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Searching for: Posts from BlackReshiram.
Posted: Sun, 11/12/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 10/12/2022 01:44 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 08/12/2022 15:06 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2022 23:02 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2022 01:58 (2 Years ago)
Mega able pokemon holding a mega stone are supposed to mega evolve at level 50. To what blastoise are you referring to? Are you sure it is holding a mega stone and you aren't just looking at the mega-able bubble? Or are you trying to evolve a non mega-able blastoise?

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Posted: Tue, 06/12/2022 03:02 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 04:00 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 04/12/2022 18:35 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 4

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 03/12/2022 13:17 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 4

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 03/12/2022 00:47 (2 Years ago)
Username: BlackReshiram
Preferred account(s) for credit: ToyHouse: BlackReshiram/ DeviantArt: BlackReshi

Anything that you prefer to draw?: Feral, Anthro(?), Pokemon
Anything that you cannot draw?: Humans, mech
Artwork/character preferences: Characters are listed from top to least priority

Other: Yee. I remember the last time this was hosted a while ago!

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 02/12/2022 21:04 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 02/12/2022 17:24 (2 Years ago)
100k PD for the eevee x sentret?

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2022 00:25 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Frog
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Angelena
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rynka
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 30/11/2022 22:38 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 29/11/2022 01:35 (2 Years ago)

Done! Lemme know how you like it! If all is well, you can send the payment over and I'll give you the unmarked version!

And with this, the shop is closing for now. I was hoping to take on a few more, but motivation for art outside of coms calls, and I'm going on break again to do that!

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 11:57 (2 Years ago)
Buying an event potion!
Potion- All
Quantity- 2 of each
Payment- pd
Ran- N/A

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Posted: Sun, 27/11/2022 21:06 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2022 21:39 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 2

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 25/11/2022 20:43 (2 Years ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Celestia
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 25/11/2022 19:57 (2 Years ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: BlackReshiram
Egg: Autumn slice
Payment: PD
Checked if available?: yes

Me and a friend want our Ransolites' to dance!
Parent 1: Domino (Rosie)
Parent 2: Kitzi (Me)
Potion?: Yes, Rarity increase
Method: PD
Who's paying?: Me
Requested Designer: OStar

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