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Trainerlevel: 11

Trainerpoints: 4/373


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Dodrio463,941 / 6,487
Unfezant513,719 / 8,103
Whiscash475,960 / 6,769
Masquerain466,149 / 6,487
14135,657 / 67,935
Malamar524,418 / 8,269


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Newest gifts
alexia99hunter 7 Years ago
Squirtley0 7 Years ago
AllyBear 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


neko4ever hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #678067374
Registration: 23/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 9:28 Hours
Total interactions: 853
Money: 863
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken



Lots of boxes and keys~

//or a bunch of christmas gifts owo//
7 Years ago
Hello everyone~
I was thinking of how not everyone has a Sandygast,
so why not have a little rally for some for free?
I'll be shiny hunting for Sandygast, so any extras will be given away- for free!

Here is how you apply for the rally. -
1. Share the hashtag above - Get a male Sandygast
2. Interact as much as possible with my eggs - Get a Female Sandygast
3. Donations (50-100K PD) - Enter for a possibility to get a Shiny Sandygast

I will make a journal to keep up with all entries!~

-Also you do NOT need to donate, but if you do all donations will go to another hunt for the winner whom will be randomly picked under the Donate list, to receive a SHINY Sandygast.

Thank you all for reading and have a nice day! ^^
7 Years ago
8 Years ago
By Argentis1412 - 57 Seconds ago. By troy3030
When my poll has 250 votes, I will take one randon person that spreads this hashtag and give them 3 mega-able and 2 shiny pokemon so spread fast!
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
The user Princess is giving away the following pokemon after the counter had reached 10Million;

+ Shiny Buneary

+ Shiny Lopunny

+ Mega-Able Buneary

Just spread the hashtag #TenMillionBuneary

You have to type the feed out yourself, though! No copying other people's!
8 Years ago
I can't wait to get my first event pokémon. <¦
8 Years ago


Last Action
Trading items (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:59
alexia99hunterSat, 27/Mar/2021, 07:41
NetfulThu, 28/Sep/2017, 02:09
MarkoloSat, 24/Dec/2016, 22:17
JamesBonesSat, 24/Dec/2016, 22:09