Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → KingdomsNickname: "They call me, Rango."
What Pokemon?: "Hakamo-o"
What Kingdom?: "Justice!"
What Job?: "Knight."
Personality: "I am a hardcore fighting machine. Or that is what people think. I would describe myself as caring, but i can be serious and cold when i want to. I am strong, but that doesn't mean that i don't care about others, i am not that kind of person."
Best Friends: Open?
Crush: Open?
Sister or Brother?: "I remember i had a sister.. I don't know where she is though." (Which is Kira.)
Gender: "Male."
Other?: "I could tell you how i became a Knight, but that is a long story that you have to earn to hear."
EDIT: Decided to add another character.
Name: "Kira."
Nickname: "Don't really have any."
What Pokemon?: "Salazzle."
What Kingdom?: "Justice."
What Job?: "Hope."
Personality: "I have been taught that i should ignore those who are weak, ever since my mom sent my little brother away. I have learned that way, and live that way. I don't care about weak children saying "Teach me your ways!" I simply give them a mean look, and walk away until they cry. Am I mean? No."
Best Friends: "Don't have friends."
Crush: "Don't have time for love."
Sister or Brother?: "I prefer not to talk about him, but i do have a little brother." (Which is Ran, who she doesn't know where is.)
Gender: "Female."
Other?: "If you wish to know the full story about my family, befriend me first."

Name: Bert
Nickname: N/A
What Pokemon?: Wooper
What Kingdom?: Justice
What Job?: Blacksmith
Personality: He is always quiet, which makes him incredibly independent. Bert is always is committed to his task at hand, which helps to make great tools. He is as well patient and is good at waiting.
Best Friends: N/A
Crush: N/A
Sister or Brother?: N/A
Gender: M
Other?: N/A
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Nickname: "None is needed, I would assume."
What Pokemon?: "I am a Decidueye." Leo is a Decidueye that wears a full set of steel armor most of the time.
What Kingdom?: "I am from the Hope Kingdom."
What Job?: "I am a guard."
Personality: "Hmm... that's difficult to describe." Leo is serious, calm, and thoughtful. He thinks things through, and he is a good guard. He would give his life to guard the Princess.
Best Friends: "Ah, how I wish I had some."
Crush: "Pfft, I have no time for such silly talk!"
Sister or Brother?: "Hmm, my brother died when he was very small."
Gender: "I am a male."
Other?: "I would tell you more, but I'm afraid I must get to know you better."
Name: "I'm Roxanna!"
Nickname: "...but most people just call me Roxy!"
What Pokemon?: "I'm a Rockruff!" Roxy is a Rockruff, usually seen in a light blue dress with ripped edges from her playing. She also has a small purple ribbon with an Everstone in it tied like a belt onto her dress.
What Kingdom?: "I'm from the Justice Kingdom!"
What Job?: "I'm a servant, but I try to help Keir-, oh, whoops, I mean Princess Kiera the best I can!"
Personality: "Hmmm... hard to describe!" Roxy is playful, cheerful, and is rarely seen sad. She does have a serious side, however, and knows to be sincere when needed. She is too playful sometimes, and doesn't think things through.
Best Friends: "Oh... I wish I had friends, but I hope I'll make some!"
Crush: Roxy laughs. "No way! I'm too young for romance!"
Sister or Brother?: "Oh, I have none of those, I never had any siblings!"
Gender: "I'm a girl, silly!"
Other?: "Nope! Hee hee!"
Name: "My name is Queen Lilliana."
Nickname: "..but my people call me Queen Lilly."
What Pokemon?: "I am a Meganium."
What Kingdom?: "I am the ruler of the Nature Kingdom!"
What Job?: "What have I just told you?"
Personality: "Hm." Queen Lilliana is a strong leader. She tries to do what is best for her people. She also doesn't like to engage in unnecessary conflicts, unless another kingdom has started it. She does, however, have her faults. She overthinks things, and is usually stressed. When she is stressed, she gets angrier.
Best Friends: "Oho, when would I have the time?"
Crush: "There is a reason there isn't a king, correct?"
Sister or Brother?: "I have a younger sister, named Petal."
Gender: "I am a female!"
Other?: "No."
Name: "My name is Petal, now get out of my face."
Nickname: "I said go!"
What Pokemon?: "I am a Bayleef!"
What Kingdom?: "I am from the Nature Kingdom, the most important"
What Job?: "I am the Head Guard!"
Personality: "Why do you need to know?" Petal, despite her nice name, is harsh and cruel. She doesn't like peace, and wants to destroy the other kingdoms. However, she obeys the Queen's orders, and wouldn't dare to disobey her.
Best Friends: "Excuse me?!"
Crush: "I have no time for this stupid talk!"
Sister or Brother?: "The strong and powerful Queen Lilliana is my sister, and I am proud."
Gender: "I am a female!"
Other?: "Excuse you."
Name: Venus
Nickname: Doesnt have one
What Pokemon?: Leafeon
What Kingdom?: Nature
What Job?: Servants
Personality: Venus is very kind and gentle she will do whatever she can to help the Queen
Best Friends: None
Crush: Nope
Gender: Female
Other?: Nope
Name: "My name is Rosara"
Nickname: "Rose... my brother calls me that.."
What Pokemon?: "I am a Lilligant."
What Kingdom?: "I am The Nature Kingdom's Princess"
What Job?: "Didn't I just say that I'm the princess??"
Personality: Rosara is normally very calm and collected, but you annoy her, she will use an extremely strong Magical leaf on you.
Best Friends: "My brother is my best friend"
Crush: "What are you talking about..?" Leo, even though she must love him from afar.
Sister or Brother?: "My brother, Leomidas"
Gender: "Female, idiot."
Other?: "What do you mean, other?" NOPE!
Name: "Hello there! I am Leomidas"
Nickname: "No, not really"
What Pokemon?: "I am a Sceptile"
What Kingdom?: "I am from the Nature Kingdom"
What Job?: "I am the prince of Nature!! Mwahahah!! Just joking, but I am the prince."
Personality: Leomidas is very flirty and silly, but his kingdom is very close to his heart.
Best Friends: "My little sister!"
Crush: "Why are you asking~?" None
Sister or Brother?: "Yes, Rosarsa!"
Gender: "Male!"
Other?: "I can mega evolve."

Name: "My name is Derpy !"
Nickname: "Hmm..Petal is always calling me "Get out of my room" !"
What Pokemon?: "I am Bulbasaur !" She is actually a Furret
What Kingdom?: "Fire - I mean Nature !"
What Job?: "I am maid , princess of kingdom of ashes !"
Personality: "I dunno !" Everybody knows that i am not able to stay in character so lets just say she is derpy and random
Best Friends: "Petal , of course!" Actually Petal hates her but Derpy dont want to accept that
Crush: "Nope , Nothing !"
Sister or Brother?: "I have alot of brothers and sisters but i dont know where they are !"
Gender: "Girl , i guess"
Other?: "Nope!"
Nickname: "Flint!"
What Pokemon?: "Fletchling yep yep!"
What Kingdom?: "Nature hehe!"
What Job?: "Ehh, i am a bit too young for that.. I mostly fly around.. and sometimes i go undercover, and try to check out what is happening in the other Kingdoms.."
Personality: "Yep yep! I am adventurous, as i love to fly around! Some say i am childish.. But i am not! I am just known as flying around, and trying to be the best at it!"
Best Friends: "Oh i wish.. Please be friends with me people!"
Crush: "I know that Roxy girl might not be into it.. Wait!! I promise we are the same age!"
Sister or Brother?: "Have always been a single child."
Gender: "Male!"
Other?: "You have seen that Derpy girl, right? She is pretty cool. But i always get too nervous to talk to her.."
Nickname:"Just Dea will do"
What Pokemon?:"I am a dragonair"
What Kingdom?:"Hope"
What Job?:"I am a maid"
Personality:"Well,usually i am calm and polite. However i am usually nervous around big crowds without someone i know nearby."
Best Friends:"I never really had any friends since usually i am busy taking care of my brothers,but i hope i can make some new friends while doing my job."
Crush:"I don't think i have one yet."
Sister or Brother?:"I have two little brothers,but they live somewhere else far from here. At least they are not from another kingdom."
Gender:"I am female"
Other?:"I sometimes visit them if i have the chance,though it is not very often. I also write letters to them if i have time. and I dislike wars and try to solve things peacefully as much as i can if it's possible, but i will fight if it's necessary."