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Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 3,043/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mega Lopunny
609270,589 / 1,114,471
Teddiursa (Retro)
10917,859 / 35,971
9111,795 / 27,495
20742,691 / 129,169

Tessa || she/her || 17

My PP/PM's are always open, feel free to send a message if you need anything or just want to chat! I'm not the greatest at starting conversations, but I'm always open to talk.

The easiest place to contact me is on Discord. My username is "tebba__", feel free to add me if you want to chat!

My activity online can be a bit sketchy at times, due to things going on at home, but I always make sure to keep a tab open and grab eggs when I can.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
tebba 3 Hours ago
Binks 1 Day ago
CoffinRose 1 Day ago
tebba 2 Days ago

Shiny Hunt

tebba is currently hunting Ponyta (Galarian).
Hunt started: 28/01/2025

Chain: 152
1 3 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


tebba hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #488226702
Registration: 07/03/2022 (2 Years ago)
Premium member until 28/Feb/2025
Time Played: 246:35 Hours
Total interactions: 158,603
Money: 24,854
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


By PokéRadar - 4 Minutes and 7 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta (Galarian) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #134)!

Yesterday, 00:09
amortization tables suck and its what we are doing in math right now. so instead of doing the entire thing manually with a calculator like we are supposed to, i spent the 1.5hr class period making my own table on google sheets to do it for me
1 Day ago
should I keep spending my PD on nuggets whenever I get a filter notification for them? I usually spend ~130k for 50, since I tend to only buy them at 2750 or less
2 Days ago
i tried to evolve my slowpoke in pokerogue and my entire browser stopped working (this was like an hour ago and i still cant load half of my tabs)
8 Days ago
guys I need a destiny knot but none are on the market and I'm broke rn 😭
9 Days ago
I cant search for galarian Ponyta in the tall grass can I (maybe I just don't have it egg-dexed yet but idk)
13 Days ago
guys how cheap is it to move from oregon to canada
15 Days ago
What's the best rumble area to send my pokemon before I unlock Galar? I only have the base 6 currently + alola. I was sending them to Bright Beach for water gems when I was hunting feebas, but recently switched to Fiery Furnace because fire gems are quite valuable and I need PD
15 Days ago
By ~Pika-pika-pikachu~ - 25 Minutes and 57 Seconds ago.
I'm bored and I wanna challenge everyone on pokeheroes to guess how much pd I have in total😁!

The Prize Is: 1000 nugget💰!!!

How to win:
•💓Like the post
•📤Share the post
•⬇️Comment the amount of pd I have in total in the comment section below

I'll check the comment section to see if anyone got it correct🫡. I'll send pic of the right amount to proof I'm not lying😤.

Ending at 31/1🗓

Good luck🍀

19 Days ago
By -ShiningRayquaza- - 5 Days and 9 Hours ago.
Birthday Giveaway
Creator: -ShiningRayquaza-
#Winners: 5
#Participants: 2 so far


1st Prize Shiny charizard 50k pd and a destiny knot
2nd Prize Shiny Beedrill 10k pd and 25 random gems
3rd Prize ogerpon 5k pd and random mask
4th Prize random event Mon 10 random gems and ma luxury
5th Prize zygarde core and random summon item
Share #BDayGIVEAWAY:) and this post and heart this feed
20 Days ago
do shellder even exist
20 Days ago
You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x Light Stone found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
20 Days ago
my YouTube account got banned for "spam" yet I haven't posted anything in like two months. when I did post it was like two clips in a month 😭
22 Days ago
finally hatched another shiny feebas, but my chain seems to have disappeared entirely due to my premium running out. I activated another battery on it but it still shows I have 0 eggs hatched. is my chain progress restarted then? its been a pain getting up to 300+ with only daycare (I have no gems and there are none in the grass)
27 Days ago
Your tickets: 1,800 || Total tickets: 33,790
Your current chance of winning: 5.33%

impulses go crazy
1 Month ago
while trying to switch from a 32gig sd to a 64gig on my 3ds i accidentally deleted the /3ds/ folder entirely. part of it wasnt transferring over for some reason but i didnt realize it was the ENTIRE folder. i thought it had moved everything except the problem files, but turns out it skipped over the whole folder and i ended up deleting it. i had most of my games and CFW stuff on there. moving everything else onto the new sd right now, really hoping i can get everything else back and that most of my stuff is still there. i think my dumped nds games were the only things really in there other than some homebrew apps, so hopefully i didnt end up deleting like a years worth of old-gen shiny hunting...
1 Month ago
its finally over (pokeheroes outage)
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 34 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #159)!
By PokéRadar - 3 Minutes and 6 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Feebas hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #157)!

twins :D
thankfully no megas in the party. that would have hurt like hell
1 Month ago
Where do we claim the baby latios/latias egg from reaching 20 days on the calendar? Or do we need to wait til after the calendar is gone (this is my first Christmas on site)
1 Month ago
- impulsively spend ~200k GC on lottery
By Lottery - 1 Hour and 31 Minutes ago.
Results of last lottery draw:

You won 79600 Game Chips.
→ View your tickets"
1 Month ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (2 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

~Pika-pika-pikachu~Yesterday, 19:45
loketokeYesterday, 18:02
mudskipper17Yesterday, 15:50
SourAppleYesterday, 02:46
BinksYesterday, 00:49