing them to appear misaligned in forum posts and storage boxes

For example,

Alolan Rattata
Alolan Raticate
Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Vulpix

Fixed sprites:

Edit: I suspect this affects all Alolan mons, I'll find them to fix them later

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 23:23 (1 Month ago)
supoort, but this would be interesting for the beach event mons too (gloweon and fishleon)

like yes, they're huntable, but being able to "hunt" an event shiny in a different manner might encourage beach activity especially for users who have already gotten most of the common beach shinies

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 23:20 (1 Month ago)

Polestar's Ark

Here's our mascot, Kaleidoscope!
Remember Vanillite, Spheal and Delibird from the Advent Calendar? For years, I have wondered if the dear trio invited to our Christmas parties would ever change. Many have prepared to lend the trio during their annual arrival, but what if...the 24th Advent door asks to see some other Pokemon instead? Enter, Polestar's Ark: a collection of Ice-type and other holiday-themed mons, just for that scenario!

Current Progress

Numbers last updated: 25 Jan 2025

Alolan Sandshrew: 40 / 50
Alolan Vulpix: 50 / 50
Lapras: 34 / 50
Sneasel: 25 / 50
Swinub: 11 / 50
Stantler: 17 / 50
Smoochum: 22 / 50
Snowy Castform: 40 / 40
Snorunt: 32 / 30
Shellos (North): 34 / 40
Snover: 36 / 50
Glaceon: 40 / 40
Galarian Darumaka: 20 / 50
Winter Deerling / Sawsbuck: 12 / 40
Cubchoo: 35 / 50
Cryogonal: 16 / 50
Amaura: 44 / 50
Bergmite: 27 / 50
Snom: 30 / 30
Eiscue: 45 / 50
Cetoddle*: 13 / 40
Frigibax*: 10 / 40

*Cetoddle and Frigibax are not high priority

Total: 627 / 1000

With that said, even if I'm no longer active on PH, come December 24 and if the advent mons ever changes? DM me on Discord. I will personally come online and set up those trades so my 2 million PD isn't wasted. Let's hope it doesn't, though! and I don't have to update the mons with new generations too often...

By the way, Meep also collects Mareep and Charjabug, and she'd love to collect them from different trainers! Let her know if you have any for sale!

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