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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 09:40 (21 Hours ago)
Yes, the images need a few seconds to load sometimes. But that's normal and nothing that can be prevented.

Moving to Resolved.

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 09:39 (21 Hours ago)
Does this issue still occur?

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Posted: Sat, 04/01/2025 09:38 (21 Hours ago)
Moving to Resolved as this didn't happen again (was probably caused by the server hiccups we had last month).

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 08:22 (6 Days ago)
Thanks a lot! I have updated it :) (Might need a few hours so your cache notices the change)

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 05:20 (7 Days ago)
@Hikari2: done :)

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 16:24 (7 Days ago)
Fixed all spelling errors*, hence why this thread is empty again :)

* except for the Emera Mall image, as I cannot edit artwork text unfortunately...

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 15:59 (7 Days ago)
@-Nat-: I have placed a Baby Latios egg in your party.

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 11:43 (8 Days ago)
Have you claimed the Lati@s reward before the bug fix?

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2024 09:33 (9 Days ago)
Fixed it for everyone who reported in here.

alicent: You literally signed up on this site 5 hours ago... How would you have opened the door two weeks ago.

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2024 12:36 (10 Days ago)

Last night, our server went down once again for a few hours. It came back at around 4AM but then crashed once again at 7:30AM.
The issue had been reported to our server hosting company. They found out that our server's mainboard was faulty and our entire server had to replaced. This is what caused the long downtime that lasted until 12:30PM today. Spent the whole morning communicating back-and-forth with our server company, until we eventually got all services up again.

Since the server has been replaced, I assume that this issue should not happen again.

The following compensations are in place due to this unforeseen and very unfortunate, long downtime:

- All premium memberships have been extended by 48 hours
- Tomorrow, there will be an x4 Interaction Multiplier lasting all day long.
- The day after (on Friday), there will be an x3 Interaction Multiplier
- On Saturday, our Speed Click Saturday will take place as planned
- And on Sunday, there will be an x2 Interaction Multiplier

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 09:41 (14 Days ago)

PokeHeroes was down unexpectedly from 1PM to 3:30 PM yesterday. It is still unclear why the server simply stopped responding (a simple reboot helped), but I've set up advanced logging/monitoring now in case it happens again next time.

To compensate for this downtime, there will be an x3 interaction multiplier tomorrow, lasting all day long. Enjoy, and sorry for the inconvenience!

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:48 (19 Days ago)
This has now been fixed!

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:30 (19 Days ago)

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:28 (19 Days ago)
Moving this to "Resolved" as no one seems to have encountered the bug any more.

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:28 (19 Days ago)

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:19 (19 Days ago)
You might need to clear your browser's cache if the issue still persists.

Check here to see if it works on your browser now:

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 10:19 (25 Days ago)
I think it might've been a browser error (this would explain why no one else reported this issue), but I added a backup fix just in case. When the image doesn't load now (for whatever reason), text is displayed instead (e.g. "royal Rock-Type Pokemon")

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 10:15 (25 Days ago)
Fixed, see here.

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 10:15 (25 Days ago)

x2 Interaction Multipliers (caused by a full Lovemeter) now no longer conflict with a Speed Click Saturday. If an x2 day would occur on a SCS day, the x2 is postponed to the day after (Sunday) instead.

The Lovemeter target has also been decreased from 20 Million to 15 Million interactions. Enjoy!

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 07:31 (25 Days ago)

The bug where users were unable to send christmas gifts to their friends has now been fixed. Advent Calendar door #10 can be opened today or tomorrow (on the 11th), as some of you now might've missed that opportunity.

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