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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from BlackReshiram.
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 17:17 (1 Year ago)
I'm here to buy a specific potion!
Item: Ant friends, vine growth
Quantity: x2 ant x1 vine
Payment?: PD

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 16:03 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Fayne
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 08/03/2023 22:16 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 22:29 (1 Year ago)

Needed Traits:
Legs- Normal
Feet- paws
Pawpads/Underfeet- N/A (Unless change potion)
Tail- Shorthair cat
Tongue- Diamond
Eyes- N/A (Unless change potion)
Head- Fuzzy
Body- Puffy
Ears- Tufted

Additions: (Ignore/delete/N/A if not using)
Friends- Snow
Whiskers/beard- Curled Whiskers


Color potions: 2x grey 1x Black 1x blue
#c4c3d0(Inside spots)
Black for black
Time/Style- A Clouded leopard themed ran with blue eyes. The black is for the spots(If black turns out to be too dark I can do a darker grey instead), the lighter grey is for the main, and the darker grey is for the inside of the spots.
Artist?: Ostar
Payment?: PD, Mats for color potions, PD for Rarity change potion to common for norm tongue.

I don't mind waiting for this. Just wanted to get my form in before I forget

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 20:55 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 19:30 (1 Year ago)
I'm here to buy a specific potion!
Item: paws raised tail
Quantity: 2 paws, 1 tail
Payment?: PD

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 19:11 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
Egg: curiously pink
Checked if available?:yes

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 18:54 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
Egg: orange stripes
Checked if available?:yes

Ordering an egg!
Egg: chocolate broken heart
Checked if available?:yes

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 01:06 (1 Year ago)
Curtis, I want a plushie!
Ransolite: Starlight
Extra Details: No

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 21:53 (1 Year ago)
Using/Getting an Event potion!
Ransolite: N/A
Potion: 2x of each
Method?: Crafting
Colors?: N/A

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Twinkle
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Sandy
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 14:53 (1 Year ago)
Curtis, I want a plushie!
Ransolite: Reshi
Extra Details: nah

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 22:07 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Feir
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Spike
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Luca
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 18:40 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: BlackReshiram
Egg: hanging hearts
Payment: PD
Checked if available?: yes

Ordering an egg!
Egg: gradient green
Checked if available?:yes

Ordering an egg!
Egg: grey stitched patches
Checked if available?:yes

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 18:21 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Elysia
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Cyber
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 27/02/2023 22:07 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Wesley
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Candace
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Riptide
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Patch
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 26/02/2023 13:28 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Gemma
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Stellar
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 2

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Frog
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Angelena
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2023 18:51 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Fear
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Rhubarb
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Camelia
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Lance
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2023 18:49 (1 Year ago)
Curtis, I want a plushie!
Ransolite: Dazzling
Extra Details:

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Posted: Fri, 24/02/2023 15:01 (1 Year ago)
Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Bat
Destination: Desert
# of times: 2

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Blaze
Destination: Forest
# of times: 2

Training my Ransolite!!
Ransolite: Nathan
# of energy to use: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Mushroom
# of times: 5

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Bramble
# of times: 5

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 18:58 (1 Year ago)
I'm here to buy a specific potion!
Item: Normal feet
Quantity: 2
Payment?: coins

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