Plushie | From | Message | Received |
 | Homework_sis |
He looks murderous! I think I better give you what he wants before
he eats me up. Good at handling it
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
The cuddly loyal companion for you! It will not be long before it
loves you
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
I'm wondering why the jelly substance on the outer membrane never
dries... Probably it is dangerous to be exposed to sunlight then
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Wonder how one can live cloaked in trash so happily. This man will
be unpleasant and extremely obnoxious
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Look at how happy it is! What if I hug it and secretly step on its
tail. It'll probably be furious
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
What a noisy Pokemon to have! It will be ringing all day:/
rendering you to be sleep deprived
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Ah ha the actual drills of our society. Imagine still using
mechanical ones
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Aww that glimmer and sparkle in his eyes... Why is it sad unless it
knows that I'm going to eat it for dinner:/
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Caring for this Pokemon should be easy. Just find the rock, grind
it down to the desired shape and that's it! He gets a magnificent
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Why does he look so over fed I guess it's all just part of
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Lost your house key? Here's a universal key for you to use:) It
inserts himself into any lock too!
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Hot day? Add this to your drink to cool it down!
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Careful in this Pokemon is flying around. Being electrically
charged, it may be possible that it will unleash and discharge
electricity as it flies
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Money. Gems. Diamonds. This is all that this Pokemon wants. I guess
it's economically difficult to raise it
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh doesn't look cute being in that hand sewn coat? Time to hire
these caterpillars to sew for me.
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
It already gives you a nightmares I mean just go as red eyes
probably looks like it doesn't even sleep cuz it's reserving it's
time for when you sleep 💤
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh look how arrogant it is. Should I reach forward and take its
leaf in the mouth to boil something. (Totally not trying to mess is
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
What's under the cloth? A ball? Or some type of unleashed
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh and then we left aliens that know mind control. Except the part
where the hypnotize us
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Careful when you are around this Pokemon... He seems to know mind
control:/why is he not water type when he lives in the sea? He must
have manipulated the minds of the scientist researching about it
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Feeling hungry? Consume your pet goldfish:/
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Why are these rabbit's ears White? It's probably because it digs in
snow instead of mud. Begs the question of how he can understand
such low temperatures. My ears would have popped
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh alright I'm back with the plushies! Today we have got an awkward
looking blue dog who honestly look like he's hypnotized with his
really green eyes. Well provide it with some good companionship and
I'm sure it will warm up to you!
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Event Distribution
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Here's more spooky ghost to give you a good scare:+) (Remaining
shiny plushies and non shiny plushies will be sent TMR:/ kinda busy
now lol hahaha)
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
A special shiny for a special Halloween event! Be sure to keep the
spirit trapped within the rock or all hell will break loose:/
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Why is it purple you may ask? Well is probably living in poison
water. That's why we keep our lakes clean:) either way, It's not
everyday to see these Marshtomps
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Alright here's the first of the shiny plushie. While it ain't too
obvious, the colours will mesmerize you in no time! A special
butterfly needs special honey, get your super honey out for feeding
| 2 Years ago |
 | DarkFireRaid |
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Halloween Event
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Thehehe! You found me!
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Thehehe! You found me!
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Thehehe! You found me!
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Event Distribution
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Special reward for spending 25,000 Dream Points at the DW Shop.
| 2 Years ago |
 | Waltz |
| 2 Years ago |
 | cat-rose |
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Special reward for sending a plushie to a completely random user.
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Event Distribution
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Thehehe! You found me!
| 2 Years ago |
 | kytten |
Thehehe! You found me!
| 2 Years ago |
 | Vixie |
I lost my car key once, it was on its own keyring. Well, about 6
months later I was cleaning out my freezer and there it was! Hidden
behind the frozen vegetables!
| 2 Years ago |
 | BlitzTheZeraora |
(PEG) My Zeraora Blitz would come in 1st, ofc ofc they so fast.
Totally didnt accidentally oof a pokemon they ran into while
running, mhm.
| 2 Years ago |
 | Shadowplay |
| 2 Years ago |
 | hinayanachan |
I'd honestly would have to say dragon types. I've played pretty
much one game per pokemon region and while I change my typings each
game, I will always have that one dragon type (usually haxorus cus
he's a tank) carrying my entire team. Second is psychic (aka
courtesy of PEG
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Hire this painter to give you a portrait painting! Ever wondered
how it paints with it's behind? Like how does it see???
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Crack open this shell to see whats inside? How mysterious. What if
it's a Gastly inside lol
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Hahahaha yes thanks for your nice words! Instead of one, you've got
3 heads sent your way! Keep them happy or they'll argue:/
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
If you're like cubchoo with thatu drop of mucus, I think people
will think you've got the virus lol... Cubchoo should blow his nose
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh and then this pokemon, so flat but then he's ground type anyway.
Probably won't hurt to step on him, just that it'll give you a
shocking good time
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Thanks again!bit brings me joy to complete a plushie collection for
someone too! Today we have a seel, imo on of the most lame pokemons
lol cause like it's literally just a seal. Well ig it's cooler
that's it's a Pokemon, but design could've been better
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Some would say take the leek to cook for dinner. But I think it's
best served with the duck 🙂
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
And now some sludge... Stinks and disgusting but... Wanna give it a
hug!!?? XD
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Hahaha yes! Missing plushies:) First, some cotton wool... Fluffy
like bread
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
And finally An ice cream sundae... Probably vanilla flavor but I
won't remove the idea that it could be toothpaste flavored
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Then we got this guy, busy swinging his pendulum. Ever wondered how
it doesn't hypnotize itself? Especially since it looks so closely
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Thank you for the sky gifts again! Today we have a pink frillish...
So is a pink frillish just a cooked frillish??!!😯 Lmao
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
This one looks like my dinner. Tasty looking right? Crab meat's
good hahaha
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Oh how about this sussy mushroom, PokeBall or no? A PokeBall in
another PokeBall!!??
| 2 Years ago |
 | Homework_sis |
Thanks for the gifts and missing plushies incoming!
First we go this electric horse capable of running so fast, let it
charge my batteries please 🥴
| 2 Years ago |