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[W][xAx] Galaxy Guard Writing Contest

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [W][xAx] Galaxy Guard Writing Contest
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 14:45 (8 Years ago)
Oooookay! I've decided to make a contest that will probably be monthly ^w^

I'd like to see everyone's writing and art talents :D





What I want this month:


(Next month will be art. They will alternate)

The Prompt:

In a futuristic setting humanity has spread across the galaxy and taken over Solar Systems. While there is such thing as alien life, most of this life still isn't considered as "smart" as human life. Meaning, they're all animals according the mass. One of the solar systems Humans own, but don't really inhabit, is called the Arachne System. In this system is the planet Orb Weaver, which is all tropical and technically owned by a specific human family, the Richter family.
The Richters created a zoo on this planet, that showcases all of the alien animals from all over the galaxy. But, something goes very wrong one day and a virus is released on Orb Weaver. Most humans there died, and some animals are affected by it. The planet is considered very dangerous, and the Richter Company reaches out to the human military for help.
Unconcerned with this kind of skirmish, when there are other things to be doing, the military sends its rejects, the Galaxy Guard, to handle the situation.
The Galaxy Guard is underfunded, and generally filled with people who've been kicked out of the "real" military- whether due to attitude or injury.

So, you can write about the Galaxy Guard coming to the planet to handle the situation. Or maybe the Guard's already been there a while? You could write them finally leaving the planet after whatever happened!
Maybe you could write something from the view of an alien? Maybe an alien and a Guard have to work together to survive!
Maybe some humans survived the virus outbreak and have been waiting help?

The world is your oyster, I'm excited to see what you come up with :D

What I will be judging on

Originality, easy-to-read/follow, FUN

to read, and that it seemed like you

enjoyed writing it :D

Other Requirements:

> 500-1500 words, and Arial or Times New Roman type (If you're not using the forums.) English too please! I'm not cool and bilingual :c

How to submit: Simply post your narrative! You can also create a Google Doc and post the link (be sure to have it shared to me, at least,) or you can email me at [email protected] (which is also what you share to on Google Docs. You can link to dA as well! :D

Current Prize: Shiny Eevee

Current Month: July

Currently in the running!
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Be the first >:L

I will begin judging at the end of the month ^w^

If you have any questions feel free to ask :D