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Searching for: Posts from AgentDavidWashington.
Posted: Mon, 08/08/2016 15:09 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 14:17 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 20:00 (7 Years ago)
Hello!! c:

I have 316 grass gems for you!

Which is worth 158,000 PD, yeah? ;w;

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Posted: Sun, 17/07/2016 19:12 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 05/07/2016 03:30 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 14:45 (8 Years ago)
Oooookay! I've decided to make a contest that will probably be monthly ^w^

I'd like to see everyone's writing and art talents :D





What I want this month:


(Next month will be art. They will alternate)

The Prompt:

In a futuristic setting humanity has spread across the galaxy and taken over Solar Systems. While there is such thing as alien life, most of this life still isn't considered as "smart" as human life. Meaning, they're all animals according the mass. One of the solar systems Humans own, but don't really inhabit, is called the Arachne System. In this system is the planet Orb Weaver, which is all tropical and technically owned by a specific human family, the Richter family.
The Richters created a zoo on this planet, that showcases all of the alien animals from all over the galaxy. But, something goes very wrong one day and a virus is released on Orb Weaver. Most humans there died, and some animals are affected by it. The planet is considered very dangerous, and the Richter Company reaches out to the human military for help.
Unconcerned with this kind of skirmish, when there are other things to be doing, the military sends its rejects, the Galaxy Guard, to handle the situation.
The Galaxy Guard is underfunded, and generally filled with people who've been kicked out of the "real" military- whether due to attitude or injury.

So, you can write about the Galaxy Guard coming to the planet to handle the situation. Or maybe the Guard's already been there a while? You could write them finally leaving the planet after whatever happened!
Maybe you could write something from the view of an alien? Maybe an alien and a Guard have to work together to survive!
Maybe some humans survived the virus outbreak and have been waiting help?

The world is your oyster, I'm excited to see what you come up with :D

What I will be judging on

Originality, easy-to-read/follow, FUN

to read, and that it seemed like you

enjoyed writing it :D

Other Requirements:

> 500-1500 words, and Arial or Times New Roman type (If you're not using the forums.) English too please! I'm not cool and bilingual :c

How to submit: Simply post your narrative! You can also create a Google Doc and post the link (be sure to have it shared to me, at least,) or you can email me at [email protected] (which is also what you share to on Google Docs. You can link to dA as well! :D

Current Prize: Shiny Eevee

Current Month: July

Currently in the running!
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Be the first >:L

I will begin judging at the end of the month ^w^

If you have any questions feel free to ask :D

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:50 (8 Years ago)
B U M P :D

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 18:42 (8 Years ago)
Okay thank you for telling me c:

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 15:14 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 15:11 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 15:18 (8 Years ago)
Congrats to everyone who made it to the MIT stage- I didn't ;w;

But you better expect another application from me next time they're open >:L

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 17:00 (8 Years ago)
All this forum activity is getting me more and more excited/nervous

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Posted: Mon, 16/05/2016 12:26 (8 Years ago)
Projects Name

Owned by: EmmyFalcon

Your Feedback
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First off, your drawings are awesome and I'm SUPER jealous of your realistic style- I wish I could see more of them! (;D?)

Obviously I don't know all of your plans for this- as I'm not you and not everything about the story is listed (which is NOT expected. Stories are very intricate and you don't want to spoil something really juicy. Just wanted you and everyone else to understand ;D)

But, I am really digging how animalistic your Kacure are looking- I've got a special place in my heart for fishie people and your Asheviire and others like him have some cool designs. It makes me want to draw them real bad. I'm not sure if it's anywhere in your story- or in the description and I happened to miss it- but maybe they could have some kind of need to be in water? Like, if they're dry for too long they start to shrivel up (or maybe dehydrate quickly.) Like I said, I don't know if this would even fit into your story, just offering things I've done with my fishie people ^^

And oh my god you've started creating a language. This really brings the story to life for me, along with detailed maps and backstories on countries and everything. I'm a total nerd for world-creation as well as character-creation. But, it can be hard to create a language because that involves designing grammar and sentence structure and before you know it you're teaching Klingon. Just leaving what you have now (maybe some extra words if they're needed, of course) would be fine and add a great extra detail to your story. (Does the language have a name?)

I like the nerf on your berserkers- so they're not super OP. With the virus that slowly eats at them- that's really good and angsty- especially if they're trying to save someone they love or something and ends up hurting themselves past the point of medicinal healing. (I'd like to know how they got their powers?)

I think it'd be cool to have a lame Kacure. By lame I mean like their parts don't work. Like, maybe a avian Kacure that can't fly, or an aquatic one that's gills have stopped working- so they can never travel deep underwater. I'm really interested in characters like that who end up being important, despite not fitting in exactly with the rest of their peers.

I'd also be interested in a world map- if it's different from Earth as it is now. I love maps ouo

I'd like to learn more about the social structures as well- like who's in charge of who directly. Are their kings or presidents? Stuff like that.

(Haha, maybe a human group that fights for Kacure rights?) (Maybe it could be something that the majority of the Kacure hate, because it belittles them?)

I'm getting a fantasy/adventure feel from this and I'm digging it!~

I will update this post as you/if you update your's

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 15:36 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 14:19 (8 Years ago)
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Summer Ice

Christmas Rotom


Scuba Vappie (Sorry I love it I hope I fixed it)

Loudred of Love


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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 23:00 (8 Years ago)
Win a chance for you (or your OC) to be in a game :D

Spread this;

[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=46196&post=1279178]Get the Chance to see yourself/your OC inside a small Visual Novel - more information here[/url]

[i]And if you happen to be interested in this club feel free to join[/i]

And feel free to check out me and Shizuka's forum ^W^

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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 18:19 (8 Years ago)

Projects Name - Magical Boys
Projects Status - In the very early stages. I have most of the plot planned (like maybe 80%) and I'm coming up with some fillers, as well as conclusions to story arcs and everything.
What is your part of the Project? - Currently I am all parts of my project ^^ I am the artist and the creator and the coder and everything ^^
Do you allow Fanart for you VN? - YES I WOULD LOVE SOME SO MUCH ;W; I love when people make things, especially as gifts for me cx
Why are you posting your VN project? - I'd love to get some feedback on everything and get some help art wise. Me and Shizuka are learning the program Ren'Py at the same time, and we'll probably be able to help one another. But I struggle a lot with art often and I'd love some help with as much as possible c:
Need help from others? - I stated it in the above- YES! Please! :B
Tell us about your VN! - Ohhhhh man I have two binders full of the answer to this question. Prepare for the use of spoilers.
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Alright, so, I'm not going to delve too deep into characters at this point because there are A LOT but I will try to get the basics of this story down.

The world isn't post apocalyptic, really. There's a big war going on north of the main country (main country = Centreal, war country = Rhetoria) and there are a lot of people fleeing it.

Centreans gotta big problem with immigrants

The cities in Centreal are organized into massive circles, and divided into five sections. 4 are residential, and the fifth- which is the center- is where all the shops and schools and everything that isn't lived-in goes.

There are no cars, people travel using The T (Subway, for longer distances) and a thing called The Belt (Which is like those long flat escalators you see in high-touristy areas and airports.) The Belt runs in front of houses like a street would, and is constantly moving.

Everyone in the beginning lives in Nazareth, and the Magical Boy team is about to start their freshman year at Nazareth Highschool C (Which is the lowest academic ranking of the 4 high schools in the city. Real good soccer team though.)

All's going well, until they wake up and find that there's this weird choker on their necks.

What the hell?

But they can't take it off, some freak out and others say "Whatev" and they head off to school.

Come to find out...


Because that's not a little fruity

World Information
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This story takes place on Earth- but with different continents. I just took Pangea and cut out some places. There's basically part of America, Russia, Mexico and then a little island I just made up.

Centreal - This place is the main setting. It's basically in control of EVERYTHING. It has 5 cities, all of which are walled (think like AoT kind of, but not that strict) because the government says the environment is too harsh for humans to be living so far apart. The capital, Nazareth, is where all of the main characters live.

Rhetoria - This country is north of Centreal and it's really snowy and recently became completely thrown into a massive civil war. Most Centreans HATE Rhetorians- as the Rhetorians are fleeing the war and coming to their country. There are a lot of laws against Rhetorians and everything it's really bleh.


Character Information
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Randall Lincoln - This guy's an idiot. He speaks in the vernacular- and has a British/hick accent. he'll be easy to understand. He's not very smart, two grades behind his twin brother, and doesn't have much confidence in his brain. He's got a good heart though, and is best friends with Juan. He plays football (American kind)

Juan Ramirez - He's a really cute, overall nice guy. He's best friends with Randy and super awesome at soccer. Average student. He wants to grow up and join the Centreal Military and cool the war in Rhetoria so everyone can start getting along.

Viktor Orlov - This guy is Rhetorian born and raised. He left the country when he was five. His parents and his aunt and uncle dropped him and his three cousins off in an immigration center and they were separated. Viktor now lives with his cousins Ace, Alley, and Axis- all whom have health issues. They're given a certain amount of money from the government to buy necessities but it often isn't enough. Their house has a couch, and that's it. They each have one pair of clothes. Most of their money goes towards the medication. Viktor plans on returning to Rhetoria as soon as possible to try and fix whatever's going wrong.

Jinx Arestelle - He considers himself Viancellean (which is a part of Rhetoria that is trying to become unified. It's not recognized by Centreal) but he was born and raised in Centreal. He has 11 brothers and sisters, and they're still coming. Because of that he can roam around a lot and isn't being sought out by his parents. He's very free with his favors, and hops around from lady to lady. He's very good friends with Viktor, and taught him (Viktor) and his cousins Centrean when they moved. He's a photographer for the school paper, and also good friends with a star soccer player, Dean Smith.

Arkady Valeriev - He's really quiet and very much a wallflower. He's half Rhetorian and doesn't have to wear the identifying flag-pin (Rhetorians have to wear their flag to let everyone know they're Rhetorian.) He has a younger sister whom he loves, but has trouble getting close too. He doesn't have any friends other than Traitor- whom he also love. As in loves. Traitor doesn't get it though. He can act like a child, especially when he's upset. But he's very loyal, and VERY territorial.

Princeton "Traitor" McNash - This guy's a piece of work. His father works for the government and he gets away with whatever he wants. He's been arrested a bunch of times for petty theft and destruction of property- as well as drug possession. But, daddy always bails him out. He's spoiled- unless he's around his mother. He's easily the most attractive person around that anyone in Nazareth's ever seen- which doesn't help his elated purpose. He's good friend with Johnny, as well as Arkady. He's a water-sport person (+Baseball) and he dreams of one day seeing the ocean. He's got two brothers. Hunter, who is adopted and older than Traitor. Then Malachite, who is a product of one of his father's affairs with another woman. Yes, Traitor's parents are still together.


Art examples, Screenshots, etc.

More spoilers :D







Last update: 04/07/2016

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Posted: Mon, 09/05/2016 16:36 (8 Years ago)
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Gothita is Cute and I have no name for it ;w;

~Ditto!~ ;w;

Scuba Vappie (My fave :D )

Ballet Sylveon

Astro Umbreon!

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Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 13:15 (8 Years ago)
This shall be my art dump! Please don't comment- but you can palpad or pm me c:

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