Forum Thread
Plushie Display Case
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Plushie Display CaseThe problem with that idea:
While it looks like a good idea, in the end that means that you've made a major chunk of the plushies obsolete. Everyone will end up blocking all the 5, 10, and 15 DP plushies because they don't want to get spammed. That's a massive chunk of the store.
Possible Solution?
I think if we had a place to choose and display our favorites, and their messages, it would mostly negate the problem. Maybe if instead of the current box on the user page, we had something that looked like a little china cabinet, with room for
Edit: Maybe the number of plushies displayed on the page is the only thing that's limited. I put the limit for the sake of space on the User Page,
Example Image:

I figure the case can be customized by a player for color, etc., which is why I went with white.
Please explain why you don't like the suggestion, It's kinda impossible to fix anything if no one says anything other than no.
Image finished, see main post
Honestly the suggestion Tenefix showed, I like that one better, since it's free and you can save more plushies.
I don't really like the limited space thing. No support, sorry.
(Also Tenefix, it isn't the same thing. They are different ways of trying to solve the same problem, but they are not the same ideas.)
Thanks for the support all, remember to spread around the suggestion if you like it.
I don't know if people are understanding all of the idea here (basically because there are a couple "Would not use this feature" votes), but the idea is that this would replace the current plushy box on your user page.
Nothing can be fixed or edited unless the community communicates and tells me what they don't like about it.