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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 01:28 (3 Years ago)
Nox (The Archangel)
~"[S]he talks a lot... [S]he thinks [s]he is playing a game... but this is a game of my rules. (-Oleksander Usyk)~

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Occupation: Assassin

Allegiance: The Mafia

Rank: Archangel, second in command

Personality: Nox is quiet. She doesn't like to talk very much, so she chooses not to unless she has to. There are a few close people she is willing to strike conversation with though.
She is a terrifying enemy. She'll show little to no mercy and fight to the death. But she is a worthy ally. She is kind, and loyal. It'll be hard to earn her trust, but it's most certainly worth the effort.

Appearance: Long strands of white hair, cut short into a pixie cut. Her cold, calculating eyes are an usual shade of gold. She stands at about 5'9, and has a fairly muscular build. She wears all dark clothing, as most assassins do. She always has a mask on to hide her identity and hide her expressions. She doesn't give her enemies... Or allies, anything to work with.

Backstory: "My name? Good question... what is my name. Ah, it's been years since I've thought of it. Since I've been called it... Since I've been her..."
Dakota Thorne was her name. Back then, at least for a few years. She lived a quiet life. She was a good student and had many friends. She would never hurt a soul.
How quick things can change... how brutal misfortune can strike... One day Nox was living a peaceful, happy life, the next day, she was staring down the barrel of a gun. Demanding compliance. Apparently, her family name had a dark history, one that would have to repeat itself.
Nox quickly become use to her new life. It was odd, it almost felt normal to be an assassin. It felt right to kill... The lives she took were evil, but then again, so was she. She took a new name, no longer wanting to be tied to her family name. She'd create a new reputation for herself, one that strike fear into all who know of her!

Skills: She is very quick and agile. What makes her dangerous is her ability to be a silent killer. Everything about her is quiet. She can usually sneak up onto her enemies and strike before they realize that she is even there.
The most terrifying part? She rarely kills silently and quickly. If she is only assigned one target, she'll make her presence known. She'll sharpen her skills by playing with her food. Training with them until one of them breathes their final breath. The best people to train with are those who are fighting for their lives.
Her physical strength may not be the best, but her knowledge on swords and daggers makes up for it. She fights with two swords... Although occasionally she has to use her dagger. No matter what she uses, she can be a deadly enemy with her experience and knowledge.
Her main ability is heightened senses. She most commonly uses it to track her prey and sense oncoming attacks. It'll be hard to land a hit on her and leave unscathed.

Weaknesses: She isn't too physically strong. She also doesn't use long ranged weapons. Someone with a gun, bow, or throwing melee weapon can be a dangerous enemy- dangerous enough to make even Nox a bit worried.
Nox is calculating, she'll take time to know her opponent before attacking. But she can be impatient. Sometimes launching an attack prematurely. She's nearly died a few times from her restlessness.

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2022 22:36 (3 Years ago)
Kara Rhys

~"We need to be able to control- erm, guide the masses that can't control themselves." -(Brad McKinniss)~

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Occupation She lives a double life. Her main job is experimenting on people with Abnormal abilities and even using their blood to give themselves abilities. Her company name is called: Ichor
To avoid the government- which protects Abnormals, she works at a coffee shop. Her coffee shop job is basically her own money laundering scheme. Her public life seems far more innocent and peaceful than her private life

Personality: Manipulative and two faced. She can play any part- the kind, Abnormal loving girl and the malicious, cold-hearted, scientist. Her demeanor can flip like a switch, making her almost unpredictable if you were able to learn about her double life. Deep down, Kara has a deep hatred for Abnormal folks, and even humans. She found a way to get rid of both without facing any repercussions

Appearance: She has long lengths of fiery red hair that falls to her shoulders. Her hair has strands of pink and orange mixed within hair, although it's undeniably fiery red. She has dark green eyes on her oval shaped face. She stands at about 5'8 and is somewhat muscular

Backstory: Oh how the world sickened her.. how foolish and compliant Normal people were to the Abnormals. They were freaks of nature, made to bend to their will. Oh, how they could bend, and how they could break! Kara lived for breaking these Abnormals. Testing on them until they were compliant pets or dead. Her organization would never trust these Abnormals to defeat the world evils alone, so they took it upon themselves to do it for them. Some people react to Abnormal Blood differently. Some go insane, others get addicted. Kara was none of those. She was different. She would rid the world of all evils, including the Abnormals!

Ability: Kara has subjected herself to multiple 'ability creation' drugs. While she hasn't permanently obtained these abilities she can temporarily use any ability- as long as the blood taken from the ability user is mixed with a substance she calls binding serum and is left to sit for about to week. With time, the mixture will grow into a gross, mutated bacteria filled substance- Abnormal Blood!

Skills: She can switch personalities flawlessly, easily convincing anyone that she is not who she really says she is. She also has a seemingly unlimited number of support from Ichor- nobody will allow anyone to hurt or harm Kara and leave without a scratch. She is also a pretty decent fighter

Weaknesses: Without help from Abnormal Blood, she is physically weak. She also has made lots of enemies out of people who escaped from her lab

Weapons: None, but members of a special task force within Ichor arm themselves with weapons made to draw and catch blood. A knife that rounded edges, a needle and so on. The task force targets Abnormals that are too powerful to capture and/or are too protected to kidnap. Many lose their lives, but any successfully obtained samples make the risk worth it

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Posted: Fri, 18/02/2022 05:30 (3 Years ago)
TW for the slightly graphic scene ahead:

There was red.
So much red...
Bree no longer had the strength to support herself and had fallen onto her knees. Too many people she knew were getting hurt. One person even died! A few people were still going through torturous events and many more were waiting to go next.

Erin... Bree couldn't help but worry about her. Both her and Jaxon were people she was close to, she couldn't bear the thought of them suffering through this madness. It pained her to watch her friends get hurt and it hurt even more that she couldn't do anything to stop it.

She almost missed her name getting called, barley processed that the name was her's. She just stared towards the woman. She didn't have a noticable reaction until she was quite literally being dragged away. That's when she began to kick and scream, she tried do whatever she could to fight off her attackers. But it was useless. She was emotionally exhausted. She no longer had the strength to fight, and she doubt she could fight them off even with the strength. She gave up after a few minutes and quietly allowed them to drag her towards her own sliver of Hell.

She was restrained onto an operating table. That knowledge alone was terrifying to her, but what the woman had in store for her was far worse. "You're rather interesting, a blind healer?" The woman asks while placing a hand on her arm. The woman's touch made her skin crawl and she would've flinched away if she could. "You have some scarring over your eyes. It's a bit faint..." the woman continues when Bree doesn't reply. She hears movement above her and hears a sound of something being lowered above her- most likely a light. "Poor girl, the surgeries must've failed. Don't worry, we won't give up on you." Bree sucks in a breath, suddenly understanding what's about to happen. She feels something prick her arm and once again, she loses control of her ability. "Continue" the woman demands while walking out of the room.

"Wait! Stop! This isn't right! You can't-" a metal piece was shoved into her mouth to silence her. Her eyes were then shoved open, and a tool of some sort was placed onto her eyelids to keep them open. Without anesthesia or access to her powers, the 'surgery' was agonizing. She desperately tried to use her ability, desperately tried to fight the drugs to heal herself, but every attempt failed. Due to the metal piece in her mouth, she could barely scream, all she could do was lay there and process the pain. After what seemed like forever, the surgery was finally over. She could feel bandages wrap over her eyes, so perhaps the people had decided to give her a bit of mercy after all. Or so she thought...

She didn't have the strength to fight them as they move her to a wheelchair. She could barely lift her head up as she was wheeled out of the room and towards... somewhere.

Bree didn't care to see who was around, although she could sense someone nearby- someone who seemed to be slowly dying. She tried to ignore it, but the aura was calling out to her and soon she found herself focusing on Aster. Without having to see it, she could sense that his injuries were severe. She could sense all his broken bones, almost feel his broken skin. She could hear that he was awake, that he was aware of her presence. She could hear the way he struggled to breathe normally and the way he choked back pained sobs.

She couldn't help him, she couldn't even help herself. Not with her restrained like this, not with these drugs in her system, and certainly when she wasn't in this state. Was this supposed to be a mockery? Were they rubbing salt into her wounds by doing this? She lowers her head and doesn't try to fight back the tears. "I'm sorry" she whispers over and over. Aster, who had gotten the bear minimum treatment, simply stared at her for a bit before turning away. He was in the same boat as her. There was nothing they could do to help each other now.

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Posted: Tue, 15/02/2022 19:30 (3 Years ago)
~Long post ahead. I'm sorry ;3; trigger warning for the little bit of violence ahead~

The room Aster was forcefully led to was dark. Despite the situation and the knowledge that some torturous event would soon fall upon him, Aster felt oddly comfortable. Now no longer under the mind control, Aster found her could freely use his powers. The room was dark, so he hides within the shadows, taking on a new non-human form.

Shadows wrap around his body, concealing him within the darkness. The shadows that settled on his nails and canines become enlarged, making them appear longer and sharper. His 'eyes' became deep red slits. His tattoos glowed in a reddish tint, but you would have to squint to see them. Horns and a delish tail made of shadows appear to finish off the look. His silhouette was barley noticable, but visible if you paid attention. He felt powerful in this form. Powerful enough to escape if he wanted to. He smiles and roams the room, dragging a hand over the walls, only to be met with metal. He drags a hand to the floor, once again finding metal. He pauses and cocks a head, his body stiffened and his posture showed obvious confusion.

Suddenly, the lights turn on. The sudden brightness makes Aster hiss in pain and crash to the ground. Slowly, the shadows disappear and he becomes normal. When his vision returns he sneaks a peek around the metal box he was in, catching a camera in one of the corners. He smiles at it and strides in the middle of the room.

"Oh? Do you want me to put on a performance?" He asks the camera. He spreads his arms out dramatically and beams up at the camera. "Well ask and you shall receive!" His smile falters slightly when he hears a clicking sound. Oddly enough, the click seemed to come from all around him. That's when the room begins getting hot. "Heat? Constant light? Oh no, my only weakness! I'm dying!" Aster cries out while collapsing to the ground. "Please stop this torture!" He begs. He reaches out towards the camera, his gaze desperate. "Pfft" Aster suddenly freezes and covers his mouth, but he is unable to hold back his laughter. "I'm sorry. But what kind of lazy writer do you think is creating me? It'll take more than that to harm me!" He stands up and fans his face. "Hmph, it is rather uncomfortable though." He glances around, trying to look for the spot where he knew the others would be watching him. Maybe they were watching through the camera? Or was there a window he wasn't seeing? I'll stay strong, for all of you he promises.

"Enough!" The boss lady's voice appears through a loudspeaker. "Your test? Survive. Feel free to use your powers. We want to see if you can withstand these harsh conditions."

Aster's eyes narrow and he looks around. "Survive? Against what?" Aster asks. But his own question is answered when a large masked man enters through a door. Where did that come from? Aster stares at the nearly invisible door, completely missing the large bat in the man's hand until he raises it up to hit him. Aster manages to evade the attack, jumping away just in time.

Oh, so this is what she means Aster thinks to himself while glaring at his opponent. But he found he couldn't use his powers. The lights were just too bright, which weakened his ability, and the heat made it hard to focus. Whatever, I don't need it. Aster manages to dodge another attack and moves forward to hit his opponent. But he was too far away, his punch only hit air. His opponent chuckles and swings his bat. A pained scream erupts out of Aster as the bat swings down on his arm, breaking it. He instinctively clutches his arm, shielding it from the next attack. The bat slams into his shoulder, which would've broken it if Aster wasn't tensed up and prepared to take the hit.

"I'll kill you!" Aster screams out. This time, out of his rage, he manages to activate his ability. His injured arm darkens, a clear sign that he had been able to successfully use his ability, although he wasn't able to use the full strength of his power. He swings with his injured arm, his clawed hand scratching air as his opponent smartly avoids the attack by stepping out of reach. It hurt, oh, how it hurt like Hell, but it was doing the job. Attack after attack, Aster continues his pursuit forward until his opponent was against the wall. For a second, Aster could tell that the man was afraid. He was quite literally frozen in fear, his arms and back were braced against the wall as if he were waiting for it to swallow him up. Despite the pain and exhaustion, his fear gives Aster strength. He smiles darkly and prepares another strike. He would push through the pain one last time and kill this man. He could claw through the material covering his neck and tear his claws through his flesh. It would be so easy, the revenge would feel so nice. But before he has the chance to strike something hits the back of his head. A new attacker had come in from behind and abruptly stopped the attack.

The heat was beginning to become too much. He couldn't focus through the pain and heat. The shadows around his injured arm disappear. Now no longer protected by the shadows, the pain in his arm was unbearable. He crumbles to the hot ground and curls into a ball, trying to shield his face while both attackers relentlessly bring their bats down upon him. He clenches his teeth, trying his best not to scream, to not react. He didn't want to scare the others, he had to stay strong for them! But at some point he couldn't control himself. He had too many broken bones, too many open wounds that stung from a combination of the heat and new attacks. His screams seemed to be drowned out by the sounds of bats hitting his body. It seemed to go on for hours, but in reality, it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. Suddenly, the hits come to a hault. A few seconds pass, and Aster gets the courage to glance up at the man he almost killed. "You got lucky" Aster chokes out. He spits blood towards him and grins. "Next time, I'll make sure you die." The man may have reacted, but Aster couldn't see it under his mask. The man lifts up a leg and brings his foot down on Aster's face. Finally knocking him out.

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Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 14:57 (3 Years ago)
Tears slip down Bree's face as she watches Andrea's aura slowly turn red in multiple areas. She visibly winces whenever she screams and attempts to cover her ears, only to be stopped by some invisible force. When Andrea eventually killed someone Bree knew right away that it wasn't someone with powers. Still, a glimmer of respect fills Bree's gaze. After all that, Andrea still had the strength to fight back, it was-... Amazing. All hope disappears when Bree hears the woman mention Erin. "No!" Bree screams out. There was no telling what they had planned for Erin, but whatever it was, it was meant to hurt. She didn't want to know what they possibly had planned to hurt an android- to hurt Erin.

"Hmph, this show is a bit bland" Aster lies. He was shaken by the disturbing events, but was doing a great job at hiding it. "Maybe we could have some popcorn with it or something? I'm starting to get the munchies."

Don't let them win... Don't let them get the satisfaction. I will not play your games Aster thinks to himself darkly while clenching his jaw. "You know, you shouldn't kill your little minions so willingly, what will you possibly do when you run out hmm? Do you really think you could take us all on?" Once again, Aster feels pressure build up under his jaw. Whoever was controlling him once again was trying to forcefully shut him up. That's fine, be annoyed by me, keep your attention on me. Leave them alone.

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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 13:55 (3 Years ago)
Annoying? Aster wanted to challenge this bold claim. But he was still going through a coughing fit and had to remain silent. Without moving a muscle he side eyes Andrea and Erin upon hearing the boss lady call them out. No! Don't take them! That's unfair! They did nothing wrong! He clenches his teeth and raises a head up, this time wanting to fight her for real. But his body wasn't cooperating with him. Rather than stand up and try to fight the boss lady until a guard eventually overwhelms him, he is forced to walk away from her!

He felt an urge to spit out insults as we walked out of the room after Dantier, but whoever was controlling him smartly forced his mouth shut. How insulting... Aster grumbles to himself. For now, he would worry about the larger group. He knew Andrea could handle herself and Erin looked capable enough. Realizing he has control over his eye movements- most likely so they could still look around in terror- Aster surveys the people around him, realizing a smaller girl was walking next to him. He remembered her outburst on the plane and recalled her name to be Bree. Even under this spell she seemed to be visually shaking. Aster would've given anything to have the opportunity to comfort her, but he was unable to break out of this spell. He would just have to bear with it for now. No use stressing over matters you can't control.

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 14:15 (3 Years ago)
"Yes ma'am!" Aster shouts, completely ignoring the order to remain silent. "I'm sure we're here to take a vacation from all the fighting right? How nice of you!" Aster gushes. He sits in silent for a second, then gasps. "Oh wait- sorry, forgot I wasn't supposed to talk!" Aster's eyes widen in mock fear. "Oh no, I spoke again! How silly of me! I'm-" he was quickly interrupted by a nearby guard kicking him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of Aster. He hunches down, coughing and struggling to breathe. Any sarcastic remark was drowned out by his coughing. He didn't really care though. With his face mostly covered by some loose strands of hair and his face lowered to the ground, he couldn't help but smile to himself in secret. He noticed a good handful of people were terrified. He hoped his dry humor and boldness would give them at least a little bit of strength.

What an idiot Bree thinks to herself with a small smile. It was nice to see that at least one person here had some fight left in them. She attempts to wrap her arms around herself, trying to both appear smaller and comfort herself, only to remember that her hands were still tied. She sighs to herself and lowers her head in defeat. She already had a good feeling on what was about to come and it certainly wouldn't be a 'vacation.'

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Posted: Wed, 09/02/2022 14:19 (3 Years ago)
Quietly, a newcomer follows the others. His dark eyes survey the group before his gaze rests on the lady in charge. He bristles slightly, recognizing just how dangerous she was. He scowls at her words and he boldly takes a few steps closer to her. His muscles were tense, and there was no telling what the man would've done if not for the fact that his hands were tied together behind his back. But rather than attack her, he puts on a charming smile. "At least take me out to dinner first" he jokes. He bursts out laughing at his own lame joke, causing him to miss her reaction. "Aw come on" he whines when a guard moves between them to intervene. He turns away so that his injured arm would be facing away from the guard. When did I get injured? Aster wonders as he backpedals away from the brute and plops down onto a chair at random. "You guys are no fun" Aster groans.

Sitting in silence, Aster finds that he could focus more on his injured arm. Slowly the past events starts dawning on him. He had been in a helicopter and sent out to fight. Well, he didn't actually fight. He had been distracted by a new pretty flower, and was attempting to sketch it onto his skin when suddenly, he was back onto the helicopter. His arm had been injured when he unknowingly respawned on the helicopter which caused him to notice the new flower sketch. Countless times he respawned on the helicopter, and every time he desperately searched for the flower that gave him the inspiration to draw it... Whenever it was he first drew it.

He had been so distracted by his art that he didn't notice when the fighting stopped. He barely noticed he was being attacked until a tazer fired and missed his crouched form. He nearly cut a line over his art if not for the fact that he had been startled enough to deactivate his powers. The fight was short. He may have gotten lucky once, but he wasn't lucky again, he had been tazed and knocked out.

With his powers suddenly suppressed, he woke up on a new helicopter surrounded by some new and old faces. He was careful to keep his distance. His arm hurt, the bandages that they lazily placed on his arm was barley enough to stop the bleeding. If he had access to his powers, he could slow the bleeding, but only if he remained in the safety of his shadows. All he wanted to do was envelop himself in this darkness. But he couldn't use his powers, even with these ideal conditions where the pitch blackness would have given him an overwhelming amount of strength. But that didn't stop him from constantly trying to activate his ability. He had been so focused that he barley took notice to his cooperative actions, he blindly followed every order in a trance. He didn't snap out of it until that lady spoke. Her presence should've scared him, instead he felt bored. Why would he be scared of a life that he was use to? Everything else that happened was history.

Yes... That's all that happened. An average day in the life of Aster.

Bree continued to remain silent. But she started to noticably shake upon hearing the woman speak. Using nearby auras to guide her, she sits down as far away as she could get from the woman, as if this would somehow save her. Any confidence she had earlier was gone.

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Posted: Fri, 04/02/2022 19:33 (3 Years ago)
The sounds of bones breaking and joints popping into place makes Bree visibly cringe. She glances towards San, ready to offer her assistance despite her minimal access to her power when she realizes that there didn't seem to be any red within his aura. It was a curious sight and Bree caught herself staring at him for a few moments longer than necessary. She glances away and stares into space until the sound of a door opening caught her attention. "Come on, follow us" a voice demands. Not really having much of a choice, Bree obeys the command. She winces when she stands up, her ribs were still sore from whatever happened earlier. It would take awhile for the pain to go away and she didn't want to waste the last bit of her strength on something like this.

She sticks close to Andrea, trying to use her aura as a guide. "Mind you don’t kill me just yet. It makes me release all chaos magic within me as it will no longer have a host. I don’t want to see your flesh peeling off." Bree chuckles at the boldness within Andrea's words and continues to follow her. Her eyes narrow when she sees a very faint red spot appear in Andrea's aura. "Ouch. That's painful" Andrea lies. Bree continues to stay silent, not wanting to aggravate her kidnappers. Andrea may be able to take a hit from them, but Bree wasn't confident that she could do the same.

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Posted: Wed, 02/02/2022 05:48 (3 Years ago)
"Dantier..." Bree sighs and lowers her own head down. She understood his pain and frustrations. Just like him, she managed to escape once. She had selfishly turned her back on everyone. Just when she got over that pain and started to live, she was forced to return. She understood his anger, after all, she had felt a similar fit of rage just moments ago. "I understand" she whispers. "But it doesn't have to be this way... Maybe we could fight! There has to be something we could do. Something to stop all of this!" She groans and rests her head back onto the wall behind her. "This life is unfair and we don't deserve it... But if one thing is clear, it's this. You aren't a freak. None of are." She smirks. "We're all special, different, powerful. If anything, the people desperately trying to control us are the freaks." She sighs and glances away from them. "Heh, sorry, I know I've never been the best at these pep talks..."

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Posted: Wed, 02/02/2022 05:13 (3 Years ago)
Hearing his voice only confirmed her suspicions. "Dantier" Bree says while glancing towards him. "I wish I could say it was nice to see you" she offers him a kind smile, but drops it quickly and sighs. "I thought you were able to escape... honestly, I was hoping you were out living your best life, what happened?" She asks softly.

She glances towards Andrea when she hears her speak. "They are uncomfortable" she says with a nervous chuckle. "But I think I'd rather deal with them than dislocate my shoulder to get rid of them" she admits with a soft smile. "I'm sorry, I don't recall meeting you, how do you know-?" she pauses, lost in thought, then suddenly bursts out laughing. "So you're a spy? And a good one at that for managing to go under my radar. I'm sure glad to suddenly have you on our team."

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Posted: Wed, 02/02/2022 04:46 (3 Years ago)
Bree already knew that Jaxon was okay. Still, she visibly relaxes when he verbally confirms that. She silently listens to him talk, a small smile appearing on her face as she listens to him explain their situation. This was the Jaxon that she remembered. He had great situational awareness, she figured it was one of the many things that made him dangerous. "That's good" she says after a beat of silence. "I suppose we have nothing better to do than to plan our escape." She pauses and glances around. Taking time to focus on each aura. The drugs were doing a great job, not only did they block her healing ability, but it also made it difficult for her to read auras. Fortunately, it wasn't impossible. "Maybe we should make a few friends? What's the old saying? 'An enemy of my enemy is my friend.' I don't recognize some of these auras, it's likely that they are from the Red group."

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Posted: Wed, 02/02/2022 04:13 (3 Years ago)
A sudden enraged roar drains the fight out of Bree. She knew exactly where the furious cry came from. Something about Jaxon being here calmed Bree. Everything will be alright, Jaxon is here. Slowly things start to become clear. These people had stupidly put their strongest lab rats in a room together. Maybe they stood a chance if a possible fight occurred?

But were they drugged? Bree couldn't pin point what it was, but for some reason, she found that something was making her have very minimal access to her power. Was she the only one feeling like this? Slowly, she releases a shaky breath and sits up, wincing slightly as she does so. Why did her ribs feel sore? Did she get injured at some point? Why couldn't she remember?

"Jaxon?" She asks out loud. "Where are you? Are you okay?" She tries to focus on finding his aura. She lets out a relieved sigh when she realizes that he was close and for the most part, seemed to be uninjured.

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Posted: Tue, 01/02/2022 20:20 (3 Years ago)
"Is... Is she dead?" Bree asks the scientist close to her. Bree was younger now, much younger than she was in her previous memory.
"What makes you say that?" The scientist asks.
"I see red... Lots of it" Bree whispers nervously.
"Red huh? Interesting..." The scientist mutters. Slowly, Bree approaches the person- a girl based on the short description the scientist gave her. Besides her calm breathing, the strange girl was silent. Was she knocked out? Slowly, Bree hold a hand over the red. Something about it was drawing her in, but why-?
Her hands and arms felt weird. It felt like energy was leaving her body. Slowly, the red on the girl's body disappeared. Bree nearly collapses from exhaustion, but catches herself on the table the girl was resting on. "Good job. Your first test was a success" is all the scientist says while scribbling furiously in his notes.

One would think that Dantier woke her up by the way she twitched when he had gotten close. The loud motor made it hard to concentrate and the drugs that were put in her system certainly didn't help. Did they giver her a larger dose after knocking her out with chloroform? She couldn't tell and was too tired to care. Five more minutes... but no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to fall back asleep. Ever so slowly, she starts becoming aware of the multiple auras around her. San, Jaxon, Erin, Lediana, and Jordan were all close by. But she could sense another familiar one... Dantier?

Her body twitches again, but she doesn't move. Not yet. She would continue to act like she was still unconscious until she understood the situation. She could sense other unfamiliar auras nearby. She moves her hands slightly, only to feel that they were tied behind her back. She releases a frustrated sigh and tries to focus on her power now. She was still running on fumes. That would be a problem- while her wounds were minor she was still injured. But her own wounds weren't what was most concerning to her, she could sense multiple injured people around her. One in particular had extremely bad wounds. She couldn't heal them all by herself! Would her comrades- her friends die because she was still too weak? No matter how hard she tries to fight it, tears slip down her cheek. She suddenly gives up, she no longer focuses on trying to deceive the others. She suddenly screams out her fury and kicks her leg out, wincing when it loudly hits a wall.

"Where are you!" She screams out. "Come out cowards! I'll kill you for this!" These people took everything from her! She had no choice in complying. Things only got better when she escaped... Just when she thought she was safe she had been forced to return. Now the last few people she cared about were going to potentially die- if not here, then maybe wherever they were being sent. Was this some cruel game to them? What torturous place were they being sent to? "What!? Are you scared! Come face me!" She shouts. But of course, her enemies didn't come. She doubt the people behind this were even close by. She continues laying in her spot, breathing ragged breathes and chocking back tears. "I'm sorry" she whispers to nobody in particular.

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Posted: Tue, 01/02/2022 14:44 (3 Years ago)
Despite her exhaustion, every time Bree jumped from the helicopter, she still found herself ending up in the same place. She would end up nearly being killed by the girl, only to be saved by Erin. Soon, the situation seemed too familiar, so she tried to defend herself. Sometimes she'd dodge the blow, other times she'd strike first. But her fate still remained the same.

She could barely move when she reached the final timeline. This time, she couldn't even bring herself to look at Erin when the shots went off. All she wanted to do was sleep. How could she be so tired? When did she get so weak? She practically had to drag herself away from the two bodies. She stopped after some distance and lay in wait for the worse.

If only she really understood what the worst was. She heard bodies fall, (let the bodies hit the floor.) Based on the sound alone, she could tell that there were lots of them. What happened? Adrenaline rushes through Bree as she lay alone in dead silence. What is going on? That's when she hears a helicopter fly overhead and later, the sound of feet rushing towards Bree.

Bree cursed when she feels a hand cup over her mouth. She panics for a moment, her breathing quickens and causes her to inhale mouthfuls of chloroform. She tries to calm down, tries to slow her breathing. She brings an elbow back, jamming it into the stomach of her attacker. But an arm wraps around her midsection and pulls her in close so that she couldn't easily hurt her attacker. She reactions on instinct now, even with her limited movement, she manages to stab the person's leg. He screams out and releases her.

Bree breathes in desperate mouthfuls of fresh air and scoots herself away from her attacker. "You should've brought two to bring me down!" She taunts. "I'm not going down without a fight!"

Perhaps she should've kept her mouth shut. She could hear an amused chuckle from her attacker and someone behind her! This time, there is nothing she can do to fight off her attacker. She was weaponless, exhausted, and slightly bruised from fighting that girl so many times. She gave it her best-gave it her all. But no matter what, she was still too weak. With each passing minute, she could feel her body growing weaker, her body slowly loosing consciousness. Why did they pick this method to knock her out? Were they just trying to rub salt in her wounds? She was angry, angry at them, angry at herself, angry at everyone. She'd find a way to get her revenge... These people would regret taking her! No longer would Bree wait to walk into a fight. No, something had to change! This time, she'd bring the fight to them!

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Posted: Tue, 01/02/2022 05:06 (3 Years ago)
"What are you doing?" A young voice asks. The familiarity of it makes Bree frown. "Why are you leaving me?" Bree clenches her teeth and places her hands over her ears, desperate to tune out the voice.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" Both (current) Bree and a new voice shout.

"Please!" A younger Bree screams out. She reaches a hand out towards her mother, but instead of clutching her arm she only grabs air. "Don't leave me!"
"Quiet!" A harsh voice shouts. The anger in her voice makes Bree flinch. Slowly she lowers her hand down to her side and stares towards her mother, who lets out a disappointed sigh. "You won't be here long. I promise I'll come back for you." Bree feels a hand touch her cheek. "Be good, and do everything the kind scientists tell you to do. Okay?" Bree doesn't respond, but instead stares at her mother in shock. This was the first time she could remember her mother ever being so kind and gentle.
"Times up miss Wilson" a calm voice says. Bree jumps in surprise when she feels a hand grab her arm and roughly drag her backwards- away from her mother.
"Wait!" Bree shouts. She tries to wrestle out of the scientist's grip, but it was no use. She wasn't strong enough.
"You did a good job with this one. We see potential in this one." The same voice says. "It's too bad she was born with an error, but you still deserve the full cost." He chuckles after a beat of silence. "Do you seriously feel bad? Don't feel pity towards this creature."
"Stop it" her mother practically growls. "Just... Don't hurt her okay."
"We won't, I promise...."
So many broken promises...

Bree's eyes snap open. No longer was she in that cold room. Instead she lay out in the battlefield. How long had she been here? How much time had passed? She slowly sits up and immediately regrets it. She winces and holds a hand over her ribs. At least one of them was bruised, she could recognize this pain. She brings a hand to her face so that she could feel the severity of her wounds. She nearly screams out in pain when she lightly presses her hand against her forehead, she could feel a large and open wound. She lowers her hand to her nose, she could tell that it was broken.

She didn't have much energy left. But she had to try. She activates her power, breathing out a relieved sigh when the pain almost instantly drifts away. She could feel her wounds closing and her swelling going down. She manages to rebreak her nose, allowing it to mend back to it's natural state. She collapses back down onto the ground when it's all over. She was spent, but at least she wasn't going to bleed to death. There you go Bree thinks to herself. Now that I'm healthy again, someone can come and injure me all over again. She scoffs at this thought and shuts her eyes. "At least kill me quickly" she mutters outloud to nobody in particular.

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Posted: Sun, 30/01/2022 14:56 (3 Years ago)
After jumping out the plane, Bree become painfully aware of all the auras beneath her. There were so many people.... Too many bodies crammed in one place. All their auras seemed to be calling out to her- distracting her. Some were hurt, some were dead. It was a very unpleasant sight to see from up here- yet she couldn't look away.

Bree winces upon landing. Her body felt sore and tired. How was that possible? Maybe she had grown weak, it had been awhile since she used her ability. No, none of that was important now, she still had the strength to heal Jaxon. Since he was supposed to act as a tank, he would need her help. But where was he? It was nearly impossible to focus on one specific aura out in this battlefield. I'll find him eventually Bree tells herself while moving out into the battlefield to heal those currently in need.

Without knowing it, Bree ending up moving out deep into the battlefield. Soon she came across an injured person with a serious head wound, and a slightly minor side and leg wound. Despite her exhaustion, she pushes forward, desperate to heal the person. She reacts too late to the sudden movement from a nearby aura.

The kick was rough, and well placed. The breath was nearly knocked out of Bree and it sent her crashing down onto the ground. She grits her teeth and tries to catch her breath so she could say something to her attacker.

"Look at you... Such a weakling.... I'd feel bad for you if you weren't about to stab my friend!" The girl taunts. "You creatures from the Blue group are all the same... I'll take pleasure in crushing all of you under my boot!"

"No, you don't understand, I was just trying to heal her, plea-" Bree's words were cut short when a flurry of fists slam into her. Bree could barely defend herself against it. She was exhausted, already pushing herself too much. Her attempts to block each attack did nothing. The moment she lifted an arm to protect her face, it left her body exposed. The knife... Bree's grip tightens on the knife. Do it, do what you did to the man who tried to take you in. Bree's shoulder tenses up, she was prepared now, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. One mistake is all she needed. The girl had long forgotten about her knife. Bree doubt that she even glanced down at her outstretched arm. Do it! Survive! Suddenly, the punches stop. Bree listens to the sounds of the girl's breathing. Her face and body hurt, she could feel blood- her own blood- dripping down onto her face off the girl's knuckles. The girl must've caught the sudden change, the sudden darkness in her eye, because she heard a terrified whimper within the girl's breathing. Don't be scared... Bree's grip relaxes on the knife and she calmly stares up at her attacker. "I'm no threat now. Please, just let me heal your friend. I fear they don't have enough time!"

But before she could get an answer she hears gunfire. Two shots were fired. Bree turns her head away just in time to avoid the girl's lifeless body from slamming into her face. She became aware of a strange but familiar aura circling around her as she struggled to push the girl off of her. Bree fights the urge to glance at the two bodies near her and instead glances towards Erin.

"You're welcome" the calmness in Erin's voice was terrifying to Bree. Especially with everything that happened. But Bree couldn't respond because she could already hear Erin's retreating footsteps. She was left out here by herself, bloody and bruised... But alive.

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Posted: Thu, 27/01/2022 21:23 (3 Years ago)
For some reason, nobody seemed to pay any mind to the small girl roaming around the battlefield. Oftentimes, she'd stumble over rubble and fallen weapons. It was an embarrassing sight for sure. It was clear that she was not worth the fight.. Or so she thought.

She was slowly advancing towards an injured person when an aura close by raced towards her. She barely had time to react as the person slammed into her, throwing her heavily down onto the ground. She was still on the middle of recovering from the surprising blow when the person reared a leg back to kick her.
"Wait!" She screams out. "I'm no threat! Just let me heal that person!"

"How dumb do you think I am" a feminine voice snaps. "You're clearly from the Blue group. Do you really think I'd allow you to stab my friend?" Bree doesn't answer, instead she keeps her gaze trained on the girl's friend. Their aura had a lot of red. Their leg was injured, along with a wound to the side and head. She could tell from the dark glow that the head wound was severe. They didn't have a lot of time.

"Don't be stupid" Bree fires back. She was already moving onto her feet. "You don't have a choice. We both know your friend doesn't have a lot of time!" Bree throws her knife to the side and takes a daring step forward. "I get that you're scared and don't trust me, but if you truly care about your friend, you'll take this gamble to save their life!"

Silence passes between them. This time, when Bree walks towards the injured person, the girl doesn't object. Bree bends down, intent on fixing the head wound first when she hears gunfire. She jumps in surprise when blood splatters onto her hand. An enraged scream rips out of the girl who attacked her. Bree's eyes widen as the injured person's aura slowly turns purple, and a red light appears near the shoulder of the girl who attacked her.

"You- you were a diversion!" The girl screams out. "Y-you monster!"

Monster... The voice echoes in Bree's head, shocking her in place. Bree almost reacts too late to the sudden movement from the girl. She just barely manages to lift up an arm to block whatever attack was about to come. Pain tears across her arm as something sharp rips into her flesh. Her pained scream is drowned out by more gunfire and the body of the girl crumbles down on the ground next to her. This girl's own aura slowly turns purple. Clutching the deep wound on her arm, Bree barley noticed the pain as she stared down at the two bodies laying close to her.

Her life had potentially been saved. But for some reason, Bree couldn't bring herself to feel thankful. The girl's final word still rang in her head. Monster... Within her daze, she was startled when she felt a strange presence close by. She raises her head up to glance towards Erin. There was a mixture of shock and curiosity on her face. It had to be her. No other aura was as unique as her's. What was she doing here?

"You're welcome." Bree's heart nearly stops when she hears Erin speak those words. So it was her! Why did she-? She glances away from Erin with a clenched jaw. She struggles to hold back tears as she remains crouched over two fallen enemies. No... They weren't enemies. Just two unfortunate souls caught up in this mess, and now they were... Without realizing it, Bree tightens her grip on her arm, causing blood to pool down her arm and drip down on the ground beneath her.

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Posted: Thu, 27/01/2022 14:46 (3 Years ago)
Fear is a very interesting emotion.
Sometimes it made people stronger... Much more dangerous... Much less predictable...
Sometimes it caused people to run away without thought... Even in the blast of an incoming attack...
Sometimes it made people freeze up, making them an easy target if they didn't snap out of it fast enough...

Bree has seen it all, and up here, slowly descending down towards the ground, she couldn't look away from all the chaos. There were so many people... Their auras practically mixed together to form one giant glow. If Bree didn't know any better, she's think she was about to jump into a pit of lights. Amongst the glow she could make out some red... Then a few purple. There were so many purple auras... Dead soliders who died for a useless cause. How many of them were from her own side? Tears slip down Bree's face as she tries to turn away from the sight, but no matter where she looked, she would still see purple. Even shutting her eyes didn't help. All she could feel was the roar of auras around her and the screams of the fallen.

She crumbles down slightly upon landing on the ground, already feeling overwhelmed by everything happening around her. Her movements were slow. She takes her time removing her parachute, takes her time grabbing her hidden dagger. After being captured, she was allowed her boots and a dagger. But this one wasn't the same as her old one. It was smaller, lighter, it would do damage, but only if she caught someone by surprise. Out here, in the battlefield, there wasn't many opportunities for surprises- at least for someone like her.

Where is Jaxson? There were too many auras... Too many sounds, she had to strain to focus on one aura. Would he end up being alright? He was supposed to act as a tank, she should try and stick close! She nears an injured person. She allows the poor injured soul to grab her hand for support, then uses her free hand to heal a deep wound on their chest. A gentle glow appears under her hand, almost immediately getting rid of the pain as her power works to fix damage flesh, muscle, and tissue. She made it just in time, another few minutes of bleeding, and this person would've been too far gone, far beyond her help. They would've just become another purple aura. She stands up after healing them, and continues pushing forward. She temporarily places Jaxson out her mind and focuses on healing those who currently needed her help.

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Posted: Thu, 27/01/2022 01:32 (3 Years ago)
Bree smiles in appreciation, then reaches down to put her parachute on. She was nervous, the stakes suddenly felt much higher now that she realized that the life of a close friend was on the line. He'll be fine Bree tells herself. She releases a nervous breath and then sits in silence, patiently waiting for the command to jump.

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