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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 21:15 (8 Years ago)
Mystére walked downstairs to the others, leaning quietly against the wall to see what's going on.

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Posted: Sun, 10/07/2016 05:06 (8 Years ago)
>>Whoop sliding in here


Name: Mystére (Miss-Tear [french])
Gijinka: Umbreon (f)
Personality: Mystere is, much like her name, rather mysterious. Being a 'creature' of the night adds to this, and she rarely opens up to others, usually acting very timid around others. When befriended, she is loyal, protective and kind, always making sure those around her are safe.
Other: Nope ^^

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 02:31 (8 Years ago)
SoftPaw flicked his tail over hers in response, rolling his shoulders back as he stretched. He looked at he with a mock horrified expression "I truly fear for your life BrookPaw. IceClan hasn't been trying anything have they? I always worry, it's been a while since any major skirmish." He dug his claws into the ground, sheathing them just as quickly to stretch them out slightly.

He finished dividing the roots from the stems of the Chervil and gently placed them into their piles.

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 02:21 (8 Years ago)
SoftPaw beamed, his tail curling in content. He smiled at BrookPaw and gathered up his gathered bundles of herbs, sorting them into their respective piles. "Hey BrookPaw! How's training going?" He asked casually around a mouthful of Chervil leaves, gently separating the roots.

((I feel like it'd be safe to say he's pretty close, he needs to work on deciphering prophecies and other StarClan related things but he knows most herbs and their uses by memory. Like if possibly he could probably medicine cat level in around eight-ish moons?))

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 02:11 (8 Years ago)
SoftPaw grinned, separating the herbs with gentle paws. He touched his tail tip to the Yarrow, "Yarrow is for wounds to prevent infections and ridding a cat of poison. If swallowed it will make a cat vomit." He shuddered slightly before twitching his tail towards the Chervil, "Chervil leaves cure infections, while the roots cure belly aches." He puffed out his chest slightly as he odded to the CatMint, "CatMint is the cure for Greencough."

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 01:44 (8 Years ago)
MinnowPaw trotted cheerily back into the IceClan camp, her tail swishing slightly as she dropped a squirrel into the fresh-kill pile. Running her tongue along her maw in a swift of light pink, she ducked into the apprentices' den and sprawled out onto her nest, purring at the sensation.


SoftPaw dashed suddenly back into FireClan camp, skidding slightly into the dusty clearing. He walked over to GravelFur's den, gently placing a small bundle of Yarrow, CatMint, and Chervil before the medicine cat as he grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long," he said quietly "I'll be honest I was a little lost but I managed to find some herbs on my way back!" He curled his tail around to rest on his front paws, his ears twitching.

((haha whoops totally didn't just come in late aha *sweats*))

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 02:08 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda walked along the path, Orion trailing along next to her. "That would be really cool if that happened Nik!" Andromeda smiled at him, shoving her hands into her pockets. "I feel like if I wanna catch any Pokemon on this journey I'd definitely want an Espurr, a Noibat and maybe a Poochyena. They're all so cute!" She said to no one in particular, kicking a small stone along the path in front of her.

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 02:00 (8 Years ago)
((ayy papi I'm sneakin in here bc why not??))

Name: Qrow Lancaster

Gender: Male

Age: 18 ((or maybe older, depends on whats cool with you))
Status: Villain

Personality: Qrow is a rather, unique individual. He is kind to his Pokemon but has a hard time interacting with people. He along with (other villain) work tirelessly to stop Himari and her friends from achieving their goals. When he is accompanied by his Pokemon, he is kind to them and fiercely protective of them and the bond they share, always putting them before himself. When he is around others, not including (other villain name) he is brash and aggressive.

Positive : Determined | Protective | Observant | Loyal
Negative: Compulsive Liar | Aggressive | Arrogant | Has a god-complex

History: Qrow grew up like most other children, waiting for the day he became a trainer and trying their best to win every battle they could get their hands on. Eventually, his personality shifted an he became a more secluded person, only forming true bonds with Pokemon and a select few people he would allow to get close. His parents had stopped trying to reason with him and the day he met (villain name) and saw they had similar goals, he easily made a lasting bond with them.

Starter: He doesn't have one ^^

Other: Also gym leader when needed! (also look at this nerd!)


Pokemon Caught
Party: Fletchling (m) | Poochyena (m) | Starly (f)

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Posted: Wed, 01/06/2016 19:10 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda walked outside of the Lab, saying her goodbyes to the professor and his employees and letting Orion walk alongside her, his pokeball strapped to her belt and her pokedex in her bag. Once she steppe outside, he looked at Nikolai and smiled. "I'm ready to go! I'm so excited about this! Could you imagine it if we saw a legendary on our way! I'd love to see Suicune!" She rambled her voice trailing off with a giggle as she caught herself babbling.

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Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 18:29 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiles at the professor, cuddling the Fennekin close to her. "Yes sir, I do believe we are all ready to go! I'm so excited to see the Jhoto region!" She looked around at the others, giggling as she saw them all with their Pokemon.

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Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 03:36 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiled, looking down at the Fennekin and gently running her fingers through it's fur, giggling when it trilled with happiness. "I think I'll call you, Orion." She said, smiling when the Fennekin, Orion, looked up at her and gently butted his head against her chest. Andromeda looked towards professor Elm and then to the others, excited by watching the Pokemon choose their new trainers.

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 19:16 (8 Years ago)
True. I haven't done anything warriors-related in a while so this is all based off memory heh ^^; But thank you!

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 19:12 (8 Years ago)
For SoftTail that's totally okay! Is it okay if he's not a 'paw' apprentice? It wouldn't really matter but I'd prefer it. But other than that I'm totally okay with that!

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 19:08 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda laughed as she watched Nikolai and the Charmander as the Fennekin started purr leaning into her hand. She giggled, and gently scooped it up, bringing the pokeball it came in with her. "Professor? Is it alright if I take Fennekin with me?" She asks shyly, walking up to him with the Fennekin curled in her arms, it's tail swaying happily. She looked around at the other Pokemon scattered about and smiled. "Would you like help gathering up the remaining Pokemon Professor?"

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 18:03 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda looked over at Asuna curiously before following in after Nikolai. Shyly waving at the workers as hurried in behind Nikolai. As the others filed in she looked around at the pokeballs sitting in front of them.
She jumped as Professor Elm tripped, knocking over the various pokeballs and releasing the Pokemon within. "Professor are you alright?" She asked as she stepped towards him, stopping as a few Pokemon materialized in front of her. A small Fenniken walked up to her, and Andromeda kneeled down, gently petting it's ear.

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:45 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiles at the ground, wrapping her arms around herself. "I definitely want a Fennekin, one of my mother's friends had one and it was so sweet! It had bonded so well with it's trainer and they had even entered a few Pokemon beauty competitions before! I definitely want that for myself." She sighed quietly as she watched a Wingull fly overhead. 'If not then I definitely want a Piplup or Squirtle, they're both so cute!' She thought to herself.

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:04 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiles as the others approach, adjusting her bag over her shoulder and fiddling with the pokeballs at her side.
"I think that should be it!" She exclaims as she looks around at everyone, eager to begin her journey and receive her first Pokemon. "What kind of Pokemon is everyone hoping of getting?"

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:01 (8 Years ago)
Clan: FireClan
Current Name: SoftTail
Warrior/Med Cat Name: SoftTail
Age: 30 Moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Medicine Cat (if its still available)
Fur Color: Pale Beige with ginger tail-tip and forehead markings. White paws and chest.
Eye Color: Pale yellow with golden flecks.
Abnormalities: He is a short-hair breed but his tail is extremely fluffy, comparable to a Persian's.
Personality: SoftTail is very soft spoken shy, usually only speaking with other cats when necessary and often keeping to himself. He is fiercely protective when he needs to be and doesn't really mind kittypets. He is often up late at night watching the stars and hearing their stories.
Background Info: SoftTail has always grown up within FireClan, and very early into his training to be a warrior realized it wasn't for him. After consulting with the Medicine Cat, he became their apprentice after they saw how easily prophesies from the stars came to him. Now that he is a Medicine Cat he enjoys a rather peaceful existence save for when he is healing another, but he is oddly enough at his most calm them.
Slot #: 1

Clan: IceClan
Current Name: MinnowPaw
Warrior/Med Cat Name: MinnowPelt
Age: 7 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice (Soon to be a warrior)
Fur Color: Grey with black stripes running across her sides and tail. (Mackerel Tabby)
Eye Color: Light Blue with grey flecks.
Abnormalities: She has two claws on her left front paw that are 'fused' together, a defect from birth.
Personality: MinnowPaw is very playful, finding a way to turn the most serious apprentice missions into games. She is an excellent hunter and dreams of becoming a deputy like her father once was. She can be easily angered though so she makes an effort to stay happy and calm.
Background Info: MinnowPaw is the only daughter of one of the past deputies, and has a lot of pressure t be as good as he was. She is an excellent hunter and an even better fighter, letting her aggressive nature flow when she trains. She hopes one day to become a deputy like her father before her.
Slot #: 2

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 04:09 (8 Years ago)
((It's all good))

Andromeda smirks at Nikolai. "Good to see you haven't changed at all." She turns to Asuna, smiling. "Yeah, I mean other than my parents, I'm all she's got and they're back in Kalos. I promised I'd call her so she won't feel lonely." Andromeda smiles almost sadly, wrapping her arms around herself as a small breeze picks up.

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:51 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda laughs as she walks up he the pair, running her fingers through her hair almost nervously.

"Of course I am silly! I wouldn't miss this for the world!" she grins and bounces slowly in place on her heels with excitement. You guys ready for today? I'm so excited!" She looks around for anyone else who might be joining us.

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