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Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:59 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Fri, 29/10/2021 01:06 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Mon, 25/10/2021 05:42 (3 Years ago) |
Okay so, i thinked, what if we got more ways of getting sweets, but whitout afecting the fact that the event is a Shiny Mega Event? And this is my proposal: Why not invite emera town residents to the next halloween events? On this year we got dream world, so i dont think there is no reason that we cant get sweets from other places like game center or berry garden These are my ideas how could they work, ill include their halloween item incase is needed for nerfing Lab Okay so, i was thinking that the way you could get candies, could be that only once a day, the ditto could be replaced by rowan whit a disguize and if you click on it you will get some sweets, i think it could be between 50-80 sweets. Daycare You will receive a random amount of sweets per 5 eggs you adopt. i think the amount should be fair between 30-70. Route 53 Item: Vampire Teeth Honey tree: This include spoilers, so ima put it on spoilers, if you dont want to get spoiled, pleace skip to honeycombs ![]() Somethimes you will see the harvest
sprites on the trees whit some jack o lanterns, you can click on
them and they will give you some sweets. The amount is between 50
and 100 sweets
Note that is necesary to add honey to the tree so they appear. In case you dont have nappy, he can also appear as usual Honeycombs: You will receive one sweet per honey you get and 10 sweets per super honey Moomoo ranch: You will get random amount of sweets by feeding your miltanks. Tall grass Item= Sweet Radar everytime your egg radar finds a patch of grass whit an egg, one piece of grass will have a bag of candies hiden. The amount of candies depends on their time and number of patchs. Easy: 10 Medium: 20 Hard: 30 Alola, galar, rare: 40 Unown: 50 Starter: 70 Legend: 100 Safari Zone Some pokemon will be carying sweets, if you catch them you will get the sweets [b]Emera beach Los Seashelos: You will get between 3-5 sweets for every meal you eat. You will get extra candies if you tip Leah: Everyday she will ofer you some candies for certain pokemon, after you trade you cant do that trade until the next day. Berry Garden Item= Carved Pumkin berry On bulletin board you will get offers giving you a lot of sweets as a reward. The candies could go between 50 to even 300 depending on the task. Game Center Item= Meowth Mask Coin flip: There is a 25% chance of getting a candy when winning, the chance will get lowered acording to the amount of candies obtained on coinflips Higher of lower: You will get a candy every correct guess after the first 5 correct guess Treasure hunt: You will get 500 candies after opening the CORRECT chest Lotery and Golden Slot: You will get 10% of the gamechips won in sweets Hangman: You can get a sweet per word, but the chance depends on lives left 6 lives: 100% 5 lives: 80% 4 lives: 60% 3 lives: 40% 2 lives: 20% 1 live: 0% Concentration: You will get a sweet per correct guess-wrong guess, in case wrong guesses is higher it will turn into 0 Gem Collector Item= Spooky Jewelry You will get one sweet per 10 gems traded. Also everyday greg will ask you for some gems combination in exchange of sweets, like whit leah only one time per day Royal Tunnel Item: Jack o Litwick Like whit gems, you can find sweets wile exploring the tunnel Now, these are just ideas and the amount of sweets obtained is just a posible amount. Pleace make sure to leave your opinions and feedback :) [Read more] |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Sun, 24/10/2021 01:50 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 05:48 (3 Years ago) |
![]() I only swiped my screen and suddendly it changed its size, tried to do it again and couldnt do it [Read more] |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Wed, 13/10/2021 20:26 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Wed, 13/10/2021 20:21 (3 Years ago) |
![]() What does that means? [
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Fri, 08/10/2021 22:39 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Tue, 05/10/2021 18:55 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Mon, 04/10/2021 20:35 (3 Years ago) |
Is a good idea, but the punishments... i think it doesnt worth it, especially since the box is extremely rare. I think the fact that the chest is very rare is already enough nerf [Read more] |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Sun, 03/10/2021 00:26 (3 Years ago) |
Well, im sure the order is gastly, haunter, gengar, mega-gengar after gifting the plushie i saw that charizard has the same issue I cheched the other megas and well... Im sure the regular form goes first and then the mega form [Read more] |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Thu, 30/09/2021 01:52 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Wed, 29/09/2021 21:21 (3 Years ago) |
73% The two seem to get along very well. [Read more] |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Wed, 29/09/2021 19:34 (3 Years ago) |
Gosth OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,135 |
Posted: Sun, 26/09/2021 17:40 (3 Years ago) |
Help! Riako stole my donut! [