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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 03:29 (11 Months ago)

Title: Helpful Links

Interaction Stats
How to Get Mewtons
Site Map + Apply for Staff
Price Check: Items + Pokemon
Guides: Bishop + SakuraWolf23
Contest: Rules + Approval Thread
Claim Anniversary Gift + Minor Updates
BB Code Wiki Guide + BB Code Forum Guide
Royal Tunnel: Egg Group Guide + Spreadsheet
PokeHeroes: Plushie Archive + Book of Records

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 01:14 (11 Months ago)

Title: Furfrou Haircuts

Day One:
Select Haircut
Select Cut
Choose Normal Furfrou

Day Two:
Under Permanent Section, click "Select Furfrou"
Choose Furfrou with Haircut you wish to make permanent

If time is as shown below, you have done it correctly:
Basic 40 minutes
Fancy: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Royal: 2 hours

This is done in Server Time. Meaning, if your Debutante, for example, was finished five minutes before reset, you can now make the haircut permanent as soon as the New Day starts.

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 01:11 (11 Months ago)

Title: Gender Specific

Nidorin M

Nidoran F
Event Partners:
Toraros + Drindltank
Flower Boy + Flower Girl
Groomicott + Lillibride

Partners M + F:
Tauros + Miltank
Volbeat + Illumise
Latios + Latias (Unbreedable)
Rufflet + Vullaby
Braviary + Mandibuzz

Male Only Evolutions:
Kirlia > Gallade
Burmy > Mothim

Female Only Evolutions:
Burmy > Wormadam
Combee > Vespiquen
Snorunt > Froslass
Salandit > Salazzle

Female Only Events:
Queen Jynx
Princess Smoochum

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 01:06 (11 Months ago)

Title: Baby Pokemon

The following are classified as “Baby” Pokemon, and therefore CANNOT breed. If you wish to do so, you must raise them to at least the second Evo stage.

Mime Jr.

Satichu, Clawfa, Princess Smoochum, Blossomly, Jolly Jr, Sad Jr, Candy Belly, Rokkyu

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 01:03 (11 Months ago)

Title: Safari Zone

What can be caught in the Safari Zone?

(High Plains)
(Icy Snow)
......Forces of Nature Trio......
Eggs Received
Cold Rock:
Light Rock:
Hard Rock:

Weedle, Beedrill, Caterpie, Butterfree, Pikachu, Rotom, Scyther, Pinsir

-To chain, pick a Pokemon, and catch only that Pokemon.
-Any Vivillon Pattern other than the one you are hunting will break your chain
-Only the Forces of Nature Trio will break your Daycare Chain

[color=#3B00B0]Want to get rid of your balls, but don't want to catch a Flyby?
Go all the way down to the ground, and then in the bottom right corner
Position the ball to where you barely see the tip
This is too low to catch even Weedle or Caterpie, so you can safely throw your balls away

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 01:01 (11 Months ago)

Title: Medal Rally and Emera Square

Medal Rally Part One: 1st-14th
Medal Rally Part Two: 15th-28th/29th
^ Ends when Server Date becomes the 15th and 29th/30th

Emera Square Bug Hatching: 1st-7th, Rating on the 8th, Winners on the 9th
Emera Square Beauty Contest: 14th-20th, Rating 21st-23rd, Winners on the 24th

Beauty Contest Reminders:
-Interact with User Clicklist? You only have to do 300 interactions to complete the task
-Hatch an Egg? If on a hunt, nothing from the Game Center will break your chain.
-Hangman? HoL? Raising Level? If it's going to take more than half an hour to complete the task, simply skip it and move on to get the most Festival Points and accessories out of it.

WARNING: After the second Rally of the Month ends, the Coin Flip and Berries Fed categories reset. Anything achieved in those 2-3 days counts for the NEXT Rally.

Check out this Visual List! Hope it helps you gain more points per game.

Bug Hatching Contest Reminders:
Do NOT play in the last 2 minutes of the day on the 6th! Contest ends at 23:59 on the 6th. If you are still in game, you will not be able to claim another Bug. You will, however, still be able to rate your Pokemon on the 7th!

Mega-Evolving does not give you more points. The Mega Score is decided when you first rate it. You can get more points from evolving into Scizor, though.

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 00:58 (11 Months ago)

Title: How to obtain Missing No (Glitch)

Go to Storage Boxes (Bill's House)
Rename first box to "billrockz", press enter

Type "reboot storagesystem.bl" (that is lower case BL), press enter
Type "shutdown", press enter
Type "shutdown", press enter (Yes, a second time)

Make sure you have room in your party.
If successful a bunch of code will appear for about 30 seconds.

This DOES work on Mobile. I, however, had to play around a bit to get my keyboard to pop up.

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Posted: Sun, 08/10/2023 00:56 (11 Months ago)

Title: Castform Weather

Muggy: Special Effect: All Bug Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Very Foggy: Special Effect: All Dark Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Meteorites: Special Effect: All Dragon Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Thunderstorm: Special Effect: All Electric Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Gusty: Special Effect: All Fighting Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Very Sunny: Special Effect: All Fire Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Windy: Special Effect: All Flying Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Foggy: Special Effect: All Ghost Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Sunny: Special Effect: All Grass Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Small Earthquakes: Special Effect: All Ground Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Hail: Special Effect: All Ice Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Clear Sky: Special Effect: All Normal Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Smog: Special Effect: All Poison Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Mystic Aurora: Special Effect: All Psychic Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Strong Earthquakes: Special Effect: All Rock Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Cold: Special Effect: All Steel Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Rainy: Special Effect: All Water Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.

[b]*Note that if your Pokemon is of two Types, it will gain 50% more EXP during either Weather

Weather changed as you evolved? No worries. Evolution is not permanent. Simply wait for the Weather to return to the type you need, and place a Weather Balloon on the extra to change its forme again.

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Posted: Sat, 07/10/2023 23:33 (11 Months ago)

Title: Mega Pokemon







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Posted: Sat, 07/10/2023 04:49 (11 Months ago)
I would first like to apologize to anyone who saw the post that brought this all on. I worded it somewhat rudely and provided no solutions to the problems at hand. Both of which I knew better than to do. So the following is a summarization of what was discussed in the comments.
SCS Goals go drastically between easily obtainable and impossible. This is highly frustrating to the user base. I don't see a way we can do it other than the previous month's activity/attendance. So until I can think of another way, this is the solution I propose.

High Activity last month: Add 10-25k to each slot
Average last month: Keep goals the same
Low Activity last month: Lower each slot by 10-25k
Activity for SCS is nonexistent unless there is a coinciding event. This means people hold no interest once they’ve obtained everything.

New items every two months OR Existing Items as alternative methods to obtain. The possible list includes:

*30-day Flutes, Event Vouchers, Game Center Shinies, One Month Premium. As well as other things desired regularly, such as maps, Summons, Boxes/Keys, etc. This way, they’re still hard, but more obtainable than their alternative methods. It also doesn’t have to be any of those things. Just something to keep the interest.

*Game Center Shinies included because, to my knowledge, very few people have managed to obtain one of the 10M cost or higher ones on their own. Event Vouchers because it is currently still so very difficult to obtain points. Flutes because the double 12-pack hasn’t been an option for a while.
Low Activity players can’t get much out of SCS if they can only participate for 1-3 hours each event.

The first few slots you participate in give you more tokens per 50, 75, and 100. This motivates lower-activity players to click as much as possible. After the third, maybe fourth set per day, it locks into the 1 per 50, 75, 100, and 200. This helps because it means that those who can only participate for 1-3 slots a day get as much out of it as someone who can click in most/all.
Hard to obtain Legends are the point.

In UO, it can take years to reach 120 in certain skills. And I find that outrageous. Things shouldn’t be that hard, but they should also definitely not be extremely easy. I don’t think a low-activity player would mind a year to get the Shinies. But longer than that can easily derail someone’s motivation. And that’s what I’m hoping to fix. It's not me complaining that things are too hard for me. I'm not one of those who wants things handed to them. If I did, I wouldn't have gone for all OT Shadows. My desire is for low-activity players to continue to feel motivated enough to play the game.

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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2023 01:57 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2023 17:16 (11 Months ago)
As often as I misconstrue written tone, I'm considering looking into tone tags and asking others to use them with me. But

-I don't think many people know tone tags or would like/want to learn something new for the sake of others

-Pretty sure Dad would tell me the usual stuff of "You're an adult. Make the adjustments yourself. People shouldn't need to cater to or work with you." Which, I kind of understand. But I also see it as completely rude to people worse off than me who can't find working coping mechanisms.

-Guarantee some people would use it as a new way to mess with me :'(

A good majority of people can make adjustments (I know that's the wrong word, but I cannot think of the right one) and learn to work with their problems. But not everyone can. I believe I could, but having depression sucks. Like. I barely care about the things I enjoy. Ain't no way I could find the care or energy to focus on things that aren't fun. Kind of jealous of those of you with stronger wills.

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2023 01:05 (11 Months ago)
Been a while since I listened to my favorite songs from Frozen and Frozen II. And I can't tell you how badly I needed it. I love these movies and songs so much. Elsa is such a powerful, independent woman, who inspires courage and hope in me.

Let it Go is about being your true self, regardless of what others may think or feel about her. She's choosing to put the pain of the past behind her and look to a brighter future.

Into the Unknown is about taking a risk and chance. Of realizing and accepting that as much as she loves everyone there, she doesn't belong. That she's meant for more than being the Queen of Arendelle. So she follows her heart and goes on a journey.

Show Yourself has got to be my favorite. It's her, realizing that her mother might be gone, but is still with her and beyond proud of her. Elsa realizes that fully accepting herself is what she'd been missing all along. Every time the part comes around of "Show yourself! Step into the power. Grow yourself! Into something new. You are the one you've been waiting for, all of my life" I want to cry. It's such a powerful few lines, and kind of makes me think of the song "Power of One"

Frozen is a show about finding and chasing your own inner strength and power. About believing in yourself, and being willing to take risks to find who you're meant to be. About self-discovery and inner strength. That the only person you need to believe in you is you. That you don't need someone to complete you. That you're perfect just the way you are. As much as I'd love for Elsa to have a partner (please, Jack Frost!), I'm more than happy with her the way she is, and I honestly think she's more inspiring that way.

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Posted: Sun, 01/10/2023 15:40 (11 Months ago)
My Rumblers are Spiky-Eared Pichu. This is the first time I've ever seen them come home with this many Recruits! They must have been really persuasive this time.

Pichu (Level 8)
Pikachu (Level 34)
Pichu (Level 7)
Pikachu (Level 11)
Pikachu (Level 7)
Pichu (Level 6)
Pikachu (Level 14)
Pikachu (Level 14)
Pikachu (Level 7)

Also. Sarcastic yay for yet again not being able to convey what I meant in the original post. Wasn't asking how to get Spikys or thinking we could recruit them (I know they come as eggs. I've hatched about 30 of them). Was just stating how shocked I was at how many Rumblings they brought home with them.

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Posted: Sat, 30/09/2023 17:11 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 28/09/2023 22:40 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 28/09/2023 19:47 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/09/2023 23:26 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/09/2023 17:25 (1 Year ago)
This was in my Memories, and as I'm reading over this, I'm realizing how pathetic this interaction actually is. Either I need to wait a few days before giving these a final read-through before posting. Or people are right, and my writing is actually lackluster and boring.

[Guardians of Sanctuary Excerpt]

“How many more times will I have to tell you ‘That’s how accidents happen’ before the lesson sinks in?”

“Well!” she chimed. “So long as you keep reminding me of that oh-so-important piece of knowledge, you’ll have absolutely nothing to worry about!”

“Ugh.” He sighed and placed a palm on his forehead. “It’s way too early for you to be…you.”

“Nuh-uh. Your brain’s just late in reconnecting to reality.”

Yet another sigh as he let his hand fall, looked at her, then shook his head. “You know there are rocks funnier than you.”

“Probably. But they’re definitely not as good-looking.” Wildfyre flipped her hair, batted her eyes, and gave her most charming smile.

Her father squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds, and she knew he was wishing he was anywhere else. “Is there a particular reason you woke me up so early?”

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Posted: Mon, 25/09/2023 16:49 (1 Year ago)

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