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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 18:47 (4 Years ago)
*As Reyna walked away, she heard Mr. Hadleigh as who she was. She stopped right at the door and turned her head to quote him.* I assume you already know it, Mr. Hadleigh. I can assure you I'm somewhat popular among fellows in the city. *She smiled and walked into the practice room of Madame English.*

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 17:35 (4 Years ago)
*Reyna smiled angrily as she flicked her cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to put it out. She stood up and walked towards him* Tell me, Mr. Hadleigh. When you make a joke, do people laugh only when you laugh? Do women swoon only when you talk to them? *Reyna stood a few inches away from Mr. Hadleigh. He wasnt much taller than her so she leaned in and whispered in his ear.* To me darling, your nothing more than a spoiled little boy. *Reyna kissed his cheek in a mocking way before backing away and walking towards Madame English's practice room*

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 17:07 (4 Years ago)
*Reyna began to raise her cigarette close to her mouth* The affairs of the lesser royals dont interest me *Reyna took a hit from her cigarette before tapping it to get rid of the excess ashes on its tip. While she breathed out, she began to speak* And personally, Mr. Hadleigh, your the least interesting of the bunch

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 02:22 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy walked around the building before eventually leaning on a wall and sliding down it. She was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained after walking nonstop for over a day, almost getting shot, and almost loosing another person she loved. She took deep breaths in and out before opening her bag and pulling out Maddy's tapes. She plugged in "#3" and watched as Maddy reappeared on the screen*

Damn it, the stupid thing stopped recording. But... *Maddy hesitated and went silent before continuing* Jesus, I cant remember what I wanted to say. Like, it just seems like I'm forgetting some things about my past. And it's not like i can figure out what may or may not be important to you guys. Like, I'm not sure if saying I won my 5th grade talent show playing guitar would be important or not. *Maddy then laughed* Its funny though. What you remember I mean. Like, right now- *Maddy began to laugh as a single tear began to fall from her eye* I'm struggling to picture my parents faces but I can remember my 12th grade chemistry teachers name was Mr. Raggins. *Maddy began to laugh some more as she spoke* This one time, he came into class with this big ass mug of coffee or something and all class long we were trying to throw crap into it. And this one kid, Randy Fishers threw a big ol' freaking eraser into it and got coffee all over some tests we just did

*Lucy began to laugh along with Maddy. At this moment, Maddy didn't look sick. She looked like her old, cheerful self. But after a few seconds, Maddy's laughing began to became quieter as she thought of something else and she began to look unwell again.* That was the last time I saw that kid, he- well, jesus, he got into a car accident the next day and umm- *Maddy hesitated as she began to remember some things* Christ, that was just about a week before the outbreak began *Maddy chuckled and leaned back into her chair* God, that feels so long ago now.. *Lucy watched as Maddy began to cough vigorously into her arm and the video stopped*

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2021 19:47 (4 Years ago)
*Reyna looked towards Alcott and began to raise the cigarette closer to her mouth* Appears so.. *Reyna took another hit from her cigarette before speaking again* So what would that make you Mr... *Reyna was unfamiliar with this man so she snapped her fingers and pointed towards him*

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2021 17:44 (4 Years ago)
*Every now and then, Reyna took a hit of her cigarette and breathed a big cloud of smoke. Suddenly, she heard Mr. Westlings name and her eyes widened. Everyone in England had heard his name at least once before. She then spoke out as she lowered her cigarette from her mouth* Mr. Westlings here?

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 21:19 (4 Years ago)
*Reyna sat on a chair with a cigarette stick in hand. She watched each and every individual in the room. She then watched as the nervous detective walked into the room and look towards the ceiling.* Ladies and Gentlemen, the man who'll solve it all! *The detective looked towards her and she moved the cigarette towards her mouth*

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 19:43 (4 Years ago)
Username: RoyalGecko
Character Name: Reyna Darrah
Age: 23
Affiliation (Detective, suspect...?): Suspect, former protege of Madame English
She is 5'9, but she strives for perfection when she dances. Months before the party however, she had a huge falling out with Madame English so it is currently unknown why she was at the party.

Hobbies: She is a dancer and while she's talented, her arrogance doesn't match her abilities

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 18:31 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 16:15 (4 Years ago)
*Ripley looked up towards Lucky and saw how sick she was. Ripley moved her legs closer to her and grabbed the wall to lift herself up. She slowly walked to Lucky and patted her back* Its ok, Lucky, you'll be ok...

*Lucy nodded her head, but left Faith's grip and walked away.*

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 06:17 (4 Years ago)
Username: RoyalGecko_QueenOfEvil
What I want drawn: Just a wolf with green eyes if possible
What I'm offering as a sticker price: I sent u a gift of stuff

Other: (Leave me a lil message if you wish!) Ily babee 🥺👉👈❤💖

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 05:11 (4 Years ago)
*Benton straightened up and watched as the people slowly began to disintegrate into a dark purple, almost black ink. He noticed Agent 8 look away, and then shouted at her* Watch, Agent 8! *Agent 8 slowly looked up into the eyes of the prisoners. After a few minutes, they had all become ink that began to pool on the ground. Benton then spoke to a shaken Agent 8.* Return to your cell immediately. *Agent 8 hurried towards an open door in the wall and deposited her weapon onto 2 hooks. But before she left Benton spoke again* And Agent 8, *Agent 8 stopped and looked back towards Benton* Disobey me again, and it will be your sisters up there. Understood?

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 16:33 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy took some deep breaths to stop being so emotional. She then slowly nodded her head* That would be nice...

*Benton furiously walked over to Agent 8 and slapped her* Dont disobey me, Agent 8! I never said you wouldn't hurt people, I only said this training was to help people that aren't like us or *Benton pointed towards the people on the wall* them! So either you do as your told, or your sisters will be punished for your disobedience! Understood?!

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 15:52 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy sighed and leaned on the wall. As he said he had watched family and friends die, she internally chuckled but didnt let it she.* Your not the only one. *Kenji looked up at Lucy as she began to speak.* I've seen friends shot to hell, torn to pieces, and die in spite over everything we did to save them. *Lucy's eyes began to tear up as she thought of her friends who died fighting Benton and the MT. But then she began to think of her parents and Maddy. As she spoke, her voice began to break* I've seen family choke on their own blood and be torn to pieces from the inside out. *She suddenly just began to talk about Maddy and cry as she spoke with a broken voice* I've seen someone I loved chose to die saving the ones they loved rather than live to die of something else *Lucy shook her head* And I dont want anyone else I love to die the same way *Lucy began to full on cry into her hand. She couldn't hold it in anymore. The thoughts of Faith or Hope or anyone else she loved dieing were just to much.*

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 03:29 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy stood up and yelled at them both. She was careful however. She yelled quietly enough so her abilities didn't ruin their hearing but loud enough to get her point across* ENOUGH! *They both looked towards Lucy as she spoke. Lucy gazed at Raelyn* Raelyn, this man just helped us save Faith to which we should be grateful! *Kenji looked slightly proud of himself as Lucy barrated Raelyn but then Lucy looked towards Kenji* That being said, why did you help us?

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2021 00:07 (4 Years ago)
*Benton walked over to Agent 8 and place his hand on her back to coax her to where he wanted her to go. He then began talking* The war is approaching faster than anticipated, Agent 8. So we must get you to phase two of your training. *Benton stopped Agent 8 by grabbing her shoulder. He then opened up a briefcase and took out a crossbow that began to burn his skin off as he held it and gave it to Agent 8.* Your new weapon. *Agent 8 took it and Benton stepped backwards* And what better way to begin than to use *Benton grabbed a remote and pressed a button, causing the wall to open up.* Live targets. *The wall opened to reveal 4 individuals, chained and gagged on all limbs to the roof and ground. They struggled and cried out as they saw Agent 8 standing there with a gun. But Benton merely spoke* Begin firing on them now!

*Lucy held Faith's head in her arms. Faith breathed heavily as Kenji took out the bullet and placed it into a tray. She then looked at Kenji* Thank you

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Posted: Wed, 17/02/2021 23:33 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy looked at Kenji and knelt down* How can I help?

*Ripley coughed a few more time before nodding her head. Meanwhile, on the other side of the base, the doctor walked into the lab and handed Benton Ripley's spoon. He grabbed it and placed it under a microscope where he examined it.* Interesting... *Without diverting his attention from the microscope, he put a red solution on it and watched as it slowly disappeared. He looked up and turned towards the doctor* Keep her on this regiment for a few more days. I want her kept alive, understood? *The doctor nodded and Benton turned to his intercom.* Agent 8, make your way to the training room immediately.

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Posted: Wed, 17/02/2021 16:20 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy whirled around with her handgun at the ready, but Kenji disappeared before she could get a good look. She thought to herself for a moment but then hesitantly decided what they had to do. Lucy kept her gun at the ready just in case, but put her free arm under Faith's arm and looked towards Sal.* Help me lift her Sal!

*Ripleys wings had begun to discolor as time went on. She couldn't even feel them. But then the door to their cell opened up and a guard squad walked in along with a doctor.* Prop her up against the wall *The guards nodded and grabbed Ripley to pit her up to the wall. The doctor then knelt down and opened a box of medicine. He fumbled through it for a few seconds before he found a disposable spoon and the bottle he was looking for. He opened the bottle and poured its black syrupy substance onto the bottle before opening Ripley's mouth and placing it in. He held the spoon in her mouth for a few seconds before he slowly took it out. He put the spoon in a disposable bag and closed up his kit before leaving the room with the guards in tow*

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Posted: Wed, 17/02/2021 05:35 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy began to breath heavily. As she stood there, many moments from her life flashed before her eyes. Her 4th birthday. Her parents taking her to Disneyworld. The day her parents died. All of them flashed before her eyes. She slowly walked out of the building and back outside and heard Faith's painfueled screams. Lucy immediately put her gun over her shoulder and rushed over to Faith, who's clothes and arm were bloody. But that wasn't all. Lucy could see the small area where the bullet had hit was turning a blackish purple color* Jesus Christ Faith! *Lucy looked around frantically* We need a medic!

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 23:55 (4 Years ago)
*Lucy stood up and looked down at Hope and Coraline and shouted at them* GET OUT OF THERE!! *Lucy aimed her gun towards the other building and began firing at the sniper, who in turn fired back. But then the sniper slipped and fell to the ground. Lucy aimed toward his head, but when she pulled the trigger, nothing. She was out and froze as she saw the sniper stand up and aim at her. She could feel death was about to knock on her door, but just before the sniper fired, Faith blindly sent a blast hurling towards him, igniting the floor he was on and burning the sniper to a crisp.*

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