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Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 3,470/4,143


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Charizard1021,076 / 34,848
Charizard1054,050 / 37,004
Charizard10715,623 / 38,478
Charizard11217,037 / 42,288
Totodile (Retro)1211,488 / 49,599
Sentret (Retro)1155,802 / 40,021


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Newest gifts
Hamlet 1 Year ago
Aaronolivia22 1 Year ago
PonyTony 1 Year ago
Shadow1A 1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

xTimeCrystal is currently hunting Charmander.
Hunt started: 27/03/2023

Chain: 91
0 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


xTimeCrystal hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #731180564
Registration: 18/03/2023 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 207:13 Hours
Total interactions: 3,472,731
Money: 4,034,566
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


xTimeCrystal hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Reading the news (1 Year ago)

Last Visitors

QiaokeliMon, 17/Jul/2023, 20:13
ANSHUMAN-08Wed, 31/May/2023, 01:41
gh0styWed, 24/May/2023, 02:29
TheRockersTue, 23/May/2023, 14:53
MrSolaceSat, 20/May/2023, 16:31