Forum Thread
Carnivora (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Carnivora (RP)I am the queen, Jagged Pelt. For the past 1000 years, I've lead my people. Let not my eyes fool you, for I am not blind. For the magic that keeps us alive keeps my sight strong.
Unfortunately, a race of mortals who call themselves "Human" have come, and tried to claim our land. The race has no magic, the race has short lives. Yet they consider themselves superior.
I need you, my kinsfolk, my subjects. I need you to help me drive them out.
I need you to protect us.
As I walk into battle, so should you. As I fight, I implore you to join me in battle.
Character References

- Jagged Pelt - Nessy - The queen of Carnivora. Powers include healing, projecting her voice over long distances, and farsight (seeing long distances, and sometimes the future). - Single by choice, she cares for all her subjects as if they are her children. Due to her powers, she often knows more than she tells.
Flint - Memequeen - Princess, Power of Vocal Projection. - Gets angry at the smallest things.
- Kaurith/Kauri - SandeviRae - Telekinesis, Personal illusions, and Grace. - She is a very friendly individual, and is very silly and unpredictable at times. She tries to keep up her royal appearance, but frequently breaks her act in favor of impulsiveness and ridiculousness. Though she may not seem like it, she has a skill for leading and a talent for fighting. She loves to pester "Uncle Drake" and Flint, who she has taken a liking to.
- Sharptooth - Nessy - Captain of the Guard. Power is fast movement and slight telekinesis. - Dating Drake. He is often cold to all those below him. However, he doesn't hate anyone, he just doesn't know how else to act.
-Inked - Finhawk - Super speed, weak healing - He's loyal and obedient but he's not that great of a warrior. Inked tends to run his mouth too much and doesn't seem to take anything seriously. He possesses no significant strength and prefers to fight by dodging until he gets the opportunity to land a sneaky blow to his enemy's back. Inked sees nothing wrong in winning with any means necessary, even if some might see him as someone with no honor. However, despite his questionable tactics in combat, the black panther is quite soft when it comes to his own, especially those younger or below him
- FierceFire/Kinka - Glotilde2 - super speed - Quiet, but a good stalker and when angered, she becomes ferociously insane, and will have more chances of accidentally attacking other Wolves/Allies, she is sneaky, but sometimes it is useless. She can also be very sweet, but she often doesn't show it
- Aya - Grace - She's very cautious around everyone, always on the lookout for danger. She is polite towards others, but is rather blunt, stating her opinions out loud. In battle, she is fierce.
- Joao (left) - Malkins - Pyrokinesis and Telepathy - Opposite his sister, Joao typically keeps to himself and finds it unnecessary to be social though will make conversation if he is spoken to. Despite this, he is very loyal and obedient and will defend anything he loves or respects with his life. In battle, he prefers to attack alongside his sister (because "two is better than one") and finds it more to his liking attacking close-up rather farther away. His twin sister, Celia, is the closest to him and the two understand each other completely.
-Celia(right) - Malkins - Cryokinesis and Telepathy - Opposite her brother, Celia is very social and outgoing. Though similar to her brother, she is very loyal and obedient. In battle, she prefers to attack alongside her brother and to attack farther away as she has deemed it safer. She is closest to Joao and the two understand each other completely.
-Shadowlace - ShadowtheHedgehog - shadow telekinesis - lingers in the shadows for protection but will attack a foe from anywhere is Snowpaw's brother
- Drake Delliger - Nessy - A bookwyrm in charge of the queen's library. His magical power is finding any book with nothing more than a thought. - Dating Sharptooth. He loves knowledge and all those who seek it.
- Snowpaw - ShadowtheHedgehog - uses telekinesis to create snow and ice - is blind but loves to listen to someone reading to her and is the best with every other sense she has
- Bricius - Unenu - Finding - Confident and eager to help, stays calm even in the most stressful situations, also having the tendency to talk in a soothing tone. Usually found lurking around the library and its surroundings, as well as some of the most known shops and streets. Spends most of his time outside, seeking for people needing either directions or other advice. He also has a habit of sometimes talking in riddles and using metaphors, linguistics also being very interesting and important to him. Excellent at problem solving and ending arguments. Occasionally works as a short-distance messenger
- Cuatro - Giltine13 - Powers still unknown - He's still a young cub, but he's always looking for opportunities to learn, because he wants to become a great warrior as his mother and father. His father has died and he got lost from his mother, thus he's looking for a pack to stay in and mature. He's very obedient, always listens to his elders, teachers. He's naive, finding joy and fascination in everything, proving his youth.
Rules and Codes of Conduct:

1. Do not spam or submit characters in this thread, this is the roleplay.
2. Royalty are mods of the thread. PM me to apply as royalty.
3. Your application may be rejected for any reason.
4. Royalty can have 3 magical powers (the queen may have more as the oldest animal and ruler of the land). Fighters can have up to two, peasants may have one.
5. No Gary/Mary-sues, OP characters, taking control of other characters, etc. I'm going to assume everyone knows basic RP etiquette
6. You may have up to three characters to start.
7. This is a literate rp. I expect FULL SENTENCES and proper spelling. Most browsers will tell you if you are spelling a word wrong. Only exceptions are typos caused by mobile devices, but you should still proofread your post.
8. No OP powers. Keep your powers simple, and related to your position.
9. If you want to add a race, PM me first with the race and the description. NOTE: All races in Carnivora are carnivores.
Jagged Pelt looked out at her people. Gathered in the clearing, she had just announced the dangers of this new race, the humans. They were encroaching on Carnivora, cutting trees, killing wolves and cats, battling the lizards and dragons. She sighed.
The future was unclear.
Sharptooth looked up at his queen after her speech, and then went back to directing the warriors. If these humans were coming and destroying, he'd need every claw available, even if the claws came from citizens.
Drake looked down at the queen, and his boyfriend. Of course he'd help, but first...He flew up and around, looking for any books about these "humans" in the old texts. His sense was tingling, but very faint, as if the mention itself was unclear.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
"But these so called 'hyumans' or whatever are pretty weak, right? I mean, their body structure sucks and they can't do what we can, for starters. They must be pretty stupid to think they even have a chance," the black panther stated with a small smirk while looking for approval for his words among his fellow warriors. Eventually, his gaze came to rest on his captain, Sharptooth.
Surely, he couldn't be the only one who thought this much concern was not necessary. However, Inked had no qualms with killing individuals of this human species and if the higher-ups told him to, he'd gladly do so.
"While we don't know much about the humans, we do know this. They have metal sticks that make a loud noise, then pain and blood everywhere. These sticks propel a smaller metal through the air, sometimes a large amount of small metal, and the metal can go farther than our attacks. From a distance, they can bring us down quickly.
"Of the warriors that returned, several have also claimed that while humans have no apparent magic of their own, in the area of the humans, magic is weakened significantly. The queen and I didn't want to tell you this until we'd discovered more, how they are doing it. But being careless can get you killed.
"At the service of the humans are large metal creatures who can move faster than we can, even when using the power of speed. The metal creatures are heavy, and they will crush you without blinking or pausing."
Sharptooth sighed and padded back down towards his warriors. He hoped they'd be careful, he truly did. And he hoped this long day would be over so he could go to the library and spend the night with Drake, who's silky words had a way of calming over all his troubles, even when researching said troubles.
Drake finally found what he was looking for. A book written long ago by a hawk who had flown around the world. After many pages, he finally realized what he was looking for.
These humans were the "featherless twoleggers"
And as Drake read about them, a feeling of dread sank in his stomach. Humans consumed magic, and destroyed it. The hawk had returned to Carnivora having lost his magic completely. The hawk had returned....and died soon after, for the air the humans created was black and poison.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
'What the hell is a—' Celia began asking Joao using Telepathy.
'Huh-yoo-min? No clue. They don't sound very threatening though.' Joao interrupted whilst grooming his paw.
At that moment, Inked spoke and the twins turned their attention to the panther. Following the smirk, Joao nodded in agreement as Celia pondered briefly. "What would we do with the hyoo-meens though? Put on a magic show and try to scare them off or kill them?" she asked after Sharptooth revealed information of the humans. "How would we even be able to fight against these metal beasts or their stick things?"

"Hmph, so the hyumens need metal sticks and stuff to fight for them. Such a cowardly species," the black cat remarked mostly to himself. "Should be a piece of cake after we get rid of their precious metal somehow."
Sharptooth walked over to Inked and stood behind the cocky youngster. "And how do you propose we take their stuff?" He purred. "Our magic doesn't work near them, and wouldn't they object to losing their stuff? I personally consider the metal things to be their substitute for magic. After all, what would we do without magic?"
The queen decided to go among her subjects while they all discussed the announcement. She stopped in front of the wolf twins, focusing her old eyes upon the two youngsers. "And you two, twins, right? How do you feel about these humans?"
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
"Humans....." she thought
(Welp i'm sorta lost here :p)

Don't starve >:3

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
(Before I go any further is Shadowlace accepted into the roleplay?)
'The only thing I think we have to worry about are the metal things.' Joao told Celia telepathically. Celia nodded and repeated Joao's words to the queen. "How do you propose we defend ourselves against those things, my queen?" Celia asked in the most respectful manner she could.

"I am the oldest creature left alive, and still I've never seen anything like this. These humans worry me because they are new to our land, and aggressive. They speak a strange language that I don't understand, and they have ways to take us down without getting hurt.
"And the one we did manage to kill, after he slayed the drake Windborough...his packmates did not respect the rules of revenge. After he Killed Windborough, Wind's brother slayed him in grief, and a score more of them came at the brother and filled him with metal until only his bloody skeleton remained."
[color=darkblue]Sharptooth looked at the young panther. This one, despite his cockiness, had a lot of potential. "Well, that is where it gets interesting. The humans bodies may be inferior, but like many with inferior bodies, they seem to use what they can do to make up for it. They do fear us, that is why they kill us. And we fear them, because they kill our magic.
"And I'm asking you because I want to see how you think out problems, young Inked. With a war upon us, we will need sharp thinkers in charge, and I was hoping to put you in command of a score of your peers. But first, I want you to learn to think through your ideas. If you have to research, you can use the library, I'm sure Drake would be willing to help you.
"While it isn't advised to speak back to your superiors, a good commander will know when to question them, or propose new ideas. After you research, I'll start your command training.
"And as for your peers, I'm trying to find a place for the twins, because I cannot promote one without the other, they work too well as a pair. The other warriors don't ask as many questions and aren't so eager to sit in the front of the crowd."
At this, Sharptooth gestured to the gathering of warriors and citizens in the square with his tail.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
"Celia and I feel trying to steal one of their weapons would be —" Joao started after half a minute.
"— very difficult because the huh-yoo-mans appear to attack like us, in packs. They seem too dimwitted to be intimidated by us and we most likely wouldn't be able to ward them off and have them leave one of their metallic beasts or weapons behind." Celia finished.
The twins stared into one another's eyes while exchanging words telepathically once more.
"What if instead of focusing on the fact that our powers alone are —" Celia started whilst turning her focus back to the queen.
"— weakened in the outside world, we could pool our powers together to amplify them? Perhaps, have the telekinetics work together somehow to bring one of their weapons to us?" Joao suggested, blinking a few times as he listened to himself speak.

"Now, on the other hand, if humans can destroy magic,we should possibly work on creating a barrier between them and us. If we got the most skilled telepaths to help erect, say, a wall of thorns or something, we would be able to keep the humans away from us for the time being." She tilted her head from side to side, rolling this idea through her mind. "Now, thinking more offensively, I think it would be best for maybe the warriors to begin practicing fighting without any of their magic, in case they encounter a human." Kaurith sighed quietly, content at making her points without any interruptions. She took a step backwards, settling into her position so as to be more comfortable.