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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Formerly: ~SatoruGojo~
Trainerlevel: 44

Trainerpoints: 3,099/5,851


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Machoke392,377 / 4,533
Dustox3681 / 3,997
Petilil322,562 / 3,169
Rhyhorn261,411 / 2,634
Deino16885 / 1,021
Dodrio322,827 / 3,169


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
EeveeRyu 10 Days ago
~SpiritBeholder~ 11 Days ago
Homework_sis 14 Days ago
Homework_sis 14 Days ago


Last Action
Reading the news (20 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #890255995
Registration: 05/06/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 1099:23 Hours
Total interactions: 403,272
Money: 34,166
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


Start war.
Yesterday, 04:08
What is your favourite food?
6 Days ago
It's cloudy outside. How's the weather in your area?
7 Days ago
8 Days ago
good night egg.
9 Days ago
The berrygarden should get an update.
9 Days ago
Got a stuffy nose, a weird taste in my mouth, the urge to vomit and a headache. I hope it ends soon because having to feel all this makes me feel very uncomfortable.
9 Days ago
Update on my sickness: Yesterday was the worst since. When I woke up, I felt dizzy and couldn't walk properly. I threw up a few times and my nose started to bleed. I went to sleep early but I started to feel dizzy and could not sleep at all. I had some medicine and felt a bit better. Today was different however since this morning I felt way better.
11 Days ago
Did something happen with the lab? Apparently it's going brrr.
12 Days ago
Mirror Coat is a fun little move.
13 Days ago
What pokemon do you want to obtain currently?
14 Days ago
Good morning, it seems my berrygarden has wilted.
15 Days ago
Taking a shower feels good.
15 Days ago
Just wanted to share this, I had my custom cursor over the shelmet in my party. I looked at it and thought it was a new event pokemon.
16 Days ago
I just woke up did anything serious happen?
16 Days ago
I feel weird posting this.
17 Days ago
Good night, it was a pretty good day today. My cold got better.
17 Days ago
Any active rps to join?
17 Days ago
Good afternoon.
17 Days ago
Maybe I should get back into roleplaying because the last time I participated in roleplaying it was when I actually played the game.
18 Days ago

What is a Sobble?

It's been a while, hasn't it.

Name history: Sobble45 --> TheFriendlySobble~ --> HashiraSobble~ --> ~SatoruGojo~ --> Sobble45

Spare a moment will you? Have a talk with me, I do not possess the ability to feel aggression towards others.


Last Visitors

JintaiYesterday, 17:40
Charmander25Sun, 21/Jul/2024, 01:25
ShatteredDiamondFri, 19/Jul/2024, 04:51
halfricwWed, 17/Jul/2024, 09:28
RiodiseWed, 17/Jul/2024, 05:25