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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 26/01/2022 15:27 (3 Years ago)
It took Bree a moment to react since she had to wait for Jaxson's aura to morph into a humanoid shape. Her smile widens when he slowly becoming more recognizable. She stares towards where his hand would roughly be, frowning slightly at his outstretched arm before finally understand. She grabs his hand and allows him to pull her in for a hug.

"I don't know how they found me" she admits. "I tried being careful and staying under the radar... I suppose I shouldn't have underestimated them. Maybe if I was a bit more careful I'd-" She pauses for a moment, suddenly being caught up with the memories of her life outside this place. "It doesn't matter... I'm here now" her smile tightens for a moment before dropping all together. She didn't need to fake a smile around Jaxson. As nice as it was being able to see him, it still meant being here. "I'm glad to see that you're still safe... Are you ready for this? Another fight?" While waiting for his response she hears Jordan speak. She turns around to glance towards him, her amused smile returning back onto her face. "I know it seems crazy, but yes, we do know each other" she responds.

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Posted: Wed, 26/01/2022 05:32 (3 Years ago)
A shocked look appears on Bree's face when San denies her offer for treatment. Surely this awful situation they were in would be far more bearable if he wasn't in so much pain. Her shocked look disappears when he mentions how the feeling was nothing new, it's quickly replaced with a pitied expression. "It shouldn't be that way... You shouldn't have to be used to feeling pain." She sighs. Everything she said was obvious, yet it wouldn't change anything. It was a waste of words. Nobodies outcome would change by her pointing out the obvious. "Well, if you change your mind then feel free to come to me, I'll be happy to help heal you!" She says with a soft smile.

The sound of a voice grabs her attention. She was about to ignore the solider when she felt... Something. Her smile vanishes and the shocked look returns back onto her face as she turns to glance towards Jaxson. Could it be? No, it's impossible... "Excuse me for a second" Bree tells San. Slowly, cautiously, as if he'd disappear if she got too close, Bree moves towards Jaxson. She stops when she is a few steps away. "Did I hear that correctly?" She asks with an amused smile. "Jaxson? Is it really you?"

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Posted: Wed, 26/01/2022 01:16 (3 Years ago)
Bree's aura analyzing ability was sometimes more of a pain than a blessing. Especially in moments like this. She was surrounded by multiple people with abilities. Their auras were all begging for her attention and focus. It would only be worse on the battlefield when there would be more people with abilities, all fighting each other.

Focus... Something was off about one of the auras. She turns around in her seat and stares straight towards San. A frown appears on her face as she slowly watches his aura morph into what could almost be described as a humanoid looking light. She could just barely make out a head, a body, and very vaguely, his legs, arms, and tail. She turns her head slightly, staring at the red glow where his head would roughly be. He is injured? Already?

Her body moves on it's own accord, as if she were drawn in by the red glow. It wasn't long before she was standing in front of him, silently staring down at him. Say something! Don't just stare at him like a creep!

Clearing her throat, Bree turns her head away embarrassedly. "Is everything okay?" She asks. "You're injured" she explains pointing to her own forehead. "I can help heal that if you want" she says while offering him a kind smile. "My name's Bree by the way" she adds.

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Posted: Tue, 25/01/2022 04:59 (3 Years ago)
Everything seemed to go by as a blur. Within minutes Bree was escorted out of the room and eventually lead towards a helicopter. Not once did Bree put a fight. Although she did consider running away once they were outside. But she decided that the chances of her successfully escaping were near to impossible. With no knowledge of the terrain around her, she'd be lucky to escape, much less survive- and frankly, Bree wasn't getting very lucky lately.

Bree fought the urge to analyze the multiple auras within the helicopter and instead focused on glaring towards the guards who had roughly pushed her down onto one of the seats. She wasn't too sure, nor interested in whenever or not her glaring managed to scare them. She sat in silence, listening close to the sound of their retreating footsteps before daring to focus on the auras around her. Some seemed familiar, while a few were new. Not that any of that mattered, after-all, they were all the same to her. No matter what anyone said they were all humans thrown into an unnecessary and neverending war. They were all pawns that could be thrown away and replaced. They were all like her. At least now I can help ensure that they don't die. A stab of guilt hits Bree. How many people died during her absence? Bree didn't want to think about that. The best thing to do was keep her focus on the current situation. How she felt about being here didn't matter, what mattered was making sure that these people didn't die for the higher-ups that didn't care less about whenever they lived or died!

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Posted: Mon, 24/01/2022 19:01 (3 Years ago)


Voices... Bree could hear voices. They sounded far, but could easily be close. Bree felt like she was underwater and her head felt dizzy. The only thing she could focus on was the cold metal underneath her cheek. Slowly, everything started to become clear.
She had been found, captured, and had returned back to this evil place. She didn't need to have her vision to recognize the area around her. The place was cold, why was it always so cold? Dread seemed to fill the air like smoke. It was completely overwhelming being here. Had she gotten too use to the calm? Bree slowly sits up and patiently waits for someone to enter the room. Surely someone would enter the room soon- based on the voices outside the door. Sitting in silence, Bree became painfully aware of the fact that she wasn't restrained. She didn't need to be, she couldn't run, couldn't fight. If she dared try, she'd be lucky to simply escape this room. Much less guide herself to an exit within the seemingly endless maze of walls. No, it was better just to comply.
She couldn't help but bare her teeth together like a wild animal when she heard the door click open ahead of her. She didn't sense an aura of any sort, meaning that this person was a human, potentially a scientist.
"Calm down Bree, let's have a little chat-." Bree mostly tuned out the woman. Whatever she had to say wasn't new to her. She knew what they wanted. She would be sent out to to heal her comrades. The less casualties the better. The enemy will hurt and kill your comrades, your friends if you don't... blah, blah, blah, it was the same speech she heard countless times before. "We will be willing to forgive you for leaving us if you help us win this war. What do you say Bree, are you in?"
What choice do I have? Bree thinks to herself. "Of course I'm in" she responds instead, faking a smile. "When will we start?"

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Posted: Mon, 24/01/2022 11:03 (3 Years ago)
Bree was being followed...
She knew it as soon as their aura entered her 'range of vision.' Her back stiffened ever so slightly when she sensed the powerful aura. At first, she thought she imagined it. Afterall, it had been years since she sensed an aura. Those years had been peaceful. She was away from the bloodshed, the torture, the death. She was away from the sensation of other people's auras, for once it was quiet.
But not anymore...
She was careful to not pick up her pace, instead she kept her attention on the road ahead, it was the same road that she had walked down a hundred times. The familiarity of it kept her instincts from going haywire. That's right, this is your home turf, you have the advantage. With every step, Bree found that she could loosen her grip on her cane. Every second was vital time to plan a surprise attack on her little friend behind her. Who is this person? What do they want? Are they with them?
What a stupid question... Of course they were. Did she really think for a second that the blue group would let her escape? She was such a compliant little pet. Even with all the pain they put her through, she still did her job. She did it perfectly, up until the day when she made her escape. Blending into the human crowd wasn't too difficult. It was easy for her to get use to the peacefulness.
I'm not leaving it! Never-!
It wasn't until Bree got to her small house that she realized that she was in serious trouble. She slowly shut the door behind her, consciously aware of the stranger's aura, now slowly moving towards the back door. No, they weren't the problem. The problem was the person currently in her home. She sucks in a breath and slowly goes to untie her boots. She tries to keep her movements slow and natural. They had yet to realize that Bree spotted them.
The second stranger was in her kitchen. It was exactly nine steps away. She glances towards the kitchen, staring through the wall that divided them both. This stranger was slowly moving towards the end of the wall, obviously intent on surprising her. Bree slowly removes her boots, her hand wrapping around the dagger hidden within the right one. She tunes out the first stranger and focuses on the second. She places a hand on the wall to guide herself towards her target. Nine steps... Her heart pounds with each one. Each step brought her closer to the intruder. She sucks in a breath before reaching the end of the wall. She was tense, prepared to strike. She rounds the corner in one swift movement, screaming out her rage. She pushes the blade forward, warm and sticky blood flies onto her hands and a pained scream follows. A satisfied smirk crosses her lips. Got you!
She turns towards the back door now, her heart lifting when she realizes that her first target had yet to reach it. She could escape! She races towards it, but nearly freezes when she hears a furious roar behind her. The aura of her first target was rapidly moving towards her. How is he so fast!?
She spins around and attempts to fight him, but he was prepared this time. He wraps a hand around her wrist. She tries to wrestle her arm free, but to no avail. She stares at her target with wide eyes. Even in this desperate situation, she couldn't help but stare at the blinding red light within his aura, it was roughly above his stomach- where she must've stabbed him. She felt guilty for harming him, guilty for not healing him. No! Not the time! She reacts quickly, she pulls back and he attempts to follow her movements. She brings a knee up right as he bends down. Her knee slams into his already open wound, the darkly satisfying feeling of blood dripping onto her knee confirms that she had hit her desired target. A string of curses scream out of her target and his grip loosens enough for her to wriggle free.
The back door! Run! She races towards it, a terrified gasp escaping her mouth when she sees the aura of the first person. The door must've been kicked open while she was distracted with her opponent. The person reacts quickly, light shoots towards where their hands would roughly be. Bree freezes, realizing her mistake too late. She tries to turn around, but she doubt even her fast and injured friend could've dodged the blow. The buzzing that fills the air nearly drowns out her terrified scream before electricity fires into her. She falls back, her body paralyzed. Her body begins to tremble from compulsions and terror as two sets of feet slowly advance towards her.
"You used too little power" her injured opponent growls. "Why is she still awake?"
"Relax" a cool voice says. "I wanted to make sure I didn't kill her."
"Relax!? She stabbed me! She-" the man sighs and carefully picks Bree up. All the while, Bree desperately tries to heal herself, desperately tries to move. She only needed a minute then she'd show them! She'd-
"Hello Bree" the woman who shocked her whispers in her ear. She jumps in surprise, having not noticed that she had gotten so close. "Long time no see" she whispers before placing a hand over her head and activating her power. Pain fires through her, then everything goes dark.


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Posted: Sat, 22/01/2022 13:56 (3 Years ago)
Bree Wilson
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~"Wishing is a form of inspiration for the lazy mind but taking action, persisting and finding alternative routes to your destination against all odds is the definition of a successful" (-Oscar Bimpong)~

Username - RaRaRasputin

Age - 20

Gender - Female

Appearance - Her normal attire is a simple shirt and jeans. She doesn't care much about looking fashionable. She has a habit of wearing boots since she never knows what type of terrain she'll be treading in. She has short blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Bree is short, standing at about 5'3, fortunately, her boots give her an extra two inches of height.

Power - Aura reading (she can see people's auras, even if something is blocking her "view" ie: walls, trees, ect.). The more powerful someone is, the easier it is for her to 'see' them. She can only 'see' or sense them if they are within a certain range. She also has a healing ability.

Role - Trained solider- Bree's skill is obviously crucial to have in the battlefield. But she became a civilian for a few years- desperate to escape the experiments and bloodshed.

Allegiance - Bree is apart of the Blue group, but is personally more neutral. She will help anyone, no matter the group

Personality - Bree was born blind, but she doesn't let that get to her. Bree is incredibly tough. She'd die before admitting weakness to an opponent. She isn't afraid to bad-mouth an enemy, despite her obvious disadvantage if a fight occurred. Even with her tough attitude, Bree is kind-hearted, she will protect her allies with her life.

Strength - One always says... When one sense is lost, the other becomes stronger. Bree can see other people by sensing and seeing their aura. Her aura reading is incredibly skilled because she is forced to rely on it to see others. She also has a healing ability, although she is limited on what's possible to heal and healing others drains a lot of energy

Weakness - Bree is obviously susceptible to far ranged attacks. Even with her stronger "senses", she has trouble in hand-to-hand combat.

Background - Bree didn't need to be coaxed into healing others. If she sees anyone in pain, she does what she is trained to do- heal them. She doesn't discriminate, and would heal anyone, regardless of their side. There was almost a silent deal in place, if she healed her fellow comrades then she could avoid the dreaded experiments.
But her good fortune couldn't last forever...
She was caught healing the enemy and was therefore subjected to torturous experiments.
They tested her power to the extreme. Breaking her bones to see how well she could heal herself. Harming others to see how well she could heal them. They tried to strengthen her power, attempting to get her to revive even the dead and dying (spoiler: all tests failed). Arguably, the most horrific, however, was their attempts to get her vision back.
When her power failed they tried modern science. Their efforts were far from humane, and the final straw. Bree did everything she could to leave the organization, and tried to do everything in her power to never return.

Other - Bree only carries one weapon for self defense- a hidden dagger in her boot

PalPad Group? Yes

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~"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill" (-Emilie Autum)~

Age (19-65) - 23

Gender - Male

Appearance - Long strands of black hair that is usually kept in a ponytail. His hair has neon purple tips and he has dark blue eyes. He is tall, standing at about 6'3. He has somewhat of an athletic build- being somewhere in between scrawny and brawny. He typically wears dark clothes and boots because it takes less energy to cloak himself with his power when his clothes are already dark. His arms and part of his chest are covered in flower 'tattoos' that he made himself by scarring himself with his powers and darkening the wound. He does this to remind himself of the outside world.

Power (If Any) - Darkness- he can hide in the shadows- making him appear almost demon like. He can also make shadows do anything he desires. Obviously he is weaker when there is lots of light present and stronger when there is little to no light. He doesn't get the chance to use his powers very often since he often fights in the daytime. He also rarely uses it offensively.

Role (Spy, Soldier, Government, Civilian, etc.) - Soldier

Allegiance (Red, Neutral, or Blue) - Red

Personality - He is very cocky. He is often more bark than bite, which sometimes works out for the better. People tend to overestimate him, so he often doesn't get his hands dirty. He may seem cold but he cares deeply about others and will glady die for his allies. He is a soft boi at heart.

Background - Like Bree, he has no real biological parents. He was a test tube baby and intended to become a super solider. It worked, he became a very extremely powerful person. Unfortunately for the higher ups, he has no real intention of wiping out the Blue group. He avoids using his power offensively and isn't afraid of being experimented on.

Other - His real name is actually a series of numbers. But he named himself Aster, after a pretty purple flower he saw and brought back to a kind scientist

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Posted: Thu, 20/01/2022 05:30 (3 Years ago)
The night had been a long one. It was not an easy task for Cassandra to put the younger kid's minds at ease. She spent so much time reassuring the others, that she was beginning to believe her own lies. They were safe here. Some of the finest teachers were here, all had been present at the last battle. They wouldn't let anything bad happen again. With that thought in mind, Cass had no trouble putting away her paranoia aside... At least until morning.

She could be found strolling through the hallways, desperately returning her thoughts back to what had happened the previous day. She was overthinking it, it was nothing but a threat, whoever sent out that message intended to scare them and it had worked, but only momentarily, thanks to the teachers. "Hmph I'm thinking too much" Cass mutters out loud. "That'd be a first" she adds with a chuckle. They had it all under control right? It was her first official day at Hogwarts and she was already stressed out- which was ironic since she had yet to step foot in a single class. She needed to do what she did best, avoid the conflict and relax. There was a free period, maybe she could find Suvanish and Jules and they could all go to Hogsmeade together!

She turns around with a smile, eager to go along with that idea. She only made it two steps before she is reminded that they were involved in this too. A relaxing day would be needed, but she doubt they'd agree to take time off after hearing that message. Suvanish said that he didn't need her help, but was that true? Would it hurt to ask again? But what help could she be anyway? She was practically a few years below them in every way. It was her own doing of course, she was known for skipping classes and passing them seemingly by luck alone. In hindsight, if she knew a dark prophecy would occur in her final year, then she would've taken her classes a little more seriously.

Perhaps she should've been more like her parents- they were both extremely intelligent and talented. Her mother especially, who could also cast spells nonverbally. The stories her mom shared, it was the reason Cass was all too aware how dangerous a talent like that could be... and possibly why she tried to not use it.

"Ugh, I don't have time to psychoanalyze myself" Cass groans. "I may not be as talented as them, but I'm not useless! I can be helpful when I want to be... Now, where are they?" With newfound motivation, Cass finds herself heading back towards the Hufflepuff common room, in search of Suvanish and Jules.

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Posted: Wed, 19/01/2022 00:45 (3 Years ago)
Cass had opened her mouth to protest. It most certainly wouldn't be any trouble for her to help find the students who had matching patronuses with the prophecy- it would actually give her a perfect excuse to skip her classes. But more importantly, it would most likely take a lot of stress off Suvanish and Jules. But she couldn't voice her thoughts because Suvanish was already leading Jules away.

She turns away, deciding that it would be best to not continue this issue, at least for now. She would bring it up later, preferably after they had taken a break. She was about to leave the common room when Micky entered, she stepped to the side, giving him space to move around her before she continues her pursuit towards..

Defense against the dark arts? According to her schedule, class had already started. She sighs and pauses in the middle of the hallway. They could miss her for one more day, maybe she could work on practicing spells in private? Especially with the prophecy and all...

"I know you seek to find those with the patronuses as the prophecy mentioned. By then you'll be too late." The voice booms down the hallway. Cass looks around instinctively, expecting to find a person that wasn't there. She was alone in the hallways, but not for long, soon teachers and students alike were pouring through the hallways, eventually the teachers herded the students into their common rooms. Cass tasked herself with the chore of reassuring the younger students that everything was alright. All the while she couldn't help but think about those words.

It was a threat, that was clear. But oddly enough, it also sounded like they were being given a tip. Was the person behind all of this toying with them? The thought of that made her clench her fists. Why? WHY? Was this person doing this? It was exactly what she had suspected earlier. Whoever this person was, they had to be in this school, unless the real person behind this was having help. The realization should scare her, but instead, it enraged her. She doubt that person was strong enough to send a message like that while being outside the school. If she found them she'd.... She'd....

She sighs again and shakes her head. She wasn't in the right mindset. She had to calm down. Focus on the task at hand, she had to calm these students down. She'd pick apart that message later.

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Posted: Tue, 18/01/2022 17:42 (3 Years ago)
The mention of a new dark lord rising makes Cass pale. She was all too familiar with the death and destruction that Voldemort had caused. Why was it happening again? Was that same death and destruction going to happen again? And more importantly, who was the next dark lord? Was it possible that the parents of her peers, and some of her peers could be involved in this like last time? No.. she is getting too far ahead of herself. Now wasn't the time to speculate. She releases a shaky breath and forces a smile back onto her face. Now wasn't the time to panic, this was the last thing they needed.

"Suvanish is right. You should take a break... Both of you" Cass pauses, looking lost in thought for a moment. "Is there anything I can do to help? You two shouldn't have to burden these responsibilities alone." Cass was never one to take classes seriously, but now, passing her exams seemed to be the least of her worries. "There'll be plenty of time for you to do your homework later, you won't be helping anyone if you exhaust yourself" Cass gently points out.

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Posted: Tue, 18/01/2022 14:14 (3 Years ago)
Cassandra's warm smile faltered slightly at the mention of a prophecy. She ignored the last question and asked without thinking: "what prophecy?" Is it something bad? She didn't dare speak the last part out loud, fearing the worst.

Could that be why the hallways were filled with nervous chatter? She had mostly ignored it, blaming it on stress. Could it have something to do with this prophecy? No... Not all prophecies were bad, maybe she was overthinking this. "Suvanish-" Cass says sternly "what's going on?"

Jules sudden entrance makes Cass jump in surprise again. Her gentle smile returns back onto her face as she watches a very stressed looking Jules enter the room. "A patronus finding charm? I don't think something like that is in our textbooks, how on earth did you manage to do that?" She asks with a chuckle. "Don't stress with those advanced charms! You should focus on your classes!" Suddenly her face twists into feigned worry, "oh dear... Is that something we're supposed to do? Learn an advanced spell?"

She silently listens to Suvanish, still wanting to learn more about this prophecy but not wanting to press. It seemed like Jules knew about it too. Did everyone know!? Was she seriously the sole person unaware that something either really bad- or really good- was going to happen to them? "A first year? That's... Amazing! You should take her under your wing Jules! She has some serious talent if she is able to cast a patronus summoning spell at her age!"

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Posted: Mon, 17/01/2022 23:37 (3 Years ago)
Cass had been too preoccupied with sorting through her books and schedule that she hadn't noticed that someone had entered the common room until Suvanish said something. She visibly jumped, turning to give him a surprised look, then relaxes when she realizes who it was. "Ello! Missed the train, didcha?"

Again, an embarrassed flush appears on Cass's face, but she couldn't help but grin in amusement at his words. "I can't believe I missed the train!" Cass groans. "Especially on my final year!" She shakes her head, her smile never leaving her face. "Well, it's not that big of a deal right? I can catch up on my missed assignments. I didn't miss anything too important right?" She couldn't help but say the last part jokingly.

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Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 05:21 (3 Years ago)
Just outside of Hogwarts, is a chariot slowly approaching the main entrance. A lone figure silently sits in the chariot. Her head is slightly bent, as if to protect her face from the blinding sun. Dark green eyes peek out from underneath her mess of windblown hair and gaze out at her surroundings. Even though she's seen it seven times, she couldn't help but stare in astonishment. Hogwarts was truly a magnificent place. Every time felt like the first.

"You're late" was the only words her chauffeur exchanged with her. Cass couldn't help but smirk at this. Better late than never she responded silently. Her parents were rightfully angry when they found out that she missed the train, fortunately, they were able to organize another means of travel. She left with the promise of improving her skills in spellcasting. The reminder makes her visibly wince. This was a promise she'd likely break.

Cass catches the eyes of a few students as she strolled into Hogwarts. Most of them gave her curious looks, while a few ignored her. She did her best not to draw attention to herself. Instead she kept her head low, trying to hide her flushed face. How could I end up being late? Hopefully I didn't miss anything important... She pauses only to draw a hand over her hair, smoothing it down and making her look much more presentable. With newfound confidence she strides down the hallway and moves towards the Hufflepuff common room.

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Posted: Sat, 15/01/2022 15:08 (3 Years ago)
Cassandra "Cass" Owens

~Being nice merely to be liked in return nullifies the point (-Criss Jami)~

Year: 7 (18 years old)

Patronus: Fox

House: Hufflepuff

Any special ability? Cass has a unique ability to cast spells without speaking. A skill like this would be extremely powerful if it weren't for the fact that she is pretty bad at casting spells

Wand: Cypress wood, roughly 10 inches long, with a unicorn hair core

Personality: Warm, friendly, and rebellious. She would give you the shirt off her back if she had to. She is extremely selfless and passive. She had no desire to fight others and will often avoid fights at all cost. She isn't the best at spell casting, but she pays no mind to her lack of skills since she has yet to be put in a dangerous situation.

Appearance: Long lengths of brown hair that have purple highlights in it- her favorite color. She had dark green eyes and tanned skin from having always be outside. She doesn't care about looking fashionable, usually only wearing the closet pieces of clothing within reach- which often means she is wearing mismatched clothing.
Side note: I'll try to be as active as possible, but my character is going to pretty much be a side character

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 15:07 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 14:14 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 04:16 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 13:41 (3 Years ago)
Sending! Missing limited please!

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 13:37 (3 Years ago)
Sending! Missing limited please!

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 13:33 (3 Years ago)
Sending! Missing limited please!

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