Forum Thread
Mini Game
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Mini GameI believe this would be very fun for the community.

Chain #77, June 27th, 04:21AM
Chain #52, July 23rd, 01:56AM
Chain #144, September 22nd, 06:26AM
Chain #52, July 23rd, 01:56AM
Chain #144, September 22nd, 06:26AM
Games that have the friend code feature should be able to do this, So Heartgold and Soulsliver, Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Black, White, and Black and white 2. I don't think its possible to put a Pokémon from the game into the site, but we can make copies. And there should be a feature if someone tries to put the same Pokémon into the site. So that would prevent a massive increase of shiny Pokémon in the site.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
It honestly just sounds like Wondertrade to me.
I offer full support.
While this is kinda like the shelter from pokefarm,Its like the pound from chicken smoothie,Where you can only adopt once in while but extended longer to a day
This is will also be best for dex completers too as others may have a extra pokemon of that and care to donate
Now i know how you are getting wonder trade but as stated You get nothing in return but what you do get is a feeling that others will be happy that you cared to donate
This also will be nice for beginners and noobs where they want that certain pokemon but dont have enough pokedollars for it

Uh? I don't think many people will stop and think "wow thank you person for donating this!" when taking one. Also, doesn't it always happens with Wondertrade? When you put a legend there, besides getting a 'mon (which even if useless), its almost certain that the other person will also be like "wow thanks person that putted this legendary on the wondertrade"
Also, you don't need any PD to go on the Wondertrade at all, just spare pokemon, which you get 24/7 from eggs and the tall grass, even if your a noob.
TL:DR - Wondertrade gives you the feeling and a pokemon.