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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 18:46 (4 Years ago)
After finding a safe place for Emerald, Audax sensed the commotion happening at the school. Maybe he'd heard something or sensed magic, or both; he wasn't actually too sure, but he bounded into the fray.

Fortem was relieved to have a more familliar face here at the battle, especially one who was versed in magic.

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 18:39 (4 Years ago)
The dark spells were unexpected... Fortem wished Audax was here, maybe he would know what was going on, being a dark mage and all that?

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 18:07 (4 Years ago)
Fortem watched the pokemon carefully, trying to make out what species they might be, as well as remembering what they were wearing. These pokemon might be important to remember as friends or foes (more likely the latter, he thought, based on the glares) and he wanted to keep and eye on them.

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 17:35 (4 Years ago)
Clamor watched them go in... no way would he be following them, though, he'd just get beat up for nothing. Fortem saw the pokemon enter too... "I can try and find you a healer," Audax offered to Emerald. Fortem glanced at his friend, feeling slightly guilty. "Sorry Emerald, there's something important I need to check out... I hope that's ok with you. I'll be back sometime," Hopefully, he thought, before following the pokemon into the school. Clamor noticed that too. Huh... it was that wolf pokemon again. Maybe he was going to investigate...? Clamor was pretty sure he was neutral, seeing as he didn't announce their presence that time at the jail break.

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)
"You ok?" Fortem asked Emerald. He was probably still shocked and injured a bit by the explosion as well.

Audax curiously examined the bit of crystal he had picked up. Maybe he could find out more about it or who had created it or the explosion by observing it.

Clamor eyed the crowd suspiciously. Chaos could break out at any moment, and there were many shady figures he could notice.

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 17:08 (4 Years ago)
So fortem and audax could be right... perhaps it was the cult's doing? Maybe even a mistake, thought both were doubtful about that.

Clamor nodded at the command. It was tiring, but necessary to fight... right?

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2020 16:20 (4 Years ago)
Fortem wished he knew more about mana so he could have a better grasp on the conversation. A mana explosion? Probably the type of explosions that had utterly decimated the plaza... If there were more shards to be exploded, didn't that mean there could be more dangerous explosions like this? Neither side needed more weapons at this point, that would make things worse...

Audax listened intently, picking up a few shards to examine and putting it in his bag once Dainn did, since he now knew it was safe to do it, hopefully. He still felt very tense, as fighting could still break out at any moment, and with dangerous rubble all around too.

Clamor was surprised that Dainn seemed genuine when he said that the knights hadn't done it... he was actually somewhat inclined to believe them. But then who did? Surely not republicans, and neutrals probably would stay out of the fighting... Who did it?

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2020 15:53 (4 Years ago)
"Emerald!" Fortem's tail slowly began to wag. He tried helping his friend up and acting as his crutch of sorts so that they could both get to the plaza, which wasn't far. Hopefully nothing too bad would happen now...

Clamor nodded thankfully, and followed the advice. Knowing that the two leaders would be there... the war could possibly end right now, but more likely, there would be a lot more battling... he was ready for it, but still, he shuddered.

Audax wondered if you had to have mana to feel it, or if its just training. Either way, it didn't seem as obvious to him... "That's not good..." Audax paused, but decided that the best choice of action for him would be to investigate for information. "I'm gonna check it out," He said after making up his mind. "Thanks!"

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2020 06:08 (4 Years ago)
"I'm Fortem," He introduced himself, observing the two pokemon. They seemed good enough. He supposed learning to analyze others through knight training was paying off after all. He didn't see the need to introduce himself further, his garb should tell everyone that he was a knight. He looked back at Emerald, concerned.

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2020 02:57 (4 Years ago)
Fortem glared. "That's my best friend right there, so I don't think I should be the one to get away," He snapped, for once. This was something he was serious about.

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2020 02:33 (4 Years ago)
Fortem padded down near to Emerald, his best friend. What could have possibly happened? Not knowing any healing moves, it was the least he could do to stay beside him as he thought about how much strain the war had brought them all.

"What was that, do you think?" Audax asked the leafeon, their concerned expressions matching. The library too, had a balcony (what was it with loyalists and balconies?), and Audax ran over to see what the ruckus was. He gasped at the sight of the fountain.

Clamor put a reassuring paw on the shinx, who had barely missed being hit by a rock. What had happened? Clamor decided to stay with the shinx. After all, they were on the same side, and it was more important to help him than to go off alone.

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2020 23:53 (4 Years ago)
Fortem leaped at the sound as if the floor was lava. What was that? He trotted nervously up to a balcony as Thea watched, and tried to see what had happened in the nearby plaza. A small rock struck him on the back... shrapnel!? This far? A figure landed in the school of magic, and Fortem couldn't believe who it was and how he had gotten here. "Emerald?!" He was shocked, flabbergasted, and extremely confused. And the riolu seemed knocked out too... "Thea?!" He called, hoping she would have a better idea on how to help his friend.

Audax's ears flew up as a thunderous "BOOM" seemed the shake the library. His fur went on end as he began to wonder what happened. He looked at the leafeon, praying that he would have some better idea than himself. This could be very bad...

A bright light seemed to shine from the sky outside the arena, and Clamor halted his attack half way through the takedown. What was that?! He folded down his ears, which seemed to hurt from the noise that seemed louder than an exploud's yell.

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2020 23:44 (4 Years ago)
"Hmm? Oh yeah, just looking around..." Fortem responded to the umbreon. He supposed he did look pretty distracted... he should work on acting more nonchalant so guards and other pokemon asked him this less.

"In training," Audax confirmed, after a second of hesitation. He was still getting used to that; after all, he'd only been knighted a day ago. "I'm Audax," He introduced.

Clamor dodged to the side. Yep, the pokemon was quite speedy. He whipped around, trying to kick the shinx and missing, before using take down.

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2020 17:31 (4 Years ago)
Fortem reckoned he wasn't supposed to be involved with this... but then again, luminia probably wasn't supposed to be having a civil war, so he chose to try putting together the pieces. He didn't see Ryn at that moment... maybe she was somewhere else in the school... or outside. The letter could be important... Fortem didn't want to ask directly about it, so he just nodded back at Conall and observed.

Audax marvelled at the library, but couldn't help but making another connection to the civil war. It was cool that the castle had the library in the first place... but didn't only knights and royals get access to it? Those were mostly just castle-born pokemon, something that was completely out of their control. Didn't castle-born pokemon who had access to education and resources like this library have a much better chance at getting ahead at life? Just a couple months ago, he was working almost minimum wage at Remus's... no offense to Remus of course. It was a fun job, but sometimes he found himself wishing for a little more. He'd drifted off though... snapping back to the present, he noticed the leafeon, and was reminded of Lumi a bit: another shiny eeveelution. Maybe there was a connection, or maybe it was a coincidence. Whatever the case, Audax pushed over a nearby stool. "Maybe this will help?" He offered.

Clamor squared up and waited for the shinx to strike first. Most pokemon would assume they'd be stronger than any of their preevolutions, but Clamor had heard of many cases where believing this made a pokemon get cocky and lose, caught off guard, so Clamor had to stay alert. Though he was bigger, the shinx was probably quite fast as well, and would be able to dodge attacks more easily because of his size.

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Posted: Mon, 28/12/2020 17:09 (4 Years ago)
Fortem padded past the pokemon who had tried to console the absol. Not because he didn't think they would be friendly enough (their interactions with the absol had proven that they were), but because he recognised the absol as a loyalist and assumed that if they were friends, they might be neutral pokemon as well.

Audax, naturally, approached the library. Of course, as a bookworm, he was curious to see how grand the library of luminia's great castle was. Reading might help him brainstorm up some ideas, and he might be able to find some more neutral pokemon as well...

Clamor nodded at the shinx with a smile. He reminded him of himself a while ago, actually. He stepped onto the battlefield, flicking his tail for the blue and black pokemon to follow him.

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Posted: Sun, 27/12/2020 15:39 (4 Years ago)
Fortem trekked back to the school of magic area nearest to the castle, so he could try to recruit anyone once again.

Audax had done all he had planned to do, except for spying... it was still somewhat bright though, so he would wait a little bit before slipping on his outfit and slinking around.

Clamor wasn't sure what to do today. He paced the arena, bored and stressed.

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2020 18:10 (4 Years ago)
Fortem and Audax padded out of the strategy room. "Follow me," Fortem told him, leading the eevee back to his personal quarters. After closing the door, Fortem began to speak. "How are you doing?" "Fine," Audax responded. They began swapping information: Yung's plans, the spies, Rene and the mages being neutral, etc, until they were all caught up. Fortem shivered at the mention of the cult. He didn't want to deal with them again...

Clamor left the meeting, not knowing where to go.

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2020 16:40 (4 Years ago)
Hmm? What was going on? Fortem seemed to know, so Audax just did as he did, and looked at the map. A pretty accurate depiction of the castle caught his eye and he observed it. Fortem looked around the map before deciding on a little side street near the school of magic.

Clamor spotted Emerald from across the way, and quietly and carefully went to stand behind him, not wanting to disturb anyone.

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2020 16:26 (4 Years ago)
At least the Blaziken cared about lives, both pokemon thought. There were definitely some pokemon on either side who didn't do the same. If only they would think of each other as fellow pokemon and not strangers, Audax thought. "We could try using less fatal moves," Fortem suggested. "I mean, not ones that would kill, only enough to knock out." Audax thought hard for a way to try and counter surprise attacks at every area. Both pokemon looked at the map.

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Posted: Tue, 22/12/2020 15:48 (4 Years ago)
Both Fortem and Audax headed towards the room from different directions; Audax got lost on multiple occasions, more than he would have liked to admit... when he arrived, all the other pokemon had already come. He only hoped they would be lenient because he was new. Fortem caught his eye from across the strategy table, and he smiled. Now wasn't the time to talk; but they'd have to catch up on information after class.

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