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PH Bank and Storage:

Forum-Index Suggestions PH Bank and Storage:
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 19/03/2014 15:53 (11 Years ago)
Okay, before you tell me this has been rejected before, I know that. I'm just hoping to make a few new points with this that may convince Riako and a few other users otherwise!

1) Prizes
    a) Clans and Groups can run contests with prizes to them. These can be Pokémon, items, PD, or whatever else they want. The issue with this is someone like me will give a price in PD for the prize, then forget what it was in the heat of a moment (such as an auction) or can slip up and spend more than intended because of doing the math wrong. This would make it possible to keep that amount without any worry of losing it from impulse or miscalculating or even a simple typo.
    b) In the contest forums, there are sometimes PD prizes as well. Same issues here.

2) Saving up
    a) If a user wants something in the shop, but winds up having to wait for it to come into stock for a while, they can forget they were looking for it and spend the money elsewhere.
    b) Some of the items are pretty pricey from the key items area. Sometimes saving up for it is hard to do when you keep spending your money elsewhere without remembering to put some away. If there were a bank to store say 1,000 a day, it would take a while but they could get the items without worrying about spending it all.

3) Storage
    a) I have a bad habit of selling almost everything from my inventory. This includes things that I want to keep to sell to other users (such as Rare Candies). Even when I try to keep in mind to not sell these items, my fingers move faster than my brain and I tend to sell them off anyway. If there were a way to store the items and keep track of them for trade where I couldn't sell them off before hand, that would be useful.
    b) This will also prevent me from using duplicate vouchers (or accidentally using the vouchers), as I currently have 3 different types of vouchers and have almost clicked on them to claim them without intending to. If I store them, those boxes could disappear as if I had none and remove that risk. (Which is a serious risk to me as a shiny hunter, as my laptop trackpad is a little sensitive and will take any quick change in more pressure to mean to click, even when it's just shifting.)

There's no threat of losing the money and items from an outside force, but sometimes we just need protection from ourselves and our equipment. (Especially if I were trying to do anything on mobile... It's hard to zoom in enough to not layer the links while still being able to tap which link I wanted without mis-clicking...)

Suggested layout and setup of the PD storage:

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 509
Posted: Wed, 19/03/2014 16:09 (11 Years ago)
Not sure whether to Support or not..

Okay, Mind Up! Support!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 626
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 06:01 (10 Years ago)
Altough,,I support

this is a brillant idea,,mm What if we have some Contest at the past and You forget it will end Tomorrow or soon but you have accepted the trade that is fit for your money,, what will you do??

I think there should be an Ph Bank Indeed,, And additions,,,That should be a note like "For the PD giveaway contest"

then you will claim it when someone wins or send it right away like 100kPds [claim] [send]

Like there was Buttons of Claim or Send to a User
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,011
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 12:55 (10 Years ago)
Why do we need a Bank to store our Money? There are no dangers that would make you lose your money, so there's no need to store it somewhere.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 13:12 (10 Years ago)
I support, I always try to keep my self from spending money..
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Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 13:37 (10 Years ago)
I guess my biggest question is why do we need a bank, in terms of what Mirej said. Why do I need to store my money per say?

I see your examples well and good, but I can do all of that without a bank. A lot of your examples come down to human error, such as over bidding in an auction, people not knowing how to save money, people selling items not meaning to. All these problems seem to have an easy solution: don't do it.

Just like a responsible person with money are you going to be bidding in auctions if you can't spare the 10K PD? I mean, people look at their money often and either are happy they are rich or beg for money because they are poor and need PD, that won't change. So people who are "rich" now must have some idea how to manage their money, and people who are "poor" are either new to the game or spending their money regularly.

I feel these errors you mentioned isn't what is making people spend money they don't want to, it's just impulse. And when it's impulse I'm sure they'll gladly take out a few hundred PD from the bank, and then another, and then another, because that's just what they do. Granted we've all made at least one mistake when spending our PD here but we usually learn from it and earn it back rather quickly by clicking or selling items or doing auctions. A bank might be good at first but if there is nothing stopping me from taking out my money whenever I want and to do what I want with then it's just like normal PD.

I see where the idea is coming from, but if people buy on impulse, which most of us do, this won't stop those people. This won't make people rich just because they put their money in a bank, nor will it make people who want their money hard enough not get to it just because it's in a bank. I see some of you mentioned your bad habits, but don't you think it's easier to improve yourself and your spending habits rather than have Riako make something for you to make your Pokeheroes experience easier?
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 02:50 (10 Years ago)
I'm going to bump this, as I am once more wishing there were a way to store money aside to where it wouldn't be accessible unless withdrawn.

I currently have 650K pd that is owed to two different users (Total, not individually) which I'm not allowed to Prepay for, just in case they back out of the offer for some reason. (One is art, the other is a shiny hunt, so I'm sure you can see where that comes into play)

However, at the same time I'm saving up for Egg Storage slots. Well, I lapse when it comes to math rather frequently. And while saving up and spending PD on egg storage slots, I frequently miscalculate, despite checking my math a few times. So I would rather be able to store the PD else where, pay a fee to withdraw it, then it's able to be used when the time is needed while at the same time not being at risk for my mistakes. (And I would hate for it to look like I'm trying to scam them because of a miscalculation that could take a few days of hard work to fix.)

However, as not everyone sees a need for this, why not make it an item that can be bought from the store with nuggets?
After all, the item isn't required for game play, and the users who would get the most benefit out of it are the ones who have been active for a while. It's just something that would allow ease for players to protect their money from themselves.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 07:47 (10 Years ago)
Bump. Thanks for the votes everyone :3

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 07/01/2015 19:25 (10 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 10:16 (9 Years ago)
Bumping this again, as it would be VERY useful to me right now because I have PD offered on an auction in a thread, but am also trying to buy berries for a mass-clicking thing I plan to do soon, and I keep miscalculating it and getting panic attacks over winding up with way less PD than I thought I would end up with after buying the berries....

Basically I can't math, and it's becoming stress inducing, which is not good for me >.>

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 10:32 (9 Years ago)
i like this idea, full support. and i think im on the ill managed money side of the poor lol ;)

a bank would be a good tool to separate spending money from "bills" (designated towards something specific, term used loosely)

this way you wouldnt end up wasting money you needed for something important, any money in the bank would be saved til you needed whatever you were "saving" for and all money outside the bank could be used for random things you feel the urge to buy. ie berries, evo stone, pokemon etc.
Pet Dark Prince Zorua for good luck ;)
Don't Poke the Jigglypuff

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 10:41 (9 Years ago)
I have added an image with how I think this could be added where it could work :3

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 13:05 (9 Years ago)
I support because I do misclicks too and it isn't always impulse so that doesn't apply to everyone with the "don't do it" thing. Sometime I owe money that I don't have simply because I needed something, bought it, and came up short

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 523
Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 15:55 (9 Years ago)

I am honestly STILL baffled that this isn't a thing. Almost every single MMORPG (which this game IS BY IT'S NATURE) has a banking system. Neopets, Flight Rising, other Pokemon sites, THE POKEMON GAMES THEMSELVES
It's because it makes sense from a player and manager perspective.

Apparently everyone's reasoning behind this, whenever I see a banking option is that "I can do it so why can't you?" excuse. And that's REALLY ANNOYING. It's a mental thing, it's been proven to literally be in our genes to spend or save efficiently, and not everyone has the same mental make. It's really rude to make it seem like people who ask for a bank are just lazy.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 14/10/2015 16:07 (9 Years ago)
Bumping this =3

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 14:58 (9 Years ago)
I agree with this. I can save but it takes a while but a bank can let us save without worry of going over the limit we set for our self's. Not everyone can focus. Some people have mental problems that make it difficult to do math or to save.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 11:16 (9 Years ago)
I agree with this, as it would help remind me of how much I plan to spend on certain things. Right now I'm trying to save enough for a pokeradar and egg storage for a hunt I plan to do in the future, but I also have a habit of requesting lots of art, so it would be useful to have somewhere I could store money and keep adding to it over time.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sat, 07/11/2015 11:20 (9 Years ago)
You have my support can't believe this hasn't been put in in yet.
Hi I'm Demetrius owner of the first emera gym on PH.
And Proud owner of the first shiny Eruption Castform!
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Tue, 10/11/2015 14:17 (9 Years ago)
Bumping this. Honestly, people keep making this suggestion, so why is it being ignored? :P

Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 12/11/2015 20:49 (9 Years ago)
I support as well.

One of the reasons I've been on FR more than PH lately is that I can store things in the vault, where I can't get to them. This lets me save up for goals easier, lets me keep certain goals in mind, etc.

I enjoy setting weird goals for myself :D

If you can read this, you know how to read.

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