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Posted: Sun, 06/08/2023 15:24 (1 Year ago)
Proof my brain is dumb.

"When I was a little kid, I literally thought 'this little pig went to the market' meant it went shopping."

I'm 32, and because of this post, it literally just clicked in my brain. I've never understood why a pig would have to go shopping. The only thing I could ever think of was that he was gathering supplies to rebuild the houses the wolf blew down.

Person: Lugia defeated Rayquaza!

Me: Luigia defeated Rayquaza! "That's cool. They named their Lugia Luigia." *reads again* Oh, wait. Heh. Why did I read it like that?

*iz now imagining a green Lugia jumping repeatedly on a Rayquaza-Bowser until it knocks it out and receives the rare item as a reward*

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Posted: Wed, 02/08/2023 17:14 (1 Year ago)
Facebook reviewed the reports and said they did not violate their standards.

It really sucks that DeviantArt, Wattpad, Discord, Facebook, PH, Tumblr, and PFQ have done nothing about this.

Stalking is a pattern of repeated behavior that includes unwanted attention, contact, harassment, or other conduct toward a specific person.

Harassment is the act of continued and regular unwanted actions against a victim.

Harassment is behavior that is unwanted, annoying, demeaning, humiliating, embarrassing, disturbing, upsetting, or threatening to a person or a group

By those definitions, the person(s) going around one-clicking people every day even when they haven't logged in in months is also harassing, regardless of being "unable to prove malicious intent"

This has been ongoing for three years, and nobody will do anything about it. 😡

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Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 03:52 (1 Year ago)
Dear Ghost,

If you could stop finding something to chew on every five seconds, I'd very much appreciate it. My lungs are weak from Covid last year and do not appreciate my getting up, chasing you down, removing the item from your mouth, bopping you, throwing it away, and sitting back down five times in three minutes.

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Posted: Mon, 31/07/2023 16:13 (1 Year ago)
😡 Woke up this morning to a comment on three of my pages.

One on my gaming page saying that because of the way dad and I banter, You guys must be dating.

Another telling me to get a job, which I've already explained the several reasons why I can NOT. If they came across as excuses, let me add something. I have beaten one of my aunts three times for trying to steal our stuff. I beat someone taking advantage of my mom and I. I beat someone trying to beat up my mom. I have fought with both my mom and brother. (All this over 10 years ago). But I will NOT put myself in a situation where I will retaliate over someone's disrespect or rudeness. And most jobs I can get would do so.

The last one about how I will be homeless when your dad passes. And how I have a PS5 and PC all on my daddy's dime. First off. I WON'T. With the money in my grandma's bank from the properties she's owned for 30 years, I will be well taken care of. Second. My dad spent $2000 on me Oct 2021 because he thought he wasn't going to make it much longer. I am not allowed to spend money on anything. I get into trouble for buying a freaking $7 plushie! He rarely spends money on himself. He doesn't believe I ever do enough to earn anything. I am NOT being showered with gifts or anything I could ever want or ask for.

As well as how I need to stop obsessing over plushies and furries. How dare you tell someone not to get excited over something they love? Also. Furry art does NOT equate what you just called it. But go ahead and say I'm into bestiality if you want cause I know you're going to create that lie now. You're a grown woman. Start acting like it. I was never taught how to socialize. And if you honestly think someone who has been emotionally, mentally, and physically abused practically all their life can act like an adult with a snap of their fingers, you're sorely mistaken.

The ONLY thing I agree with you saying is There's one word that describes you, and that is Autism because I have had so many people tell me I have it. If I could only get a ride to Seattle (six hour round trip plus visit time), I could get tested and put on appropriate meds. But if you do think I'm Autistic, shouldn't you be trying to help me be better and learn from my "mistakes" instead of attacking me?

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Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 00:55 (1 Year ago)
SakuraWolf23 used Confuse on Ghost! It's Super Effective!

He's got four tennis balls. I threw one of them, and he ran off to fetch it. Came back to me, but didn't want to drop the ball I'd thrown. Right next to me is another one, so I picked it up and threw it. He runs off after it and spends five seconds trying to pick it up WITH the other one still in his mouth. Then, he drops the first ball and sniffs back and forth between the two, trying to decide which one he wants the most. After a few seconds, he grabbed the second one and ran back to me.

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Posted: Sat, 29/07/2023 23:48 (1 Year ago)
I need more room for Plooshies XD ^.^

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Posted: Sat, 29/07/2023 18:23 (1 Year ago)

Babies! ❤ I've wanted the Salamander from Frozen II from the moment I saw it. Now I gots him and a new wolfie! I can't stop crying and squealing over my babies!

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Posted: Sun, 23/07/2023 23:50 (1 Year ago)
So after about two weeks, I yet again decided to stop playing Global Pokedex Plus. It, like Eclipse and others I've played, just isn't my thing. PokeHeroes is my second favorite Pokemon browser game, with PokeFarm Q being the first.

That said, I will be joining PFNew, but I will not return to PFQ. As much as I did love the challenge of collecting Spicy specials, particularly the Melanistic, the story events, the variety of tournaments, and several other parts of the game. But being harassed, stalked, slandered, doxxed, and more from some things I said THREE YEARS AGO, well. Let's just say that NONE of the other games I've played have had such a not only toxic user base but people willing to accept the toxic behavior instead of standing up against it. Thank you again to those who came to me, saying that though you don't agree with what I said, you did not appreciate one bit the way I was being treated over it. You're proof that mature, compassionate, respectful individuals do still exist.

That's saying something, considering that I've played Ultima Online Evolution and Diablo Immortal. The respective PVP and World Chats could get so hateful, vile, and disrespectful. Communities like those are the reason why, although I share my codes, I rarely game with anyone other than Dad, and two of my friends from UOE. I wanna play and enjoy my experience. Not be sent into shaking panic/anxiety attacks because the arguing sets off memories, both from my childhood and the occasions of explosive anger from both my brother and dad.

Of course, part of me is yet again tempted to leave this game. The user base is nowhere near as toxic as I remember it being 2-3 years ago. But now, a main issue with PH is that there are so many things that could be tweaked, updated, fixed, etc. This here is just a small list I put together myself of various things that I have seen others talk about often, and a few I just think would make good additions to the site. I mean. The only thing really keeping me here is the Shadows and the socialization.

I'd probably Shiny Mega hunt more if it wasn't such a tedious process. Granted, chains on PFQ regularly go 1k plus without a Melan, and up to 10k+ if you're super unlucky, but eggs hatch faster there, and you get them more often. Maybe we could add to the Breeding System. Aside from the flute (that just doubles the already low chance of getting an egg every 15 minutes), maybe we could have something like every 25 fish you pull, every 10 eggs you adopt, every 100 interactions you make, etc, has a chance to spawn an egg.

The social aspect of this site and the acceptance, encouragement, positivity, and advice from the player base I've received over the years (and the forgiveness for my behavior the first year I played), makes this feel like a safe space for me. So until it stops being that, I'm going to continue to be here, brightening your every day with my presence and occasionally my fanfics because I'm awesomesauce like that. ^.^

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Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 01:45 (1 Year ago)
[Playing Diablo IV]

We're at a Legion Event.

Me: Oh, cool! There's a Voldemort and a Minerva here.
Dad: I don't know Minerva.
Me: Minerva McGonnagall. She's the Transfiguration teacher who could turn into a cat. I'm assuming you recognized Voldemort since--
Dad: Obviously *in Snape's voice*
Me: --you didn't ask about him.
Dad: Yes. He's the guy with the scar on his forehead who killed the baby in the crib that had no nose.
Me: *speechless with laughter* Omfg. I just have to post this.

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Posted: Fri, 14/07/2023 22:54 (1 Year ago)
This is so beautiful! Kindness, patience, and understanding. You should be able to come to your parents with anything!

The other person brought up a good point. If they come to you, trusting you with their feelings of dysphoria, and you turn them away, they'll hurt themselves as they find ways to fix themselves on their own, or worse. It's best to work with them and cooperate.

I didn't believe children have the mental and emotional maturity to understand what they're saying or the choice they're making (kids are highly influential, and peer pressure exists even that young).

But you know what? Supporting your child's dysphoria doesn't mean you have to go all out and transform them then and there. Now I understand, and I'd gladly take these small harmless steps if it makes them comfortable. And when they're around 15, and want to go further, I'll fully support them.

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Posted: Wed, 12/07/2023 06:44 (1 Year ago)
Yet another shining example of my inability to prioritize and follow through on things I say I'm going to do:

*sighs* I really need to learn to tell the part of my brain that says "There's always tomorrow" to bugger off. So much to do. No clue what to do. Been forcing myself to write over the last few days to get some of this stuff checked off my list.

Notes to Self:

Reply to three roleplays
Update Bios and Storylines for my 17 characters
Add 3 chars to Bios and Storylines (20 total)

Write out the next story progression post for Morrigan
Write out a special piece for Rhoslyn

Write a piece for Catastrophic Cattery
Finish Ch 1 of Arcanum Magicka
Finish Ch 14 of Angel of the Shadows
Finish Ch of main project, Forevermore
Start Ch 5 of Guardians of Sanctuary
Start Ch 1 of Selkie Spirit
Start Ch 1 of Sly Fox Eyes
Start Ch 1 of Terrorific Trio

Play Diablo Immortal/Diablo III/Diablo IV
Play Genshin, FF7, FF15, Spyro, or other game on my PS5/Steam
Stream something!

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Posted: Wed, 28/06/2023 02:59 (1 Year ago)
Look. I have had a lot on my plate for five years now. Why? Because I absolutely suck at prioritizing and I tend to procrastinate HARD. I'm on my computer practically all day because I'm lazy and/or depressed. I tell myself I need to do such and such chores, but then make any and every excuse in the book to not get them done. Rarely do I actually go to bed with the feeling that I accomplished something that day. I'm not good with following through on my own routines, either. Look at how many times I stopped/started dieting and exercising. I hate the way I look while weighing 184 pounds, but simply cannot bring myself to do anything to lose weight. I write my fanfics to avoid writing my main projects, and I roleplay to avoid both. I'm currently obsessing over D4 to keep from going to D3 and grinding for the last few Primals I need before the Season ends as well as to avoid any sort of writing. And yet, I'm either going to completely space and miss the end date, or have to grind heavily for the final two days.

And yet. Knowing all this about me, you dare to assume that I used an auto clicker because "how else would she have gotten everything else done?" The fact of the matter is: I got NOTHING done. I'm a pathetic pos loser who chooses to waste her time, talents, and energy on gaming and other things that will amount to nothing instead of putting anything into true efforts to become a better person.

Does Dad know how to use AHK? Yes. Did he teach me? Yes. Does he believe not allowing it or at-home Pokemon Go playing is a violation of the Disability Act? Yes. Do I? Yes. Have I used it? Yes. Usually, it simplifies repetitive clicking processes. I don't mean like interacting. I mean like have to click ok at the top left of the screen, move to the bottom right, and then back to the top left because it's a one-at-a-time process. It's the moving of the mouse hand that hurts the most. Using a macro doesn't necessarily make me a liar or a cheater. It's what I use it for that would make the difference.

But if you want to believe I'm a cheater. Whatever. You already believe so many things about me that were either never true or are no longer true. And you won't listen. Funny. You asked me to respect your words, views, and opinions, but refuse to do the same for me. As if you've placed my existence and value beneath yours. Thankfully, at the end of the day, I still wish you well in life. I hope that you will open your eyes and heart and see the way you treat people is wrong. I still think of you and wonder how you're doing after making it out of that abusive situation, or that trip to the hospital, or that loss, etc. I have an amazingly kind and compassionate heart to the point where it will one day be my downfall. But that's okay.

I always thought I was a weak person who let everyone walk all over me. Thank you for showing me how wrong I was. Thank you for showing me how strong I am. Thank you for the destruction that allowed me to find people who love, cherish, and understand me. Try as you might, but you won't ever break me.

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Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 15:57 (1 Year ago)
Jeez. I thought kittens were hyperactive.--Definitely proven true with our new Siamese kitten who will also gladly talk your ear off. We went yard saling, and one of them had kittens they were giving away for free. We just had to get a Siamese, as it's one of our favorite breeds. And yes. I expected meowsalot, but dang lol

But Ghost is crazy hyper, and won't stop running through and around my legs like a cat. In 8.5 years, none of my cats have tripped me, but istg, if anyone is, it's this pupper.

Also refuses to listen to me at times. I swear, it's like the first night he was here, he got lessons from one of the cats on how to annoy me. And yes. I feel my cats, jiffed as they are about me bringing a dog into the house, would gladly have given him tips on how to annoy me.

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Posted: Mon, 05/06/2023 02:09 (1 Year ago)
Question. Working on fleshing out characters for the Eeveelution Detective Fanfic. And I'm wondering.

Right now, I have things like this:
(Fun Fact. Pierre is actually French for Peter, but it was inspired by the Pieridae, a large family of butterflies containing over 1,100 species mostly from Tropical Africa and Asia)

And I'm wondering if I should continue with that concept since I feel that even if I did the research, I wouldn't be able to portray things correctly.

Should I make them all American, but with bits and pieces of their heritage? Which would allow for some leeway when it comes to traditions and such.

Would it be best to strike the diversity part as a whole? And if I do so, do I make them American because it's what I know best? Do I place it in the Pokemon world? Or create my own world because these are just Eevee-based people. (even though I kinda wanted each to have an Eeveelution as a familiar)

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Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 22:00 (1 Year ago)

Title: 13. Roar, Gyarados

Shadow Skill: Silence. Prevents the opponent from using moves such as Roar or Intimidate

From the moment they evolve, Gyarados are struck by a desire to destroy. They will not calm until nothing is left. Shadows, however, seem incapable of such ferociousness.

Angel sat down at one of the little tables that overlooked the ocean and wondered if Maya would still be alive had she chosen to turn down the mission for Team Rocket. She probably should have to begin with since she'd both succeeded and failed in the mission. But at least everyone had gotten what they wanted. The meddlesome goody two-shoes were out of the way so they could get things done. Part of her felt she could have done more good if she had continued to work for them after the organization revealed the truth to her.

But one thing she'd chosen to live her life by was the fact that things happened for a reason. And her father now had some of that glowy liquid from the Silph Co. So regardless, if they could figure out its purpose, they could use it against Team Rocket. They could even become as much of a thorn in their side as Ash Ketchum and his friends. Perhaps it was for the better, too. She doubted she would have been able to play Team Rocket from the inside, what with how easy she was to read and how she couldn't lie. At least, not very well. Not to mention, it was unlikely they would have believed her anyway. Do-gooders didn't just up and change overnight. Horrible things had to happen to them to set them on a different path.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and glanced up to see Faolan. Only then did she realize she'd been quiet for far too long, and she blushed. "Sorry. I was just wondering if..." Angel trailed off, shook her head, and looked back to the ocean. Though she barely knew Faolan, she knew he would be like every normal person and tried to convince her that she was not at fault. And honestly, that wasn't something she could deal with now. No matter how badly she tried to deny it, Maya would not have been docked that day had Angel not pushed for a bit of speed.

After a little while, her gaze went to the shrunken pokéballs still in her hand. She pressed the buttons to enlarge them and released her friends. Sylvie, her Shiny Sylveon. Dreamer, a black and white Absol. Rosie, a Leafeon who'd grown up around cherry blossom trees and taken their appearance. Anya, a mischievous Litten. And Aleu, a Midday Lycanroc who did not have the neck fluff that all others had. They all instantly began to shower her with questions and demands for attention. Anya was surprisingly quite upset that she hadn't been invited—something along the lines of being rude not to include her. Of course, she didn't care that the others weren't invited, either. Just herself. All in all, it made her laugh. Even Faolan seemed to be amused, for she heard a soft chuckle.

Anya began to look around for Ebony, but when she didn't smell him on her, she just jumped atop Angel's head and curled up. Angel choked up at that, for she knew the little one merely thought Ebony was off to himself. As soon as Anya found out the truth, she would be devastated. Hopefully, Angel could keep it from her, and she would never have to know. Ebony was Anya's best friend. Aside from her, that is.

When she looked at Faolan, she saw that he was focused on Sylvie, Rosie, and Dreamer. Well, more so Rosie and Dreamer, which made sense because, although rare, Shiny Pokémon weren't quite that rare. Angel pointed at each Pokémon as she introduced them, then went into details about Rosie and Dreamer. She explained how the young Eevee had grown up in and evolved beneath a Cherry Tree, so she was shades of pink and red instead of green and brown. And how, though Dreamer's color origins were unknown, she was certain Absol's reverse-colored coat made him a bearer of creation, purity, and good luck. Not that she believed the superstition of them being harbingers of doom and destruction.

"Do you only have five?"

"Yes and no. My sixth member, Ebony, is a Sableye with Melanism. I don't know if you've ever heard of that, but it's an excess of pigmentation and makes his skin darker than the rest of his kind. I named him Ebony because I thought he was the same shade as the gem. He carries a topaz-colored gem, as big as the one you would see a Mega holding, but he can't Mega-volve. Maybe he's in permanent Mega form? Heh. Never thought of that."

She shook her head before she continued. "But a Team," she paused to draw an 'R' on the table, "uh, borrowed him. I tried to make a deal to get him back and almost did, but a Murkrow decided that it would...be easier if Ebony stayed under the protection of a notorious trio for a while."

"'Team Rocket took him'," she mouthed when she realized he seemed confused. Angel then pointed to Anya and then placed a finger to her lips. At least he understood the points and shushes meant that she didn't want Anya to know yet.

"What did you do to the Murkrow for it to not want to cooperate with you?"

Angel shrugged. "You could say that it was a consequence of my naïveté. Back when I thought I was doing good by being a member of Team Rocket, they told me that a Murkrow had been taken from their facility. They said that he was a beloved partner to one who knew Giovanni. I was sent to retrieve him. Didn't realize I was returning him to a life of torture and servitude."

"Hold on. No offense, but you don't seem that naïve. How did you go so long without knowing what everyone already knew?"

Tears welled in her eyes. It wasn't that his words had hurt her. It was more like she was angry with herself for having been so stupid not to pick up on the signs. To hear others point it out was like salt in the wound. They'd never allowed her contact with other members and never let her set foot in any facilities. In hindsight, everything that was said and done screamed suspicious. But she'd grown up misunderstood. Perhaps that was a trait Team Rocket used to manipulate her? If that was how they'd recruited her, did that make her empathy a weakness? Now too upset to speak, she moved her head to look at the water again.

Faolan said nothing more as if he knew he'd accidentally upset her. It wasn't his fault, and she wanted to tell him that. But if she did that, it would be akin to self-admittance that she was a monster. And since she already always felt bad enough about herself, it wasn't something that would be very helpful.

As she watched the water, something caught her eye. A purplish aura like the Shadows she'd found. "No way." The words were barely audible as she laughed inwardly at the fact that her father had missed this by minutes. Something about her demeanor must have caught Faolan's attention, for he was now beside her as they both looked into the water.

A Gyarados leaped into the air from twenty feet below with a mighty roar. Angel heard Faolan gasp as Anya noticed she was above water and jumped onto the table with a hiss. "What is that?" Faolan had such a childlike tone of wonder in his voice that she couldn't help but smile.

At first, she didn't plan to tell him anything, but then she remembered why he'd been arrested. He'd tried to poach a poacher. There was a high chance that if he knew what to look for, he could become one of Giratina's Warriors of Light. She could tell he was the type of person who would do everything possible to find and protect the Shadows. Mind made up, she replied.

"It's a Shadow Pokémon. Team Rocket and others after these oddities. They want to experiment on them. According to Giratina, who came to me in my dreams, wholly subservient Pokémon, more powerful than the Ultra Beasts, will be made if Team Rocket has their way. The vision of the future Giratina showed me revealed a world run and oppressed by Team Rocket. Perhaps each Region was ruled by a team" Angel shook her head. "It's not something we can let happen."

"Do you have a plan to keep them out of everyone's hands?"

"Not really. I do want to find a way to purify them or something. Make them worthless to anyone who wishes to use them for malicious purposes. But right now, I'm sending them to my father, Nanaki. He's a skilled scientist and inventor. He's going to provide them with a safe place to stay while he helps them to be better."

"Be better?" Faolan asked, but she shook her head again.

"More details can come later. For now, though, we need to find a way to convince Gyarados to come with us before someone sees."

"Why not just capture it?"

"I hate that concept. No matter how badly I want to help them, it's still their choice. If they decided to turn me down, I would give advice, but I would not go against their desires." When she looked at him, it was clear she had once experienced a similar loss of choice at one point, which led to her firm belief in free will. He nodded, but she had no clue whether it was because he ceded to the wishes of a friend or if he felt the same way.

Angel returned Sylvie to his pokéball as she hopped atop the railing. For a few seconds, she hesitated. She felt a bit woozy at the combination of heights and that she was about to leap into the water when she couldn't swim. After a few deep breaths, she jumped forward into the ocean. Above and behind her, she heard Faolan call out her name with quite a bit of concern. Had he noticed her hesitation and placed two and two together? No. That wasn't something most people would even think of. His concern most likely regarded the height from which she'd jumped.

The moment she hit the water, she realized why he was worried. She'd barely managed to clear the shallow water. Once she'd shaken off the stupidity of her actions, she brought out Sylvie, who quickly noticed where they were and extended his ribbons to wrap around Angel's waist to keep her afloat. With Sylvie's help, Angel "swam" a bit farther out and began to talk to the Gyarados. "Hey, there. I saw you a few moments ago. If you're scared, there's no need to be. We can help you if you give us a chance."

For the next three minutes, she went back and forth between silence and soothing words. When it seemed like she would have her first—well, she wouldn't say loss or failure—disappointment, for lack of a better word, Dreamer called out from above her, and when she glanced at him, she noticed that his gaze was past her. Angel turned her attention that way to see the Gyarados, male from the looks of it, slowly approach her. He seemed so peaceful and calm. It was his behavior that helped her realize how she could help.

"Poor thing. You must feel horrible. Having the desire to go on a rampage and destroy stuff but unable to do so." Angel reached out a hand to stroke his face. "I know of someone who can help you." She began to reach into her pouch, only to remember that it and her backpack were on the table. In order not to startle him, she continued to speak to the Gyarados. "My father can come up with a way to make you once again able to destroy at will. But you must trust me. Can you do that?"

There was no response for quite some time, and she opened her mouth to tell him it was okay if he didn't want to trust her. But she said nothing. Just as with Ally, she recognized this as a silent moment. Where choices could make or break a person. It was an important decision, and the Gyarados needed to do it without her influence. At last, he nodded.

She turned, looked up at her Pokémon, and raised her hand. Rosie was the first to figure out what she wanted and used Razor Leaf to toss an empty pokéball to her. Angel, of course, missed it due to her hand-eye coordination being pathetic. Thankfully, it was a ball, and balls, unlike her, could float without help. Rosie's ears laid back, and Angel smiled at her to tell her it wasn't her fault. When she turned her attention back to Gyarados, she could have sworn that he laughed at her.

Before he touched his head to the pokéball, he leaned forward and nuzzled against her neck. Angel was certain that he even purred, but that was impossible. The Gyarados wasn't a catfish like Whiscash. She had to frown and tilt her head at that. Was Whiscash a catfish or a whale? And come to think of it, did catfish even purr?

Sylvie's voice drew her out of her thoughts, and she held onto the pokéball while they "swam" to a spot where she could climb out of the water. By this time, Faolan and the others had reached them. Beside her, Sylvie did the shaking dry thing, and Angel couldn't help but wonder why humans couldn't shake their bodies like that, as it looked fun.

When she realized that Faolan looked at her weirdly, she spoke. "If we split up, we can protect more of these Shadows than if we were together. We can also obtain the aid of more like-minded individuals." After she placed the now shrunken pokéball in her backpack that he'd brought, she held her hand out to him. "I will give you my father's contact information with your agreement. But you aren't to share it with anyone else without my explicit face-to-face permission just to be confident the approval came from me."

Without a second's hesitation, he handed over his Pokénav. She felt bad for the lack of complete honesty, but it wasn't as if she wanted to tell the truth. That she would rather be alone than risk the problems that came from misunderstandings because no matter how hard people tried to convince her that they would always be there for her, they always lied. The only person she trusted was her father—despite the way he treated her—because she knew that if it came down to it, he would drop and/or risk everything for her.

"I also gave you my contact info. Just in case you ever needed my help with something or find yourself in trouble." Angel returned the Pokénav, then stretched her arms above her head and leaned back until her back popped. "Well. I should probably be going now," she turned, began to walk off, then paused and looked back. "Thank you."

"Whatever for?"

"For being there for me while I was locked up. It's as if..." She trailed off, unable to say what was on her mind. As if he knew she was the type of person who could easily drive herself crazy with her thoughts if left alone. Even though she did her best to ignore him most of the time, he'd kept her sane. Kept her from being overwhelmed with thoughts of worthlessness and loneliness.

"Anytime, Alexandria."

"Call me Angel." And then, she truly walked off, though, honestly, she had no clue what she planned to do next.

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Posted: Fri, 02/06/2023 22:11 (1 Year ago)
So, uhm. Gots a Puppy! Name's Ghost!

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Posted: Fri, 02/06/2023 06:01 (1 Year ago)
*smh* I just want to say that I'm really sorry to anyone who gets dragged into the drama of two and a half years ago that involves me for whatever reasons. I wish people could let go of things and stop holding hatred in their hearts.

I'm half glad that I'm not like that, but I'm just as bad the opposite way. I'll continue to give people chance after chance, even when I know I shouldn't because I see the good in them. Takes something major for me to cut ties, and even then, I try to rebuild bridges every couple of years.

Just have to remind myself that nothing they say matters. I've learned, changed, grown, and continue to do so each day. Being a better me than I was yesterday is the only thing that matters.

Good night, everyone! Going to try to get some writing in on Angel of the Shadows this weekend. Looking forward to streaming some Genshin or Final Fantasy 7 Remake on Sunday!

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Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 06:15 (1 Year ago)
Ahh! Played a bit of FF7 Remake, and I'm enjoying it. ^.^ Never played the original, but I've watched Dad do so. And I have played Crisis Core. Might stream it, Genshin, or Resident Evil 4 (original) tomorrow. For now, time for bed. Good night!

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Posted: Wed, 24/05/2023 05:47 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 17:30 (1 Year ago)

Title: 12. Consequences

Angel groaned as she stretched the tension out of her muscles and sat on the cot. A yawn escaped her as she rubbed the grit out of her eyes. As she stared at the floor, from the corner of her left eye, she caught sight of a pair of steel-toed boots on the other side of the bars and tensed.

"It might be dark and super boring down here, but that doesn't mean you get to sleep the days away. Should have used this time to study, work out, train, something. Anything is better than letting your mind and talents go to waste." Her father paused for a few seconds. "Then again, if what Officer Jenny has told me is true, you've been doing so for a long time."

"Hey, sir! Don't be talking down to her like that." Faolan's sleepy voice entered the conversation, and she was thankful that her father chose to ignore the kid.

She opened her mouth to speak, but her father continued. "I don't care what your excuses are for why you joined. You didn't talk it over with me first. And then you lied when you told me you wished to stay away because you experienced the Call."

"I didn't lie about that!" Angel exclaimed as she turned to meet his eyes, only to instantly regret it as she saw the amount of disappointment held within. "When I spoke to you that day, I'd had an epiphany. Things have happened since, and my views have changed. I want to make something of my life. To make the world a better place."

"If I believed you chose it out of morality, it would be worth a cookie. But since I think you did that only because your hand was forced, I won't congratulate you. Seriously, though? Alexandria Nicolai Flamel. Your mother and I raised you better than that."

The usage of her full name caused her to flinch again. Faolan saw and prepared to speak again, but she spoke over him. "I will assume that nothing I say would make you change your mind. So, I must let my actions prove otherwise."

He shook his head. "You got yourself into this mess. Get yourself out."

"Wait!" she cried out as he turned to leave. "Surely you didn't travel all this way just to tell me that and then walk off."

Her father paused but didn't turn to look at her again. "Jenny told me the hidden reason you were arrested. I didn't doubt you were guilty of the accusation. You've always had a fascination with Team Rocket. But I'd hoped, after everything everyone ever told you, that you wouldn't willingly become an Agent. Instead, your reaction when you recognized me told me everything I needed to know. You knowingly, willingly, and deliberately aided them. It's not something I can let slide."

"It was! I thought I could do good with them!"

"Good with them?!" At that, he did turn back to her, and she felt tears burn in her eyes at his outrage. "I create technological advances for all walks of life to improve the world! You should have said something if you weren't content with our accomplishments!"

"That's not what I meant! I—" She fell silent and then sighed. "Never mind. You wouldn't understand."

"And that is exactly why you're in trouble. You chose not to communicate with me." He looked away from her again. "I brought the rest of your Pokémon, just in case you were serious in your desire to start your journey. But I'm of half a mind to keep them from you as part of your punishment. Do me a favor, though, and don't come home until you understand why I'm so disappointed in you."

"Does that mean you don't want me to send you more Shadows?"

With extremely obvious sarcasm, he responded. "Yes. Because that's the type of person I am. I'm mad at you for joining Team Rocket, and I will act just like them and punish innocent Pokémon. Seriously? Don't ask such stupid questions. Goodbye, Alexandria."

Before she could say another word, he walked off. Once they heard the hallway door shut, Faolan spoke. "Well. That was quite rude."

Angel didn't answer. She'd long since stopped trying to explain her father to people. His heart was always in the right place, even if how he went about things seemed a little...much. Despite his occasional outbursts, she knew that he cared for her. Just...Sometimes she wished he could understand how what he said and did negatively affect her. But even if he did, he'd likely say that she needed to do something about it since she was the one with the problem.

They heard the jingle and jangle of keys, and Officer Jenny approached Faolan's cell. As she placed a key in the hole, she spoke, "The charges against you have been dropped. You're free to go."

"Aww. But now I don't want to go. Who's going to keep this lovely lady company?" Faolan somewhat teasingly replied as Jenny held his cell door open.

"Unless you commit another crime, you can't stay. And until the Judge settles on her punishment, she can't leave. If it's that important, I can see if a decision can be made today. Regardless, you still must leave this area."

Faolan nodded and took off, which left just the two of them. Jenny sighed as she closed the door. She then looked down the hallway before she turned around to face Angel. "I didn't want him around for privacy reasons, but your decision came in not long before your father arrived."

She leaped to her feet, crossed the short distance to the door, and wrapped her hands around two bars. "What is it?"

"Since there is no proof of past crimes with Team Rocket other than your word, you cannot be charged for those. Regarding The Swanna, the other person with your hair color has confessed to setting the fire, so you're also clear for that."

"What about what I told you the day I turned myself in?"

"The Judge thought long and hard on that one. And, since you are known for wild imagination and creative stories, you were labeled as someone who cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. Thankfully, you have not been deemed a threat to yourself or others, so there was no need to place you in a Psychic Ward."

"And my punishment?"

"This is the part you might not like. You have been banned from participating in any Trainer Event until you earn enough Integrity Points. This means your every move will be closely watched in Kanto. Try to do only good things with your newfound freedom."

"Oh." Angel fell silent and hung her head as she let her arms fall to her sides. "That's not at all something I would have expected. Seems like way too harsh of a punishment." She gasped. "Does Father know?" Jenny's silence and sad eyes answered that question. "Please tell me I can still be a Gym Leader!" More silence. "Arceus! That's why dad's so mad at me right now. I was supposed to lead the Flamestryke Gym for a few months. Going to assume that's out of the question now."

"Well. Technically, you could, provided you take care of the paperwork. But you would not be able to oversee or participate in a battle. It would not be a legitimately recognized Badge earned by the opponent. I'm sorry, Angel. You chose this on your own, and now you must deal with the consequences."

Finally, Jenny unlocked the cell and let her out. "The person on the other side of the door will check you out. You still have my number, and I will help you however I can. Just—"

"Yeah, I know. So long as it doesn't go against your rules and regulations." Angel couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice and felt so bad that she had to continue, "Not that I'm mad at you. I understand your hands are tied. And I don't want you giving me special treatment or anything just because we're friends. No more covering things up. Even if they're minor infractions." She didn't know what else to say, so after she hugged Jenny, she headed out.

As she looked through her knapsack a few minutes later, she found her father had not only taken the three Pokéballs that held the Shadows but left four of her signature balls. They were red and gold with a Cheri Blossom pattern. She sighed, smiled, and shook her head. It was just like him to be mad and still doing something sweet. He called those moments 'being the better person'.

Several minutes later, she was greeted outside by Faolan, who seemed above the Lunatone she was also free. She smiled and walked past him to the docks. Part of her knew he would follow, and that was fine. Her mind just needed time to think before she spoke to him.

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