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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2025 02:00 (14 Days ago)
Shiny Kitema has a bunch of red pixels that aren't changed to pink, in between the eye and the green belly

Fixed version for staff

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Posted: Thu, 13/02/2025 14:47 (17 Days ago)
I didn't include a suggestion to disable receiving cards since I figure it might be annoying for users to write a message just to realise the card won't go through

Some people mentioned getting annoyed at empty cards so an alternative one would be disabling notifications for new cards?

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Posted: Mon, 10/02/2025 18:20 (20 Days ago)
Is it related to this bug?

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Posted: Mon, 10/02/2025 17:13 (20 Days ago)
As a test, I blocked Calamity_Sass at about 16:26 server time

About five minutes later, Sass then sent me 2 valentines cards, 1 of which was anonymous, despite being blocked

Considering that blocked users cannot send plushies, Private Trades or offer on trades, this is likely unintended behaviour

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Posted: Sun, 09/02/2025 20:19 (21 Days ago)
It doesn't show on desktop or mobile, probably because Puddy was just added. Which means if you click to another tab you can't return to this year

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2025 19:12 (22 Days ago)

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 17:26 (24 Days ago)
That's a Powerorb, you can use it to give an egg EHP or a Pokemon EXP

More details here

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 12:20 (24 Days ago)
support! i think it'd be nice if it worked like the Are you a human? checks too!

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 11:20 (24 Days ago)
:eyes: if you're open to doing art comms I'm interested; your about says you're open to trading art for Pokemon (and also currency) but I'm not sure what you're looking for now :O

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2025 17:54 (26 Days ago)
Bumping this with actual statistics on how ludicrous the Alola dex is at the moment. If it's almost impossible to have a living Alola dex right now, how are people going to be able to get a full Eggdex?

There are 28 Magearna Master Ball on site. This makes it the rarest Pokemon by frequency. In fact, Magearna Ultra Ball is only 3 places away, being the 4th rarest with 53 onsite.

Of the 10 people on Most Pokedex Entries, 4 have a full dex. Of the remaining 6, 5 are missing Magearna Master Ball.

A dex should not require two time-gated RNG Pokemon which are also both on the Lowest Frequency ranklist.

If not for the most established dex lending service on site having a Magearna MB, I think Alola dex would be flat out impossible for most. I think I'm allowed to say this because I won that voucher with a 2% chance (and a lot more people were trying to help get it too!) If not for the combined effort of a community, Alola dex would not be completable for a lot more people.

I agree that dexes should have an element of difficulty, but dex completion is an early to mid-game goal compared to SM or legend hunting. We shouldn't require that same level of spending for lategame goals like SM/shiny legend hunting (when it's intended to help with said goals), and the cost should not be several times higher than other complete dexes. And this will be much worse if we're talking about eggdex completion

Alola also happens to have Minior, which is arguably worse than Unown as their Event rarity means they're not available from lab or Gem Collector, and 24 legendary/Ultra Beast eggdexes, far more than any other dex (I did not include Type:Null though that will probably be part of the eggdex completion)

This shouldn't be implemented until the balance of the Alola dex can be fixed.

Number of legendaries/expensive mons in every dex (Dex completion rewards not included)
Kanto: 5 (Mew, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ditto)
Johto: 6 (Celebi, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Lugia)
Hoenn: 9 (Jirachi, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza)
Sinnoh: 14 (Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Giratina (Origin), Cresselia, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Shaymin (Sky))
Unova: 19 (Victini, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Tornadus (Therian), Thundurus, Thundurus (Therian), Landorus, Landorus (Therian), Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, White Kyurem, Black Kyurem, Keldeo, Keldeo (Resolute), Meloetta, Meloetta (Pirouette)
Kalos: 10 (Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde Core, Zygarde Cell, Zygarde 10%, Zygarde 50%, Zygarde Complete, Hoopa, Hoopa (Unbound), Volcanion)
Alola: 33 (Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Necrozma, Necrozma (Dawn Wings), Necrozma (Dusk Mane), Ultra Necrozma, Magearna, Magearna (Poke Ball), Magearna (Great Ball), Magearna (Ultra Ball), Magearna (Master Ball), Marshadow, Zenith Marshadow, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal)
Galar: 16 (Zacian. Crowned Zacian, Zamazenta, Crowned Zamazenta, Eternatus, Kubfu, Urshifu (Rapid Strike), Urshifu (Single Strike), Zarude, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier, Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, Galarian Moltres)

Hisui Dex is tiny and hence not included. I do think I can confidently say that two Enamorus plus all the Celestica Flutes and Black Augurite and Peat Block etc will not cost more than 5 million PD

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Posted: Fri, 31/01/2025 17:00 (1 Month ago)
Hi! I want a doodle! 💚
·What kind of doodle? (1 or 2 characters?): Doodle!
·Payment: nougats. i mean nuggets. (63 of them to be exact)
·Character: Orangeade
·Refs: ^^
·Other: thank you!

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Posted: Fri, 31/01/2025 09:58 (1 Month ago)

Polestar's Ark

Here's our mascot, Kaleidoscope!
Remember Vanillite, Spheal and Delibird from the Advent Calendar? For years, I have wondered if the dear trio invited to our Christmas parties would ever change. Many have prepared to lend the trio during their annual arrival, but what if...the 24th Advent door asks to see some other Pokemon instead? Enter Polestar's Ark: a collection of Ice-type and other holiday-themed mons, just for that scenario!

Buying the following Pokemon for PD, I will reply in this thread and set up the PT!

I will pay 100PD extra and refund Everstones for Swinub, Smoochum, Shellos (North), Snover, Winter Deerling, Cubchoo, Amaura and Bermite if you give them Everstones!

Donation are appreciated as well!

Current Progress

Numbers last updated: 22 Feb 2025

Alolan Sandshrew: 45 / 50 (500PD)
Alolan Vulpix: 50 / 50
Lapras: 40 / 50 (700PD)
Sneasel: 38 / 50 (300PD)
Swinub: 13 / 50 (700PD)
Stantler: 22 / 50 (300PD)
Smoochum: 33 / 50 (700PD)
Snowy Castform: 40 / 40
Snorunt: 32 / 30
Shellos (North): 29 / 40 (700PD)
Snover: 50 / 50
Glaceon: 40 / 40
Galarian Darumaka: 21 / 50 (500PD)
Winter Deerling / Sawsbuck: 28 / 40 (700PD)
Cubchoo: 39 / 50 (700PD)
Cryogonal: 17 / 50 (1500PD)
Amaura: 50 / 50
Bergmite: 40 / 50 (300PD)
Snom: 30 / 30
Eiscue: 53 / 50
Cetoddle*: 13 / 40
Frigibax*: 33 / 40

*Cetoddle and Frigibax are not high priority

Total: 751 / 1000

With that said, even if I'm no longer active on PH, come December 24 and if the advent mons ever changes? DM me on Discord. I will personally come online and set up those trades so my 2 million PD isn't wasted. Let's hope it doesn't, though! and I don't have to update the mons with new generations too often...

By the way, Meep also collects Mareep and Charjabug, and she'd love to collect them from different trainers! Let her know if you have any for sale!

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Posted: Thu, 30/01/2025 16:31 (1 Month ago)
bump, support! would be good if this was toggle-able like the lowest/highest level berries because i wanted to level my chesto berries and found out that they were missing (all turned into awakenings...)

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Posted: Wed, 29/01/2025 07:28 (1 Month ago)
Bump! Ideally this would also help exclude megas, Emera forms (e.g. Rotom Monitor) and events from the missing dex

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 16:17 (1 Month ago)
Username: MeepTheMareep02
Pokemon and which box it is from:

pikachu and gible box: 1 Gible
Trade/Sell 2: Sneasel, Stantler, Skiddo

Payment method: 5000PD
Other: thank you!

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 15:57 (1 Month ago)
Hey Bubbly,
I’d like to buy

Mamoswine, 2 Spritzee, Charjabug and Vivillon (Monsoon) from Sale Box 2
2 Amaura from Sale Box 5
Stunky, Snover and Sawsbuck (Winter) from Sale Box 6 at 🔥Item Asylum🔥

It will cost 4300PD. (I think I lost count halfway)
Tips? [5700PD] If I pay 10k PD total can you Everstone the Stunky, Snover and 2 Amaura? I will return the 3 Everstones in the trade
Passcode: FireMankey
Promo Code (If any):

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 13:46 (1 Month ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: MeepTheMareep02
Character: Any of them, Merope excluded obviously
Offer: 150 Nuggets
Password: Owl City
Additional Notes: I would prefer the characters with less art (Ruellia / Orangeade / Calliphora) but also feel free to choose Flashpoint or Calyx if you think you'll have more fun drawing them!

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 21:05 (1 Month ago)
!!!! you did her such justice, thank you!!! i've always wanted art of her but people don't usually choose her when i give them a list of characters to choose from, thank you for giving her first piece of full artwork the love it deserves!!

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 18:08 (1 Month ago)
Watering a plant shortens the time before it's ready to harvest. It's like a worse Growth Mulch

It's more obvious if you're planting slower berries, as the soil will dry out a second time before they're ready to harvest. But if you check the time left before and after watering any plant (even without applying mulch! Like just planting them) you'll notice the difference

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 18:44 (1 Month ago)
Hey Bubbly,
I’d like to buy 49 Amaura from Sale Box 5 (38 Amaura) and Sale Box 3 (11 Amaura) at 🔥Item Asylum🔥
It will cost 73500PD.
Tips? 26500PD (total 100k PD)
Passcode: FireMankey
Promo Code (If any):

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