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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 17:51 (3 Years ago)
His grip tightened slightly around the base of the chair, and Amane's smile flickered for a moment. "I...I know what you mean. About escaping your parents through reading." He fell silent for a moment. And then with a sharp toss of his head, he leaned closer to Ophelia once more. "How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? I may be short, but I'm actually-"

A lofty voice and the returning scent of smoke interrupted Amane, who frowned a bit as he stood up. "I suppose it's my turn to be grilled," the teen said, taking a second to don his hat and dust his waistcoat. "Can't say I'm looking forward to it, but oh well, might as well just get it done." He gave Ophelia a short bow, allowing his playful smirk to appear once more. "Don't worry," Amane added with a quick wink before he turned away, "I'll be back soon."

Muffled steps scattering a thin layer of dust, the young man opened the door and shut it softly, finding himself face to face with the older detective from earlier, who, from his expression, seemed to be taking personal offense from a book that he was rifling through as Amane walked in. "Hello. I was told it's my turn. I'm Amane Piedmont, eighteen, not related to the late Madame English by blood," he rattled off as he sat down, making sure to keep a good posture and solid eye contact with the detective.

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 13:17 (3 Years ago)
(Just so you know, the book was actually published in the 1800's, as the French Revolution occurred after the American Revolution, but it's fine lol xD)

Amane brightened, snapping his gaze up to meet hers. "Really?!" Though he wasn't a huge fan of most subjects, he did have a small interest in history along with a passion for astronomy. "That's a great book. Have you read it through before? I won't spoil anything if not. It's got such great themes!" Unconsciously, he leaned closer to Ophelia as he peered over her shoulder to see where she was in the book. "I hope you're enjoying it so far." Amane backed up a bit, looking much more relaxed now. "I'm more of a science person myself, but I have exceptions for great writers like Dickens."

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 17:22 (3 Years ago)
"I don't know about all of that. I mean, your chances of me being the murderer are 1 in 7, which is pretty good odds if you ask me." He gave her a smile. Amane tried not to laugh at the young lady's - Ophelia's - serious disposition. Whether she wanted to be or not, she was pretty funny - he'd had to really control his face when she deadpanned about the death rate. "Well, I'm here because I was also here during the party, and consequently, during the murder. So, naturally, they suspect me, just like they suspect most of the other people here." He rolled his eyes slightly. "Although honestly, what are they expecting me to have done? I'm too short to even reach the top bookshelf, let alone to find a route all the way up to the chandelier." The young boy gestured to the walls of the room, which were noticeably lacking in proper footholds. He turned back to Ophelia with a shrug. "I guess it makes sense that they'd suspect me, anyways; after all, they've got to take any lead they can get."

Amane shuffled his feet slightly at the awkward silence that elapsed. Making a quick decision, he plopped down in a chair next to Ophelia, removing his hat and placing it under his seat. "What are you reading?

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 16:29 (3 Years ago)
As Amane watched a second person leave the room for questioning, he decided it would be a good time to "arrive". Slipping quietly out from behind the curtains, he was grateful for the muteness of his steps as his boots made no sound on the wooden floors. He was mostly curious about what to expect from the detectives; the young one seemed preoccupied with the chandelier, and who was he to interrupt? Instead, he approached the young woman who had just left the company of the older detective.

"Excuse me," the teen began, slightly sorry that he was interrupting what seemed to be a great read. "My name is Amane Piedmont. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, extending a hand to the lady. A slightly playful smile crept across his face, and he couldn't help adding, "Thanks for clearing the air a bit." Amane tilted his head towards the door that the young lady with a cigarette had just disappeared through to indicate his meaning. "It was getting a bit cloudy in here."

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 21:38 (3 Years ago)
There were already three people there, Amane counted, and yet none of them had spotted him yet. It was just as well - he wasn't exactly expecting them to be peering behind curtains looking for a teenager. Although he didn't really have any reason to hide out from anyone, he figured it would be a good idea to get a sense of who was who before engaging with anyone. One man had clacked into the room with a cane, and Amane could tell with a glance that the stranger wasn't holding up too well following the events of the ball a few days past. There was a boy - certainly no older than him and most likely younger - who appeared to be even more nervous than the older man. He kept fiddling with a tattered scarf, but Amane wasn't sure whether it was out of guilt or fear of being falsely accused. The newest arrival, a woman with a cigarette, seemed the least apprehensive about returning to the scene of the crime. She looked almost bored as she scanned the room.

He, himself, was slightly shaken by the surprise murder. It wasn't every day that a chandelier kills one of the most influential people in a kingdom. At the same time, Amane wasn't about to be as blatantly on edge as some of the other people, especially the kid. He knew he was one of the youngest suspects. If he wanted the adults in the room to take him seriously, he needed to be careful with exactly what he relayed to the group, whether through what he explicitly said or whether through body language and action. Of course, it wouldn't be easy; Amane knew first hand how hard it could be to hide one's emotions completely. So, for now, he preferred to gain an advantage by observing what he could before everything began to go down. Amane shifted slightly, slipping his hands into the pockets of his grey waistcoat, and silently stood in wait for the next guest.

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2021 19:48 (3 Years ago)
Username: Ralsei
Character Name: Amane Piedmont
Age: 18
Affiliation (Detective, suspect...?): Suspect
Appearance: Amane stands at around 150 cm (around 5 ft) tall and has choppy brown hair that tapers off at the neck. He has bangs that reach to eye level, and sports a dark grey waistcoat, dull red breeches, and a slightly lighter red dress shirt. He wears brown laced boots and a tricorner hat.
Hobbies: Amane is a very playful young man who is open about his support of the Revolution. Though he has never been to the Colonies, he dreams of going to New York to study astronomy one day.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2021 14:18 (3 Years ago)
OH MY GOSH I'm in class rn and I had to keep a straight face omggg this hanako is SO CUTE IM DYING DW I will give you SO MANY MORE excuses to draw,, h i M <33 thank you so much im weakkk!!

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2021 01:14 (3 Years ago)

Username: Ralsei
Art format: doooodle :>
The character wanted drawn: a new fav,, hanako-kun
Background*: up to you? i like the cute color bg of the examples tho :o
Deadline: noneee~
Any extra infos?: hehe i love your art!! gonna revamp my page soon w/ barry :D turtwiggg

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Posted: Mon, 25/01/2021 12:26 (3 Years ago)
OHmygosh,,, BARRY!! I love it so so much omg he run,, the pose is so perfect I love this so much you’re the best <333

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Posted: Thu, 14/01/2021 04:38 (3 Years ago)
Username: Ralsei
Art format: Fullbody pleaseee!
The character wanted drawn: my boy;; love of my life;; Barry <3
Sketch-only or Flat-coloured*: Flat!
Crayon or Pen Brush**: Pen :)
Background***: None!
Deadline: whenever you like haha, I just want a Barry to put on my profile :D
Any extra infos?: you're gonna see me a lot here I adore your art what the heck your style is awesome

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Posted: Wed, 13/01/2021 05:14 (3 Years ago)
I'd love to buy both of the retro gastlys!

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Posted: Wed, 13/01/2021 04:43 (3 Years ago)
Hey Ren, can I have some Pokemon?
Pokemon: Furfrou x2
Gender/Nature/Link (if I have multiple): N/A
Other: tysm! <3 you've helped me out a lot haha :)

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2021 20:09 (3 Years ago)
Ferra was pleased that the girls didn’t seem at all bothered by her joining in, and decided to take a seat on one of the many chairs next to the two. She smiled, listening to them finish their conversation - something about the little Flabebe being fond of marshmallows - until the girl with the Mr. Mime turned towards her. “Yeah, I’m Ferra and this is Grovyle,” she said, motioning to her partner as she spoke. “We’ve been partners for a long time. He’s a little quiet at first - like me,” Ferra said a bit sheepishly. “But don’t worry, he’s a real chatterbox once he’s more comfortable.”

Grovyle gave the Mr. Mine one of his characteristic small smiles. Although he usually came off as serious to other Pokémon and people, he was really quite warm and friendly. {It’s a pleasure to meet you, my friend,} he said, speaking in his own language first to the other Pokémon. Glancing up to the humans, he gave a little dip of his head, repeating his greeting in English to them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

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Posted: Sun, 10/01/2021 06:30 (3 Years ago)
Quietly sliding the glass door shut, the young Pokemon Ranger dusted her hands, satisfied with her work. As she'd soared towards the HQ that her styler (affectionately nicknamed Ven) had located for her, Ferra had spotted the group of teens that made their way into the building already. Rather than draw more attention to herself, she simply opted to eavesdrop by the main hall until she knew what to do next. "Thank you for all of your help," Ferra whispered, stroking the Staraptor's beak as she released it from the bond that her styler placed on it.

"So, this is ours?"

Ferra smiled at the familiar choppy, blunt style of speak that her partner was so known for. "Yeah, I suppose so. It's very nice of them to give us all rooms, don't you think?"

The Pokemon at her side smiled, his claws reaching up to flick a light switch on in the dark room. "Very...considering?" Grovyle glanced up at his partner, hoping that he'd used the correct word. Although he was already very adept in what Ferra had called "English", conjugations and grammar were...tricky, at best.

"Close," the Ranger said, beginning to lay down some of her equipment. She was in a small sitting area, furnished with a loveseat and moderately sized television. On one side of the porch she had entered from, a kitchenette was neatly cleaned, and across from the living room was a door that Ferra assumed led to a suite. "Considerate is what I think you meant."

Though she was admittedly tempted to just wait out the day resting from her long trip, Ferra knew that the best course of action was to see who she would be working with, and hopefully meet some new friends. Followed closely by Grovyle as always, the young girl left the room and walked down the hallway to find a surprisingly busy lounge-like area, although it felt too fancy to simply call it a lounge. There was a fair bit of commotion spread around the room, but Ferra noticed a couple of girls having a much more calm conversation and decided to try her luck with them.

Grovyle followed his partner, raising an eyebrow at some of the shenanigans occurring around him. It seemed as though many of these Pokemon-person pairs were either new friends, or just not bonded very well. Seeing the two girls that had caught Ferra's eye, he turned a critical gaze towards the two Pokemon. The little flower - Grovyle wasn't sure he knew its species - seemed sweet enough, but again, it and its person seemed much more "trainer" than "partner". The girl with the Mr. Mime, on the other hand - now those two were close. Grovyle could read it in the way the Pokemon reacted to its partner, reading her emotions not through its psychic abilities, but through the bond they shared. He gave Ferra an approving glance. "Once again, great instincts, partner," he murmered, giving the Mr. Mime a friendly wave.

Ferra merely widened her smile slightly at Grovyle's quiet words as she approached the little group. "Hello," she said, standing next to the girl with the Mr. Mime. "I don't mean to interrupt. I just thought you two seemed quite charming, so I thought I'd come over and introduce myself."

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2021 22:09 (3 Years ago)
I really like this idea, I think it's a sweet sort of sentimental thing (and as someone who gets very sentimental with Pokemon, this sort of thing is right up my alley!) Also, for those who are saying that "this has no use" that's not the point lol, the point is to be able to remember a really cool thing that you achieved and be able to look back on a specific date for that. Full support!

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2021 22:03 (3 Years ago)
full support, and I think it's explained perfectly fine lol. this is especially annoying with hashtags! I look through giveaway stuff for 5 minutes and then realize I've got 10 PH tabs suddenly open.

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 05:26 (3 Years ago)
Whoops that’s my bad I copied and pasted this and forgot to take two of them out xD

Edited the form lol

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 05:19 (3 Years ago)

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Username: Ralsei
Character Name: Ferra
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Appearance (image is optional but description is mandatory): Ferra is a slightly tall female (5’7”) and has an athletic build. She has slightly wavy black hair that reaches to just past her shoulder, often worn in a ponytail. Ferra has warm amber eyes that almost seem to glow in sunlight. She has freckles across her nose and under her eyes. Ferra, as a Pokemon Ranger, usually is seen in uniform. She wears water-resistant, form-fitting grey-blue pants that have several pockets on the hips and sides. A slightly darker grey-blue long-sleeved shirt is paired with a grey vest. Her capture styler has a white band and frame with a golden disk and amber accents; it functions as a Pokedex, radio, radar, GPS, and cell phone along with its functions as a capture styler. Ferra sports white gloves, a yellow scarf, and grey boots to finish off her look. Depending on the climate and weather conditions, a grey mask, blue hat, and/or grey parka may also be added to her outfit.

Personality (try to go into detail and not a one word sentence): Ferra is a very quiet young lady with a lot on her mind. She is an excellent team player, able to both take charge when needed and support those in charge when asked to. She can be a bit stubborn when she really has her mind set on something, but is generally very adaptable and flexible, open to change and new ideas. Ferra trusts people easily, as she possesses a good instinct for whether a person is trustworthy or not. She has a fascination with history, especially legends and mysteries, and if she hadn’t become a Ranger, she would have loved to be a historian or an explorer. Part of why she loves her job is because she gets to do a little of those things anyways.

Like most rangers, Ferra has a partner Pokemon. Hers is a Grovyle, and the two share a deep bond. Ferra has taken the time and effort to attempt to learn how to better communicate with Pokemon, but Grovyle has performed the unusual and impressive feat of being able to speak English, although it is a bit broken. However, he, like Ferra, is fairly quiet, preferring to let his actions do the talking. Ferra admires the Steel type for its durability, ingenuity, and practicality. She carries a Pokemon with her, although she is used more in emergency situations when she is unable to call on Grovyle or use her capture styler for assistance.

Pokemon (pokemon's species name and nickname. Also include its moves):

Partner: Grovyle (no nickname.) Male. Overgrow. Hasty (+Speed, -Defense). Level 60. Dig/Quick Attack/Leaf Blade/Absorb. No held item.

In a Luxury Ball: Scizor (Drew). Female. Technician. Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack). Level 60. X-Scissor/Brick Break/Cross Poison/Bullet Punch. Holding Expert Belt.

Other: R-E-S-P-T-C-G

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2021 17:55 (3 Years ago)
That’s fine with me! I’ll set up a trade :)

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2021 17:29 (3 Years ago)
Hello! I have 1500 flying gems that I’d love to exchange for nuggets, but if that’s too much then I’d love to trade for normal/dragon gems!

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