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Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 06:46 (2 Years ago)
Need new stuff here

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Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 05:25 (2 Years ago)
Need new stuff here

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Posted: Thu, 08/12/2022 04:50 (2 Years ago)
How am I suddenly drawing so much lol
I am very gay for Rika so I drew her

I thought she was a guy at first and then they said “she” and the gayness hit me like a brick

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Posted: Sun, 04/12/2022 18:56 (2 Years ago)
I am speed
Is my drawing motivation finally kicking in(praying that it is)

Anyways with there being a new region to explore I, of course, just had to make yet another outfit for Venus because letting her explore the region in her previous dresses is boring /hj

I’m currently working out what the storyline is gonna be exactly but I have a few ideas like (warning for massive SV spoilers incase you need it)
-Aspen follows the regular SV storyline but they drop out of the gym challenge quite early since they simply don’t feel ready for it yet and are more interested in the other two storylines
-There’s 2 Koraidon and 1 Miraidon. We follow the Scarlet storyline mostly (aka Prof Sada is there, orange academy, etc.) but Violet elements are sprinkled in (all paradox versions are there, Violet book is there, both versions of Paradox Donphan are the 4th titan)
-Future mons happened „naturally“(with whatever caused mons to spawn down there in the first place, the researchers in the books found the mons before anyone built and used a time machine afterall. Atleast from what I understand) but Sada went and brought back older mons suddenly(both Hisui mons and the paradox mons) and it caused a massive fight.
-One Koraidon attacked both the „weaker“ Koraidon and Miraidon and both were forced to flee
-Miraidon was seen by people which is why Venus was called to investigate as people described it as both elusive and very hostile and she has experience with stuff like legendaries(and has captured legendaries herself)
-Venus teams up with Miraidon after finding and healing it(with the help of Xerneas rather than herbs) while Aspen helps Koraidon(since they have the regular SV storyline)
-Venus questions how almost no one has seen these giant Pokemon(mainly titan Bombirdier and the titan Donphan paradox) and just generally is very confused by the region + very disappointed

And that’s about it rn I think. I normally just completely follow the game’s storyline but this time I wanna add something a little different with what Venus is doing because why not?

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Posted: Sat, 03/12/2022 02:32 (2 Years ago)
Username: CommanderVenus
Preferred account(s) for credit: InkBlot(@weirdpersoncv)/Twitter(@WeirdPersonCV)/or just on here

Anything that you prefer to draw?: Felines, Dragons, Pokemon, Humans
Anything that you cannot draw?: no Insects/Spiders(outside of Pokemon)
Artwork/character preferences: None, go wild

Other: I do draw animals and furries that aren’t felines or dragons just not as often so I’m still very okay with them!
Would’ve loved to sign up as a backup artist but I simply cannot promise that my motivation will be there if needed :’(

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2022 00:39 (2 Years ago)
Helo, it’s me, the person that trades the remaining Pokemon people may need again this year.(Please note there’s no guarantee you will)
Incase you don’t know which Pokemon we’re talking about: the remaining Pokemon are Spheal and Delibird!
My rules are the same as Nap’s, naturally. Though please avoid contacting me through palpad(I already set it to friends only) and contact me through PM or this thread instead. Of course you can have one of each species per person, incase that isn’t clear! :’>

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Posted: Wed, 30/11/2022 18:12 (2 Years ago)
Time for my December pfp
Posting the pfp in it’s original size here, as usual

It’s Holly(Christmas-themed Lurantis) and my unnamed Sneasel OC! I have no proper backstory or anything for them but when I draw them they do be acting kinda fruity so take that as you will lol

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 06:58 (2 Years ago)
Wooo I made art before SV comes out let’s goo
It’s a new Pokemon OC

This is Aspen. They live in Paldea and I don’t have many details ready for them yet since I won’t know anything about SV until I’ve played it. Right now all my details on them are:
-they found Venus in some match on TV(since she becomes a gym leader and also constantly gets involved with things like legendaries or other organizations when traveling)
-they decided that’s the perfect role model for some reason
-they now want to be tutored by her
-she gives them a hisuian Sneasel egg

And that’s about it for now. It should be noted that the Venus story is super random and just for fun. I didn’t exactly put years into this story and I probably never will, it’s just a thing that gives me joy lol
So don’t worry too much about how chaotic her storyline gets if I expand on it. To explain: I keep adding lore for her with every new game and I refuse to stop. She’s the protag now

See ya next time(probably after SV release)

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Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 12:09 (2 Years ago)
Drake Fossil/pd amount: 13 Fossils
Ticket amount added up: 65 + my previous 100 = 165
Other: Just fished up a fossil and remembered I still have some in my itembag I never sold. So I figured I‘ll just send ´em to you as well ^^ Gotta make sure you can hunt your silly fish-dino soon

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Posted: Tue, 08/11/2022 00:41 (2 Years ago)
Welp since I got some leftovers from my own hunt…

Drake Fossil/pd amount: 20 Fossils
Ticket amount added up: 100 if I‘m not mistaken
Other: Good luck on your hunt!! :‘>

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2022 14:34 (2 Years ago)
Heyyy, I finished a full piece again so time to add it to the collection :’>

So I was thinking about what else I could draw for spooky month and ghost types are an obvious answer! But I couldn’t decide on which one to draw or what to make it do so my brain suddenly came up with this:

I drew a background for once! I basically drew it first and then just added whatever ghost Pokemon I thought fit into the piece. Was both frustrating(I despise drawing backgrounds) and fun. I actually like the background, which is super rare for me lol
All in all it’s still pretty simple but that’s just how I like my art :’> Now I’ll go back to procrastinating until SV release probably xd

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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 01:12 (2 Years ago)
Trade has been done. Thank you! :'>

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 14:38 (2 Years ago)
Item prices have been adjusted to their current market value and I changed a few things(or more accurately: removed a lot of text that wasn’t really necessary).

And this is sort of a push I guess lol

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 16:05 (2 Years ago)

Hello and welcome, fellow non-criminal human! I don’t know why you originally came into this alleyway but you might as well look at my shop while you’re here.

See, as a commander of Team Galactic it’s very important to me to make sure we reach our goals. Preferably in style though, but Cyrus simply will not listen and give me the needed funds so guess I’ll just get the funds by myself. I have a variety of items up for trade or just to sell and I also have the means to get my hands on some sparkly, pretty, shiny Pokemon for you.

But first things first even a criminal small business owner like myself has a few rules for you to read.


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1. Don‘t rush me. I have a life sometimes, and may not be able to respond immediately. I‘ll get back to you as soon as I‘m available.
2. Prices are not negotiable. I check and correct the worth of items regularly via the item market and will adjust them when I do but whatever price is currently displayed is firm. My Pokemon prices come from market insider. Of course, if any of my prices are way different from market price you are more than welcome to point it out though as it’s likely a mistake!
3. Please don’t ask for things that I am not offering in my shop in the first place. If I didn’t put it here, I‘m not intending to sell it, asking for it will waste both of our times.
4. I will treat you with respect and expect you to do the same. Being rude and unpleasant to deal with will only cause me to deny your offer.
5. Please do not PM me to order something. I‘d like to keep all orders in this thread. My PMs are intended for discussions and private matters only.

Hopefully that wasn’t too much to read! Now that we have that out of the way I think it’s time I tell you what kinds of payment I take.

Payment options

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Prices for items are displayed with their worth in PD. This should allow you to calculate their accurate worth. I also take mixed payments as long as it matches the value of what you’re trying to buy. If you don’t want to calculate the exact amount of items needed yourself, I can calculate them for you as well(some of my offers already show multiple payment options)!
Please note that while I accept certain items as alternative payment I am not always open to buy these items directly with my PD via private trade! Whenever I do buy them with PD and/or Nuggets I will display the amount available in my offer section!


Nuggets = 2.000 PD

Ground Gem = 500 PD

Drake Fossil = 26.000 PD

Ultra Saddle = 200.000 PD

My offers

Well, now that we’ve discussed all the boring parts, let’s get to the fun stuff, shall we? Allow me to show you what I’m selling.

As I‘ve mentioned before, I occasionally offer PD and Nuggets for some Items myself.


Currently unavailable

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Current PD available: 0
Current Nuggets available: 0
Available trading offers:
These offers can, of course, be multiplied for a larger trade as long as the Nuggets/PD I will trade in return don’t go above my available limit.

Now here we have these cool, sparkly gems! You can give them to your Sableye as food or you could go buy eggs from that one guy. I don’t sell all kinds, as I collect some myself, but these should be plenty.


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924x Bug Gems 1 = 650 PD

41x Dragon Gems 1 = 15.000 PD

1,440x Electric Gems 1 = 850 PD

63x Fairy Gems 1 = 2.700 PD

11,704x Fighting Gems 1 = 450 PD

128x Fire Gems 1 = 1.500 PD

1,406x Flying Gems 1 = 1.100 PD

506x Ghost Gems 1 = 1.600 PD

45,275x Grass Gems 1 = 550 PD

88x Ice Gems 1 = 1.500 PD

1,758x Normal Gems 1 = 1.000 PD

2,934x Poison Gems 1 = 400 PD

10,987x Rock Gems 1 = 350 PD

1,426x Steel Gems 1 = 450 PD

2,286x Water Gems 1 = 900 PD

Gems restock regularly thanks to my Galar rumblers as well as my regular use of the Dream Shop. Please keep in mind that I have no control over which Gems I obtain from these methods as they’re completely random!

We‘ve been digging around to find the entrance to the Spear Pillar, purely for science of course, but all we found so far are these fossils. While I‘m very interested in ancient Pokemon, these are not what I‘m looking for so maybe you have a use for them? I heard there’s a way to revive them somewhere around the town.


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5x Claw Fossils 1 = 4.800 PD

1x Cover Fossils 1 = 9.000 PD

5x Dome Fossils 1 = 6.500 PD

1x Jaw Fossils 1 = 6.500 PD

1x Root Fossils 1 = 5.700 PD

1x Sail Fossils 1 = 9.500 PD

2x Skull Fossils 1 = 5.500 PD

1x Bird Fossils 1 = 20.500 PD

1x Dino Fossils 1 = 20.000 PD

Y‘know what’s even more interesting than Pokemon revived from fossils? Legendaries. Who wouldn’t want to own one? See I‘m sure Cyrus would want me to use these items to summon legendaries to help with our goals but c‘mon! That man has no taste! What’s the fun in a legendary if it doesn’t sparkle? So instead I‘m selling these items to you and I‘ll collect those I‘d like to own as a shiny. Makes sense, right?


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32x Star Pieces 1 = 20.000 PD

4x Eternal Rocks 1 = 130.000 PD

Of course all the previous options require you to hatch the Pokemon yourself. Who has time for that? I do, I quite like it even. Maybe I should’ve finished my internship at the Daycare in Solaceon Town instead of joining an organization… Oh well, I‘ve signed a contract. Would you be interested in these Pokemon?

Shiny Hunting

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Note: All orders that can evolve by level-up will hold an Everstone unless you request them not to hold one!

Currently hunting:

Shiny Delibird

Shiny= Unavailable!

Regular(you may choose a specific gender)= Unavailable!

Shiny slots

Reserved for personal Christmas Special

Orders for non-shinies

Reserved for personal Christmas Special

Planned end of the hunt: Once 2 shinies have been obtained.

I will set up a trade with your requested Pokemon once they have been hatched. You‘ll have 7 days to offer on it before the Pokemon will go to the next person. If you need me to extend this period due to real life issues, please PM me in advance.

Next hunt:

Shiny Spheal

Shiny= 150.000 PD/300 Ground Gems

Non-shiny orders unavailable

Shiny slots

1. -

2. -

3. -

Leftovers for sale:

Galarian Moltres

20.000 PD/40 Ground Gems

While you aren’t forced to use forms in my shop, they do make orders a lot easier to work with. So it would be great if you could use this form when ordering:
Show hidden content

I‘d like to buy:
Additional notes?:

I‘d like to buy: 1 Jaw Fossil
Payment: 16 Ground Gems
Additional notes?: none

I‘d like to buy: 1 shiny hisuian Zorua
Payment: 1 Ultra Saddle + 40.000 PD
Additional notes?: Please remove the Everstone from Zorua

Alright, that should be it. Did you find something you like? Regardless of if you did or not, you should consider joining Team Galactic. I bake cookies on weekends. :‘))

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 11:58 (2 Years ago)
Zombies ^^

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2022 13:23 (2 Years ago)
October 10th is here and I did make some non-Pokemon OC art, just like I announced before.

On October 10th 2013 I drew a very edgy lady that was my persona for a while.

Sira. This is the old art, unsurprisingly.

Since then I cycled through multiple personas, redesigned many of my characters and rewrote all the lore. So even she got a lot of updates. But

most of them weren’t physical updates lol. I mostly changed her story and behavior. Unfortunately I’m a fan of dark storylines that I often use to vent so my OC story isn’t something I could explain on here since it covers many topics that are simply not intended for all ages.

So you only get to see the little snippets of harmless memes I drew over that should be acceptable for ph lol

The chess meme. Akito may be very smart but he‘s simply never ready for the absolute chaotic behavior of Sira. There’s a small figurine of a cat-like character so let me explain: That character is Queen Eyle. So it’s just a small joke because the Queen is a chess piece.

The dialogue is literally the name of the meme. Tiny Sira, who just got her powers and therefore no longer looks like the young version in her ref, is gathering power through souls and proceeds to threaten random kids. Her adoptive father is doing his best to teach her to behave.

That one meme with the guy squatting next to a grave. Argus is responsible for a lot of bad things(heavy understatement) that happened to different characters, including Sira, so she is rather disrespectful about his passing. Her younger sister(on the left) heavily agrees with this.

So that’s it for this rather random mess of OC things. Funfact: all of them used to be in the Pokemon universe actually. That was years ago and their story has completely changed but it’s still funny to remember.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 19:26 (2 Years ago)
Hello, I’m in need of:

Box#: Kanto2
Pokemon: male Alolan Vulpix

Box#: Sinnoh2
Pokemon: Infernape

Anything else?: nope!
hope I did this correctly and thank you in advance!

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 03:00 (2 Years ago)
Thank you!! ;; I’ll do my best!!

And while I’m at it, allow me to post the full version of my October pfp.

I spent ridiculously long on this. I had literal hours of sketching and deleting poses, looking at different references(clowns, performers, Blacephalon itself, old drawings, etc.) but I finally settled on one and I am really proud of this one haha

I’m especially proud because the outfit is once again designed by me! I’m not very good at designing so I’m pretty happy when I make something I like :’D

This was my little concept sketch for the outfit. I went with shiny Blacephalon because I’m a goth and the colors of shiny Blacephalon fit so good for that. Unsurprisingly took goth clowns as reference images but was trying to make sure I don’t lose the feel of Blacephalon itself. Funfact: Blacephalon is my favorite UB because I love clowns and it’s such a funky and silly fella, how could I not love ‘em? I also noticed mid-drawing the pfp art that the I made the leggins in my initial concept the same color as the boots so I uh… made the leggins a bit darker later on.

May post a non-Pokemon drawing on October 10th but we’ll see. For now it’s time to start shiny hunting Giratina in BDSP hehe

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Posted: Tue, 27/09/2022 23:09 (2 Years ago)
Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay :’>

My absolute favorite Pokemon is Sneasel but there’s many other Pokemon I also love(mainly dark and fairy types). Shiny Sneasel is also my favorite shiny but if I had to choose a second I’d go with Giratina, aka that one legendary I now hunt on October every year in the main games haha
I’m not the greatest at tips, and the usefulness of any I could give would also depend on what kind of goals you have on here, I suppose. There’s a lot of fun stuff to do afterall.

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Posted: Thu, 22/09/2022 20:06 (2 Years ago)
Heyo, it’s me again. Today I go inspired to try making a Pokemon fusion again, which is something I rarely feel motivated to nowdays.
So I let a random Pokemon generator give me two mons to fuse and

Say hello to Purbombee! :’> I’m not the most creative when it comes to fusion concepts but I think this one turned out pretty nicely. I personally love it tbh. Not sure what I’ll do with it but perhaps it’s time I added some lore to my Mystery Dungeon characters. And add more characters 👀

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