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Fire Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 777/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
22459,151 / 174,807
86998 / 24,441
Cursed Rapidash462,453 / 6,487
old fart
(Cyndaquil (Retro))
514,509 / 8,103
Rapidash455,889 / 6,211

About Me

hi,ilike planes


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
PoopySenpai 8 Years ago
RoseSkysong 8 Years ago
Audrio 8 Years ago
Audrio 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


skypotatoe hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #882168908
Registration: 14/09/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 45:18 Hours
Total interactions: 19,399
Money: 62,155
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


my computer broke the (one i just bought three days ago) :(
8 Years ago
hpow do i get social ap?
8 Years ago
should i change my profile pick?
it will still probably be Ryuko but in a different picture
8 Years ago
made new poles please come check them out
8 Years ago
im gonna put a retro cyndiquil up for sale soon for 1500 pd
8 Years ago
so bored
8 Years ago
retro totadile yay.
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
also i'll set the pokemon up for trade if no one has not claimed one, then i'll set it up for auction' and then finnaly i'll release so if you want to save it heres your chance
8 Years ago
putting un wanted pokemon up for trade
8 Years ago
so yea i have a poke box with pokemon that im selling if you want any let me know
8 Years ago
I have so many pokemon im giving up any one want a starly, a pidgy, croagunk, and a shroomish give me anything. they will be realeased if none wants them
8 Years ago
how do i mega evolve my mega able pokemon?
8 Years ago
so the day care owner is like hey i need you to give me more money. im like bruh i just payed you 1000bucks an hour ago. well he'll have to live without drugs for a night
8 Years ago
how do i make a poll?
8 Years ago
i think i got a shiny :D
8 Years ago
uhg so annoyed with people
at school
8 Years ago



Last Action
Opening the Advent Calendar (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

WyvernDaemonThu, 07/Sep/2023, 07:23
O_opsThu, 03/Feb/2022, 18:36
AudrioWed, 07/Sep/2016, 23:51
ButtersThu, 14/Jan/2016, 23:12
XoltionGamingLoopMon, 07/Dec/2015, 20:58