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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: rumble resend
Posted: Sun, 19/05/2024 18:15 (6 Days ago)

Welcome back to the PH times~ :D

19/05/23 || Issue #222 || Editors: Absbor & BoomBoy

“I might now seem superior in knowledge compared to you. However, I'm certain that one day your knowledge is going to surpass mine.“

~ Unknown

We’ve reached 250 000 registered users! In order to celebrate it, PokeHeroes is giving free Retro Duckletts with a letter¹ to people who have registered before Monday, made interactions count 4x on Tuesday, 3x on Wednesday and 2x on Thursday.
The next milestone is supposingly at 10 billion total interactions. Do you think, we can reach the goal?


A new event distribution appeared on Monday the 13th May and stays until the 23 of May! From contest winner Fionna! Weird clouds have been popping up here and there. Shall we take a closer look at them?

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To get them, you first have to earn 4 700 points, 6 500 more (11 200) and finally 9 6000 (20 800).

Since forever, there’s been a bug with the rumble mission. When sending an Eevee that isn’t simply an Eevee (i.e. events), the program fails to recognize it as an Eevee and stops functioning.
In recent times, Riako has been trying to fix it and prevent non-pure-Eevees from being able sent on such rumble missions.
In the meantime: don’t commit the same mistake.

The trades with Leah had been updated. Visually more pleasing, but not only that! You can also exchange multiple at the same time.
A comparison before and after:

Plus the rod bug has been fixed. You should be able to use your fishing rod again. :- )

Congratulations to the top 3 Bug Hatching Contest Winners of May!
Quote from socks3rd Place

317 Points!

Quote from momalia2nd Place

318 Points!

Quote from RedFarlon641st Place

321 Points!

We’re still searching for news/article writers. If you want to get a payment of 20k for each article you write, send a PM to me. This has to include an example of how you would write a news article. Old writers who have worked for the PH Times before just need to give me a quick heads up over palpad.

-> Team talking happens over in a palpad group
-> Be ready all the time or whenever new content happens (roughly every 2 weeks once)
-> If you need to take a break (due to personal reasons, etc), tell me so that I can plan ahead (don’t just vanish)

Weekly Fun Fact

Everytime a new PH Times comes out, we also give you a fact! They can be knowledgeable or funny or even both at the same time. Have fun! :D

Turns out there's a retro which can breed; the retro style Ducklett. It only breeds normal Duckletts tho. This begs the question of whether it's done on purpose or not; since there's normally no retro Ducklett as all Pokémon are in black & white style.
(dear Riako, please don't take this opportunity away)

Source: Nymphrasis

Writer: Absbor

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It's Gulpin!

Its japanese name is “ゴクリン” (Gokulin)
Gulpin is known as the “Stomach lot” Pokémon
Typing: (Poison)
Ability: Liquid Ooze | Sticky Hold
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Evolution Line:
-- 26-->

Sex: 50% | 50%
Egg group: Amorphous
EHP: 5,355
Pokédex Entry: Almost all of its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows.

Made by Rice

You should palpad Absbor the Answer. :-D
No penalties if you get them wrong! Send all your guesses at the same time and don’t look it up; cheating is not funny! So, good luck and have fun!! Ends on Sunday, until the next paper gets uploaded.

1. This Pokémon gulps in lots.

2. This Pokémon swallows lots.
3. A piranha Pokémon of the type dark.

Answers from last time:

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1. Volbeat
2. Illumise
3. Mega Sharpedo

These were the respondents from the last paper:

- Berrypass 2/3
- Hipsterpotamus 3/3

By BoomBoy

Complete these Pokémon-themed sudokus!! Answers will be revealed next week. You can take a screenshot of your attempt and send it to the editor-in-chief Absbor, to have your name featured in the next issue! Find the answers to last issue's sudoku linked under this week's, inside the spoilers.

People who were brave enough to send their attempts in:
imgur dot com and ibb dot co are good sites to upload images, because you don't need to make an account

What are your thoughts and opinions about the paper? Send Absbor a Private Message and we will show it in the next paper. You can also tell us to leave your name out if you feel uncomfortable about publishing too.

Send us your art so we can post it here! The ownership is still with the artists, and we will not use it for anything. This is just to advertise your art. We will use proper credits and provide exposure to the artist, so we hope you participate in this.

Want to look into your future?

Editor: Absbor

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January 20 - February 18
AQUARIUS: Emotional energy will build on the 19th and 20th, making it paramount to have sufficient outlets. Focus on diet, fitness, and carving out a spot that makes you feel comfortable and offers insight into your next move, project, or learning escapade. Put more thought into your financial situation on the 21st and 22nd, and you’ll devise a plan to help cut your overhead without giving up the things you love most. Organization, planning, and following through will deter unwanted drama at home or work. Pay attention to your health and well-being on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Don’t take a risk that can result in insult or injury. Protect yourself, your possessions, and your reputation. Keep the peace, and choose love over Discord.
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February 19 - March 20
PISCES: Refrain from pulling out your credit card on the 19th and 20th. Emotional purchases will lead to regret. Focus on bringing money in, not throwing it away. Align yourself with sensible friends encouraging you to strive for personal and financial stability. Look around you on the 21st and 22nd, and you’ll discover a path that offers unique lessons to make your life easier and more fulfilling. Peace, love, and happiness are within reach, and opportunity is apparent. Don’t allow an emotional roadblock to stand in your way on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. It’s up to you to establish what you want and how to turn your wishes into a reality. Let your imagination lead the way, but your intuition and common sense keep you out of trouble.
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March 21 - April 19
ARIES: Dial it up a notch on the 19th and 20th and take care of your responsibilities. Put pressure where necessary to get the assistance you need to get ahead. Check out what’s trending and adjust your skills and knowledge to ensure you are competitive in areas that can make a difference to your financial intake. Focus on investments, medical issues, and contracts on the 21st and 22nd. Reach out to an expert and consider your next move. A purchase, domestic move, or professional change looks promising. Learning something new on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th or adding a trendy spin to how you look or what you do will separate you from the crowd. A unique opportunity will encourage better relationships with people who matter to you.

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April 20 - May 20
TAUROS: Do research on the 19th and 20th before you change your plans or move. Look for cost-efficient alternative methods and encourage you to make choices you can live with for a long time. Do whatever it takes to stabilize your position within personal or business relationships on the 21st and 22nd. An opportunity to do something unique will change the way you think and do things moving forward. Love, romance, and a physical or attitude adjustment will boost your confidence. Stay on top of medical and financial situations on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Know when to say no, and don’t be afraid to move on alone if necessary to get matters under control. Trust your instincts.
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May 21 - June 20
GEMINI: Explore what’s available in your community on the 19th and 20th that will encourage a healthier lifestyle. Contact people who can endorse a qualified individual or establishment to help you rectify a problem. A chance to learn something new will enrich your life and point you in a unique direction. Refrain from lending or borrowing on the 21st and 22nd. Joint ventures aren’t in your best interest. Focus on personal and professional improvement and gains that benefit you directly. Follow your gut, and don’t be afraid to make a last-minute adjustment. You’ll have a change of heart on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th due to the restrictions you face or the emotional stress someone causes. Retreat, rethink, and check your motives before retaliating. Choose your partners wisely.
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June 21 - July 22
CANCER: Get out and about on the 19th and 20th. What you contribute to a group or cause you care about will significantly impact you more than bickering with someone close to you who doesn’t see things your way. Explore and expand your vision and follow your heart, and you will discover peace of mind and personal joy. You’ll pick up extraordinary information on the 21st and 22nd if you attend a function that appeals to you. Traveling, learning, and joining forces with like-minded people will help you make a positive lifestyle choice. You’ll be caught off guard on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th by someone trying to dazzle you with fancy words and extravagant plans. Consider what’s best for you before someone takes advantage of you.

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July 23 - August 22
LEO: Think before you act on the 19th and 20th. It will be easy to let your emotions take over and mess things up when dealing with a friend, lover, or business partner. Listen carefully and verify the information. Consider your choices before you proceed. Make plans to get organized on the 21st and 22nd. A change at home will improve your life and meaningful relationships. An opportunity to make a financial gain looks promising. Put your heart into getting fit on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Improve your diet, get involved in physical activities that help you gain strength, and have the courage to say no to people and offers that aren’t in your best interest. Make physical improvements that lift your spirits and encourage personal gains.
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August 23 - September 22
VIRGO: An open mind will lead to new beginnings on the 19th and 20th. Learn all you can and initiate changes that encourage you to expand your interests and take the road leading to something that excites you. Hard work will pay off. Be open to suggestions on the 21st and 22nd, but don’t be a follower. A change of location will pique your imagination and point you in a new and exciting direction. Romance is on the rise. Refuse to let anyone rain on your parade on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Own the stage and make yourself heard and clear regarding your intentions. Stifle anyone trying to manipulate you to head in a direction that suits them better than you. Demand respect.
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September 23 - October 22
LIBRA: Emotions will surface on the 19th and 20th if you get involved in a joint venture or legal matter. Listen carefully and prepare your defense before verbally dueling with someone trying to exploit you. You’ll have plenty to think about on the 21st and 22nd. Put together a budget and plan that suits your financial and emotional needs. Think outside the box, and you’ll come up with a plan that will bring in extra cash or help you lower your overhead. Don’t sign up for something on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th that benefits someone else more than you. Put your energy where it counts, and do something to make your life better. Personal improvements will turn out better than anticipated.

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October 23 - November 21
SCORPIO: Emotions will surface on the 19th and 20th if you or someone close to you becomes demanding. Search for alternatives conducive to making you and those close to you happy about the outcome. Using force will end in rejection. Opportunity is present on the 21st and 22nd. Know what you want and present your case to friends, relatives, or your partner, and progress will unfold. Seal the deal with an outing that brings everyone involved in your plans closer together. Uncertainty will develop on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th if you allow someone to use emotional tactics to twist your thinking. Do your research and prepare to forge ahead once everything is in place. Celebrate with someone you love, and enjoy the moment.
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November 22 - December 21
SAGITTARIUS: Pressure will build on the 19th and 20th if you get into deep discussions regarding touchy matters. Be a good listener, don’t agree or disagree, absorb, and consider your options carefully. Channel your energy, blow off steam, and give yourself a chance to digest your options. A novel opportunity will spark your imagination on the 21st and 22nd. Review and reset your timeline to fit what you want to pursue. A change may be necessary, but take the time to explore the possibilities and put everything in place to make your transition seamless. Put your energy where it counts on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Personal improvements focusing on better health will encourage you to follow through with your plans and overcome any interference you encounter.
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December 22 - January 19
CAPRICORN: Refuse to let life’s little annoyances get to you on the 19th and 20th. Focus on the people and things that bring out the best in you, and forego any invitations that make you edgy or uncomfortable. Base your life choices on your needs, not what others want. Connect to like-minded people on the 21st and 22nd by joining groups or organizations that resonate with you. Offering your skills, experience, or knowledge will position you for success, making worthwhile connections, and feeling good about yourself and what you offer. Someone will try to take advantage of you on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Let your intuition lead the way, and don’t be afraid to walk away from a situation that isn’t in your best interest.

This week's joke:


Thank you to all who sent jokes! If you also want to send a joke, feel free to send a private message/palpad to Absbor. :-D
Randomly found jokes will be used in the meanwhile. This wall is purely meant for entertainment. ;-)

When is your Birthday? Tell Absbor via private messages, so we can celebrate it by adding it to the list! ヾ(。・ω・)シ (there’s simply no way us knowing them)

🎂This paper's birthday people were:
- 8th May pepper654 & ~Tengan~
- 9th May Jaeger
- 13th May Cardboard_Spaghetti
- 18th May Crescendo

Shower them with lots of love~ ❤

We can advertise shops, contests, giveaways, etc. It is 10k PD for advertisement of an already scripted one. We can also script it for you for just 5k PD extra! If you want to advertise, shoot Absbor a private message! (Please put scripted ads between code brackets )
Note: The money sent to us has to be at least 10kPD. Meaning the tax is on top of the 10kPD.

Looking for sponsors to help us maintain this. Donations will be used strictly for the newspaper. It can be anything, from pd to even free pieces of art. It can also be articles from talented writers.

If it's money send a Gift to Absbor; if it's fanart send them as PMs to the respective people~

♥ And the juiciest kiss to all that have participated in the #PHTimesSupport ♥

Any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions or even violent reactions, just message us.

When we made P.H. Times, we had done it with a dream of uniting the entire user-base and being a platform for public discussions for users. Feeds of all users may not always be noticed. Have a story to share? Want to talk about something? PM me the article and we will publish it! We look forward to listening from you!!

Do you have an idea how the Ph Times could expand? OR just a cool idea to share with the crew? Contact me! I will be more than happy to hear about your ideas!

Accepting sponsors and donations.
PH Times banner edited by Elzah
PH Times welcoming square by Absbor
Art banners (who's that pokemon, astrological art and the art wall banners) by Furret
Emera Square Banner and puzzle Banner by Rice
Thanks to amitlu89 from Deviantart for the 'Who's that pokemon' template.
Birthday picture from KayVeeDee on deviantart.
Thanks to Dragonflycave's sprite generator, Bulbapedia, Pokémon Showdown and PokeHeroes for the sprites and art.
(At one time, PokeHeroes staff said they’re working together with the Pokémon Showdown team.)
Word arts were made from Picasion and Cool Text
Information on 'The Pokemon Of The Week' & Pokémon Quiz taken from Pokeheroes Pokedex, PokéWiki and Bulbapedia.
Some Quotes from Good Reads, BrainyQuotes and generally Google search ups.
Information from the horoscope taken from Eugenia Last

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Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 13:18 (12 Days ago)
(yea ik I'm signing up for work again)
Hey WolfberryPiemon! I wanna work here!
Name: _snoms_
Sections you are intrested in working in: the pokemon boxes (i already have rumble missions and daycare)

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 12:36 (13 Days ago)
the more you play, the more you will unlock. I recommend just clicking and stuff at first and building up dream points and hatching pokemon. you'll unlock the tall grass, rumble areas and event games and a place where you can fish. Also play in the game center to play stuff while you wait

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Posted: Wed, 08/05/2024 16:01 (17 Days ago)
When you sent your pokemon in rumble area, after finishing it will show how much new area it explored in it. Once it reaches 100% map level go up

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Posted: Tue, 07/05/2024 03:12 (19 Days ago)
você pode ganhá-los
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Bolsa Exploradora
As Bolsas Explorer são usadas para enviar seus Pokémon em missões rumble.

Como obtê-lo
1 Explorer Bag pode ser comprada na Loja de Itens, outras 2 são obtidas ao completar sua primeira e segunda Badge Case, e as últimas 3 podem ser encontradas aleatoriamente pelo seu Pokémon enquanto eles estão Rumbling.

Como usá-lo
Se você possui pelo menos uma bolsa exploradora, você pode ir até a página “rumble Areas” – acessada através da aba ‘Páginas’, e você verá uma opção para enviar um Pokémon de sua escolha para qualquer área que desejar.

Explorer Bags não são negociáveis, pois são itens-chave

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Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 21:15 (24 Days ago)
Alola: 48/144

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019 Rattata (Alolan) - Alolan
026 Raichu (Alolan) - Alolan (rumble)
027 Sandshrew (Alolan) - Alolan
028 Sandslash (Alolan) - Alolan (needs Ice Stone)
038 Ninetales (Alolan) - Alolan (needs Ice Stone)
051 Dugtrio (Alolan) - Alolan
074 Geodude (Alolan) - Alolan
075 Graveler (Alolan) - Alolan
088 Grimer (Alolan) - Alolan
089 Muk (Alolan) - Alolan
103 Exeggutor (Alolan) - Alolan (rumble)
105 Marowak (Alolan) - Alolan (rumble)
722 Rowlet - Starter
723 Dartrix - Starter
724 Decidueye - Starter
725 Litten - Starter
727 Incineroar - Starter
728 Popplio - Starter
729 Brionne - Starter
730 Primarina - Starter
741 Oricorio (Pom-Pom) - Rare
741 Oricorio (Baile) - Rare
747 Mareanie - Hard
748 Toxapex - Hard
751 Dewpider - Hard (tall grass)
759 Stufful - Hard (tall grass)
765 Oranguru - Hard
769 Sandygast - Hard
770 Palossand - Hard
772 Type: Null - Legendary
773 Silvally (all formes) - Legendary
774 Minior (all formes) - Special?
775 Komala - Hard
776 Turtonator - Rare
780 Drampa - Rare
781 Dhelmise - Special?
782 Jangmo-o - Rare
783 Hakamo-o - Rare
784 Kommo-o - Rare
all the legendaries

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019 Rattata (Alolan) - Alolan
027 Sandshrew (Alolan) - Alolan
037 Vulpix (Alolan) - Alolan
050 Diglett (Alolan) - Alolan
052 Meowth (Alolan) - Alolan
074 Geodude (Alolan) - Alolan
088 Grimer (Alolan) - Alolan
722 Rowlet - Starter
725 Litten - Starter
728 Popplio - Starter
739 Crabrawler - Special (can breed)
741 Oricorio (Pom-Pom) - Rare
741 Oricorio (Baile) - Rare
746 Wishiwashi - Special (can breed)
747 Mareanie - Hard
765 Oranguru - Hard
769 Sandygast - Hard
772 Type: Null - Legendary
774 Minior (all formes) - Special?
775 Komala - Hard
776 Turtonator - Rare
779 Bruxish - Special
780 Drampa - Rare
781 Dhelmise - Special?
782 Jangmo-o - Rare
all the legendaries

Galar: 53/129

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052 Meowth (Galarian) - Galarian
079 Slowpoke (Galarian) - Galarian
080 Slowbro (Galarian) - Galarian
083 Farfetch'd (Galarian) - Galarian
110 Weezing (Galarian) - Galarian
122 Mr. Mime (Galarian) - Galarian
144 Articuno (Galarian) - Galarian
145 Zapdos (Galarian) - Galarian
146 Moltres (Galarian) - Galarian
199 Slowking (Galarian) - Galarian
222 Corsola (Galarian) - Galarian
263 Zigzagoon (Galarian) - Galarian
264 Zigzagoon (Galarian) - Galarian
554 Darumaka (Galarian) - Galarian
555 Darmanitan (Galarian) - Galarian
555 Darmanitan (Galarian Zen) - Galarian
562 Yamask (Galarian) - Galarian
618 Stunfisk (Galarian) - Galarian
810 Grookey - Starter (tall grass)
811 Thwackey - Starter (tall grass)
813 Scorbunny - Starter
814 Raboot - Starter
816 Sobble - Starter (tall grass)
817 Drizzile - Starter (tall grass)
837 Rolycoly - Hard (tall grass)
839 Coalossal - Hard (tall grass)
840 Applin - Special?
841 Flapple - Special? (Honeytree)
842 Appletun - Special? (Honeytree)
845 Cramorant (all formes) - Rare
848 Toxel - Rare
849 Toxtricity (Amped) - Rare
849 Toxtricity (Low-Key) - Rare
850 Sizzlipede - Hard
851 Centiskorch - Hard
856 Hatenna - Hard (tall grass)
859 Impidimp - Hard (tall grass)
860 Morgrem - Hard (tall grass)
864 Cursola - Galarian
865 Sirfetch'd - Galarian (needs Leek)
866 Mr. Rime - Galarian
867 Runerigus - Galarian
868 Milcery - Rare
869 Alcremie (all formes) - Rare (evolve with Wheel of Fortune)
874 Stonjourner - Rare
877 Morpeko (Hangry) - Medium
877 Morpeko (Full Belly) - Medium
886 Drakloak - Rare
887 Dragapult - Rare
888 Zacian - Legendary
888 Zacian (Hero) - Legendary
889 Zamazenta - Legendary
889 Zamazenta (Hero) - Legendary
890 Eternatus - Legendary
891 Kubfu - Legendary
892 Urshifu (Rapid Strike) - Legendary
892 Urshifu (Single Strike) - Legendary
893 Zarude - Legendary
895 Regidrago - Legendary (Ancient Cave)
896 Glastrier - Legendary
897 Spectrier - Legendary
898 Calyrex - Legendary
898 Calyrex (Ice Rider) - Legendary
898 Calyrex (Shadow Rider) - Legendary

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025 Meowth (Galarian) - Galarian
079 Slowpoke (Galarian) - Galarian
083 Farfetch'd (Galarian) - Galarian
144 Articuno (Galarian) - Galarian
145 Zapdos (Galarian) - Galarian
146 Moltres (Galarian) - Galarian
222 Corsola (Galarian) - Galarian
263 Zigzagoon (Galarian) - Galarian
554 Darumaka (Galarian) - Galarian
562 Yamask (Galarian) - Galarian
618 Stunfisk (Galarian) - Galarian
813 Scorbunny - Starter
840 Applin - Special?
845 Cramorant - Rare
848 Toxel - Rare
868 Milcery - Rare
850 Sizzlipede - Hard
874 Stonjourner - Rare
877 Morpeko - Medium
878 Cufant - Hard
884 Duraludon - Rare
885 Dreepy - Rare
888 Zacian - Legendary
889 Zamazenta - Legendary
890 Eternatus - Legendary
891 Kubfu - Legendary
893 Zarude - Legendary
895 Regidrago - Legendary (Ancient Cave)
896 Glastrier - Legendary
897 Spectrier - Legendary
898 Calyrex - Legendary

Hisui: 0/27

Paldea: 15/36

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907 Floragato - Starter (tall grass)
909 Fuecoco - Starter
910 Crocalor - Starter
911 Skeledirge - Starter
912 Quaxly - Starter
913 Quaxwell - Starter
914 Quaquaval - Starter
923 Pawmot - Medium (have, need to send on a rumble)
924 Tandemaus - Medium
925 Maushold (family of three) - Medium
938 Tadbulb - ?
939 Bellibolt - ?
967 Cyclizar - ?
979 Annihilape - Hard
982 Dududunsparce - Medium
999 Gimmighoul (Chest) - Event
1000 Gholdengho - Event
1001 Wo-Chien - Legendary
1007 Koraidon - Legendary
1008 Miraidon - Legendary

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909 Fuecoco - Starter
912 Quaxly - Starter
924 Tandemaus - Medium
938 Tadbulb - ?
962 Bombirdier - Rare
967 Cyclizar - ?
999 Gimmighoul - Event
1001 Wo-Chien - Legendary
1007 Koraidon - Legendary
1008 Miraidon - Legendary

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 22:47 (1 Month ago)
It asked my solar eevee to evolve into the earth one
I pressed yes but my solar eevee and my rumble bad are now gone

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 19:54 (1 Month ago)
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A list for all the shinies I hatched/obtained for myself. I won't count the shinies I hatched for others. The shiny clicklist


































*29/09/2020#59* *03/10/2020#108*






















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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 08:30 (1 Month ago)
Had the same issue with my Solar Eevee (didn't know this was an existing unsolved bug either)
Got over-excited to evolve it into the Uraneon version and for some reason thought it would be similar to Glaceon evolution.
Have the invisible Solar Eevee stuck in party. When I try to give it some item, it says it's on rumble (so 1 rumble slot unusable for now too). Plus it was holding my Uranus sphere.

Pokemon url - https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=39047247 (when you try to go to the link, it says the pokemon doesn't exist)

Honestly don't mind losing the sphere and eevee if I at least get my rumble Bag and Party slot back. Hope this is solved soon ^^

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 15:41 (1 Month ago)
*wakes up and screams in excitement*

Yess!! Leafeon! My second favorite Eeveelution!
Noooo! Why you gotta be a meanie and make us wait for Sylveon?!

*sees spoilers and goes even crazier* OMG! OMG! Leafeon's Shiny is RED AND GOLD!

Reminder. Don't send your Solveelutions to Exclusive rumble areas. They don't require rumbles to evolve. And the bug that deletes them from existence *still* exists for some ignorant reason.

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 16:20 (1 Month ago)
I just rumble a lot (12 hours in a level 51 area) and sell underpriced mystery items. They sell in less than 1 day and 9k PD is an avarage for me. But for now I am mostly getting PD from daily rewards XD

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 21:53 (1 Month ago)
Pokémon level/species doesn't affect items/PD found. Only the rumble level and the duration matter.

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 19:52 (1 Month ago)
Set up 5 combee and 4 miltank in route 53 and sell the proceeds when the item market looks good.

Set 6 pokemon to rumble, focussing on powerleveling a single area.

Check the GTS for trades that can earn you pd.

Just get lucky with boxes IG.

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 19:27 (1 Month ago)
Do pokemon have to be a higher level or such to find more items or does it depend on how long your pokemon is away for each rumble? Or is it all just randomized?

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Posted: Thu, 11/04/2024 08:07 (1 Month ago)
It's not a bug ^^ The solution:
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You actually need to get 2500pd or more from a single rumble mission.

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Posted: Thu, 28/03/2024 11:29 (1 Month ago)
Vivillon fancy is currently locked behind an event.

So to me, after it is introduced in paldea, there are 2 logical ways to obtain it.

1. Paldean rumble area,, which should include the paldean regional variants.

2, a separate mini quest. (I will explain)

So the purpose of this quest involves obtaining the paldean pastry recipe item (Vivillon fancy is only found wild in paldea)
You will need berry garden to do the quest

You will find the item in Mystery boxes or berrygarden objectives (berrygarden will be involved in the quest)
After that, when you go into the berry garden, Lorelei will read it, but lose the recipe for some reason.
You will then help her finish the recipe, which attracts a Vivillon fancy here.
Vivillon fancy will be able to be caught with poke balls.

So the recipe can be something like:
50 pecha berries lv2
50 chesto berries lv2
50 figy berries lv2
50 rawst berries lv2

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Posted: Tue, 26/03/2024 00:03 (2 Months ago)
What does Stantler need to hold before doing the rumble for it to evolve?

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Posted: Sun, 24/03/2024 06:52 (2 Months ago)
@snape, through rumble mission for 1,000 minutes

also for the Appletun question, I'm pretty sure there is a Appletun.

can check out here!

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Posted: Sat, 23/03/2024 08:13 (2 Months ago)

for Drakonia






Mewtwo2, please resend your order. There is no such thing as Mega Mew to my knowledge. And pick one or two colors for the data please. Four colors would be hard to translate into the sprite.

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 23:56 (2 Months ago)

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