How does one obtain a Flamigo? They're cute but didn't see on the
news page anything about them, or I missed it

So there's a mega retro Charmander in the Auction house, if you
mega evolve it does it turn into a normal mega or a retro version?
Didn't know the retros could come with mega forms

Anyone know if mega Milotic changes or adds any types or does it
just stay as a Water type like non mega one?

What item is needed to evolve Stantler? I know it has to go onto a
Rumble mission but I keep forgetting they need an item to, just not
sure what. Maybe an Ice stone?

Anyone need the birthday plushie for their collection? Have lot of
DP and can do multiple

Would like to get Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, how do you obtain

Only goal I can think of is switching out as many of my Pokemon as
I can. I've been swapping out some of my Pokemon I've bought or
traded for and switching them with ones I've either bred or got
from tall grass or obtained where I'm the 'original trainer'. Kinda
stupid but also something fun to do while I slowly collect gen 1
and 4 to fill out their dexs

What are the chances a Vivillon can take on Rayquaza at the Sky
Pillar lol So my strongest Flying type currently is my Pokeball
Vivillon, in a day or so will see how that goes

So was looking at a Pokemon's family tree to see where it came from
and seen how many siblings it had, can you imagine having 232
brothers and sister lol

Why the game thinks I need an army of red Gyarados I'll never know
lol ALL shiny Gyarados this time. Guess I'm selling or trading them
if anybody needs any

Stupid question, but I am the stupid and being brain dead at 4am,
for advent calendar day #2 it says Item Market but also hints
towards GTS, is that mean just buying something for the GTS or how
does that work?

Don't know why this game thinks I want a whole collection of shiny
Gyarados lol I have 3 from wonder traders(2 of them just today) so
like 5 total

Can you get a Galarian Meowth out of breeding one with an Alolan
version? I may just have to wait longer but feels like I'm just
getting more Alolan ones

Got a Terra Cave map, what's the best level to send on it?

How often does Daycare ask if you'd like to take on some Alolan
eggs? It just asked me if I wanted one, but my blindness just hit
the wrong option and declined it instead of accepted

So tried to breed a couple Samurott, been waiting on eggs from them
and never got any. Looked and Daycare said something like 'they get
along but only as siblings' not sure when that got added? Also I
got one of them through Wonder trade completely random and bought
another from Auction house, HOW did I manage to randomly get two of
them that actually are siblings lol

So I've seen someone(forget who) post a very similar question that
the Daycare posted in the news thing, when they ask about
'Boomers', do they mean as in the zombies from like CoD that blow
up or the generation? lol

Normally wouldn't rant, but whoever thought it was funny to set
Wonder Trade up to automatically put the Pokemon in the party
rather then just the first open Box, need slapped. Twice I've been
blocked from getting an egg cus 'my party was full' even though the
second time I had already made a spot in my party just for the egg

How do you unlock the Dex thing for Miraidon? I feel I missed any
news on that

Might be a stupid thought, but I've noticed the game has a fishing
mechanic(not quite like the DS games but still similar concept) and
a garden/berry growing mechanic as well, but the Tall grass only
lets you find eggs not battle anything. Think it'd be pretty neat
if when you didn't find an egg to get the wild Pokemon attack, you
could fight that Pokemon for a chance to catch it, and even if you
didn't catch it get a smidge of EX from the small battle