Forum Thread
Auction Delay
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Auction DelayI’m getting pissed off at this, so I’m starting to think I should bid on anything anymore. Sorry if I sound like a crybaby, but this has been going on for the past 3-4 days.
Basically, I was wondering if anybody tries to Auction-Snipe, maybe you can add an extra minute to the auction when it hits the two-minute mark? Thanks
Auction sniping happens everywhere. If you don't want to get sniped, pay attention to the auction. This wouldn't really help anybody lmao. Auction sniping is going to happen. Somebody is always going to want that pokemon more than you do.

Come now, little one, open up your eyes
If you want a pokemon that badly, you'd snipe it yourself, wouldn't you?
I don't bid '1 pd higher' when i really want a pokemon, i bid around 5k-50k pd more than the current bid to secure my win, so if you really want a pokemon, you'd make sure you win it.
So why should there be an extra minute onto the time?
The auction time is set at the point it is for a reason, and an extra minute would annoy the snipers since y'know, they can't snipe and each time someone tries the auction would be dragged on even longer, and people would complain for a redo.

The only person this would benefit is the people that set up the auction bc they get more money, and even then it would SUCK if you set up an auction for quick pd to pay for/buy something?? and the auction keeps going and you take forever to get paid

Come now, little one, open up your eyes
And as Eraserhead said, sniping benefits the auction owner. And if you really want the Pokemon, bid higher or stay alert on the auction page.