Forum Thread
Withdraw Bid
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Withdraw BidAs the title says it all... i would like to suggest if there was a "withdraw bid" option in the auction section of ph...
What i mean by "withdraw bid" is, if u wanted to cancle your case you needed the money back for other stuff...or you were not any more interested in that cirtain pokemon and you needed the amount back for other immidiate could just withdraw the amount that was bided thereby cancelling your bid for that cirtain auction...then if you needed to rebid then you could just bid freshly all over again...

That's not how auctions work. You place a bid and that's final, no "take backs" if you will. And if you withdraw your bid what happens? You could bid 1 million PD in an auction and withdraw it, now that person who set up the auction gets no money and a wasted auction. This would result in trolling, you bid 1 mill on a Pokemon you really want, just so no one else takes it, then quickly take back the offer and then off the minimum bid and get it.
That's not fair and again auctions don't work like this for that reason.
If I overpay on accident because of a typo, then it would be nice if I could withdraw that bid so that I could place a more reasonable bid on the same pokémon. Or if I place a bid, then realize that the person I out bid is someone who might actually need the pokémon more but they don't have the PD. (So instead of gifting them PD, I could just withdraw the bid and let them win)
There could be restrictions on the withdrawal, such as you can't be the first bidder. There has to be more than 10 minutes left on the auction. Etc.
Make sure not to type incorrectly, that's a much easier solution than allowing people to take back their bids and mess up how much people need to bid, making scenarios in which people could only then bid at certain times and withdraw only at such and such. It's all unnecessary.
An auction, even online, don't work this way. And they shouldn't, just bid what you mean and mean what you bid. If you mess up it's not like it's real money, which is worse when in real auctions, it's PD. I am sure mass clcikers and breeders and people who beg for donations will earn that money back in no time.
So basically, you auction something with a starting bid.
[A] Someone bids.
[B] Someone raises.
[A] Raises again.
[C] Another guy raised extremely.
That another guy [C] won the auction. Then they auctioned something awesome and the guy who bid on that last auction lost all his money, and he cannot re-gain it, even during the auction.
Auctions are supposed to be what they are, you cannot change them. They will stay the same forever. Trying to break that law will make auctions not auctions, but something else.
So, no support.
but what about a compromise with an option to turn on a warning of sorts, like 'are you sure you want to bid *price here*?' this wouldn't be very useful for those trying to snipe very quickly, but i don't think that would be much of an issue since the idea of not being allowed to withdraw a bid under 10 minutes was added in there (the option would also require being manually turned on and off, with the default being off to make the people happy who would be against a popup window)
(i'm not sure if this idea made sense or is something that can be coded, but i'm putting the idea out there anyways in case it can lol)
But at that point we'd have to ask who would use this feature? Because it would be pointless for us to say "it's a good idea but I wouldn't use it" which is what I just said -3-
But as for the suggestion as a whole, being you can change your bid, still no support.
On an unrelated note, this suggestion is nearly four years old with no posts so I'm a bit confused as to why it was revived now.

Total votes: 26
Support ratio: 53%
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