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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 21:48 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy looked towards Faith, who was across the way* Did you see where the shot came from? *Faith shook her head and cursed before she took the butt of her rifle and broke off her cars side mirror. She slowly stuck the mirror out and aimed it in various directions to see if she could spot a scope. But right as she thought she saw it, a bullet flew threw the mirror and Lucy dropped it to move her arm back in. She looked around at her surroundings to see if she could find cover closer to where the sniper was but saw none. She then slowly made her way backwards towards the building next to them and busted into it. She turned to look towards the group* Stay here! *She ran up into the building and made her way up the stair, being weary of booby traps that may have been placed throughout the building. And as she got closer to the windows, a single shot pierced one of the windows near Lucy. The sniper knew where she was*

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 16:24 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy nodded and turned to walk off the highway and into the city. Within minutes, the whole group was drenched by the storm. Lucy held her rifle in hand as she ran from building to building, watching for sniper glares in the process. She would then wave on the group as soon as she felt it was safe for them to cross. But she knew it would only get more difficult as they got closer to the lodging as it was flanked by the towns possible sniper nests. As she crossed the street, she heard a building or something in the nearby distant collapse, and watched a cloud of blood form from Faith's shoulder as she fell to the ground. Lucy ducked behind a car and yelled at the others* GET DOWN!! *After a few seconds, Lucy yelled towards them again* Did anyone see where the shot came from- *The sniper shot once again but the bullet hit the car Lucy was behind*

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 01:59 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy looked at them and saw the groups low moral. They had basically been walking non stop since the morning before.* There's a university inn not to far from here. We can bunk there and wait out the storm. But we'll need to move fast, there are two buildings down there that have great view and would be a snipers delight so move fast and stay low. Got it?

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2021 03:55 (4 Years ago)
*38 hours later, Lucy and the group were on the outskirts of Logan, Utah. For a distance, they could see the famous Mountain View Tower next to Utah State University. Lucy took out a pair of binoculars and surveyed the highway they were traveling on. She couldn't see very far until it got fuzzy, but she couldn't see any movement. As she lowered her binoculars, she noticed the storm clouds beginning to roll in. She turned around and went to the group* Looks clear, but stay low.

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2021 01:52 (4 Years ago)
Support! I dont understand why this hasn't been implemented it just makes sense!

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2021 00:11 (4 Years ago)
Support, it could be a very fun thing that the site could have. but maybe only certain pokemon can have the ability so the sprite staff isnt overworked

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Posted: Sat, 13/02/2021 18:26 (4 Years ago)
*Benton walked up to the door, scaring Agent 8 and causing her to fall backwards.* Stand down Agent 8! *The door opend and several guards walked in, 2 of which corralled Agent 8 into the corner while the other went near Ripley. Benton walked into the cell and felt Ripleys head. He looked at her eyes and saw no discoloration whatsoever. He then looked at her wings and saw the dead looking feathers on her limp wings. He stood up and walked out, with the guards in tow. They locked the door behind them and Agent 8 ran up to the door and tried to plead with Benton*

*Lucy nodded her head and closed the map and the group made their way back to the the road to Washington.*

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2021 23:30 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy walk alittle closer and put her finger on the map and traced a trail from where they were to Seattle.* We follow this trail past the nests, walking from dawn til dusk. Once we get to Northern Oregon the number of nests we run into will decrease but we will need to move quickly as the nests are moved every 5 days. *Lucy looked at them all and traced her finger to Idaho* We must stay alert in Washington however. From what remains of my contacts have told me, that whole states been turned into a fortified city state.

*Ripley nodded* Thanks Lucky.. *Ripley began to wheeze as she slowly took breaths in and out*

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2021 19:25 (4 Years ago)

Title: Retired Roleplay Characters

February 12, 2021
Announcement that I dont think anyone will care about as it's about roleplaying

After a longish time, I've decided to retire 2 of my roleplay characters: Tallahassee and Benton

Tallahassee was my first roleplay character ever and started it all for me. However, after the first roleplays I did, I began using her less and less until I reincarnated her into Talla. This in my mind counts as me retiring a character because Tallahassee and Talla are 2 different but similar characters

Benton is a villain I have used very rarely but everytime I used him was better than the last, despite some struggles that came up while portraying him. He is currently being used in APL: Part II so once that ends, he will be fully retired

It was a joy to play them both and I am happy with all of their performances, big and small to an extent

April 12th, 2021

After a few hours of internal debate, I've decided to retire an oddish RP Character of mine: Dylan

Dylan almost didn't come into existence in late 2019 as I was already using a villain in the PH Oscar nominated RP "Pokemon/Hogwarts Crossover". However, I decided to ditch that villain in favor of Dylan and have one of my best performances. And after 1 amazing time using him, 2 so-so times using him, and 2 times I forgot about him mostly, he has left an enduring legacy and us joining the ranks of Talla and Benton

June 4th, 2021

Out of all the roleplay characters of mine that I've decided to retire at one point, these three will hurt the most. As of a decision I made a few months ago but didn't come to terms with until today, the roleplay characters Maddy, Tani, and Talla will be retired.

Tani is probably the least well known out of these three but she is very important to me. When I joined Haven of Beasts over a year ago, she debuted as the shy and kind lover of Maddy. But over time, she has grown into a brave but exhausted leader. She was a joy to play and will be officially retired when Rise of a Warrior ends.

Maddy... where to begin with her, XD. When I first created her, she was a care free teenager with superhuman abilities but after playing her, she began to grow with me. She won me my first PH Oscar, playing her has carried me through difficult times, and when Rise of a Warrior ends, she will get a much deserved break

And now, probably the hardest of all of them. The true "Queen of Evil", Talla. A previous iteration of this character was my first, making Talla my oldest character and my best. As a villain, she stole the show in roleplays such as The Greatest Show, Haven of Beasts, The Kingdoms Three, The Awakening, and finally Rise of a Warrior. Talla's swansong as a character will happen at the end of the untitled sequel to The Kingdoms Three

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2021 18:07 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 21:29 (4 Years ago)
I'd just edit the whole ability tbh

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 21:23 (4 Years ago)
Denied, your powers a bit too OP so if you could tone it down or change it then we can let u in

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 21:23 (4 Years ago)
*Ripley harshly coughed for a solid 30 seconds before breathing heavily. She then sarcastically chirped* Peak of health Lucky

*Lucy nodded* Seattle may be a large city, but luckily he must be stationed in one place so if we run into heavy resistance, we'll know that we're close.

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 21:03 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy looked at Hope and slung the gun over her shoulder. She picked Hope up and held her tightly* Not exactly sweety. *Lucy watched Faith walk up the hill and followed her* Not exactly.

*Ripley coughed more and adjusted her position. Lucky walked over to her and felt her forehead. It was burning* How was firing practice, Lucky?

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2021 20:53 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy looked at Hope. She saw the desperation in her eyes. The need to be with her mother. And Faith had a similar look in hers as she pleaded with Lucy. Lucy looked over Faith's shoulder and saw the white wolf once again, just staring at them but when she blinked it had disappeared once again. Lucy sighed and looked to the ground* No.. but, we will find him.

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 21:49 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy scoffed* Oh right, cus I was about to get my brains out by that sniper's nest! I'm not that helpless little girl any more Faith! And I'm not going to let you follow- *Lucy was interrupted by Hope running down the hill towards them.*

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 21:42 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy stood up and reloaded her gun* Dealing with nests like these. They're all over the area. *Lucy walked up towards the nest and looked around to make sure she got everyone. After about a minute she walked back towards Faith* Why are you here? I told you that I was going at it alone!

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 21:33 (4 Years ago)
*From inside part of the outpost, 2 men sat watching Faith. One held a military scope and the other held a sniper rifle aimed towards Faith. The man with the scope began to speak* Sighted in? *The other one spoke* Yep... See anyone else? *The first one spoke* Nope... Take the- wait a minute *The man with the scope looked around. He thought he saw something move in the tree's. As he looked around, he saw the glare of something. But before he could directly see it, the man with the sniper caught a bullet to the throat, causing him to fall backwards. The man with the sight ducked down and waited to hear something, particularly footsteps, but he heard nothing. He moved his head up to see if the thing that caused the glare moved and was I'm turn shot in the head by Lucy and her rifle. She then looked towards Faith's direction* Come on out!

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 21:02 (4 Years ago)
*Benton spoke sternly to her* We are at war, Agent 8. And during war, ever shot counts. *He put his hands on her shoulders* But I will not lay a finger on them, Agent 8. So long as you do your job. Understood? *Agent 8 quickly and subtly nodded her head and Benton pat her face before standing up and moving to her side* Now take out that last box and head back to your cell. *Benton turned around and began walking with his guards until he was outside once again. Then one of the guards spoke to him* Sir, I thought the test subject vanished weeks ago. Did you recapture them? *Benton didn't look at him* Just do your job, Captain.

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 20:48 (4 Years ago)
*A few minutes later, Benton walked into the room with 2 guards flanking him on both sides. He looked at the last crate that she didn't destroy, along with the boxes she did destroy* Agent 8. *Lucky looked at Benton as he turned towards her* How come you were able to hit every box but this one? *Lucky hesitated as Benton began walking towards her* Every box was hit dead center but now, here I am, standing before you with one box remaining on that wall. *Benton stood over Agent 8, who looked towards the ground in disappointment. Benton crouched down and lifted her face with his fingers* Are your siblings lives not a good enough insensitive for you?

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